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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 225x225, MarchForScienceAnchorage_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8846483 No.8846483 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow morning.

>> No.8846493

I'll see if I have time in between the (((MarchAgainstTrump))) and the ((((Women's March)))) and all those conversations about ((((((Pepsi))))))

>> No.8847139

>Tomorrow morning.
Will be another meaningless far left protest against the Trump government under the guise of some relevant issue?

Unless you are far left this protest is not for you.

>> No.8847153

Realistically, what has Trump done to actual scientists to butt fluster them?

>> No.8847168

>cut funding to EPA
>climate change data gag order
>hiring freeze
>travel ban

What did you expect for a response? "Oh our perfect president, lord and savior, has done no wrong to scientists?"

>> No.8847182

this is pretty much fucking nothing

>> No.8847192

>pretty much fucking nothing
>no more research into climate change
>no more NIH funding
>no more hiring new scientists
>people afraid to go to conferences due to immigration policies

an awful lot of nothing.

>> No.8847195

>travel ban
I like how you tried to sneak that in as a science issue lmao.
Fuck off with your reddit March, you need to print off pictures of Neil degrease Tyson and Bill nye don't you?

>> No.8847200

this is really the best you have

i stand by my point. it's fucking nothing.

>> No.8847204

Don't break his heart mate, he is a brave resistance warrior fighting for science against an EVIL FASCIST!!!! 1!1!1!!1
You know, it's just like rick and morty

>> No.8847210

I don't know how much more you need.

>> No.8847218

Nothing. But the left really likes to abuse everything they can get their hands on.

They are still extremely angry that they have lost their position of power and moral authority and that so many people realize that most of the left is completely idiotic and against most of their interests.

>> No.8847220

Professors at my university with green cards traveled to the banned countries before the ban and were delayed coming back as a result.
A lot of students here wanting to work for the government are frustrated by the hiring freeze.
I think this march is stupid, but I'm not going to deny what I see.

>> No.8847225

Wow. Someone from the right did the unthinkable and tried to cut government funding for shit no one wants.

What a disaster better take it to the streets.

>> No.8847228

oh no, temporary delays and frustration, this is literally like when stalin dragged scientists out of their homes and murdered them

>> No.8847230

Prevented the US being a proper member of the science community.
Is there any evidence arbitrarily halting entry from a set of countries is useful or even necessary?
Trump just proclaims that border security is such as mess that terrorists could be getting in.


>(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing "25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad" and 51% of those polled, "agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah." Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won't convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.

>Mr. Trump stated, "Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again." - Donald J. Trump

>> No.8847234
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>Professors at my university with green cards traveled to the banned countries before the ban and were delayed coming back as a result.

O NOES. Delayed? srsly?

>A lot of students here wanting to work for the government are frustrated by the hiring freeze.

No worries...when we run out of Americans to employ, they'll get their shot.

>> No.8847237

Didn't know rapists became scientists

>> No.8847246

you idiot, you think the all the students worried about the hiring freeze aren't white US citizens?

also there were worries the professors weren't going to be able to get back in time

>> No.8847247

in time before the ban actually worked

>> No.8847263
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To perform a successful rape, knowledge of opportunity, timing, biology, psychology, philosophy, sociology, mechanics, physical limitations and mathematical precision are all essential.

A degree from a Western university is not essential, but highly advantageous.

>> No.8847273

>Didn't know rapists became scientists

Pity Trump was too much of a pussy to make it all Muslims like he demanded.

That statement makes it pretty clear he thinks Islam is the problem not just a few select countries.

>> No.8847287
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>> No.8847404
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>no more research into climate change
>no more

What? The EPA's budget last year was 8.2 billion dollars, and the proposed cut takes it to 5.7 billion. Even so, that only tangentially affects privately funded ventures. Also, the Department of Energy still actively participates in funding alternative and clean energy sources, and NASA's still fine with funding its part of the relevant research.

Don't give me that bullshit that there are no other avenues out there just because you read a newspaper. They raise the alarm every time Trump picks his nose. What he's doing right now really is some shady shit, but it's never as bad as the current news media says it is. I mean, isn't World War III supposed to be happening right now? Where's the States' fascist dictatorship? Where are the oppressive policies toward women, gays, and the people of many, MANY different ethnicities who are in your country legally? Where are they?

