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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8849342 No.8849342 [Reply] [Original]

> Bill holds up an Erlenmeyer flask. The audience ooohs.
> "Now this might look like water, but it's actually an aqueous solution."
> Audience starts clapping
> Electronic dance music starts playing
> Adam from the mythbusters comes out on a scooter with colorful beakers and a lab coat.
> Bill and Adam start dancing with beakers, audience cheers
> Record scratch, music abruptly stops
> Zoom into Bill's face, "Now let's get serious folks."
> "Can you believe there are still people who believe in God, and not climate change?"
> Audience erupts in laughter, more applause
> "Folks we have a very special guest here today to tell you why space is WOKE!"
> Neil DeGrasse Tyson comes out in a space suit
> Audience furiously clapping now, can barely contain themselves
> Tyson: "The potential for life is everywhere in the universe, Star Trek and Star Wars could be real!"
> Audience hands are now bleeding from all the clapping.
> Bill: "Well that's all the time we have today, join us next week when we tell you more about why science rocks!"
> Electric guitar solo, audience starts chanting aggressively "Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!" Their claps are now full repetitive nazi salutes.

>> No.8849407

Please... s-stop...

>> No.8849461

I would unironically watch this.

>> No.8849469

you forgot the part where Bill says "and I'm here to... dare I say it... save the world!", and all the ladies are furiously masturbating in the front row

>> No.8849512

Were you the poster who posted this shit on /pol/?

>> No.8849531
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>> No.8849534

>starred in a kid's show and was a mechanical engineer
>people think this makes him a "scientist" and therefore an authority on all science

>> No.8849542

He's a fraud and a massive douchebag.

>> No.8849557

This was really fucking bad

>"H-hey you wanna see my impressions?"
>"I have a g-gun, that's funny r-right?"

>> No.8849564
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you magnificent bastard

>> No.8849584
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Jesus Christ what a joke
>"my name is bill!"
terrible. You can hear the disappointment in the audience

>> No.8849618

>Though the TV show is hosted by Nye, five correspondents assist in the presentation of the show. These include fashion model Karlie Kloss, science YouTuber and educator Derek Muller, comedian Nazeem Hussain, comedian and writer Joanna Hausmann, and the TV host and producer Emily Calandrelli.[4][5] The show also features guest appearances from Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Rachel Bloom, Joel McHale, Wil Wheaton, Jonna Mae[6], Steve Aoki, and Tim Gunn.[3] The thirteen-episode series premiered on April 21, 2017.[3] The show's theme song was produced by Tyler, the Creator.[7]


>> No.8849628

I don't get it.

>> No.8849638

Thats wrong though.

Nazeem Hussain shouldn't be called a comedian.

>> No.8849657

Religious Nut:
>The world will end on the 23rd!
>I meant the 26th.
>Of next month.
>... next year?
>A decade from now.

Climate/ population scientist:
>The worlds ice caps will all be melted by 2000
>Sorry, 2007
>Before 2020
>By the end of the century
>There's too many people, if we don't act quickly there will be massive food shortages and lack of living space by the 2000's!
>Population numbers are leveling off and even dropping... WE HAVE TO GET THE POPULATION GROWING AGAIN!
>Provided the ones doing it are from African and Arabic countries.

Same faggots, different gods

>> No.8849667

Nobody smart enough to be a scientist is stupid enough to besmear his own reputation by associating himself with this.

>> No.8849670

>The worlds ice caps will all be melted by 2000
I bet you can't post a single credible source who claimed that.
Making shit up isn't going to impress people.

>> No.8849677

>>>>>wil wheaton

>> No.8849681

That's actually not that bad imo

>> No.8849688
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>> No.8849707


A few mild keks from me. I don't get the bob who joke so I must be subhuman.

>> No.8849718

It means that there are a lot of people with the name Bob.

>> No.8849953
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>> No.8850076


wtf I hate science now

>> No.8850153

Holy shit! I want to kill myself when I think of cringy things I said/did, I am amazed this guy is still alive, cause this is next level.

