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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8858647 No.8858647 [Reply] [Original]

Who was right?

>> No.8858659

not the children

>> No.8858665

gender doesn't exist.

all that exists and is science is biological sex as determined by dna.

anything else is bullshit peddled by jewish intellectuals.

>> No.8858671

Bill Nye

>> No.8858702
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young Nye. old nye has altimeters or something making him retarded or hes just giving into what the population wants him to say. which is not factual.

gender is your biological sexual identity based on your genitals and DNA. you cannot say you are male if you got a pussy or female if you got a fire cock. that's like saying boneless wings arn't just chicken nuggets.

>> No.8858704

after all the etymology of gender is literally 'from birth'. Hence genesis, gene etc.

>> No.8858736

Let's say gender is a social construct.
What's the concept behind it?
We keep making up all these terms based on how you identify as a man and woman... but what's the proper definition of these terms then?

>> No.8858746

Didn't we just call it personality back in the day? Literally who gives a fuck if some bitch is a tomboy.
Doesn't make her a demigirl with xe/xerself pronouns.

>> No.8858768

oy vey delete this

>> No.8859712

Bill Nye died years ago. This "Bill Nye" is a clone set up by the elites to brainwash our children.

>> No.8859717
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>or female if you got a fire cock.
>fire cock

>> No.8859724

Ignorant SJWs are conflating the word "gender" with "gender roles." Gender roles are, at least in a certain sense, a social construct, but that doesn't make them bad. The fact is, men and women fell into their appropriate gender roles because it was the most efficient way to delegate work. In this sense, you could say that the gender roles are entirely natural. The way in which these fundamental roles are carried out is what can vary from culture to culture, but the idea was always the same and always born out of the necessity for an efficient way of delegating work as a means of survival. The fact is, this natural system is still the most efficient way of life for human beings. It makes no sense to force women into heavy lifting roles, potentially injuring her and at the very least causing disproportionate stress while having the man she replaced in the heaving lifting job take her place doing something a woman can do when he could be lifting something heavy. The only way anyone could have a problem with natural gender roles is if they're completely blinded by ideology.

>> No.8859801

>gene expression regulation, endocrinology, and chromosomal abnormalities don't exist
>"gender" isn't taken to have a meaning distinct from "sex," where gender is the social representation of the thing and sex is the thing itself

>> No.8859807

I mean liberal sex politics are bizarre but /pol/ spams this kind of thing to cover for its own pseudoscientific ideas on the matter. "We're implicitly right because we're in opposition to this nonsense" and so on.

>> No.8859814

Most construction can be done by women, you fucking tard.
Electrical, drywall, framing, do you know how many twinks ive seen doing that shit?
Women aren't these dainty, weak little flowers you think they are and can keep up with most men.
Besides, civilisation is progressing to the point where old gender norms are outdated (and they weren't even that good to begin with)

>> No.8859821

>Let's say gender is a social construct.
>What's the concept behind it?
Philosophically speaking, social constructs are pragmatic theories of truth. This is a generalization of classical truth (i.e. X is true if X corresponds to reality) to X is true if X is a socially useful belief. You can think of "construction" then as the actual social dynamic underlying the belief's utility. Bear in mind this is a different meaning of the word "truth." It can make sense to view certain areas with this more general, coarser lens, like art and aesthetic theory, but postmodernism is fervently skeptical of "meta-narratives" in -all- areas of life and human knowledge, and so relies centrally on this concept for social theory, when honestly you need a materialist perspective on it to say anything either rigorous or substantial.
Anyways its like the difference between studying normed inner product spaces and general topological spaces
Not that "social construct" is necessarily a pejorative either, though it's often used that way.

>> No.8859823

C-can I have pics of construction twinks pls

>> No.8859845

One sec, just gotta find my non consentual construction twink photography folder

>> No.8860147
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>> No.8860154



Sex is determined by your chromosomes, the vast number of chromosomal disorders turning it into an intersex spectrum of xxy xyy xxxxyy xyyh etc.

