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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 276x315, satracialgapfigure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8835279 No.8835279 [Reply] [Original]

Weekly reminder that genetics is a factor in the racial intelligence gap

>> No.8835282

what would you like society to do about it? kill all the black people? mass sterilizations?

not going to happen.

>> No.8835287

Is that pic accurate?

To the degree that income is a proxy for IQ, it looks like the smartest blacks are about equal to the dumbest whites. But I just don't fucking believe it. I *refuse* to believe it. Nature would not be so cruel as to divide our abilities along genetic lines, that's just fucking insane. Nature is not that cruel. It fucking can't be.

>> No.8835288

China knows who's going to be a ditch digger and who's going to be a blue collar drone by the time they're 14.

We should implement something like that here

>> No.8835293

What's hilarious is most of the countries with "free" college are similar. You decide your fate as early as early middle school. Could you imagine someone trying to implement that system here?

>> No.8835295

That is not really fair though.
Everyone should have an equal opportunity for advancement at any stage in their life.
I do not mean sjw equal either, actual equal opportunity.
Being filtered through a system as a child is cruel because some people do not develop early.

>> No.8835297

>Waaaahhh! All the brown-skinned people are being selected for manual labor! Waaaahhh!

>> No.8835299

>Nature would not be so cruel as to divide our abilities along genetic lines, that's just fucking insane. Nature is not that cruel. It fucking can't be.

What a truly moronic sentiment. Nature gives zero shits about your feelings you faggot.

>divide our abilities along genetic lines

Go take a look at the record holders in sprinting and long distance running.

>> No.8835303

Case in point: Me.

I was put in retard math in sixth grade because I was depressed. Now I'm doing a physics PhD at a good school. I can't imagine how shitty my life would be if my teachers decided to make me a tradesman instead.

>> No.8835311

I had similar circumstances as a child also. I basically stopped attending school at 14, I am now 37 and working on getting into a PhD program in mathematics

>> No.8835313
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Unless you can prove that black people became rich for the same reason as white people and developed the same "education matters" mentality in the meantime, your point is invalid.

>> No.8835317

Is everyone on /sci/ too autistic to realize that racial equality is just a meme that decent people use to make nonwhites feel better? Show some fucking humanity, and stop rubbing IQ differences in people's faces.

>> No.8835328

It's always nice to see people in similar circumstances. The current education system is just not well-equipped to handle people with different development paths. I've known a few people who could easily have gotten advanced degrees if they'd received the right attention early on, but instead went into ditch digging, etc.

>> No.8835329

>homework as a predictor of inteligence

stop posting any time

>> No.8835332

>racial gap decreases as the money increases

The solution is obvious. Look at how the mean white score for 20k earners is 978 and the mean black score for 200k earners is 981. That is almost the same, which means that we need to re-distribute wealth.

Put all the white people in the 20k income bracket and then put all the black people in the 200k+ earning bracket and problem solved.

>> No.8835333

0/10 bait

>> No.8835334


>> No.8835338

I unironically agree with you, but then I also hate most whites.

>> No.8835340
File: 68 KB, 674x500, Rich black people are more likely to become wealthy out of pure luck or artistic talent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice point

>> No.8835346


>> No.8835348
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It's easier to give up on someone if your prejudices told you to.

The hard part it's defeating those prejudices, basically overcoming common sense.

That's the path an ethnic person has to take, he has to prove everyone wrong including himself in order to feel equal.

>> No.8835359

>tfw my scores when I was a kid were abysmal due to crippling depression and a complete lack of motivation
>tfw excelling now

I would have been 100% fucked.

Time spent doing homework clearly isn't a predictor of intelligence, however the more time you spend working on skills and learning concepts the more you can master these concepts. That is to say that if you have two kids and you know that one kid spent two hours a day practicing math by doing homework as assigned by their instructor and the other kid didn't and all other factors are held equal which one do you think it more likley to get a higher score on the test?

I think that's an important thing to note here. Intelligence doesn't mean absolutley everything. The ability to engage with things and the willingness to learn and take the time to master new concepts is often much more important than raw intelligence.

>> No.8835385

I'm trying to find the actual source for these statistics. Obviously it's The College Board and I was able to find that these were statistics gathered from 2008 but I can't find any literature from The College board regarding 2008 SAT scores besides this.

It looks like the graphic might have come from here http://www.jbhe.com/latest/index012209_p.html but past that my googling skills are proving insufficient.

I found this as well from 2013 which shows similar disparities but there isn't any correlation between race and income listed here http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/research/2013/TotalGroup-2013.pdf

Anyone else find anything on this?

>> No.8835563

(((the College Board)))

>> No.8835579

>mean scores
>not using standard deviation
>not going a step further and hypothesis testing your data using Z values.

>> No.8835580

Races went through divergent evolution in radically different environments over a period of 50,000+ years

I don't know why anyone would doubt this would register as slightly different general characteristics today

no one seems to blink when Kenyans are dominating long distance or Africans are cleaning house in sprints

>> No.8835594

The college board is the cited source for the statistic in the OP

So do Jews want people to think niggers are retarded now or something?

>> No.8835596

>but there isn't any correlation between race and income listed here

They don't record it any more, for (((some reason))).

>> No.8835598


The SD is listed with the original data chucklefuck. It's about the same for all races and income categories, as you'd expect.

>> No.8835602

> I looked at a bivariate relationship
> I can now definitively say genetics is the only possible explanation for this gap
> I know genetics is not a variable in my model, but I can still say it

Nice science you got there.

>> No.8835613

It's easy to say that. They make up a small segment of America, so the top earners are usually athletes. Doesn't mean they're smarter or dumber. IQ can change over time and depends on age and actual knowledge level. This is a bad statistic to use without additional information. Simple statistics are what racists and liberals use.

>> No.8835634

Which is why I'm trying to see if I can find anything more on this but I can't actually seem to find anything, but I can't find shit related to the graphic posted in the OP

>> No.8835647

Found this

Page 24/36 (actual page number listed is 22) Table 6 is pretty sad for American Blacks


>> No.8835653

society is the problem

>> No.8835673

>Genetics is a factor in intelligence.
True, though it hasn't been super useful so far. There is ongoing work on developing polygenic scores for measuring this but there has been very limited success, only with narrow populations under specific conditions and only via genome-wide polygenic scores.

>Genetics is a factor in race.
>kinda true but not really as you typically can't make inferences about genetics based on race

>Race is a factor in intelligence
False, laughably so.

>> No.8835699

>Genetics is a factor in race
>Kinda true but not really as you typically can't make inferences about genetics based on race

Uhh, I'm sorry? Literally what determines the appearance of the delineating physical characteristics we use to determine race besides genetics?

What the fuck did you just post?

>> No.8835710

>what would you like society to do about it?
end affirmative action for starters.

>> No.8835767
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>> No.8835950

So Germans were among the most efficient at scoring Points at that PISA-Test-round?

>> No.8835951

>But I just don't fucking believe it. I *refuse* to believe it.
>/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.8835956

Kill yourself commie

>> No.8835961

>Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores


>> No.8835969

>Nature would not be so cruel
This is what /sci/ become

>> No.8835995

>nature would not divide
Lemur dumber than Monkey dumber than gibbon dumber than orangutan dumber than gorilla dumber than chimp dumber than bonobo dumber than Australophithecan dumber than Habilis dumber than Erectus dumber than Heiderbergensis dumber than Archaic Human dumber than Niggers dumber than Eurasians.

>> No.8836002

Hello /r/science

>> No.8836006

Stop posting the truth

>> No.8836009
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[math]\color{red} {\textbf{YOU ARE SHITTING UP THE BOARD}}[/math]

>> No.8836017

its almost like whites are smarter than blacks

>> No.8836018

Im a med student who's passing all the degree with almost no work at all, quite literally an hour a day but i was plain stupid at 14. Ive always felt i was just a year delayed developmentally.

>> No.8836020
File: 3 KB, 309x212, race_income_sat_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets shat on in last thread
>makes a new one
Aight then

OP picture is a fake that includes only white students who applied to university

This is why you can't find a source

>But do the children of Black professionals really score lower than American poor Whites? No they don’t. To see why, I’ll convert those SAT scores onto an IQ like scale with a mean of 100 instead of 1017, which is what it was in 2008, and a standard deviation of 15 instead of 231, which is what it was in 2012(I couldn’t find the SD data for 2008):
>Now you see what’s wrong with that graph. It’s not a representative sample. Not everyone takes the SAT and the higher income kids are more likely to take it than the lower-income kids. How many of the kids whose parents make more than 200k take the SAT? Probably almost all of them, no matter how dull they are their parents will make them take the test. Of the kids whose parents make under 20k only those who expect to go to college take the test. So this data does not prove that the children of Black American professionals are not as smart as the children of the White lower class. In fact it shows that they have a score that is probably similar to that of the average White, note that the score of 97.7 is compared to other students who take the SAT, a population that is smarter than average.