>> No.8847416

Oh no, the government cut the NEETbux for my meme research which consists of analyzing already known data

>> No.8847716


>want to just do basic science shit to figure out the fundamentals of how the brain works
>have to keep up the dog and pony show of researching alzheimers because that's where all the fucking money is

these funding cuts are going to push back the creation of a virtual reality matrix where you can fuck your cyber-waifu 24/7 by like 30 years. i hope you're taking care of yourself so you can survive that long

>> No.8847725
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, pepe pensando en que podria ser de la existencia de este planeta si no existieran los lefties pero termina enojado viendo que es algo imposible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>march for science
>its almost may

what did they mean by this?!

>> No.8847728

I'm not very politically in either party but Trump's proposal to cut NIH funding by a sixth of its current level did make me feel a bit uneasy.

>> No.8847736

I'd agree with you if not for the fact that he simultaneously proposed a considerable INCREASE in military funding, despite the military not really needing any more money and many of the jobs basically being NEETbux for people to sit on computers all day looking at spreadsheets.

>> No.8847739
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>> No.8847750

Notice how the logo said march for science. However, none of the topics in this picture>>8847739
relates to science in anyway. People are just using science as a mask to promote their own issues.

>> No.8847778

>No one wants
>No one wants medical research
How retarded is you?

>> No.8847786

Notice how that single tweet is just that. A single tweet. The major objective is actually to stand up for science and against "alternative facts".

>> No.8847804
File: 111 KB, 777x530, feds are garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiring freeze
lol stfu about the hiring freeze. i got multiple job offers from the federal government while the freeze was on because my skillset was actually in demand. the freeze was designed so people had to justify their jobs and unnecessary positions would get eliminated.

i turned them all down of course because the feds pay pennies on the dollar for STEM graduates.

>> No.8847823

What are these alternative facts? Even if these alternative facts were science and math related issues like poor math educator quality, protesters are still attaching non science related math issues as a part of the March for science movement.

>> No.8847839

Did you actually read up on most of the NIH projects that got slashed? He wasn't gutting funding for researching the cure for Alzheimer's or better medicine for treating depression. The NIH is notorious for funding bullshit studies (most of which don't even get published) and exorbitant conferences.

NIH grants in recent years have included:
$200K to U Kentucky to study the effects of cocaine on the mating habits of quails.
$250K to U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to observe the effects of various drugs on the dancing of honeybees.
$900K to U Iowa to research the advantages of sexual versus asexual reproduction in slugs.
$5M to U Oregon to research the effects of alcohol intoxication on the songs of finches.

>> No.8847844

meant to reply to >>8847778

>> No.8847854
File: 531 KB, 2000x1000, 4b0ff716ff33344e356884eac4ba630aa5fed943[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we use science to protect ourselves from Nazi attacks during the march? You KNOW they are going to be there and they hate science.

>> No.8847916

You could have applied to Walmart and gotten job offers, that doesn't mean the jobs there are unnecessary. Congrats on the job offer, although posting something like that on 4chan would have been too risky for me personally.

>> No.8847940

>You could have applied to Walmart and gotten job offers

walmart didn't have a presidentially mandated hiring freeze. that was my point. the feds were still hiring and the only ones losing out were people who weren't worth running an exemption for.

> although posting something like that on 4chan would have been too risky for me

i turned it down. some other cuck is working for that paltry 45k a year.

>> No.8847955























>> No.8847964

I found the leaf.

>> No.8847981
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>> No.8847991

This thread is cringe as fuck.

This march for science shit is political pandering obviously and is being hijacked by the left, but it's a fact that Trump's team is cutting science funding in the new budget, from the NIH to ecosystem preservation to climate change research, all the while diverting those funds to fuel the military industrial complex and appease his (((friends))) there.

I mean for fuck's sake, even if you wanna meme and say 'b-but who cares about climate change and curing diseases' there are still other scientific fields that are being hurt by the present administration, like deep learning research shifting out of Cali and being sucked away by Toronto and China.

But I guess as long as daddy neocon sticks it to the evil essjaydubyas then it's all fine.

