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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8853369 No.8853369 [Reply] [Original]

Why are some people so obsessed with notation and lack imagination? I hate these dumb piggots. (pig + faggot)

Take a look at graph theory.

You have terms like "full" and "complete" that describe completely different things. There are dumb formulas everywhere, formulas that are actually very logical and don't need to be described as theorems.

Discrete mathematics feels like mental masturbation taken to an Olympics level. It's like a race to see who can define the most retarded definition ever, instead of thinking about the bigger picture.

"Oh, looks like the number 3 looks like a ballsack, let's call all numbers that contain a 3 the 'ballsack numbers'. Damn, that was fun!"

>> No.8853376

what's worse is that the names themselves are chosen in a completely illogical and unimaginative way.

Full graph =/= Complete graph

If we're not even using the terms with their real meanings as analogies why not stop giving a shit about their meaning completely?

If full =/= complete then the meaning doesn't matter at all, that's what you can logically conclude.

Why don't we call the full graphs "fag graphs"?

We can call complete graphs the "smelly ones".

>oooh, this graph is a smelly one, it has every level filled out but the last one, pheeew it stinks like hell. It's a smelly graph. Yeah, I'm autistic.

>> No.8853381
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Math is like a zero, powered by negativity and lies. That is the root of the problem here

>> No.8853384

I just thought about another nonsensical definition. I just love making up words and definitions for useless shit.

A graph that has an odd number of nodes is a "poo poo pee pee graph".

Wait, I have another one coming.
A number that's made only of ones is a "forever alone" number. We have to make some definition that appeal to the normie students. We need to incorporate some memes in our definitions to spice things up.

>> No.8853393

Oh, so we have the ballsack numbers. Good. 3 is a ballsack, that makes sense. We need to construct a dick.

This will be a proof by construction.
Let's start with the ballsack, 3. Already proven, trivial, no need to prove it here. (1)
Add the shaft, we can use the equals symbol "=".(2) this looks like a shaft. We can add multiple equals for long pen0rs. Let's say if we're trying to model a black gentelman's member we would need to add 10 equal signs, whereas for an average white man we would only need 2 equals. This part is proven.

Now we need to define the head of the penor. We have many choices here, but we will stick with the classical "<" which looks a bit pointy but that's how my penis looks like so it's fine. Let's assume, for the sake of this proof, that the owner of the penis is a goblin / gargoyle. Those creatures usually have a pointy penis, so this proves that pointy dickheads can occur in real life. (3)

(1) and (2) and (3) imply <===3 (4), which is a full penis. We have proven by modus ponens that we can construct a penis with <, 3 and =.

This will be referred to as the 5.3 Theorem in this course. You will need it for the exam so make sure you've understood it well.

Next week we will prove that we can construct a vagina using 3 symbols, or 4.

>> No.8853396

You were right. There is also the fact that peer review can basically be reduced to an ad populum argument. Knowledge, just like math, is poisoned and made entirely false and null if it contains even one false variable in its argument.

>> No.8853409


Are you the person who started slinging personal insults the other day when another anon expressed a view that it was desirable to have high grades?

Is this thread a tantrum over getting rekt by a graph theory question you couldn't answer on your babby discrete mathematics test? Perhaps you should try studying more.

>> No.8853413

What do you mean? You're acting as if everyone in this board is the same person.

>> No.8853415
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>> No.8853420

facebook normie detected
hahaha that was so funny! rekt!
have you also heard about the nihilistic suicide memes from facebook? those are really great, I recommend those. Haha my life sucks I wanna kill myself but I won't.

>> No.8853426

>A number that's made only of ones is a "forever alone" number. We have to make some definition that appeal to the normie students. We need to incorporate some memes in our definitions to spice things up.

There's already a word for that:


>> No.8853427


My observation was made from the OP alone.

For the record, this odd defensiveness you have has made it blatantly obvious that you are samefagging.

>> No.8853433


Gee, you really got me good! I had better go back to Facebook where I belong!

>> No.8853434
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Yes, now everyone do pic related.

>> No.8853435

For the record, your odd aggressiveness makes it blatantly obvious that you are samefagging and frustrated.

>> No.8853438

It's against the rules to announce a report. Not good, man. Learn the rules of this website before posting, newfriend.

>> No.8853442


On the contrary--I'm not frustrated at all; in fact, I'm rather amused.

Are you frustrated? It certainly seems that you're at least frustrated by your performance on that discrete math test. Also, you should look up the definition of "samefagging." It seems as though you might be unclear on yet another definition.

>> No.8853448

spacing between paragraphs denotes membership to reddit

>> No.8853456

They're useful for communicating ideas

You stop trying to fit in

>> No.8853463
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>> No.8853464


>u r redditor XD

Ouch! No need to roast me so hard.

Here's another paragraph for you since you enjoy them so much: maybe you should invest this energy into studying. You might find that your grades improving to a point where you're no longer inclined to shitpost over them.

>> No.8853479

I already have a paid internship secured at a large London company this summer. My average is over 80% and I'm going to get a first class degree from the best London uni. I piss on your life, piggot.

>> No.8853495
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>> No.8853503


Yeah? I graduated with honors from a world-renowned university, had paid internships with major research institutions each summer, AND I got through discrete mathematics with 100%.

Are you upset?

>> No.8853513

>Why are some people so obsessed with notation and lack imagination? I hate these dumb piggots. (pig + faggot)
>proceeds to throw a shitfit over notation

>> No.8853520

And? How is that any better than what I did? I'm going to have a career in programming. I don't give a shit about you being a research slave and nobody does.

Had fun making coffee for everyone in the lab?

>> No.8853525
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>mfw europoor STEM salaries

enjoy that 45k a year starting

>> No.8853614

>I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.