OP, retarded yet again

but of course this post will just be ignored or misunderstood, quick go make a new thread instead

>> No.8836023

"nature is not that cruel"
are you a troll or just totally psychotic? get of this board and never come back, you are incapable of rational or objective toughts and should never speak publically, you lower the iq of an entire room

>> No.8836026

a master craftsman

>> No.8836029

>Waah, the nazis have to work along with them! They don't wanna!

>> No.8836033

You literally btfo yourself. Wew.

>> No.8836036

>Not everyone takes the SAT and the higher income kids are more likely to take it than the lower-income kids. How many of the kids whose parents make more than 200k take the SAT? Probably almost all of them, no matter how dull they are their parents will make them take the test. Of the kids whose parents make under 20k only those who expect to go to college take the test.
This doesn't explain the difference between blacks and whites.

>> No.8836037

>is genetics a factor
Well let's compare races on about ~100 SNP's people have discovered having to do with intelligence.

Africans: 1.09
Mexicans: 1.14
East Asians: 1.16
Europeans: 1.19
South Asians: 1.13

Max score is 2.5408


Africans: 0.75
Mexicans: 0.73
East Asians: 0.72
Europeans: 0.69
South Asians: 0.72

Max score is 1.2683

>> No.8836040

So because more whites are higher earners, they put forward less bright children because taking SATS is the defacto course. Therefore meaning the upper white boundaries are more likely to contain more less intelligent whites than the black higher earner categories.

So the disparity is actually even greater.

>> No.8836045

>How many of the kids whose parents make more than 200k take the SAT? Probably almost all of them, no matter how dull they are their parents will make them take the test. Of the kids whose parents make under 20k only those who expect to go to college take the test. So this data does not prove that the children of Black American professionals are not as smart as the children of the White lower class.

are you guys retarded
the black professional scores are not representative and cannot be compared to the lower class scores
same is true for the white scores

the chart in the OP is worthless in comparing intelligence across class, due to selection biases

>> No.8836046
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>> No.8836049
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from >>8836046 source

>> No.8836051
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environment could play a role

>> No.8836053
File: 321 KB, 1324x1378, 1492450312553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 new thread

>> No.8836056

>professional scores are not representative and cannot be compared to the lower class scores
There is a selction bias in the lower class for smarter kids (who are more likely to go to uni). Therefore the sample average is higher then the real one.
This bias doesn't exist in high class samples. Therefore the sample average is closer to the real one.
Also comparing the same class, bit dofferent race os still valid

>> No.8836059

comparing the white lower class to the black higher class is invalid, glad you finally understood what the problem is

>> No.8836062

Nothing but excuses that have no basis in reality.

>> No.8836067
File: 70 KB, 546x430, Chisala-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


last few years black africans in the uk have similar results to white british

look up under attainment by pupil characteristics
>inb4 selection
some selected african moms must be, right

>> No.8836068

Genetic outliers.

>> No.8836072

aight mate, let's think logically
you mean to tell me that both the father AND his wife (think of sub saharan african woman) are genetic outliers so much so that their kids have white tier performance
but not only 1 or 2 kids, but hundreds, maybe thousands

be honest, would you predict such a thing could occur at all, based on what you think you know of africans

>> No.8836073

Of course they are genetic outliers, the average african black is so incredibly stupid that they cant even think abstractly.

>> No.8836074

No, more whites are higher earners and thus by your idea more likely to put forward incapable students for the SATS thus lowering their score. Please think harder in future.

>> No.8836075

is it because they are black, or is it because they have no father?

>> No.8836076

> blacks cant even win in home turf

>> No.8836079

>they just need dads

Stop this meme,most black fathers behave like unhinged retarded sociopaths so that makes no difference in stopping a negro youth from becoming a criminal.

>> No.8836080

Blacks have an insane amount of affirmative action in schools here, extra tuition, programs and funding for their communities. The fact that one study only shows them coming close is atrocious.

>> No.8836085

This, white males are so shockingly ignored and let down by our education system that they are performing at their lowest in years with plummeting university proportion. So using our education system as a metric for intelligence is inappropriate because it is inordinately biased.

>> No.8836087

You fucking retard read closely.

The black professional sample is not an elite sample.
The white lower class sample is an elite sample.
>How many of the kids whose parents make more than 200k take the SAT? Probably almost all of them, no matter how dull they are their parents will make them take the test. Of the kids whose parents make under 20k only those who expect to go to college take the test.

The chart is used to show rich blacks are dumber than poor whites-the chart can NOT be used in this way, thus.

Is this 4th or 5h time I explain this.
>affirmative action
>gcse scores
you are outright lying right now

what's wrong with just being happy UK blacks are doing relatively (and unexpectedly) ok

>> No.8836088

But anon, what I wrote means that the average difference between low and high class is even greater than what the table sugests. So it's perfectly okay to compare them within the same race. And nothong you wrote means, that it's unreasonable to compare black high class with white low class.
And even if you don't do that, racial difference ain the same class presists.

>> No.8836099

Only a minority of UK blacks are doing well the majority of them are criminal causing pieces of shit like all blacks that exist in Europe.

>> No.8836100

The black sample is more elite than the white as there are a much higher proportion of whites in the upper earning category. You really arent getting this.

>> No.8836102

Blacks and other minorities have access to different examination pathways in state schools and privates have higher selection for blacks. Affirmative action exists in the UK jamal. Alongside the aforementioned programs.

I wont be happy for blacks just about reaching adequacy through crutches and misrepresention, especially when compared to the great let down of white students.

>> No.8836105
File: 44 KB, 620x381, minorities_britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And nothong you wrote means, that it's unreasonable to compare black high class with white low class.
Read this >>8836087 and if you still don't get it, then wtf.
>The black sample is more elite than the white as there are a much higher proportion of whites in the upper earning category. You really arent getting this.
It's literally the fucking opposite.

1)Only the poor whites who are bright will take the SAT and try to go to college.
2)ALL of the rich blacks will take the SAT regardless.
>the great letdown
I'm sure if you tried you'll match pajeet and wang, I'm sure, disregard the possibility that >>8836068 and they might be genetically superior according to YOUR OWN beliefs.
Their immigration is literally, EUGENIC, according to /pol/.

I Swear

>> No.8836108

Once agin you're making random claims based on literally nothing but conjecture. Guaranteed only the poor blacks who are the absolute brightest take the SATS. And all of the rich whites will, which is what you said earlier. You arent even remaining consistent, are you black?

>> No.8836110

I do more than match our pajeets, though they arent the issue here - they are smart. The blacks are not. White male IQ remains the highest average in the country yet academic commitment and attainment has dropped proportionate to the relative lack of funding they receive.

If you cant see the problem with that you are bitter and stupid.

>> No.8836113

> Their immigration is literally, EUGENIC, according to /pol/.

Pol will happily tell you the genetic drift of blacks to the west is one of the worst catastrophes we face today. It will render us all subhuman.

>> No.8836114

I didnt believe that until i tried to read what this tyrone is putting forward as argument.

>> No.8836115

Let's think logically
>To the degree that income is a proxy for IQ, it looks like the smartest blacks are about equal to the dumbest whites.
Most (You)'d post itt.
You do realize that blacks have to have an average of 50 for that to be the truth right. OBVIOUSLY there's something wrong with the above conclusion.
You are asking the right questions, who takes SAT, for what reason do they take them, for what reason are they rich.

The chart alone is basically worthless and serves to confuse people.
>White male IQ remains the highest average in the country
Not really. Indians, chinese are most likely an SD above them.

>> No.8836118

>inb4 CAT scores

>> No.8836119

No not in the UK nor even globally.

>> No.8836121

>No not in the UK
explain why year after year even brown indians do significantly better, are more educated on average, earn higher incomes on average
>nor even globally.
that can change as far as indians are concerned
as far as chinese are concernd, well, tough luck

>> No.8836122

These /sci/ retards still cannnot explain the 68 average IQ of african blacks.

>> No.8836124

Never in this thread has wealth been used as a measure for IQ. Again you're straight up fabricating things to form a vague argument. The graph serves to show that controlling for financial background blacks still dont perform anywhere near as well as whites. A range of IQs will exist within those wage brackets but this allows us to more accurately see that there is a substantial IQ difference separate to income.

>> No.8836126

Those are indian genetic outliers, average indians are as dumb as black americans.

>> No.8836130

Jesus wept. Go read earlier posts, the british education system is inordinately biased against white male students, they suffer from a dirth of funding, fewer educational frameworks and programs, fewer alternative exam pathways alongside less social support. Academic attainment is the whole issue, whites are being pushed last artificially, so to say "pajeets are doing well" either shows you cant read or you are trolling.

>> No.8836132

Actually chinese test low when representative means are taken from their nation, not expats. You're probably thinking of japanese.

>> No.8836134

>Never in this thread has wealth been used as a measure for IQ.
That's not what I'm saying retard. That's obviously not it.
>68 average
Not really.
>average indians are as dumb as black americans.
How does this make sense genetically, racially or in any way?
It doesn't even make sense as far as any sort of achievement is concerned.
Do you really feel the need to spread lies about indians
Not really, East Asian includes China.