>> No.8850190
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>> No.8850199

Well that show is actually objectively fucking terrible. Also the guy is a fraud, not a real scientist and pushing an agenda.

Good thread, OP, funny stuff.

>> No.8850339
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I know man made climate change is real, but why does it feel like a conspiracy? The way they force it into popular media seems so artificial and orchestrated, and it seems like they always give shittier evidence/arguments for it than they actually have. It's almost as if they want to keep a certain percent of people in denial just to keep everyone divided.
Is there any value to what I just said or have I gone too /pol/?

>> No.8850347
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The whole point is that people get tied up arguing about existence rather than solutions.
And what you get is a bunch of fiscally retarded scientists and ecotards trying to think of solutions, but all those solutions involve massive taxation, corruption and straight flagellation of the common man. Obviously the common man sees this and wants no part.
If you feed two retarded extremes into fighting each other it alienates the common man from taking action, so you can keep the status quo going.
Until you get someone proposing realistic solutions without brow beating everyone, you're not gonna get shit to happen.

>> No.8850357

>I know man made climate change is real
it's not though

>> No.8850418

>high energy comedy impression

He was on the trump train long before any of us

>> No.8850451

>He's a fraud and a massive douchebag.
this. even in his new show, he holds a bar magnet far enough away from iron oxide (Fe2O3, AKA rust) and claims it's not magnetic, when it in fact is, just not as strongly magnetic as pure iron.
he did this to debunk quackpot homeopathic medicine and crap, but it's dishonest af, and entirely unethical, especially from someone touting science as pure and omnipotent

>> No.8850478
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>> No.8850495

You need to browbeat people because radical individualism was a mistake. The existance of the Human race is a trascendent goal and should take precedence over petty individual goals.

If you ask me the environmentalists aren't doing enough. We need parenting licenses, mandatory sterilization, a global ban on fossil fuels with a deadline 25 years from now, government funded research into thorium nuclear reactors and a manned space mission to colonize Mars.

Voting should also be limited to high IQ taxpayers and military veterans that have earned their right. People receiving government welfare automatically lose their right to vote.

>> No.8850519

Great, you first. Kill yourself and eliminate your negative contribution the the environment.

The survival of the species is a gola that transcends your individual desire after all.

>> No.8850540

You don't need to cut basic human rights, just human privileges.

I'm not having kids.
Most people shouldn't be having kids.
Particularly in poor countries like Africa.

Licensing childbirth is morally very different from killing people. You are trying to twist my argument into something that it's not.

>> No.8850547

>Licensing childbirth is morally very different from killing people.
This. We should be killing people.

>> No.8850549

>I'm not having kids.

You shouldn't :^)

>> No.8850558


>guy used to be bad at something
>continued to put in effort at it
>became success at something he cared about
>got more people into actual science even if many more are just dude SCIENCE LMAO types
>anon on an imageboard can't accept that people change or that public advocates are important but also can't accept that this guy is doing well despite that

You're just the fox here really.

>> No.8850564

What's wrong with calling him a massive douchebag. And he is a fraud -- a misleading non-scientist that is

>> No.8850567

I agree with all besides voting. Politics is for the politicians and the elite. The common person is too stupid shortsighted and detached from events to have any say on decisions that will affect him years from now. China has the right idea and there's a reason this century will be theirs.

>> No.8850577

>Voting should also be limited to high IQ taxpayers and military veterans that have earned their right.
I also propose that we develop powered armor and go wipe out the arachnids once and for all.

>> No.8850580


>> No.8850608

Neither should you :^)

>> No.8850650


I'm going to put kids in a bitch just to piss you off now. Enjoy being alone. :^)

>> No.8850661

I'm not alone, I'm fucking a 19 year old that doesn't want kids either

You sound bitter :^)

>> No.8850665

>Karlie Kloss
Is there a computer science segment on the show?

