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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8862406 No.8862406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the main arguments supporting the theory of the flat Earth? I've heard arguments from several sides over the past year and they both are pretty convincing, but I'd like to know the scientific arguments supporting the flat Earth that makes it convincing to do many people.

>> No.8862413

This should get you started. Note all of these arguments are flawed and the earth is round. Good luck on your quest to enlightenment.

>> No.8862415
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>> No.8862625

wondering how quickly this one will be deleted.

>> No.8862864

There aren't any, it completely falls apart when you consider the movement of the sun
>muh vanishing point and diffraction handwaving

>> No.8864433
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Geometry question: Given a sphere about 12,700 km in diameter, and a camera with a typical angle of view (width of about 50 degrees), at what altitude would you need to be in order for the curvature to be noticeable?

>> No.8864489

>literally the first result from googling it
About 10km

>> No.8864581

>first result from googling it
Actually looking for the math involved, not just a numeric answer

>> No.8864626
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>> No.8864642

Flat-earthers fall into two types: wolves and sheep. The wolves meld pseudo-science and conspiracy memes into a cute little package that manages to con a few sheep. Why? Shits, giggles, keks. Why do sheep fall for such obvious bait? Sheep come in several types as well: under-educated, disaffected, mentally ill, etc. If you don't want to be trolled, if you don't like having your time wasted, go find something productive to spend your time thinking about.

>> No.8864651
File: 558 KB, 1600x1600, slowafplanes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both distances are the same on a flat Earth but in real life one takes twice as far with than the other

>> No.8864674

>all of these are flawed

biggest fucking understatement, half of the arguments are reworded arguments made earlier. The other half ignore pretty basic scientific concepts, or just straight up are based on falsehoods.

Yeah I don't think FETs realise that turning a ball into a disc causes distances to change exponentially.

Discrediting misinformation is productive anon. Plus it gives me the sense of accomplishment and a 6 foot long hard on.

>> No.8864681

1. The Bible says so.

2. NASA is evil.

That's pretty much it. They say things like "The horizon always rises to eye level" but that's not really an argument since it's demonstrably false.

So all they've got is argument from (dubious) authority, and opinion.

>> No.8864707

Im not sure exponentially is the right term but distances on a flattened map really are weird. Also I highly recommend this website


>> No.8864710

I love this argument mostly because FETs always ignore the RFSA and the CNSA and the 70 other countries with space agencies but NASA is the only one 100% evil. And somehow those 70ish space agencies with however many hundreds of thousands of people have never had to deal with a whistle blower.

>> No.8864714
File: 65 KB, 460x631, 371a01c8e03da41d7a621f6d8d21215e89867eba7e7559246e57ecf0ea41cae4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, as long as you realize that you're doing it for your own sake. The wolves laugh because you've been trolled, and the sheep do not understand you.

>> No.8864724

I didn't actually mean exponentially but it does increase a lot. Regardless of the size of Antarctica, if we flattened earth out it would have to now cover the entire outer edge of Earth - even if it were the size of a football stadium. That's pretty much impossible though but you get my point.

Not OP. I read it a few months ago so I could understand where the FETs were coming from and the basic concepts of their arguments so its easier fo me to make counter arguments.

Biggest load of rubbish I've ever read.

>> No.8864732

>bible says so
>unironically thinking "flat earthers" are biblefags rather than generic trolls or schizos
Being dumb hurts and your pain must be immense.
Biblefag here btw and the Earth IS flat but as Jesus predicted thousands of years ago the servants of the devil will try to deceive us aka he meant NASA and the CIA. Stay a while and listen.

>> No.8864746

see >>8864710

Jesus also cursed a fig tree for not bearing fruit in the off seasons.

It's also worth noting the bible has been rewritten and translated so many times the original meaning of literally anything in it has long since been lost.

Lastly, Christianity is a religion of sheep. There are hundreds of parables and metaphors liking us to that wooly fucking bastard.

Think for yourself. Don't be a sheep.