>> No.8836142

Chinese test low, the high testing east asians are korean and japanese. Remember china has such a population that they will have more geniuses than anywhere else, migrating elsewhere and thus skewing international results. Studies incorporating chinese cities and rural china are around 95. Same goes for indians but id imagine their average to be a fair amount lower.

>> No.8836147

True, however you cannot accurately tell someones genetics by their skin color.

If you want to do genetic discrimination/eugenics at least take DNA test.

>> No.8836150

>"that's not what I'm saying retard."
> "income is a proxy for IQ"
Indian intellectuals everyone

>> No.8836152
File: 55 KB, 1330x582, cauc_mena3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Provide some sources.

Even richard lynn thinks this
Also, pic related, find what race indians are

I am the only person itt posting sources.
That won't help much >>8836037, since there won't be much of a difference

>> No.8836154

>when these threads are made multiple times daily
Yeah, I fuckin wish, OP

>> No.8836155

> cannot tell someone's genetics by a phylogenetic marker
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8836157

Literally a meaningless table jamal.

>> No.8836158

African IQ cannot be 80 otherwise they would be a far better state than they are today. Flynn Effect cannot bridge a gap of over 20 points.

>> No.8836164

>he thinks i'm indian
I like indians because they outperform /pol/fags in every country they go, EVERY country.
Their looks are also very disliked by /pol/fags so it's a double win.
Oh, and the only sources I've seen on Indian IQ are 'studies' from the 70's.

Based on genetics, history, achievement etc. it's objectively impossible to say indians are inferior in any way, but /pol/fags still pretend india is sub saharan africa - thus destroying any sort of credibility in any argument that gets made by them.

This is why I mention Indians, because you guys implode and begin to look like retards who just spout shit about anybody who isn't white.
Same goes for chinese who 'just aren't muh based anime japanese honorary aryan'.

You know it's true.
80 isn't even high, what's your problem

Also the flynn effect isn't necessarily supposed to take them to an average of 100 so i don't know what you are thinking

by the way the flynn effect has been shown to cause an inrease of 15 points
still, it's not entirely known what african optimal is

>> No.8836165

Flynn effect is nonsense anyway

>> No.8836168

Don't you mean the Kalenjin?

>> No.8836169

> indian "genetics, history, achievement"
Rape and dysentery are not achievements. Neither is doing pelvic thrusts in jeans in the gym jamal.

But super power by 2020!

>> No.8836170

African peak is about 90 in most western nations, but average still 80.

>> No.8836171

u rly got my thinkbox goin there

>> No.8836172

My problem is africans display traits that indicate a low 70 IQ and not a low 80 IQ. There is also the possibility that negro americans have IQs in the high 70s and not low 80s either.

>> No.8836173


Go back to /pol/, somehow you accidentally navigated towards educated people.

Just go back to scratching your crack and reading outdate opinions to fill that vacuum between your ears.

>> No.8836176

What part of AVERAGE indian cant you understand? Yes India has many bright people but is also mostly stone age idiots.

>> No.8836178

Probably because you average ghetto black doesnt take IQ tests whereas most whites do. Blacks trail at around 50 in some african nations, as in objectively retarded.

>> No.8836179

But the thread has supported him

>> No.8836181
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good post
indian immigrants need to know their place, even though they are smarter on average

fuck brown people

>> No.8836183

> african peak 90
No black population has ever reached that, show a source

>> No.8836185

>What part of AVERAGE indian cant you understand?
I'd ask you the same question.

The point is based on EVIDENCE(posted in this thread, includes genetics) Indian average is higher than you think it is.

>> No.8836186

You dont need an IQ test to see that negro americans are retards on average, just observe their behavior in real life its surreal that people think they are actually mentally human in anyway.

>> No.8836189

> smarter on average
Oh lord. Show one iq test displaying anything close to that.

>> No.8836190

/sci/ BTFO once AGAIN

>> No.8836191

India is a racial clusterfuck.

You have the smartest being the pure Caucasoid, the average Indian is Caucasoid and Australoid mix breed that is why Indians are so fucking stupid, and at the very bottom at the few pure Australoids in India.

>> No.8836193

>no sources
>inb4 blog
>inb4 lynn
>IQ test
I don't have one, just like you don't have an IQ test of the average indian.
What I have is >>8836067
Year, after year, after year, 2nd, 3rd generation all the same.

OBVIOUSLY they are smarter on average, whether Indian immigrants are smarter on average IS NOT a question

>> No.8836194

Well iq isnt all it takes to function in a modern society, you need prefrontal cortex control and low aggression, high empathy.

>> No.8836195

>needing a source to see blacks are fucking stupid
Holy shit dude just go to any black american majority area and observe their behavior. Even whites that have lived around blacks their whole life have said they are stupid fucks most of the time.

>> No.8836196

Nice stories.

Mostly unrelated I'll post this study done on 'australoids'.


>> No.8836198

I do have a source, enjoy.

Indians are fucking stupid

>> No.8836201

Aboriginals are pure australoids and dumber than african blacks.

>> No.8836202

I love these threads because I love seeing niggers and /sci/ cucks get BTFO

>> No.8836203

Or this one pajeet arguing for indian masterrace 2030.

>> No.8836206

Found the problem

>> No.8836207

Yeah, but I am interested in how stupid, what are the causes etc.

Besides them having a non-retarded IQ doesn't mean they still can't be statistically more violent which could be a worse problem for them.

I am genuinely interested in this IQ and race business and do not have a white racial agenda.
>The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn
He used the aforementioned 'studies' from the 70's to extrapolate IQ scores out of thin air.

Discarded for the trash that it is.

>> No.8836210

So you admit that negros are dumb apes.

>> No.8836213


No amount of furious shitposting will refute the above.

>> No.8836215

> " flynn is no longer best friend. Now wishful thinking is friend."

>> No.8836217
File: 14 KB, 494x334, meangays1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay white male masterrace

>> No.8836219

More importantly the prognathism of blacks is proof they are prehistoric humans.

I am so sick of you fucking retards always looking at negro americans for black traits when you should look at the africans.

>> No.8836223

> using gdp of a literal factory worker race to prove their intelligence

>> No.8836309

Sure, genetics is correlated with both race and intelligence. But so are a large number of other things, and without controlling for those things, controlling for race will just give you the average effect for everything that's correlated with both race and intelligence.

In science, these are known as confounders, and they're why most people don't rely on bivariate analyses.

>> No.8836357

Different guy here.

British encompasses every British (that did not leave).

The others are self-selected from the part of the population that decided to move to England.

>> No.8836361

Do straight boys I convinced to be my boyfriend count?

>> No.8836366

They're mostly Brahmins and descendants of the upper castes, which you can tell by their physical characteristics, last names, and home regions. India went through a shitload of caste-based eugenics over the last few thousand years, so you have to look at the castes individually. No one doubts the Brahmins are >110 IQ on average.

>> No.8836378

That's why consilience is a thing, bonehead. There are countless different bodies of evidence for racial differences in intelligence, ranging from chronometry to bodily development schedules to worldwide distribution of IQ to reading speed to marshmallow tests to twin studies to SAT scores to ancestral morphology and on and on and on and on. There's a new body of evidence every few years, and the conclusion is the same. Why is your burden of proof so ridiculously high for this one area of difference but not for differences in athleticism or bone structure or predisposition to diseases? Why be illogical?

>> No.8836384

/sci/:1 /co/:0

>> No.8836394

muh feels

>> No.8836406

>There's a new body of evidence every few years, and the conclusion is the same.
genetic evidence would be nice

>> No.8836412

>tfw your race is a full SD below the norm, meaning half of your race is below that number

Feels bad, man. I'm sick of being compared to literal retards just because I have a dusky pigmentation.

>> No.8836414

I can't be assed to look up whatever study that is and figure out what exactly is meant by "ALL literacy test quotients", but I'm pretty damn sure that number is wrong for the US (unless this is some aggregated score from some instrument and the researcher only tested college students or some shit like that). Total literacy rates in the US have hovered around 86% for ages. Unless you're positing that entire races of minorities can't read this result, then those numbers won't match up at all with observed rates. If it is some sort of instrument score, then it's not generalizable because the participant group is nonrepresentative.

This table alone is enough to to dismiss the rest of the work.

>> No.8836418

>Thinks that 99-02 drop doesn't show severe issues with sampling

>> No.8836428

Learn to read. The levels go down every year, but they lower the criteria for "elevated" in '76, '88, and '03.

>> No.8836429

If i were you I'd nog out.

>> No.8836430

>I'm sick of being compared to literal retards just because I have a dusky pigmentation.
Your skin color determines your intelligence.

>> No.8836434

This, retard. You probably have a white ancestor though considering you are able to use a computer.

>> No.8836435

I bet their IQs dont match blood lead levels to whites though. Get some real data comparing iq at the instances when each race had the same levels and there will be the same difference.

Plus if they stopped shooting each other so much this could well improve.

>> No.8836437

American negros are all 25% white on avg so they all have white ancestors, so that doesn't matter.

The OP chart proves the smartest american niggers are as dumb as the dumbest whites.