>> No.8850668

lel there was one about machine learning and AI. she wasnt on there

>> No.8850689

What you are proposing effectively ends in genocide. Nice going, Adolf, I'm racist as shit but I do realize we can't just do that.

I would like to know more.

>> No.8850699

Typical radical individualist warped ethics. I'd be saving billions of lives by sterilizing people.

>> No.8850719

>19 year old that doesn't want kids
Most people grow out of that childish idea.

>> No.8850837

Wait until her biological clock starts ticking.

>> No.8850857

Bill the fucking cuck guy?

>> No.8850871

We need a massive rollout of nuclear power all around the world and the corresponding use of all that extra power to rip co2 out of the air both by greening deserts and by straight up tearing the co2 out of the air and making it into commodities like carbon fibre and whatnot.

>> No.8850904
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>Karlie Kloss

>> No.8850915

because when it comes down to it these people feel like everyone is too stupid to think for themselves or handle honest facts so they lie and exaggerate things to get people on their side.

what happens though is it just makes people annoyed with them and generally not care about what they have to say since the argument is framed in such vague nebulous terms rather than real concrete ones that individuals can take honest action with.

also climate science is a bit bullshit because they really have no clear idea what will happen with more carbon being releasesed or a slight warming. its like people who thought the first nuclear bomb would light the atmosphere on fire, they are assuming the worst without the evidence to back it up, but they say that they don't need evidence because by the time we have it it will be too late.

>> No.8850916

>he has to inflate his ego by insulting both ends of the spectrum at the same time using a poorly crafted strawman

>> No.8850917

grouping the sensible conclusion that "God is real" together with a bunch of moronic statements only makes you look even more desperate.

>> No.8850922

We know that of the methane stored in the ocean floor is released it can have a trigger effect leading to a positive feedback loop of rising CO2 and rising temperatures.

We do not know at which exact temperature that reaction may be triggered though

>> No.8850928

but we also know that higher temperatures will increase cloud cover and help to cool the environment

some climate scientists say that will create a "hot box" scenario like Venus but it doesn't seem as likely since the clouds reflect more incoming solar energy than they bottle in.

>> No.8851315
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Climate scientists know and think of a lot more than you might think.

>> No.8851325

>the size of those fucking error bars

>> No.8851395

/ T H I S /
Not one scientist. Not a single fucking PhD.
Just hipster undergrads psyop show.

>> No.8851523

Makes my blood boil every time I see that picture. 90k likes on Instagram.

>> No.8851602

>Karlie Kloss
cd code

>> No.8851680
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>why does it feel like a conspiracy

Maybe because the guy who resumed selling it to us was also the guy who sold us NAFTA, and what an awesome thing that would be for the common folk?

Inconvenient Truth 2:

Gore flogs NAFTA:

>> No.8851690

why did every city jump on the mandatory recycling bandwagon as soon as possible? because it gave them an excuse to write a huge trip of laws that allow them to fine people who own property

climate change funds that go to the UN just fucking disappear. it's free money for the jews they just have to guilt ppl into sending them money. the kikes are elite tier nigerian scammers

>> No.8851695


hey if you don't get the results you want, just change it and expand the error bar so the truth is still in your margin of error. works every time hehe

>> No.8851697
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(((science goy)))

>> No.8851907
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>remember biology guys?
>yeah well it's literally wrong, and racist.

>> No.8851966

Well that's the thing, people without credible sources are using climate change to convey a doomsday narrative.

>> No.8852218

gore claimed we are on our 4th ice arctic year, but none claimed by 2000

>> No.8852250

lol he used to be kind of a chad!

>> No.8852252

I have a challenge for anyone willing to take it:

Write me a professional thesis on how a virtually universally adored childhood figure jumped the shark so badly.

>> No.8852259

Fucking kek

>> No.8852285
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Abstract: Because he is trying to overstep his boundary of knowledge to ensue ideas of psuedoscience and pass then off as academic fact.

