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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8835697 No.8835697 [Reply] [Original]

Okay anon, I'm at my uni taking electromagnetism, and I fucking hate it. I love math and science, but the concepts in E&M are so abstract and I don't give a shit about them. Any engineers actually apply some concepts in their careers?

>> No.8835709
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>> No.8835719

You essentially just said you don't give a shit about science.

>> No.8835725

>I love math and science
>I don't give a shit about E&M
then you probably don't belong in STEM

>> No.8835731

Ha. Actually, I probably don't belong in physics.

>> No.8835735

Nono - Fuck electromagnetism.

You can do significant work in a stem related research field without being able to explain basic principles about how electricity works.

It just.. you know, helps..

>> No.8835736

Yeah. Popsci might be a little up to your speed. You could then learn E&M without "muh difficult math n shiet"

>> No.8835742

He left out the part where he failed linear algebra 4 times and can't grasp vectors.

>> No.8835750

>he failed linear algebra 4 times and can't grasp vectors
That's probably the reason. I learned that shit in high school and I'm not even naturally talented at math -- you're a brainlet OP

>> No.8835756
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Yeah, as a senior in high school, I had already achieved two master's degrees and was working on a doctoral thesis regarding string theory.

>> No.8835759

I passed linear algebra a with flying colors, anon. Vectors are not the problem. I believe my autism is the real root to the problem

>> No.8835761

Linear algebra isn't even that hard, faggot

>> No.8835764

Yeah, faggot. It's just vectors n matrices n shit. Nothing important or difficult to understand there.

>> No.8835773

Yuh. Same boat as you. We just had our third test and the class average was 51%. I have no idea what's going on. And I'm not sure
my professor does either cause everytime I ask questions he starts talking aboht quantum mechanics but then says it's beyond my current level and that I should just accept it. This shocked me because he doesn't even try to explain the concept in the first place. And doesn't actually post the study material until the day before the exam. I'm not sure how he got to be in charge of the physics department since he can't even teach. A lot of the students have been steadily increasing resistance and we've even got the dean involved. I've no idea how he's managed to get so far in this field. The other physics teachers are polar opposites. One of the younger professors has an especially magnetic personality. And he can actually teach so I asked him if he could give me his notes, but he said he didn't want to induct himself into the situation like that. A lot of students dropped and we've got a ton of free space in our classroom now.

Planckly my patience is at capacity.

>> No.8836116

Let's me guess? You watched Neil Degrasse Tyson talk about how super rad math is so you watched numberphile and fancyed yourself a mathmatician? I've been exploring concepts that would blow your mind for years kid. I've been to hell and back with the Reinmann Hypothesis, I've scoured the depth's of complex analysis, and stared back at the abyss of point set topology. I understand reality at a level you couldnt dream.

I earned my PhD in a single year, my supervisors could barely believe it, and my viva had no corrections. I had multiple corporations oozing to pay me for my research, but I respect the soul of academia too much to throw it to the galls of capitalism. My tested IQ is hyperbolic, one of the few of its kind. It's those like me that allow your world to stay comfortable. We are the ones that will unlock the secret's of the universe, while you stay locked in a plutonium cave.

I hope it's warm in there at least.

>> No.8836646

if you were so famous in scientific research, I definitely know you, but you're just a brainlet

>> No.8836656


I work with Carlo Rubbia

>> No.8836736

> larping

>> No.8836805

Tasty pasta

>> No.8836820

You're just a thirsy, pathetic kid looking for attention. If you're so great, create the next renewable energy that doesn't suck ass, or do something productive. Faggot ass cunt.