>> No.8836439

Racism has no place in science m8, go back to /pol/

>> No.8836444

Low IQ races need to die off.
Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette so >>8836412 is fucked.

>> No.8836446

>Low IQ races need to die off.
You do realize whites have a lower IQ than East Asians right.

>> No.8836449

>implying that's better
And no, I'm not going to be assed to hunt down the source of some graph posted here. If you can screenshot a graph or table, you can add relevant methodological data to it as well.

>> No.8836450

Oh god I wish

>> No.8836451

>thinks low=lower

>> No.8836453

Unfortunately for them whites are also the most attractive and creative race so not only do they not want us gone but we've even got an edge over those high-Q drones. The future's eurasian.

>> No.8836454

I know what you're trying to do, but it'd not working. You haven't spent enough time in the /pol/ headspace to be able to false flag that well.

>> No.8836455

Well, there's more than a billion East Asians.

More than enough really. If you really really care about IQ and racial differences.


>> No.8836456

>Unfortunately for them whites are also the most attractive and creative race
>muh creativity

>The future's eurasian.
Oh it's just a weeaboo /pol/tard

>> No.8836459

> most populous countries top the list of numeric items
Wow what a mystery.

>> No.8836461

>Well, there's more than a billion East Asians.
>More than enough really. If you really really care about IQ and racial differences.
Heh, you're stupid.

>> No.8836463

Exactly pol doesnt want to kill anyone like that, it simply wants protected white nations for white people. Yet leftists cannot understand that, apparantly having each race have their own nations except whites is fine and all white nations must be mixed to not be racist.

>> No.8836464

Look at the numbers again, followed by japan

There's also per million population numbers, Korea tops that.

Japan literally has more patents than all of Europe combined.


>> No.8836467

>Exactly pol doesnt want to kill anyone like that, it simply wants protected white nations for white people.
That will take some killing.

By the way, you do realize for your dream to happen you'd need to vacate australia, new zealand and america so they can be repopulated by their original people. It's just unrealistic and not how the world works, nor should it.

>> No.8836470

No, it quite literally doesnt. The list greatly changes when modified per million population and china gets sent away. The rest can surely be reasoned by the patents being cheap asian knock offs of western consumer products. Next.

>> No.8836473

Its not about original people, no-one is an "original person" to a land. Even then the very first humans in the americas were europeans.

So no, we wont evacuate anywhere - we'll just remove those who dont belong in the nations we built from nothing.

>> No.8836474

>No, it quite literally doesnt.
European pattent office:152,662

Other european countries aren't even on the top 10.
>the very first humans in the americas were europeans
>we'll just remove those who dont belong in the nations we built from nothing.
*advocates genocide*
Okay, but why did you say you weren't in favor of killing people.

>> No.8836477

Per million or else its redundant as said. Cant pick and choose metrics to suit you.

>> No.8836480

>*advocates genocide*
>Okay, but why did you say you weren't in favor of killing people.
Not him, but you're terrible at language.

>> No.8836481

> unironicallly using patents to measure creativity
Is this what autism is?

Agree but muslims actually need to go

>> No.8836484

Deportation or segmentation isnt genocide carl.

>> No.8836514

>Per million
Per million koreans win. Followed by Japanese.
IQ correlates with all kinds of intelligence including being creative.
It's not autism.

>> No.8836518

>IQ correlates with all kinds of intelligence including being creative.
>It's not autism.
Typical leftist, yet again entirely ignoring the actual point.

>> No.8836519

It is autism but he wasn't even arguing his own point well at that. Per capita japan and korea were ahead but that doesn't filter out the sheer amount of knock off patents they file. Otherwise the list was all europe.

>> No.8836528

Yes, obviously the rest of the list being european and the fact that korea and japanese patents mainly involve: "western thing with name changed to amibo" and ten year old girl on it defeat that placement a bit.

>> No.8836529

>Deportation or segmentation isnt genocide carl.
People will disagree with being deported from their homes and houses, leaving their lives, jobs and in some cases family members.

You are in favor of genocide, and a real one - unlike the white one.

>> No.8836532

So no, japan isnt more than europe combined as you tried to pass, you can admit it, you got called out.

>> No.8836535

Read >>8836474

Divide the numbers by the population of europe and the population of japan.

>> No.8836538

What they disagree about the meanings of words? Because it still isnt genocide. Also they dont have to leave any family behind, its well accepted that those that have mixed go too. Then again you're such a cuckold im sure you think kicking squatters out is genocide.

>> No.8836541

You still haven't parsed what the point there was? Here's a hint: anon wasn't denying creativity was a part of intelligence.
>People will disagree with being deported from their homes and houses, leaving their lives, jobs and in some cases family members.
>You are in favor of genocide, and a real one - unlike the white one.
You're really grasping to try to force that point.

>> No.8836543

> changing population numbers alongside total patents filed
Can't be divided together to give any information, try again to work the numbers mate!

>> No.8836546

Lad, you better adopt this tactic>>8836528

>they cheat but I can't really source that

>> No.8836559

You're the one who stupidly put patents forward as a measure of creativity when they're known for throwing out rip offs.

>> No.8836561

You think force won't be necessary to "deport" tens of millions of people from their homes and places of living?

It will be very, very bloody. As is often the case with such 'deportations'.

Aside from bloody, it will also be stupid.


>> No.8836569

Not necessarily and definitely not on the same scale as actual genocide.

Look, here's something you lefties need to realize, by attempting to expand the definition of the various atrocities humans commit against each other (rape and sexual assault being other notable examples) to include far lesser crimes against other people, you weaken how much people care about any event described as such, even the real deal. You're also insulting the fuck out of those who go through the real deal by attempting to compare some lesser event to the god awful hell they went through.

>> No.8836573

It will be a lovely genocide :^)

>> No.8836574

Meanwhile immigrants are a huge drain to the British health service. Alongside health tourism costing billions.

Your chief surgeon wrote about language issues with doctors costing lives and that brexit would save the service. Furthermore you have thousands with appropriate grades being turned away from med school each year.

The NHS could easily survive on British workers alone and the costs would reduce.

As for the difficulty of it, you'd be surprised how easy these things have gone historically. Especially in your country with no gun access. Even if there was bloodshed it still wouldnt make it a genocide as you seem to need things to be to keep your attention.

>> No.8836576

By your logic, eminent domain is as bad as genocide. Goddamn this board is stupid sometimes.

>> No.8836579

Well he talked about that and european regulations stopping UK surgeons being held to higher standards/ longer hours but yes your point is correct.

>> No.8836585

I come here for the first time to get away from /pol/ for a little

And this is the first thread I see?

>> No.8836587

As the world gets worse everyone becomes a bit more /pol/

>> No.8836589

>get away from /pol/
Lmao, /pol/'s more of a malignant cancer than /b/ ever was

>> No.8836593

Are you implying that's a good thing or the right thing? Last time rampant populist nationalism got so popular WWII started

>> No.8836598

> implying any not-left views have to be from /pol/. Ive looked at their board at most a few times over the decade ive been here and i agree with most of this thread. The public domain isnt defacto left wing.

>> No.8836599

When was the last time /sci/ got a meme elected president?

Didn't think so

>> No.8836604

Are you proud that your board attracts more new fag cancer?

>> No.8836605

Yeah I know but no joke we just had a mega thread about how black people with comparable academic achievements are 4.5 times more likely to get into medical school than whites. 8 times at the highest level

And I also saw the exact same chart Op posted in that thread

>> No.8836606

>Are you implying that's a good thing or the right thing?
Why do people like you always have to insert a value judgement into observations?
>Last time rampant populist nationalism got so popular WWII started.
Welp, all the nationalism and racism you're seeing pop up is the very foreseeable result of the left constantly attacking whites and the West, sometimes correctly, but quite often in a hyperbolic, histrionic manner.

>> No.8836608

Wars are necessary to defend yourself sometimes my teenage friend and populist identities never left, we just abandoned ours before we should have. Others took advantage so the option is slow assimilation and death or a fight.

>> No.8836610

No nupol is cancer but they came after the election. Mostly from r/TheDonald.

Anyway so science guys amiright

>> No.8836616

That's just your shitty opinion.

>> No.8836617

Which then leads to sentiments like:
"we need minorities because they are all our doctors and teachers and leaders!"

>> No.8836619

/pol/ was cancer before td but less aggressively spreading and relatively in check

>> No.8836623

Its my shitty opinion that war can be necessary? Its a very naive and idle opinion that it isnt.

>> No.8836626

Oooh got em

That's the intellectual rigor I've heard comes out of /sci/

>> No.8836632

Shit, you weren't here for those periods when pol was still deleted, were you?

>> No.8836633

Oh yeah, Germany really was defending itself invading Poland citing "Lebensraum", lmao

>> No.8836636
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>> No.8836641

From the german perspective yes. You've got to understand that Poland hasn't existed for over a 100 years until Versailles. To the Germans it was a completely reasonable expectation that they should be allowed to govern the ethnic Germans living in western Poland and prussia

>> No.8836642

It can be. We haven't come close to it being necessary in a long time. IN MY OPINION. Are you guys unable to understand what an opinion is? I'm not going to use science to disprove your opinion because that would be retarded. Why do you want to engage in retarded things? May as well be flinging shit at each other.