No thesis 4 u

>> No.8852286
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>typical jew circle jerk


>> No.8852290

They gave him a shit load of money.

>> No.8852297

I remember his show for kids, and then as far as I knew he just went away for several years. Then I started hearing about him again mostly in the context of global warming and political shit.

I'd say he jumped the shark years ago when his show ended.

>> No.8852299
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wait, those captions are real?

>> No.8852304

>((Karlie Kloss))
>Is there a computer science segment on the show?
Yes, its called



>> No.8852314

underrated post

>> No.8852339

Jesus christ how did things get so bad this fast. It feels like everything just got turned on its head within the last year or two.

>> No.8852541
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>> No.8852706

Gentlemen, how do we unreddit science? I propose we make it conservative.

>> No.8852715


>> No.8852733

that is a lot of fun. a genuine person for real not alot of those left. not super funny but sort of overthought humor

>> No.8852738

We'd first have to eliminate the friction (gas the SJWs).

>> No.8853673
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>she needs to join our startup

>> No.8853734

>writing your own concatenate function
>including a space
>errorchecking a hello world print

>> No.8853815
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Sounds fucking awesome to me OP

>> No.8853873

No, everyone should have children and as many as they want. Then move the age of legal abortion up to 18yo. Then encourage parents to cull the underperforming.

>> No.8854075


The sensationalizing is what is a conspiracy, not the science of it. It's jumped on by people who do have an agenda to pursue that isn't simply environmentalism but rather accruing more control and power (And no I'm not referring to some Jewish conspiracy, simply the fact that any organization or institution by nature never likes to give up power and by nature will obtain more power if they can) or those who do have an environmental interest at heart but pursue it with a messianic fervor. This turns off people in the middle who mistakenly think the choice is either "fuck the planet no global warming" or "Fuck humanity sacrifice yourself on the altar of Gaia". And there is a real class component to it too. >>8850347 "Stop using AC and eating beef but don't mind us with private jets and haute culture cuisine"

Never underestimate the capacity for corruption and cronyism to find a way to make a buck.

>> No.8854188

Bill Nye needs to go back to making children's television. If he wants his show to actually "save the world" he should be trying to inspire the next generation instead of pandering to millennial that watched VHS tapes of him in science class 20 years ago.

>> No.8855292

>Bill Nye shows up on stage riding a Segway with periodic table decals plastered all over it
>crowd cheers and starts chanting BILL BILL BILL
>"Alright guys, we're gonna do some SCIENCE!"
>crowd erupts into a frenzy
>electronic dance music starts playing as Bill mixes two flasks of identical looking liquid and produces a blue solution
>the audience is turning genderfluid nonbinary as he's doing this
>"As I mix these two compounds, I want to remind you that, just like this liquid flask I'm holding, race is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT!"
>chants of Black Lives Matter roar through the audience, whites are checking their privilege en masse
>suddenly a voice from the back of the audience says, "But I have data proving there's differences in IQ between the races!"
>the music stops
>the crowd turns immediately silent
>"Who said that?" shouts Bill Nye as he steps off his segway. "Who fucking said that?!"
>A lone white male stands up in the audience, with two charts showing intrinsic differences between the races
>"The facts speak for themselves! Blacks have lower IQ even when adopted by white parents!"
>deathly quiet tension in the air
>suddenly somebody starts chanting "Hate facts, hate facts, hate facts!"
>the crowd joins in
>they start encircling the white male, their chants getting louder
>a Pansexual Fairy Sprite starts screeching and hissing in demonic tongues about privilege
>this is the signal for the crowd to rush the poor white man and tear him limb from limb
>as this happens, Bill Nye drops his pants and starts masturbating at the carnage, using the flask he was holding earlier as an anal pleasure tool
>the audience joins in and partakes in a massive orgy of semen and the white male's blood
>in the midst of this, an AfroAsian queerkin finds the papers used by the white male and burns them with his bong lighter
>crowd cheers at this spectacle
>Bill Nye shouts, "That's science!"
>roll credits

