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8836715 No.8836715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>cram 2 days before an exam
>get no higher than 70% when I do this
Am I a brainlet for this? I find that the only way I can keep a good GPA is by studying almost every day.

>> No.8836734

But why
Don't you remember the material the first time the professor says it?

>> No.8836738

No? I basically self teach for most of my classes, the professors only exist to organize and grade content.

>> No.8836743


am in the same boat OP. Long story short, it's a conditioning of several bad habits coagulated into one. can only be fixed after the semester ends since it requires complete reset of sleep, uprooting of instilled bad habits and pursuing a healthier lifestyle

>> No.8836752
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>tfw choke hard on exam and get a bunch of easy-ass questions wrong
at least my average was good going into it

>> No.8836754

For me, I'm just a really really bad test taker.

>> No.8836846 [DELETED] 

God forbid you actually study something for once.

>> No.8836861

Change up your strategy. I start by rewriting all relevant materials in shorthand. Then I work out all example problems verbatim. Then I solve as many relevant problems from the material as I can. If there is a practice exam, I look at it last.

Most importantly though, always be putting pen to paper. Just reading it won't commit it to memory.

>> No.8837198

what topic?

usually you want to generalize things as much as possible. try to see the underlying relationships

>> No.8837303

Ah. You see the school I attend is different. I pay tuition, and professors teach. Or I gain access to a lab to do experiments.

I don't pay to have my self-study knowledge "checked".

>> No.8837379

>Am I a brainlet for this?
Fool would be a more appropriate word? Why would you think that you can learn difficult material in a short time? Your strategy isn't working so it's time to stop fucking about and study.

>> No.8838248

>going to uni
Max kek, you already lost bud

>> No.8838343

>don't study at all
>get 100%
life's good when you're not a brainlet

>> No.8838364

i only studied about 3 hours before each exam. i would generally set up my time so that i'd have a few hours the day before to study, but then i wouldn't start studying until 3 or so hours before going to sleep.

>> No.8838375

you have no idea how shit uni lectures can be.

>> No.8838426

Where's this magical place that doesn't have any professors who are terrible at teaching?

>> No.8838447

Here's an enlightening reveal: when you do problem sets, you are studying for an exam. When you consult with tutors or peers you are studying for your exam. When you stay up late trying to understand what you've read, you're studying for an exam. It's sad to think someone like you is allowed to be at a university. You seem not to care at all for your subject and depending where you go you may have stolen a seat from a student who would benefit more.

>> No.8838458

>Tries to learn all the material in a few nights
>Doesn't understand why he is failing

This isn't fucking highschool anon. If you want those top scores you need to devote enouhh study time a day so that it basically becomes a second job.

>> No.8839957

I can't tell if my professors are bad, or if I'm just a bad student.
I've got super autism from self teaching until college, so I can only learn when I cover the material on my own;
I just take notes in class so I can use them later.

>> No.8840539

I'm taking 16 credits and I'm a first year, how long should I generally study?

Chem major.

>> No.8840557
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Damn, it looks like a dream to study in a uni without a stupid schedule. I'm taking 28 credits of lectures right now and none of them is productive in any way. I wonder why my country does not have any university in any international ranking.

>> No.8840640

Why are you taking 28 credit hours? That's just dumb. Unless you do literally nothing else in your life except school.

>> No.8840644

>Cram the morning before the exams

>highest grade in the class

It's almost as though the American education system is a joke.

>> No.8840679

It's an integral course and by default, these courses take 22-24 credits and 4-5 years, it assume that you don't do anything else in your life. At least it's "free".

>> No.8840703
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> may have

>> No.8840713
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This is tried and true for any person. It's not revolutionary or trendy as a study method but it fucking works.

If you want to do well on an exam you have to know the material. If you want to know something you have to learn it. You learn it by fucking practicing.

>> No.8840731

>It's sad to think someone like you is allowed to be at a university.
i finished my undergrad with a 3.9 GPA, and i finished my phd coursework with a 4.0.

just because you're an utter retard that needs to study for hours everyday doesn't mean that everyone else is too.