>> No.8836649

I never made any comment on germany or WW2, i just said to defend yourself it can often come to war - so to pointlessly say "remember world war 2" means nothing. The relevance of WW2 if anything is that it set europe on a path of peace and openness that the rest of the world was not ready for, and at a huge cost to itself

>> No.8836654

Germany (which was actually Prussia if you look at the rulers) only existed from around the time of the US Civil War...

>> No.8836664

The german empire yes. But the national identity was very old. There was the north german confederation before and the german confederation before that.

I'm not saying they were right or wrong I'm saying that there motivation was driven by a fear that there national identity was under attack and they needed to preserve german areas of europe

>> No.8836668

there's no AA in the UK

>> No.8836674

BS mate. Have you even seen some of the stuff the NUS and their president have said? It might not be official but it's everywhere

>> No.8836684

It's literally illegal in the UK.
Your conspiracy theories are completely retarded.

Besides the figure is 1/3 of NHS doctors are BORN ABROAD. This doesn't include people you want to deport who are born in the UK.

>> No.8836697

Yes there is quite literally bias in university acceptance to do with race. I even had a friend who went to the UK to study at edinburgh and at an open day they told him they dont like private school students and select against them. Joke was on them because he was privately educated they just didnt think it

>> No.8836698

If my IQ turns out to be below 160, shouldn't I just kill myself? I'm already too old to have a science career, except as a dissection model.

You know, people give the Japanese a lot of shit over their student suicide problem, but maybe it's just the best way for it to be. The world doesn't need another udon chef, and it hasn't for eighty years.

>> No.8836713
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> homework as a predictor of intelligence
> inteligence
If you are going to insult blacks for having low intelligence, at the very fucking least, learn how to spell intelligence.

>> No.8836726

Wow good argument man! Ho ho!

>> No.8837795

Not everything that isn't far-left is /pol/, dumbfuck.

>> No.8837892

There's no such thing as race and intelligence is a social construct. Delete this fucking thread.

>> No.8837939
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I would have told you to make your false flag less obvious but you found plenty of morons tripping over themselves to give you (you)s

>> No.8837990

>implying he didn't samefag his post or it wasn't just polfags fully aware it's bait responding seriously to it as if that's /sci/'s actual argument

dumb frogposter

>> No.8838036

>Why is your burden of proof so ridiculously high for this one area
My standard response to any bivariate relationship presented as causal, with no further supporting evidence, is to laugh at it. And yours should be too.

>> No.8838053

>What is consilience?

Fucking high schoolers, I swear.

>> No.8838059


>> No.8838064

No one is falling for it anymore, my dusky desperado. We have the internet now. Your gaslighting nonsense is at an end.

>> No.8838068

>My standard response to any bivariate relationship presented as causal, with no further supporting evidence, is to laugh at it. And yours should be too.
Assuming for a moment that there is no racial difference in intelligence level, how do you explain how blacks almost uniformly fail to achieve the same levels of accomplishment, personal, community, and national levels of success, or any other measure of achievement of any other race (barring abos)?

At some point, if a horse comes in last in essentially every race it runs, the question must necessarily become what's wrong with the horse that can't manage to win when other horses are having little problem winning.

>> No.8838072

Leaving aside the "blacks are less intelligent debate", does this mean that /pol/tards will accept discrimination against whites if they prove to have a lower IQ or SAT score than the average person, and that blacks should get the same priviledged position as a high IQ if their's is on the same level?

>> No.8838634


>> No.8838668
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I wouldn't call it "efficient", in the end the average age of all pupils taking the test was 15 years old and you can learn in other places in which you do not necessarily have to "study", and by the way the graph is only taking into account science literacy scores, it would be a little different if we were to either include math literacy or reading literacy

>> No.8838672
File: 159 KB, 1024x576, pisa-excellence-and-equity-12-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Students from very similar socio-economic background score very different depending to where they go to school

>> No.8838764

1. This chart does not take into account the hours. (If they can even be relieably gathered.)
2. Did they even let every 15yo take the PISA-Test?

>> No.8838780

The Nazis at Nuremburg all tested above 100 IQ, everyone but one was above 110

>> No.8838786

Okay Chaim

>> No.8838841

this isn't an argument

>> No.8838842

those charts about the british show the opposite :^)

>> No.8839077

You're right. It's a rating.

>> No.8839086

Genetics and intelligence are related. Genetics and race are not related. Race is a superficial and subjective categorization. People that are genetically very similar are often considered different races, while people very genetically different are considered the same race.

This is what "race realists" are so keen to ignore. Race is a social construct, where people are arranged into group by "muh feelings" and has nothing to do with genetics.

>> No.8839093


It's like people who think chimps and humans are difference species even though they share the vast majority of their DNA. Nazis are fucking stupid.

>> No.8839115

This used to upset me but as a 23 year old virgin I like it now. I was deprived of one of the sex young black men often have but I now make up for it in other ways. My virgin identity exceeds my black one

>> No.8839119

8/10, pretty good ruse

>> No.8839123

if IQ is so important then just test everyone

why are you worrying about means? let their individual scores tell the story

>> No.8839778

>le (((meme)))
Epic XDD!!! So le (((funny))) and le (((original))) because it's (((le))) (((meme))) (((hahahahaha))) XDDDD(((!)))!!!!!

>> No.8839791
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>> No.8839847

>pol wants to ignore all the other numbers which also show that blacks at any income still do worse which would suggest that it is even less likely to be from the confounding factor of lower income only take the test when they are smart as the effect holds true across income domains including middle incomes where near everyone takes the test.

Look man I don't know why you can't understand such basic shit but you should most likely give up on doing anything research related.

>> No.8839860

Because black children are given the same fair and equal treatment that white children are if their parents are rich?

Unless you build a floating space station and have all the children raised equally by robots and test them I call your data worthless

>> No.8839912


>> No.8839924

As pointed out in this thread, SAT scores ar enot even psychometric.

You'd also have to point to the specific genes and prove differences in heredity between different races.

What you're attempting is called ex post facto. You see a situation, and you give an explanation of that situation without even testing your explanation or providing any evidence for why it explains the situation.

You obviously do not know anything about research.

>> No.8839943

>bodily development schedules
>ancestral morphology


>> No.8839944
File: 168 KB, 756x435, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "/pol/ evangelizes their shitty sociopolitical worldview on a math and science imageboard" episode again

>> No.8839946

Not him, but
>muh genetics
is just as ex post facto

>> No.8839956

No it's not because it has repeatable testable predictions.

>> No.8839960

And what you're doing is called moving the goal posts. You do not have to prove a physiological mechanism to make an observation of differences in human behavior. Have you ever even read basic behavioral science? Does this prove that blacks are genetically inferior? No but it does seem to suggest that income does not explain the differences seen in other studies comparing other psychometric results such as iq. And as such the most likely explination is that there is something inheritely different that makes the race score lower. Is that proven by this one observation? No. Is it the most likely explination? Yes.

>> No.8839961

>it has repeatable testable predictions.

>> No.8839964

Name one that would have the ubiquitous consistency expected of a fundamental similarity such as genetics

>> No.8839981

No goal posts were ever moved, you are just using circular logic. You're saying 'some races are dumb because some races are dumb!'

When asked to provide concrete evidence, you people just shout retarded things like "stop moving goalposts" or "science is a liberal conspiracy and it's all being covered up!"

>> No.8840020

I am not saying that whatsoever. By that logic I can't say anyone was born smarter than anyone else because we have no found genetic differences that determine intelligence. But just because we have no found it yet in the giant mess we call genetic testing does not mean it does not show evidence of being present. The fact is that genetic research is far from being able to find genetics markers for intelligence and no research has been done as the genes are not located yet.

What we propose in the most likely mechanism. You have proposed nothing except a shitty confounding factor that is unlikely to significantly effect the result because as the scores go in in-group as income goes up.

>> No.8840021

I love how every time /pol/ shows up, /sci/ BTFOs them back to their safe space

>> No.8840035

Not that anon but,

What basis do you have to say its the most likely?

>> No.8840205
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>> No.8840266

By the fact I have yet to hear a more logical explination for the observation. Most others involved an orchestra of factors that overall produce very weak effects in other studies and that should also effect other groups of people which it does not occur. Such as the influence of discrimination on other historically subjugated groups.

That being said even I realize there could easily be something else we simply do not recognize or perhaps even the circus act of factors does add up and produce the effect. I was mostly just insulted by said anon acting high and mighty when making such assanine statements.

>> No.8840287

If you dont have any math to back up your claims, it's really just as bad as the subjective thinking youre accusing others of.

You can't just claim to be "more logical" when it's not based on things. Those anons think in order for your claim to be logical it needs to take their claims into account, you're just dismissing them or deeming them not necessary based on what you feel.

>> No.8840292

>or perhaps even the circus act of factors does add up and produce the effect.
We need more people like you. At least recognize the problems minorities face, like holy shit. The science mostly does point to that circus act being the main culprit. The truth is probably somewhere in between but closer to social factors.