>> No.8855299

>It's season 3 of Bill Nye Saves the World
>The highest rated show ever
>The show is so successful it has ushered in a new era of prosperity for the United States
>The roaring 20s are happening again
>Season 3 has been great
>Everyone loved it
>99.7% of American households report watching it
>Religion has been wiped off the face of the earth
>Climate change is real and everyone donates to the Bill Nye Fund to help stop it
>The US government formally recognizes 853 genders, with more added virtually every day
>Trump got lynched last year, and now-president Degrasse Tyson personally held the noose
>The audience holds its breath in anticipation of the season finale show
>He enters the stage
>Crowd goes wild
>400 babies are conceived and immediately aborted
>"Who's ready for some science?"
>Collective orgasms can be heard across the country
>"Because today"
>World peace would have happened if it wasn't already a product of the show by season 2
>The crowd prays to nothing in thanks for this gift
>"Are talking about"
>A Mexican family vaults the border wall as ICE agents cheer them on, the show playing on a massive TV screen embedded in a nearby hillside
>"How race"
>The four remaining Christians in obscure parts of the world commit suicide
>"Is actually not real"
>The 104% LGBT crowd gives a standing ovation

>> No.8855305

> Bill rides onto stage on a tandem bicycle alone
> Crowd laughs
> Crowd says "YAAAAAASSSSS"
> Adam Savage from Mythbusters is in the background throwing vinegar into a paper machine volcano with a disco ball spinning above him
> Bill cracks a glowstick
> Audience begins clapping and says ooooohhh
> Adams volcano stops erupting, his smile disappears and he looks worried
> Audience in unison goes "awwwwww" in disappointment
> Bill looks furious with Adam. This isnt the first time this has happened.
> Adam looks scared, has bruises on him.
> Bill walks over and starts beating the shit out of Adam Savage from Mythbusters
> "Folks there is only one thing I hate more than CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS" he says in between open hand slaps
> Crowd is nodding their head in agreement
> "I fucking HATE bad scientists!"
> Adam Savage is uncontrollably sobbing under his desk.
> Bill Nye lights a snake firework on the stage and the audience claps furiously while chanting "BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL"

>> No.8855306
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> Sneaky music comes on
> Bill tip toes out from behind the curtains around the stage.
> The audience says "Huhhhh??" in a collective gasp, not knowing where Bill is.
> Bill is in his Nyddler outfit, what could he be up to?
> Tip toes behind little 8 year old girl in the crowd.
> Bill taps her on the shoulder and she turns around
> "ITS SCIEEEEENCE TIMEEEEEEE!", Bill says as he punches the little girl right in the nose, breaking it
> The audience gasps as the girl screams, blood splurting from her nose
> Music suddenly changes, whats happening? Bill is transforming
> Bill rips off the Nyddler outfit and reveals his classic Bow Tie outfit
> "Ooops! That was just my body was identifying as the evil twin, The Nyddler! Science folks, science!"
> Bill begins to laugh and the audience laughs with him and begins applauding
> Electronic dance music comes on, and Bill dances his way back to the stage
> Record scratch, cut music, zoom in to Bill's face
> "Lets get serious!", Bill says as he turns his head sharply towards the camera
> Bill pulls out out a torch and lights a flame
> "This may look like a fire, but its actually a result of a chemical reaction!"
> Biiiiiig ooooooohhhh from the audience
> Electronic dance music comes back on
> Bill freezes, then throws the torch to the side
> Bill begins dancing, as the torch lights part of the set on fire
> The crowd gives standing ovation as they chant "BILL! BILL! BILL!" (The little girl still bleeding)
> Members of the audience begin to catch fire and die as Bill is dancing away in the back
> The audience, despite being on fire, continues to clap and chant Bill!