>> No.8840765

I have a 4.0 and I'm a brainlet. I just study more than my peers

>attend all lecture notes
>rewrite all lecture notes with textbook so it's like a mini-textbook
>do all homework problems, assigned or unassigned

I got the highest mark in many of my classes by making my life about studying from when I wake up to when I go to bed. Kinda sucks desu but everyone thinking I'm smart feels pretty good

>> No.8840872

Yes, you're a brainlet. Honestly, you shouldn't need more than 5-10 hours of cramming depending on the amount of material.

>> No.8840891

You've got so much to teach us.

>> No.8841016

I don't care about your GPA. It's unfortunate that you were unable to find any challenge. Whenever you feel like a dilettante just remind people of your 3.9 and things should be ok.

>> No.8841017

>didn't study until morning before exam

>> No.8841020

what was the point of that post, fagtron?

>> No.8841024

To express sorrow.

>> No.8841176

>be me
>in engineering thermodynamics
>neglect to do a few problem sets because homework is only 10% of the grade, the rest of them I just copy the solution manual
>3 tests and a final, lowest one gets dropped, all three are open book and notes
>decide to drop this test, show up barely knowing what the test is over
>get 74%
Below average, but not even close to the low score. Why are engineers such brainlets?

>> No.8841181
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damn I wish I could be like you. I catch on faster than most of my classmates but I am a pathological procrastinator and my work ethic is absolute shit.
>have a stats test at 10:30am, it's 3am right now and I barely know shit about the topics
kill me

>> No.8841197

There, there, anon. You're among friends.

>> No.8841340


>> No.8841347

>they have solution manual
>they get everything spoonfed

what kind of shit college do you attend?

>> No.8841369

I get solution manuals off libgen. For most classes I can't.

>> No.8841463

I didn't say I could help. But we sure as hell can fail together :^)

>> No.8841819

ok here goes

>> No.8842544

Haha brainlet

>> No.8842553

i'm taking 30 credit hours which most of the time are not productive and still have to study at home, it's sad.

>> No.8842560

>Unless you do literally nothing else in your life except school.
My god I'm almost expected to do this

>> No.8842569

Shit. I'm taking 16 and I'm literally studying/in class 12+ hours a day.

>> No.8842585

You definitely are a brainlet. Let me tell you how to get a 100% every time.

Cheat. Literally cheat
>inb4 but cheaters get caught!

Well, I have cheated on every single test since the beginning and I haven't been caught once. You think you can get caught because you have dumb methods like writing down answers on your leg or arm. That is retarded. Here is how to cheat like no one has cheated before:

What you will have to do is every day sit down for at least half an hour and literally (NO JOKE) start doing practice problems. You will literally memorize problem solving like if it was muscle memory. That way you store all the relevant information inside your brain and no one. not even the professor, can see it.

>> No.8842604
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meaning you're stupid
come on man, there's a reason smart people almost always get high score when taking a test. You're not the exception, you just don't know your shit well enough to be able to score on a test. You're most likely pretty stupid if you haven't figured out how to test by now. Either way, you're dumb

>> No.8842640

I don't blame you because it's not a common thing to know for some reason, but the truth is that your brain needs adequate restion periods to work things out so short term learning is not nearly as useful as most people think.

>> No.8842713

Which university for undergrad?
If it is some shit-tier then of course 3 hours is more than enough

>> No.8842900

That and there's a strategy I've been using for programming that works very well for math likewise:
>Try to explain in your own words what you just learned. If you can't explain it, then you haven't learned it. Period.

>> No.8842920

>Learnt concept and able to explain in own words
>write own words in exam
>wrong because keyword not there

>> No.8842930

>I take retarded classes with retarded """professors""" where using good methods doesn't work
>the methods are to blame

>> No.8842938


>> No.8842973

>I find that the only way I can keep a good GPA is by studying almost every day.

It's almost like that's what you're supposed to be doing..

>> No.8843093

Because understanding is just recitation.

>> No.8843373

I think he meant understand it for yourself