>> No.8840361

I'll admit that me calling the genetic explination more logical simply because it's simpler was pretty pompus on my part. But I don't think I necessarily need math to point out holes in his argument here >>8836020

Simply put, the selection bias should be found in both groups in relatively equal amount, unless for some reason poor but elite blacks would be more discourage to take the SAT than whites, perhaps due to some other factor. But the strength of the selection bias effect, while most certainly there, must be questioned considering that despite this we see no evidence of it in the in group numbers. Greater income is still correlated with greater performance. Put that together with the fact that across all domains the difference between groups is clear I do not see his argument being satisfactory.

But >>8840205 beautifully shows how my genetic idea could be horribly wrong and is well done.

I use to learn more so in the middle until I started browsing 4chan again. The picture I was referring to above also brought me back closer to the middle though.

>> No.8840439

kudos anon, never a logical /pol/ person before. have a good day

>> No.8840518
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>> No.8840739

So what was your part in building this great nation? Oh yeah superior by association. Create something that actually benefits society first until then you're just another trained monkey.

>> No.8840767

how do i into <em>html</em> injection?

>> No.8841286
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This kills the /pol/

>> No.8841291

her funeral will be very sad :^(

>> No.8841292

Pretty much this. Also let's not forget racial discrimination was still around until recently. We still have reminders (Donald Trump, Bill O'Reilly etc etc...) of what life was like in racist America.

>> No.8841293

Nothing stops them from leaving

>> No.8841294

Not really, pol is well aware there are decent black men and praise them. Like the recent old nog who got shot, seemed like an upstanding citizen.

However you cant run a nation on exceptions.

>> No.8841296

Elaborate, faggot. Who are "they"?

>> No.8841297

Im a doctor and i agree 100% with him.

>> No.8841299

Not him but blacks, south americans and arabs all must go. Not hard.

>> No.8841300

If blacks have problems, then blacks should solve them

Blacks are not part of our nation, a nation is a people.

>> No.8841302

Agree, as i said blacks are still by far and large antithetical to society - but no-one is saying there are no decent black people.

>> No.8841311

They can be "decent blacks" in a black country, rather than perpetually flooding into ours

>> No.8841337

Well yes. In practice i wouldnt have a problem with border screening being based on merits so that any race can come in if they are decent, kind and intelligent but i know that will upset the left just as much and is difficult so the practical option is blanket ban on problem races.

>> No.8841458

A special trained monkey then.

>> No.8841464

I did a philosophy degree first.

>> No.8841468

>muh socioeconomics

Jews were enslaved, ghettoized, exiled, tortured to death, racially taxed, forcibly converted, fed to animals, mass-raped, pillaged, branded, restricted from colleges and governments, and kept in sequestered villages for thousands upon thousands of years. As recently as 70 years ago, a third of their number were fucking BUTCHERED like cane toads in the most horrific ways possible. And yet...and yet....

All but three of the fifteen richest self-made people have Jewish ancestry. 25% of Nobel laureate in literature are Jews. A third of the staff at Ivies are Jews. Half of all law firm partners are Jews. All this, and Jews are only 2% of the US population.

And you expect me to believe genes dont have a role in explaining intelligence differences between groups?

You race deniers truly fucking insane. Or just stupid and impressionable as fuck.

>> No.8841469

We have had vetting for a long long time bro. That's why immigrant crime is lower than native crime. Your delusions are real.

>> No.8841471

They don't really want a society purely based on IQ. The Jews will still dominate them.

>> No.8841473
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Sounds a lot like Einstein :^)

>> No.8841478

Did you ever stop and think that not everyone posting is american? In my nation immigrant crime is wildly higher than native.

>> No.8841480

1) Jewish immigrants didn't have nothing, though some did. But they were a already successful people in Europe before the Holocaust and many paid to immigrate. Freed slaves all literally started from zero.

2) Culture goes a long way too. Education is the way to spiritual enlightenment in Judaism.

I don't 100% deny genetics but you're overlooking so much context.

>> No.8841483

Not really, one small ethnic jewish race tests highly but there are a lot of different jewish groups. Just as there is a range amongst all races. However no-one on /pol/ ever states IQ is the sole metric of a person's worth, things like low crime rate and aggression factor in, cultural contribution, even physical beauty - hence why some chinese labs took samples of european DNA to factor into their embryos despite higher IQ. IQ is a useful base metric but it is only a starting point.

>> No.8841484

You're wrong about that for Europe too though.

>> No.8841492

I'm not, i live in the UK just outside of rotherham, which im sure you've heard of, and its very true. Not just for 2nd/3rd generation etc but the immigrants themselves.

>> No.8841493

What about forcibly converted Spanish Jews who were stripped of their culture? Their progeny are extremely influential in Latin America despite being identifiable solely by last names and (in some cases) genetic tests. Why must the burden of proof be higher than Mt. Everest for this subject of all things? No one bats an eyelash at blacks performing well at sports, and no one seems to doubt that genes is responsible for that. But you could well imagine some alien species that prized athleticism over intelligence freaking out about differences in athletic ability and taking IQ gaps for granted. God I fucking despise liberals.

>> No.8841500

I always say that the left today are the same mental archetype as the old christians. The people who were once in the past the most ardent bible bashers are now antifa - they have a great lack of independence and self-direction and rely on group identity and external meaning, they categorize everyone according to ingroup and outgroup and demonize and hate the out, they are censorious and attempt to prevent the dissemination of information contrary to their world view and are extremely volatile and emotional when confronted with it.

So to see them taking the anti-intellectual, anti-science position that they do now is no surprise at all. I even fully suspect that when the time comes they will convert passionately to islam and it will satisfy them even more.

>> No.8841508

>cultural contribution
Needs a historical even playing ground
>physical beauty
Subjective... Seriously dude?

>Their progeny are extremely influential in Latin America despite being identifiable solely by last names and (in some cases) genetic tests.
No reason they wouldn't be aware of their ancestry though and simply following family tradition. But I'd still read the source of you provided.
>No one bats an eyelash at blacks performing well at sports, and no one seems to doubt that genes is responsible for that.
I do. I think culture is an enormous factor. That's why black people don't get into hockey and such. But sure, genetics too.
>libruls ughhhh
Calm your shit, just consider the historical context of things. Think a little bit about cultural situations.

>> No.8841520 [DELETED] 

Hmmm, I wonder what the actual science community says and not some fucking retarded /pol/ poster on 4chan says


>> No.8841521

>selected igbos from nigeria are clearly reflective of the average west african

>> No.8841527

I didn't place much emphasis on beauty, just stated that it is being taken into consideration in very real cases of eugenics and whites are uniformly considered the most attractive.

As for the historical even playing field, we've all been around for a long time, whites less than many. Many races have had empires and ultimately the greek/roman/european progression was by far the most successful and significant to the world.

Africans have of course been around the longest, and sitting on a nation with the easiest natural conditions and a wealth of resources.

As for the jews, i don't actually have any issue with them - i accept that a disproportionate amount are in positions dedicated to anti-white policy and 'degenerate' fields, but i also know lots of normal jewish people. I think there are some who have a sort of cultural and historical hatred of other races, especially europeans and seek to harm us but i dont think that's genetic, just a sort of sect. Jews themselves has contributed hugely to science and literature.

>> No.8841530

hmmm, I wonder what the actual science community says about this...


>> No.8841537

>hmmm I wonder
Worry no more!

Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence: Causes of International Differences in Cognitive Ability Tests
Looky here, they think genetics are a quite significant factor!

>> No.8841538

The worst part is that they force people like me, who don't even think about race much on a day-to-day basis, into hardcore redpilling mode because we just get so sick of the gaslighting. Then they start calling us race-obsessed Nazis because they've run out of ammo, and people on the sidelines end up believing it, which forces us to red pill harder, and so the cycle continues. All because the left can't stop gaslighting about genes and shit. I dont care what subject it is. If you try to leaflet-bomb crazy agitprop everywhere, reasonably informed people are going to get fed up and fight it.

>> No.8841545

This. For years we were told that to not be racist was to see everyone by their own merit as individuals, which i think most people were happy with. Yet then the left began to say "no you cant be race blind, we need to favour certain groups and make allowances" "other races are beautiful and exotic, whites are stale and bland". Left leaders created huge racial divides and tensions, even other areas like women being quite reasonable allowed to work changed to "men are sick and keeping you down". So the left has created a racist and sexist battlefield.

>> No.8841546

Igbos. Nice try though. Next you'll post Brahman stats and claim they represent all Indians.

>> No.8841554
File: 180 KB, 1389x688, Screenshot_20170420-073214~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As for the historical even playing field, we've all been around for a long time, whites less than many.
You misunderstand how history and societal evolution works. There were plenty of well-structured African empires. History is written by the victors though. And Europe pre-industrial revolution was quite a shithole. Literally a third-world Africa-tier place.

>> No.8841557

Abandon thread, this is all you need to see.