>> No.8855312

>Bill rides onto stage with a unicycle
>Whats up folks, excited this episode?
>the audience all monotonously says yes at the exact same time
>Bill holds up a match
>Now this may look like a regular match, but when we apply friction we create a chemical reaction
>The audience is now furiously clapping, amazed by the wonders of science
>a lone member of the audience stands up
>Are we actually going to see some higher then year 9 science here?
>everything stops
>people are shocked
>bill the most shocked
>what are you....
>Bill please calm down you're scar....
>At the accusation the crowd is sent into a frenzy, all pull out their thermometers and proceed to stab the poor man, getting orgasms in the process.
>As the demonic pansexualites are stabbing the poor man, Bill is pleasuring himself with a dildo sourced from Lena Dunham herself.

>> No.8855315
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>Geee gender-equal non-racial friends, I just don't understand why those stupid conservatives are so skeptical of nu-science.
>It must be because they are racist/sexist/kkk/literally hitler/bigots
>now watch this cartoon about ice-cream cones having an orgy for science

>> No.8855319

It's funny, critics are licking his butthole, while the general public are panning this thing.

>> No.8855323





>> No.8855348

4Chan never change XD

>> No.8855358

>Bill is Yamantaka Eye

>> No.8855441

>Bill Nye is brought on stage in a throne being carried half by Antifas and the other half by fedora'd hardline Atheism Plus Bernie Bros.
>Crowd is jumping up and down throwing flowers and confetti
>Chuck Berry's Johnny B.Good starts playing
>Audience is clapping hard
>The records scratches to a stop
>Bill Nye points to his watch "Today, we're going to learn about time!"
>Crowd claps even harder, the throne carriers take a knee so he can step off.
>"You know, time is a funny thing, we just lost American hero and 5 star buck, Chuck Berry because he ran out of time, and even today due to climate change our planet is running out of time."
>Audience has scattered claps and sobbing, people are clutching their environmental protest signs like bibles
"There are all sorts of ways to look at time, there are clocks, quantum mechanics, and the useless, racist, social construct known as the Gregorian Calendar."
>Audience ooohs
>"Today, we're going to use science to look at time, not chronology the study of time, but rather we are going to delve into the social sciences - the true sciences for understanding our world."
>Audience cheers uproariously there is audible screeching from a section of transqueers gender rebels.
>"A great social scientist, Karl Marx, tells us through experiments and observable data that that socialism and communism are inevitable, and that any belief counter this is unscientific."
>A white presenting black man in the audience Aaaahs
>"As somebody who is not a dumb creationist, I have to agree. Also the world couldn't have possibly been made in 6 days by any known method - which proves definitively there is no god."
>Audience chants "KILL. GOD." over and over again.
>"As well, time has no meaning, and age is just a number, so it is scientific that pedophilia does no harm and should be legalized"
>Audience breaks out into seizures of joy, falling down, cracking their skulls, frothing at the mouth and eating their own shit.
>An orgy commences

>> No.8855444

>intro music begins playing as the stage lights illuminate a large crib full of white male babies
>Bill Nye bounces onto stage on a pogo stick with "E=MC HAMMER" painted on it
>"Heyyyyy everybody! Are you ready for some SCIENCE?"
>audience begins screaming and projectile shitting
>"That's what I thought! Today, we're going to demonstrate a little understood property, called GRAVITY!"
>bounces sciencely into the crib, begins smashing the white babies
>cheering intensifies, crowd starts carving pentagrams into their foreheads with a compass and protractor
>nearby elderly Jewish women erupt in a deep gutteral growl and rush the stage and begin slathering foreskins onto their face
>"Remember, it's not 'Abortion', but 'FUN-portion'!" Bill winks, and the audience vomits with glee. "They'll have many important uses in the cosmetics industry!"
>ecstatic audience begins biting their hands off at the wrists and ramming the bloody stumps into each other's eye sockets
>"And now to talk about something else important. My guest, Shoshanna Goldenbaumblattsteinbergwitz would like to share with you some really awesome music that's cool and awesome!"
>obese woman in a leather catsuit surrounded by shirtless negros gyrates onto the stage
>"Ohhhhhh~! Remembah not tah have no white baybays, they're really not that great. When you create a white baybay, a Chosen you'll make irate!"
>"Cause they're cute and they're bright and their minds are alight, but dey won't breed with Tyrone and dat just ain't right!"
>"So when your cities burn and your nation is lost, remembah that's whatcha get fur da Holocaust!"
>audience roars with orgasmic applause
>Shoshanna hoses down the stage with stored up rancid period blood and then dry-humps one of the black dancers
>"Wow, that's so much great science we've done today!" Bill smiles as he high-fives a statue to Moloch