>> No.8860162

Oh boy it's another episode of asspie /sci/ doesn't get that large parts of cognition are experiential developed and the vaste majority of behavior in gender roles is a result of learned cognition.
Great thread op

>> No.8860163

>6 threads about this doofus
>Giving Nye free publicity by reposting the same shit over and over again

>Unironically promoting it to the top just like how trump got elected

>> No.8860169

bill never said that in first pic


09:06 onwards if you want to see where the cap is from.

not a quote from the actual show

>> No.8860170


Its another dipshit doesnt realize liberal gender theory believes gender roles are inherent and if a person likes putting on a dress they are inherently a woman.

>> No.8860186

Isn't putting on a dress what women do?
So wouldn't that be a biological male fulfilling a woman's gender role?
You do get the gender roles change through time and place and are behavoir?
You are a giant psued that probably subscribes to a gene-centered veiw of evolution, just gtfo brainlet, you have no idea what you are talking about this has nothing to do with partisan politics.

>> No.8860491

reminds me of William Shockley for some reason

>> No.8860509


Im saying that the social science gender spectrum argument centers around women liking women shit to be inherent beyong social norms. Ie all tomgirls are actually men and should be given hormones

>> No.8860806

But the argument is actually the opposite, that no "gendered preferences" are inherent but rather are socialized into us.

>> No.8860825

please never post any of your thoughts ever again

>> No.8861137

They're both right. Truth is a spectrum.

>> No.8862974

Not a far left faggot but he never actually says that in the old episode, i checked out the clips.


7:50 is the time where it starts i believe

>> No.8862976

So what does this mean for gender if you don't mind me asking

>> No.8862997

Gender is only limited to what it is useful to be defined as in a social sense.

>> No.8863019

Thanks senpai

>> No.8863059

Nice try. There were no subtitles back in the 90s.

>> No.8863066

Opinion discarded

>> No.8863070
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>> No.8863073

>>>/lit/ is that way friendo

>> No.8863142

Well, gender is the representation of the thing, while sex is the thing itself. There are certain social attitudes about what is essentially "male" or "female," and we can meaningfully study these phenomena, their implications, and their role in society without needing to establish some definite, objective origin in the material world by framing them as "socially constructed" cultural entities.
At least, that's how the argument goes. I've definitely decided in favor of Marx myself, though, in that "all social life is inherently practical, and all mysteries which lead theory to mysticism find their rational solution in human practice and the comprehension of this practice." Historical materialism is just a better way to approach culture and society, imo, than postmodern sophistry. That is, when we have to at all. Physical science is far more comfy overall because its epistemological foundations are tight, elegant, and have transformed the world in its specific character far more profoundly than anything else ever observed.

>> No.8863803

Marxism is on a spectrum so you're basically agreeing with Nye.

>> No.8863880

So where are all these able women in the machine shop(s) I work and have worked at? Where are all the female engineers and pilots? Where are these magical women you speak of because I've come across maybe 3 in my 15 year career and they all worked at the deburring benches.

>> No.8863882


That's not a spectrum but a list of discrete states.

A spectrum is not discrete and has a numerical range e.g. electromagnetic spectrum.

>> No.8863893


It's what I've been saying all along.

Tomboys and sissies (or whatever) have always existed, and no one gave a fuck.

Now, they conflate sex and gender, so that people that take drugs and/or slice of parts off their body to make it look like the opposite sex, are now "transgender".

It's not science.

It's shitty semantics.

>> No.8863917

What happened to Bill? I heard on the final episode of the netflix show he talks about how to prevent people from having kids, specifically first world nations with no regards to 3rd worlders who pop 7 out.

>> No.8863924

>women in construction
this is the biggest bullshit lie anon. all construction jobs are being taken by illegal men who will destroy their own bodies to complete a task (remove asbestos without the proper equipment). No contractor is gonna hire some broad who will bitch about everything.

>> No.8863936

There is no contradiction. The first statement was made at a time when it was necessary to explain to children that it is not "god" who decides who is born a girl or a boy. The second naturally comes later and expands on the subject because society has grown enough to talk about these things in more detail.

>> No.8863976

The requirements of construction are on a spectrum and there are plenty of women whose capabilities fall within it.

>> No.8864080

So why aren't more of them doing what you seem to think they are capable of?