>> No.8841558

>This. For years we were told that to not be racist was to see everyone by their own merit as individuals
Which is nonsense that only enables you to get fucked in the ass by people who see themselves as a cohesive group.
Group strategy winds over individual strategy every single time.
Also, if you only look a trees, you're going to be dumbfounded every single time someone points you to trends in certain forests, since you don't see the same trends in individual trees.

>> No.8841559

If jews are master race why didnt they conquer the middle east thousands of years ago? Their own cousins the arabs did what they have been trying to do since Israel formed before guns were even a thing. Jews are nothing but a race of scheming cowards who can only succeed in nations full of moralfags like Europe, back in their home turf every human wants to kill them on sight thats why they need constant protection from whitey just to stay alive in the middle east.

>> No.8841562

It really wasn't a shithole, food isn't the sole metric and furthermore the pic states the life expectancy was 35, which is plain incorrect. The life expectancy in the UK has varied wildly and is often misrepresented by including infant mortality but it wasn't that low even during the industrial revolution.

Pre-industrial revolution encompasses hundreds of years of academic, philosophical, scientific, cultural/institutional and technological advances. All outstripping the peak of african civilization. Any "african" empire was north african, which are totally separate race, including the moors.

>> No.8841565

Exactly, you can't let your guard down in a world which isn't there yet. Saying we're for world peace and surrendering arms in a world of warring factions will end only one way. I guess we were all just a bit naive once.

>> No.8841566

Imagine being africa-tier in economic indexes while still being able to produce more philosophy and science than the rest of the world combined.
Europeans are truly amazing.

>> No.8841570

> historical europe was a short-lived nasty place meme

Literally no historian believes this anymore. In fact for most of ancient history lives were actually healthier than they are nowadays for those who didnt die young and people would usually die of teeth infections in old age.

>> No.8841572

This is how you someone has never been to the black parts of Africa.
Africa is by all the means the absolute worst countries on earth, even hellholes like Iraq are safer to live in than any african state because of how feral the human population is in there, you are basically surrounded by mentally retarded serial killers all the time.

In terms of shittiness
Third World is dumps like Mexico
Fourth World is big dumps like Iraq
Fifth World is the average african country controlled by blacks
Sixth World is the absolute worst countries on earth like Haiti or Somalia.

>> No.8841577

Like I said, history is written by the victors. We really don't know what Africa had to offer. We have found that iron forging was independently discovered by the Nok peoples in Nigeria. But we don't know much about the culture. That's pretty good for 1000 BCE.

>> No.8841580

The important part is that it was written at all - and when it was there has always been a huge movement to preserve writings and retain them even when their destruction is called for. We can chart historical progress through the great greek libraries, the arabs who carried and transferred it them and the indian works, then through the the european christian tradition of written text. Even east asian and chinese writings made it across to be handed down. We have an outstanding amount of information kept from every people and culture but just oddly almost nothing from africa.

So whilst historical events and motives are surely rewritten, that is in no conceivable way a defence for africa's lack of contribution.

>> No.8841582
File: 5 KB, 198x179, 17m2af8plt4egjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so it's suddenly not a metric for intelligence when it doesn't confirm your beliefs?

>> No.8841588

If your parents have a scientific background it will be a huge boost to how well you do in school.
Black people started attending american universities only two generations ago.
The IQ difference is heritable but not genetic.

>> No.8841592

Not him but you didn't understand the argument at all. First and foremost IQ was being used as the measure of intelligence, someone else brought in academic achievement and then he fairly dismissed that with the state of british education, which he was correct about. It's well documented and the government has just brought in initiatives to try fix it.

>> No.8841593

>The IQ difference is heritable but not genetic.
What the hell am I reading?

You cant be on /sci/ and deny that intelligence is all genetic and has zilch to do with upbringing. Many black geniuses came from the most dangerous hellholes in North America proving your nurture stops intelligence claim to be nothing but feel good bullshit to make you think you are not a slave to your DNA.

>> No.8841594

> IQ difference is heritable but not genetic
Adoption studies literally blow your argument out of the water

>> No.8841596


"genes were rated as the most important factor, but the two educational factors combined (quality and quantity), and all environmental factors together (e.g., education, culture, wealth, health), were rated more strongly than genes..."

"While the rated impact of genes was remarkable, it was still well below the rated impact of environmental factors (around 50%). In addition, disagreement among experts (based on SDs in ratings) was much higher for genes than for environmental factors."

Genes do indeed have an influence. No one is denying that. Furthermore, the paper itself said the survey had a really low response rate which is its biggest limitation. Genetic effects could actually be included as "environmental" aspects as well as the fact that culture affects genetics too. (Again, the paper even states this.)

Otherwise, an interesting paper. Another thing also of note is that very few of the respondents were biologists (only about 5%.) The rest were psychologists.

>> No.8841598

>The IQ difference is heritable but not genetic.
First of all, if a trait is heritable, it literally means "some of the variants in that trait in that population is caused by genetic variation" so what you just said doesn't mean shit.
Second, while the gap in adopted babies tend to be smaller overall (as in, in all of the adoption studies), you can still find one.

>> No.8841602

I guess it meant it taught by the family environment, he was still wrong.

>> No.8841604

> nu/sci/ has an issue accepting biological racial differences
Not this board too, it should be the one place free of politics.

>> No.8841605

>Genes do indeed have an influence. No one is denying that
Suuuuuuuuure. Try this one dude, go at any university, hold a conference and literally say "part of the reason why there are IQ differences between different human population is because of genetic differences". Call me back if you survive the lynching.
That's why response rates tend to be low when these surveys are done. People are afraid of voicing this kind of opinion because most people outside and inside academia (excluding those who actually know the subject) dogmatically follow some kind of neurological total egalitarianism.
>The rest were psychologists.
...yeah, because they're the relevant experts when it comes to cognitive psychology.

>> No.8841617

Well, I mean it is, but part of the family environment is also due to genetics, as in smarter people tend to provide better environments.

>> No.8841618

>Suuuuuuuuure. Try this one dude, go at any university, hold a conference and literally say "part of the reason why there are IQ differences between different human population is because of genetic differences". Call me back if you survive the lynching.
All you have to say is that a vast number of traits can be inherited from your parents, even intelligence to a degree. You don't have to imply racial superiority.

>> No.8841620

This is nonsense, many geniuses in history came from poor shitholes.

>> No.8841622

Please, try to explain how what you just said refutes in any way what's written in the post of mine you replied to.
I hope you'll realize it doesn't.
Of course geniuses can come from shitty backgrounds.

>> No.8841626

>>The IQ difference is heritable but not genetic.
>What the hell am I reading?
Being a policeman is heritable, retard.

>> No.8841631 [DELETED] 

Yeah, if I took that argument to the "logical conclusion" white supremacists do, I'd be actually talking about how Jews and East Asians are superior to everyone else in that conference.

>> No.8841632

Dude, maybe you don't realize this but most non-expert barely know that IQ tests are actually pretty good tools for measuring cognitive capacity. Even fewer people actually know that consistently replicated research has shown that IQ is heritable. Even fewer people know that it's quite likely that different human populations (not races, population) have different genetic potential for it.
In other words, even the most basic fact is extremely controversial among people who don't know shit about the subject, and you're acting as if people can just come out and say this stuff without risking losing social capital and/or their career.

>> No.8841635

Again, heritable literally means "part of the variance is mediated by genes".
Also, I sincerely doubt that adopted-at-birth individuals who were unknowingly the children of cops tend to be cops at higher rates than adopted-at-birth individuals who weren't the children of cops. Unlike being a cop, tendency of being of similar IQ, weight, height, and so on do show on this type of studies.

>> No.8841645

Your denial of genetic determinism disgusts me, how can you deny that DNA controls you when the very reason you can even think is due to DNA?

>> No.8841650

>and you're acting as if people can just come out and say this stuff
only 50% of the variance is explainable by genetics
the genes that have been identified do not point in any racial direction
the 'people' you refer to literally think iq never changes, africans have an iq of 68, have 0 understanding of history, don't even know what a gene is when you ask them
twin studies have shown heritability between 0.4 and 0.8, they do not control for environment fully, because people who look alike live similar lives, not to mention twins live in the same countries, not to mention uterus effects, not to mention heritability depends on environment and studies referred to in >>8840205

you guys are spreading lies such as 'dumbest whites are as smart as smartest blacks'

basically there's good reasons why geneticists haven't endorsed the race war

>> No.8841658

Left wing people don't even like that. They would have 100% inheritance tax because we're all a tabula rasa when born and all need equal opportunities except women and black people because they need scholarships ok.

>> No.8841664

> only 50% of the variance is explainable by genetics
>the genes that have been identified do not point in any racial direction

Both entirely false statements as in you have oddly just pulled shit out of your ass in a thread full of studies proving you wrong

>> No.8841668

>> only 50% of the variance is explainable by genetics
>>the genes that have been identified do not point in any racial direction
>Both entirely false statements as in you have oddly just pulled shit out of your ass in a thread full of studies proving you wrong

there's about 100 SNP's found out already

click around find the effect, group frequencies, it's all in the site

>> No.8841670

I'm the guy you're responding to and being liberal/left =/= communism. There's a difference between completely equal opportunity and setting a baseline of opportunity. I think it's fine to help out a historically oppressed population. Nobody should be ruled out completely based on the past.