>> No.8855453

>Bill Nye walks on stage with a cold grimace
>the audience is dead silent, you could hear a pin drop
>Bill reaches into his pocket and reveals a .357 magnum revolver
>"today's experiment is particularly interactive"
>the audience collectively leans forward, mesmerized by the gun
>"I want a show of hands here. Who in the audience identifies as a straight, white male?"
>a few dozen audience member shyly raise their hand in shame
>"Good, good... why don't you folks come on up here."
>The small group of men trot down the isles onto the stage, heads looking down in shame
>"You first. What's your name?"
>the man, a proud father of three, begins to answer
>"Alright Steve. Who did you vote for in the 2016 presidential election?"
>Steve's face turns pale. His palms begin to sweat as he squeaks out each word.
>"I... I voted for-"
>"Speak up, Steve. We all want to hear you loud and clear"
>"...I voted for Donald Trump"
>the audience gasps while Bill Nye gives Steve a smug, devilish look
>Bill hands him the gun
>"Kill yourself, Steve. Do it now. For science."
>Steve looks back into the audience. His wife and three kids are in tears, but he knows what he must do.
>brain matter flies in all directions as he pulls the trigger.
>the other ~20 men on stage look on in horror as Bill walks towards the next
>"And your name, sir?"
>Bill Nye gently places the revolver into his right hand
>"Very good, Jim. You know what to do.

>> No.8855457

>Bill Nye enters the room on roller blades
>Bill Nye crashes into a wall
>Falls on floor
>1920's type humour
>Sets up
>"Okay gang, you ready to..."
>"Make a science????"
>Collective orgasming throughout not only the studio but also the 45 million American viewers
>Holds a flask with a blue liquid inside
>Drinks it
>Crowd sits in fear, as it might have been toxic
>"Just kidding, this isn't toxic, it's Mountain Dew. But it's interesting how soft drinks are made, and how their colours are like like cleaning detergent"
>"But on another note, Climate Change"
>According to my research, if we killed all white people, Climate Change would end"
>"The audience, 95% white liberals, are then inspried to kill themselves for the environment
>"You silly fools, now the Liberal voting population has greatly decreased, now, Trump will for sure win the 2020 election"
>Audience that didn't kill themselves in shock
>Trump thanks Bill Nye
>Makes Bill Nye vice president
>Wins 2020 election
>Makes America Great Again

>> No.8855478

All of this happened, more or less.
>Bill emerges in front of a large diorama
>"Reproduction is the end goal for all organisms, so what are the benefits of sexual reproduction?
>audience confused
>"Meet my friend Lizzy the Lesbian and she'll tell you!
>land whales emerge
>audience amazed by evolution at work
>"Sex is super-important and super great!"
>audience nods in token agreement
>"But don't get it confused with gender!"
>audience goes silent
>tfw can't even fool the audience of Bill Nye Saves the World

>> No.8855627

>Wil Wheaton
When this faggot shows up you know it's going to be terrible

>> No.8855653


We actually don't know this according to the most recent IPCC. As this hypothesis was changed to being an unlikely scenario post literature review.

Chapter 12 I believe.

>> No.8855660

>sensible conclusion
>God is real


>> No.8855667

/pol/ here

We tried to warn you

>> No.8855794
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