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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8853300 No.8853300 [Reply] [Original]

If the United States has the best post-secondary institutions in the world, how come its primary and secondary education is so shit?

What can be improved?

>> No.8853311

the US counts retards. Others don't. Thats the difference.

>> No.8853315

black people

>> No.8853318

>195 countries in the world
>Chart ends at #44
Nice misleading chart you've got there.

>> No.8853321

>39. Israel
>40. United States

the Jews obviously keeping them down

>> No.8853322

Funding, the large majority of school districts in the US are underfunded. Most students go to public primary and secondary schools, while most of your good universities are private.

>> No.8853325

they import only professors, reseachers, and scientists from other countries, but they should import elementary and upper and secondary school teachers, too.

>> No.8853328

>how come its primary and secondary education is so shit?

because its not an educational institution, its a day care facility for teenagers.

>> No.8853330

Yes that's why the top funded schools in D.C are nothing more nigger exhibits.

>> No.8853340


This is true, China is a big offender of this practice.


Before this ^ bullshit derails the thread I would like to remind everyone that Iceland is the most homogeneous white nation with a IQ of 101 but still ranked 31. on ops 2015 chart and still below the oced average.



This is clearly an institution problem.

>> No.8853349

Iceland is full of inbreeding.

>> No.8853350

I'd like to point out that all the countries in the top 10 have much better funding equality across school districts compared to the US.

>> No.8853387
File: 138 KB, 656x1080, img_rquelart_20161206-120917_imagenes_lv_terceros_oecd_espanol-kfNB--656x1080@LaVanguardia-Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA is ranked much better on the overall exam, you chose the stat that made USA look the worst possible.

This is the full ranking.

>> No.8853390

It's shit in Canada as well. Every teacher I've listened to says school is an administrative nightmare experience full with school boards focused on dumb social experiments. As long as students are shuffled through grades to meet quotas, that's all that matters to the admits. No its not lack of funding that's the easy brainless answer mostly used by people who would personally be enriched by more funding.

>> No.8853392

Link from OP

>Singapore, the consistently high-achiever in PISA, does even better: it is now the top-performing country in each subject area. The average pupil’s maths score of 564 suggests Singaporean teens are roughly three years ahead of their American peers, with a tally of 470.
top kek

>> No.8853419

I guess it's easier to invest in higher education and let the brains come than to invest in basic education and create their own brains.

>> No.8853429


>> No.8853749
File: 37 KB, 124x120, IMG_0606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never happen, but segregation would solve lots of problems. Anybody who has gone to or taught in high schools that had a significant amount of minorities will notice the disruption diversity causes. There is also an idea that throwing money at the problem will solve everything, which is obiously not true. Alas smart White students will suffer and our less capable negro population will also suffer since stricter or more applicable teaching methods can't be used in mixed student bodies or are illegal.

>> No.8853756

Literally retarded

>> No.8853765

Singapoor is a disgusting 3rd world economic hell hole enslaved for the global capital elite to exploit. Focusing entirely on growing economics while using barbaric laws to prevent any of the forced diversity that comes with mass immigration to fuel the economic boom, from causing major friction. You wanna live like this?

>> No.8854427
File: 38 KB, 500x455, main-qimg-3709717f6b5938b61eef9aab9f5d3049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how East Asian nations (even poor ones like Vietnam) outrank White nations, which in turn outrank all the rest. While Subsaharan African nations don't even make it into the test. The few nations with large Black populations in the test - Trinidad & Tobago, Dominican Republic and Brazil - show dismal results.

All of this is in line with research on national IQs and the science that the liberal media still chooses to ignore.

>> No.8854850

If primary and secondary education was better, they would have problems getting people to do shit jobs. If education was better, people would feel entitled to more out of life. They would be less inclined to drop out of school. The powers that be don't want that and you'd be stupid to think they do. The system is rigged to push people down.

>> No.8854864

>how come its primary and secondary education is so shit?
We practically force people to graduate. Dropping out of highschool is virtually unheard of unless you're the absolute stupidest of the stupid.

basically >>8853311

Places like Germany and Korea have "alternative trade school" options for people who don't do well in public...highschool equivalents, whereas the US is just highschool.

>> No.8854880

I don't know about Korea, but in Japan even the retards graduate

>> No.8854890

We all know what the problem is, but it's just too taboo to say it. Until it becomes less taboo anymore we will never get anywhere when talking about education reform. The system is going to keep getting worse and worse because we are ignoring the truth that is starting us in the face.

>> No.8854898

Idk what I'm talking about but I get the vibe that America's public institutions are worse then it's private institutions.

>> No.8854937

Man get your ass back to /pol they miss you

>> No.8854945

Teachers ruin math by teaching through rote memorization. All math is is teaching car directions to students. Math teachers were taught wrong. Also, the standards for maths teacher should had been higher at least in associate degree in math to teach high-school math. Is it unbelievable how a math teacher can coast through pre-cal.

>> No.8854953

Three reasons.

1. US math education is shit.
2. Many parts of the US are culturally backward and anti-intellectual, and also fund their schools poorly.
3. We have ethnic groups with low average IQ that test poorly and basically force everyone to graduate.

If you look only at Massachusetts PISA scores they are actually quite good by world standards (except math because the US still sucks at that: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/12/06/mass-shines-global-test-but-math-scores-slip/OJp8uYy9KB6cqkJdRrmgCO/story.html))

>> No.8855128


>67 IQ
>100 IQ

Post the source of that pic, some of those numbers are inaccurate and do not match >>8853340 link.

Nigeria is 84 while Singapore is 108.

>> No.8855142
File: 1.69 MB, 200x215, 1492752159542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fewer niggers.

>> No.8855291
File: 115 KB, 800x364, 800px-iq_by_country-by-current-resident-majority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post the source
>Post the source
>Post the source
Too lazy to do a fucking image search?


The other link has very similar numbers, it's from an earlier book by the same fucking author dumbfuck

>> No.8855301

Fixed the link:
http://www.rlynn.co.uk/uploads/pdfs/Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations.pdf