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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8853621 No.8853621 [Reply] [Original]

If you love science, why didn't you go to law school and become a politician?

Nuclear energy won't be getting off of the ground anytime soon.
Fossil Fuel cronies are lobbying the fuck out of the government and its working.
Green? What is that.

Evolution, STEM cell research/cloning and similar activity with genes is being attacked by religious folks

Most importantly, your precious precious funding is in constant danger in top public institutions such as Georgia Tech etc

If you claim to love science, why won't you protect her and go to law school instead anon?

>> No.8853660

>you FUCKING love science
>but you won't even talk about genetic differences in race
>while on the topic of gov't funding can't even imagine corruption of the scientific method
>don't even realize green energy is a major league sink hole of tax payer money
>AND you have the GALL to consider morals when extracting info from the spines of dead babies and the possibility of cloning another human being

My science is saging

>> No.8853969
File: 311 KB, 1001x700, 1489912233641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can promote science / protect cute scientists without getting involved in politics.

>> No.8854012

Someone dox this cartoon poster, I don't like the zig of his zag

>> No.8854043

She does not exist anon.

>> No.8854687

>but you won't even talk about genetic differences in race
Except people do, thats only important for a relatively small niche of medicine though
>corruption of the scientific method
>don't even realize green energy is a major league sink hole of tax payer money
So is every scientific endeavor
Or will we pretend going to the moon wasn't a waste?
>AND you have the GALL to consider morals when extracting info from the spines of dead babies and the possibility of cloning another human being
Yes, because throwing the spines of dead babies in the trash, incinerating them, or putting them in a shoebox in dirt to rot is better
The moral ramifications for cloning are what? The same as procreation for viable speciment; also, cloning doesn't have to be the entire person, maybe just the arm or something even

Evangelist detected

>> No.8855950


>> No.8855968
File: 171 KB, 768x1024, 1492943462072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attended the march for science. I follow I Fucking Love Science on Facebook. I watch Bill Nye. I once even got high and watched the Cosmos. I'm doing my part to defend science.

>> No.8855981


these are principally the problems of burgerland, and nobody looks to you guys for scientific advancement anyways these days. Sure some burger schools put out good work, but it's all done by foreign-educated students anyways.

>> No.8856153
File: 122 KB, 360x800, 5b3dcd63ff2ab342a75ef071f12c1f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is joking but this is actually reality
Life is cruel enough for pop scientist to mockingly 'support' scientist wherein actual STEMfags couldn't give a fuck about themselves

>nobody looks to you guys for scientific advancement anyways these days
Lets be honest anon, if you want higher education, you come to an American Ivy League/private STEM school

>> No.8856382

>why didn't you go to law school and become a politician?
more like become a CEO of a megacorp, politicians are at the whim of CEOs and various other power groups. You will not get to any decently powerful position without adhering to these groups, especially the corporations.

>> No.8856384

>if you want higher education, you come to an American Ivy League/private STEM school
It's really amazing how many faggots on /sci/ insist that there are maybe six schools in the world that aren't a joke because of some vague notion of "prestige" they're stuck on.

>> No.8856394

if you take ivy league schools fucking seriously anymore then you haven't heard of the students that they poop out

>> No.8856399

>If you claim to love science, why won't you protect her and go to law school instead anon?
Because I only care about math. No politician will ever attack mathematics so I don't care.

>> No.8856403

i believe by corruption he meant disregard
also by moral ramifications he means of cloning he means steinberg who runs the banks gets to live forever in theory

>> No.8856406

>you know that one thing you love?
>Yeah, don't do that. Do this boring stuff instead.

Fuck off. I'll just migrate to whatever country is best for me.

>> No.8857589
File: 444 KB, 715x1000, __makise_kurisu_steins_gate_drawn_by_inato_serere__857c40e677c2e4e1cc188fbb21d8b1a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the CEO isn't subject to the whim of investors, customers, and business partners
That is an effect of socially granted power; unless you are dictatorial or have an LLC with small or no investors; even still this applies to you
Ivy Leagues/MITs aren't prestigious for the shitter students they produce, the research and opportunities to research make them stand out

>being a brain drain fag
Sure, you may avoid one or two of these issues in select countries that actually have institutions /people making papers/contributions, but the remainder of problems will still exist.

>> No.8857917

there's a difference between loving science and loving to do science

>> No.8857968

Jokes on you i had an engineer education and i am politician... i. Sweden