>> No.8841675

>only 50% of the variance is explainable by genetics
First of all, the data is population, age, and to a degree class dependent, but yes, we can say on .5 is the correct average estimate in first world countries. Among adults it's more like .7 but let's proceed anyway. I don't see how that is "only" 50%, especially given how little shared environment seems to explain.
>the 'people' you refer to literally think iq never changes
What? No, i'm referring to people who don't think IQ is a real metric, or who think it is but it's entirely environmental. That's a loooot of people.
Twin studies aren't the only way. Adoption studies (within the same race, mind you) are another. GCTAs are yet another. Stop, even if indirectly, repeating the lie that behavioral genetics is just about twin studies.
>you guys are spreading lies such as 'dumbest whites are as smart as smartest blacks'
What? I've never said anything even remotely like that. I haven't even used the word "race" if not to state that I'm talking about populations, not race.

>> No.8841679

>First of all, the data is population, age, and to a degree class dependent,
people can control for this sort of thing in gwas
rest of your post is meaningless after that

>> No.8841680

Helping out any group especially is anti-liberal so no there isn't a difference. Furthermore it's very hard to actually point at any universally 'historically' oppressed population.

>> No.8841681

I'm glad /pol/ is finally admitting that Jews and Asians are the master races after all.

>> No.8841683

cont from >>8841675
Dude, you posted yourself polygenic scores suggesting higher scores among europeans than africans, what the hell are you talking about when you say "the genes that have been identified do not point in any racial direction"

>> No.8841688

Your sight is literally selective

1.5 iq point difference as far as educational attainment

as far as cognition SNP's are concerned, there is barely any difference and it's in africans' favor

Don't be a retard, there's no sign of selection in any of the groups

>> No.8841689

>people can control for this sort of thing in gwas
...I know? Dude, can you read? You're making objections that have nothing to do. Also, gwas are used to found variants you're interested in, they don't give heritability estimates, those are GCTAs (or similar stuff).
The rest of the post is very relevant, unlike your remarks.

>> No.8841690

/pol/ has a wide variety of thought, so you clearly dont go there to think it's finally admitting anything. Not everyone there hates jews, there's a few israelis on it. The most overriding common ground is total hate for corruption, islam and the removal of whites. Things most people can actually get behind if they don't believe the negative hype.

>> No.8841691

>gwas are used to found variants you're interested in, they don't give heritability estimates
stop posting

>> No.8841693

Not who you're arguing with but you've been BTFO so far, i'd bow out.

>> No.8841694

You've never been to pol, you've never read anything, you probably use the term "white supremacist" despite it being wrong 99% of the time it's used.
Nobody, literally nobody, in the HBD community has ever denied east asians and ashkenazim being of higher IQs than europeans. Never, it's just a strawman you've made up in your mind.

>> No.8841701

No, you stop posting, you cretin. GWASs are used to find, as of now at least, SNPs related to the trait you're interested in. You can make polygenic scores with the results, that's not the same as heritability estimates, you moron, those are GCTAs.

>> No.8841702

>Africans: 0.75
>Mexicans: 0.73
>East Asians: 0.72
>Europeans: 0.69
>South Asians: 0.72
>Max score is 1.2683

Yeah, you better blow out.

>> No.8841713



polshits go back to /pol/

>> No.8841716

>You keep clinging onto one unrelated and insignificant study despite a thread full of contrary evidence, as i said im not the guy you're arguing with but you haven't convinced me or anyone else i imagine

>> No.8841722

>1.5 iq point difference as far as educational attainment
Do you know how normal distributions work?
Do you know what a 98 average vs a 100 average with an SD of 15 entails?
If you do, please tell me the percentage of people above 130 in the first population vs the second.

>> No.8841723


Why so defensive? Considering the amount of edgy jokes about Jews on there (and yes, I have read it extensively), I'd have thought you'd take an inane joke about the board in good humor.

>> No.8841724

It's literally genetic evidence, polshit.

>> No.8841726

>>Africans: 0.75
>>Mexicans: 0.73
>>East Asians: 0.72
>>Europeans: 0.69
>>South Asians: 0.72
>>Max score is 1.2683
>Yeah, you better blow out.
Just admit you are a /pol/fag who only knows half the story, at best.

>> No.8841733

My post wasn't defence at all in tone i dont think - most of the jew jokes are just that, though there are plenty which are not; the point being that people can make them, talk about it openly. Hence admitting something isnt odd for /pol/, its actually quite a free discussion place that changes a lot. It's freedom is exactly why its demonized so much in mainstream media.

>> No.8841734

Read the title of a paper I've posted and quoted countless times? Sure, why not.
I suggest you read the content, and tell me back if it's the GWAS that gets you the heritability estimate or an analysis of the data obtained through gwases.

>> No.8841737

> he's posted it again after it convinced all of no-one the first 50 times
wew lad

>> No.8841741

No it isn't and you seem to have minimal understanding of genetics. Hence why you keep spamming the unrelated link that doesn't even support your position. Jesus wept.

>> No.8841743

>maybe if I repost it one more time I won't have to reply to objections
Anon, please, give me those probabilities.

>> No.8841746

>SNP's identified to be related to intelligence in GENOME WIDE association studies is not genetics
/pol/ everyone

>> No.8841748

Just read the link - it has literally no bearing on the figures you've put forward - nor would having more genetic locations affecting cognition entail greater intelligence. Lobsters have double our genrtic material.

Please finish school.

>> No.8841749

Click on the SNP, there's the effect right
Click on the little pie chart thing

>> No.8841752

Your link has nothing to do with your arbritrary figures and as this guy said:

Please pull your head out of your ass, and at this point cut your losses, you've turned everyone in this thread against you.

>> No.8841754

Not the distribution among the population, you moron, can you even follow a discussion? These probabilities>>8841722
>Still not replying to the GWAS blunder

>> No.8841759

>Lobsters have double our genrtic material.
races are different species now
>Click on the SNP, there's the effect right
>Click on the little pie chart thing
take the effect, look at the frequencies for the different races once you've found them

it's all there, under the entry for the SNP, just click the icons, /pol/fags

>> No.8841760

> Furthermore it's very hard to actually point at any universally 'historically' oppressed population.
Not really....

>> No.8841762

Those aren't probabilities, RETARDED /pol/ scout since the max score is bigger than one. OBVIOUSLY it's not probabilities

It's the SUM of the effects*frequency for each race

>> No.8841771

Species is a classification tool more than objective, the idea that they are defined by producing fertile offspring has so many exceptions that it isn't seriously entertained.

Nor was that relevant to the argument - presence of genetic loci and number are not important to ability, its the variants present that are and the combination. Hence why humans with relatively little genetic information are one of the most successful and complex creatures on earth. Pretty dumb to think: "more genes better".

>> No.8841772

For fuck's sake, can you read? Seriously, can you even fucking read?
Where did I say those are the probabilities, you gigantic idiot? Where? Point me to.
You said those effects are too small to make a difference and I told you, if you believe so, tell the the effects of a 2 point difference in IQ between two populations with the same standard deviation.
SPOILER ALERT: it's not small when you start going rightwards (or leftwards)

>> No.8841773

/pol/ thinks probabilities go above 1

case closed

>> No.8841775

Good and useful comeback

>> No.8841777

No, you just simply can't read. >>8841772
Which says a lot about this site since people are apparently capable of operating it without having been alphabetized.

>> No.8841779

If jews are master race, why do they fail without their puppets?

>> No.8841788

A tsetse fly can put down a lion, but that doesn't mean it's king of the jungle.

>> No.8841795

Well the issue with superiority is that it isn't a snapshot taken and then decided for all time. Now i dont agree with /pol/ but the argument of "if jews are so inferior how come they're the elite" doesn't really carry. If the supposed oppressed white people were to rise up and remove them then it would prove jewish inferiority at that moment - same as if white people were to become idle and let themselves be watered down through breeding and conequest to arabs and africans then they couldn't claim to be superior. The hierarchy requires innate characteristics + action.

>> No.8841797

>every group has been enslaved
>somehow only Blacks are excused from responsibility because of this

Is this because subconsciously we all know the races are different?

Also if race doesn't exist, why do people care that Europeans wiped out the Indians? Wouldn't it be no different than one Indian tribe wiping out another if we're all interchangeable anyway?

>> No.8841803

Let's not forget that whites were the first to end slavery and then went out of their way to try force other nations to do the same with some islamic nations only outlawing it in this past century.

>> No.8841832

There is no collective white master race, there is a British and French master race because these two groups of whites actually almost conquered the world, heck the descendents of Bongs run the most powerful countries on earth.

The White supremacy meme cannot be applied to Central, South, North, or East Europe at all which is what these marxist nuts dont realize at all. The Hungarians never gave a damn if they were the same race as Germans they still would fuck them up.

>> No.8842799

I meant in terms of something else but that doesn't matter now. I like the way you handle yourself and humbly extend my apology.