>> No.8864100

There aren't many women on the spectrum.

>> No.8864175

>There is no contradiction
>Facts just change over time!
Even if you are explaining things to a child, a lie is still a lie.
Facts don't change as you get older, you just learn to see past the lies.

>> No.8864178

Typical spectrum of the patriarch.

>> No.8864185

Your opinion is a spectrum.

>> No.8864263

>gene centered veiw of behavoir

>> No.8864295

That is the best thing I've read all day.

>> No.8864368

Neither. Gender is a social construct.

>> No.8864727

>things other than genes causing behavior

you're a retard

>> No.8864775

The truth is on a spectrum

>> No.8864797

>the vast number of chromosomal disorders
That affects less than 0.0001% of the population.
Those are mutants, and still not a spectrum even if we considered every disorder a gender.

>> No.8864801

But it's be proven false contless of time, infants as young as a few weeks old prefer toys made for their gender.

>> No.8864806
File: 79 KB, 926x540, image-20160812-366-1bqhcek[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Determined by DNA
Look up XY females
There are 3 or 4 different determiners of sex and if you took a basic college biology class you would know this.
I hate when /pol/ pretends to know what it's talking about while being just as ignorant as the SJWs they hate.

>> No.8864819

What percentage of /pol/ has actually studied biology at an accredited institution?

>> No.8864824

Caster Semanya is a male you retard, he even holds down his runs to avoid obliterating the world record.

>> No.8864835

Hey, stupid.

XY gondal dysgenesis is a fucking disease. Not a sex.

>> No.8864845


>> No.8864849

In our DNA, not something we have created


Not in our DNA, something we created


>> No.8864853



>> No.8864856

Then why it isn't done by them?

>> No.8864858

i dont know nothing about bioligy, asking out of curiosity. why is it a disease?

>> No.8864863

>it's not a sex
yes it is. It's a case of it not being expressed,

>> No.8864905

I bet you think black is a color too.

>> No.8864948

T. Engineer that read a Dawkins book

>> No.8864968

Dumb shit, more than just your genes determine sex and that is what is proven by that and similar disorders

>> No.8864970


The spectrum

>> No.8864980

>In our DNA, not something we have created
That is proved scientifically.
>Not in our DNA, something we created
That is merely an hypothesis without any empirical evidence.

>> No.8865009


wow what a true red pill

>> No.8865058

maybe you shitheads should sabotage trade jobs then so no one has to endure your bullshit "le womyn in stem" propaganda anymore

>> No.8865093

Genetic disease is a genetic condition which is determental to physical health, mental health or fertility. In this case the individual is unable to have offspring and thus genetically dead.

No matter how you look at it gender dysmorphia or sex chr conditions fit that definition.

>> No.8865205


>> No.8865220

>an hypothesis

>> No.8865272

Prove to me that those two are contradictory statements

>> No.8865304

Sex karyotypes are not on a spectrum, there are two main and then there are genetic disorders. Therefore it is not a spectrum, because there are only a discrete amount of karyotypes that can exist, and the amount is non continuous.

>> No.8865309

>old nye has altimeters

>> No.8865721

Yes, that position is contrary to the best available evidence.
What I was saying is that's the position "social justice" types take.

>> No.8865872
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Maybe, but maybe not. Altimeters are on a spectrum.

>> No.8865880

find me the boipussy chromossome.

Protip: you can't.

>> No.8866036

0%. It's a common knowledge on /pol/ that all institutions of higher education are controlled by Jews and that the best way to get educated on a topic is watching a few youtube videos.

>> No.8866459

I resent that. /pol/ employs a robust source curation method which spans a wide range of reputable material such as unsourced artifact-ridden jpegs, nested parentheses, and infowars.

>> No.8866502

>people actually believe this

There are all kinds of people visiting /pol/, many of whom are highly educated. The demographics of /pol/ are part of a spectrum.

>> No.8866513

He never said the quote on the left. It's so easy these days to fake these things. People will eat up anything that confirms their beliefs

>> No.8866543

/pol/ itself is a jewish disinformation agency.

>> No.8866549


>> No.8866603
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Jewish disinformation is a /pol/ agency