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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8859880 No.8859880 [Reply] [Original]

>Why is it that most (not all) scientists are pure unadulterated jerks?

Is it a characteristic of intelligent cucks?

>> No.8859913

No. It's a characteristic of living in a rock and having no social interaction for 18 years.

>> No.8859917

its all ego and getting your name into a book

>> No.8859945

How many scientists have you met or actually seen interacting with other people? Probably not many, if any at all. They're just people.

>> No.8860030

They are mostly lab rats not really contributing to the world and left without much social interaction for much of their life.

>> No.8860113

Pretty much. The main problem is that most smart people don't get to grow up with equally smart people. Thus, they get segregated in many ways. If you were to gather children into groups based on intelligence, everyone would grow up more well adjusted.

>> No.8860283
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>they look down on my "alternative facts" and it makes me feel stupid.

>> No.8860376


If having to talk with clinically retarded folk on a daily basis wasn't enough, this people also have the right to vote and create laws affecting your life and future too. Imagine that. In the meantime you have to deal with your highly neurotic nature by living in a state of constant manic rampage otherwise you go crazy considering the variables.

I would be a jerk too, desu.

>> No.8860410

If all the scientists you meet are jerks to you, it's probably because you're a cunt.

>> No.8860545

>god is real
>college is (mostly) stupid
Literally nothing wrong with these statements.

>> No.8860568
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>> No.8860609

On no...

>> No.8860613
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Wew I'll need some popcorn for this.