>> No.8848000

>even /sci/ gets cucked by libshits
holy fuck, this shit truly is everywere>>8847739

>> No.8848001

>cringe as fuck.
You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.8848002

so we're getting the succ from china?

>> No.8848008
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>5 million dollars to get birds drunk
raelly maek u think

>> No.8848011
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>Gender is a social construct
>Race doesn't exist

"Oh please fund us more"

>> No.8848024

They enjoy fisting.

>> No.8848129

something about this march seems really distasteful and I'm not sure if I like it

>> No.8848142


Everything that goes against how anti-science the government has become thanks to Trump is a good thing.

If you disagree you are nothing but a sheep.

>> No.8848145
File: 24 KB, 609x480, sheeple-tv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything that goes against how anti-science the government has become thanks to Trump is a good thing.
>If you disagree you are nothing but a sheep.
oh the irony

>> No.8848157


Ah yes le '''''fake news'''''

Pol never change

You have to go back buddy.

>> No.8848166

>march for science
>ignores scientific issues like nuclear power, NASA funding, etc
>only cares about meme climate change shit
What an embarrassment. Just name it "anti-trump protest No. 58" and drop the science label.

>> No.8848167

It's just capitalizing on liberal hate against Trump. The issues with funding and review have been present for a while, it's just that none of these people cared when their boy was in office.

>> No.8848171

All innovative new technology comes through the military dummy.

The internet was a military project at first.

>> No.8848173


>if you hate trump then you are a liberal

Nice a memes!

>> No.8848189

>reading comprehension

>> No.8848202
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Fucking kys reddit scum

>> No.8848207


back to pol /b/ros

>> No.8848214

Keep pushing your "Science" march for sjw bullshit dumb faggot.

I wonder why all the big science names dropped out of this fucking travesty of a march.

Really makes me think.

>> No.8848222
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Your /pol/ is showing anon, I cant give you more (You)'s but heres a pseudo - you so you dont leave empty handed.

Come on, dont shit other boards, specially this place.

Just go back, go on.

>> No.8848224

they're copying the black power symbol. any criticism of the government is coopted into antiracism nowadays.

>> No.8848230

>Me disagreeing with all this retarded bullshit poisoning the meaning of this event means I am from /pol/

Muh /pol/ boogyman

>> No.8848234

>le pure science is a waste of money meme
Those sound like some pretty interesting experiments desu senpai

>we need "better medicine for treating depression"
yup, you're a shill

>> No.8848243

That sounds like a giant waste of my tax payer money.

Private donations should fund this crap.

>> No.8848249

What isn't a waste of your taxpayer money senpai?

>> No.8848257

oh boy here comes the an-cap memes.

>> No.8848259
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Supporting the military, for example.

White children are suffering around the world due to the invasion of foreign hordes. Something must be done about this.

>> No.8848267

>I love science so much, look at my NASA hat and periodic table shirt

>> No.8848268
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>> No.8848276

Something is, your tax money is going to support corporations and being wasted in the military bureaucracy. Good job citizen!

>> No.8848301


As long as it protects our white children and valuable white lives I am ok with that.

Why arent you?

>> No.8848313

Because I'm just in this for the (You)s.

>> No.8848326

OH NO NOT THE white children

I HATE foreign hordes

>> No.8848384
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Daily reminder identarianism is capitalism in decay
Daily reminder that the SJW tendrils creeping into everything (especially OWS) is ultimately a device of class rule
Daily reminder the actual left believes close to the opposite of what the """left""" believes

>> No.8848388


and that dissolves into /pol/ fights.

>> No.8848407


>implying you aren't one of the 45% of the country's working population that doesn't pay any taxes

Do you even pay AMT, poorfag?

>> No.8848445

A good day for Earth Day.

>> No.8848880

Shlomo is very pro science if he can sell billions of pills to (((depression))) when they don't even outperform placebos

He's very anti science when evidence links his cash cow to respiratory / cardiac failure or cancer

Shlomo loves to paint academia as some kind of club of rich old men, flush with cash, living the dream on yachts while producing nothing of value for society, when it's actually shlomo and his friends doing precisely that

>> No.8848888

Don't you mean Porky?

>> No.8849161

if you only knew how much real nazis contributed to science