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File: 20 KB, 591x111, black scientist guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8835120 No.8835120 [Reply] [Original]

Why do scientists try to become political? Especially the black one.

>> No.8835126

Because he's not really a scientist.
He memed a few papers and worked in managerial positions.

>> No.8835134

What annoys me about him is that he tries to come across as an expert about everything and not the field he was trained in.

Like that tweet is the same kind of shower thoughts bullshit that get raped here (and for good reason). There's no reason to think that any sufficiently large population will not have different languages and culture (which will, necessarily, lead to conflict). Even "monocultures" of basic, highly collectivist animals like bees see intracinian wars.

>> No.8835142

>Neil "there are more transcendental numbers than irrational numbers" Tyson

>> No.8835150

Does he actually have a degree?

>> No.8835151
File: 167 KB, 395x396, B8nJOOH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying intelligent extraterrestrial life wouldn't also develop multiple languages and cultures
>implying a species capable of FTL space travel wouldn't be autistic enough to also use these differences as excuses to kill, conquer, and exploit each other

>> No.8835152

NDT is a celebrity, not a scientist. He tries to present himself as the modern Carl Sagan, but he's little more than a fraud.

>> No.8835355

Politics is the name we give to more-or-less organized ways that large groups of people come to conclusions, and interest groups represent themselves to the society at large. Scientists are part of society, and so are part of the process by which society makes decisions. They are an interest group, representing the needs of their discipline and of their community.

Of course they are political. It would be almost impossible that they would not be.

>> No.8835358
File: 872 KB, 500x216, implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8835361

He gets a pass on that one to me. He is right, they MAY be surprised -- Hell, they may be surprised that ore than one way of communication is even possible. They MAY be most anything we know literally zero about them, including whether they even exist.

He weasel-worded it enough to keep it defensible, I think.

>> No.8835362

>the black one

>> No.8835371

I get he couched it, but that's not to his credit. That he believes this possibility to be important enough to mention belies the incredulity of the "may". Although if I'm being honest, he doesn't think that, he's just using a hypothetical to make a passive aggressive point (like his retarded tweet about passports).

>> No.8835379
File: 122 KB, 474x310, IMG_4874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, most actual scientists readily don't give enough of a fuck about giving other people a flawed understanding of their field.

>hurr durr
>Big Bang started real tiny
>quantum teleportation
>string theory
>black holes
>hurr durr

>> No.8835397

>guys a hypothetical species we have never seen before is obviously going to be more civilized than us.

Fucking stupid ass nigger trying to fucking act smart by bringing up shit about aliens fucking pretending shit we do is objectively savage. It's equally as fucking likely that we kill each other much more infrequently compared to them.

>> No.8835400


I have no reason to believe that any intelligent species would have any morality that resembled ours at all.

>> No.8835418

Easier to get funded by the huge variety of public organizations surrounding the scientific establishment than to be an actual scientist

>> No.8835421


>> No.8835619

Why do liberals imagine everyone in the world shares their views when its in fact held by small minorities within the extremely liberal west?

>> No.8835638

He's a poop throwing human as well

why does he feel qualified to judge how a space-faring alien civilization would react to us? Do we feel particularly disturbed by monkeys killing each other over food or a wrong look?

>> No.8835666

pincer movement n shiiet

>> No.8835682

Black holes are real though.

>> No.8835707

we wuz holes n shieeet

>> No.8835730

>FTL space travel
You don't need to travel faster than light to receive signals from Earthly communication nor do you need it to send probes and colony ships to other stars.

It's also, you know, not possible to do.

>> No.8835744

>muh ebil cultures
>muh ebil boarders
>muh ebil languages
Does he really think abolishing any of these will solve conflicts? He essentially wants globalism to prevail but he doesn't understand the problem with it. How could such a man be so bluepilled?

>> No.8835754

>muh ebil boarders

>> No.8835771

I feel like the main reason all of you guys hate this guy isn't because of his incompetence, but of your own.

>> No.8835777

Not all of us are insecure to that extent, anon. He's just very incompetent on all issues outside the realm of science to the point where it gets cringy and annoying. And even as a scientist he isn't very competent

>> No.8835779

Most of the population hardly knows anything about history or human nature this includes a lot of """smart people""". He literally believes a globalist Star Trek like future is good even though it will pretty much kill all diversity and national identity, this will create a world of numales.

>> No.8835785

Yall hate him cause he's black ya fucking racists!

>> No.8835793

I really can't tell if you're being unironic or not

t. someone with autism

>> No.8835802
File: 104 KB, 333x500, Sheldon Cooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. someone with autism


>> No.8835804

I wouldn't even say its that. I feel like a lot of people that want that Star Trek kind of future are failing to realize that Western civilization progressing would stagnate under total globalism. The countries that product and innovate (And the members of the population that even do that) are a global minority. Instead of having your 100,000,000 technological producers catering the needs of 1 billion people and getting paid a decent amount for it, you now have the same people innovating perhaps, but for 7 billion people. And as floored wages as you slowly raise the standard of living in the third world. And that's not even speaking politically. For some reason, the people in the Western world that are pro-globalism tend to function under the assumption that ravaged nations with broken political systems will just become globalist if their population either moves to the west or becomes part of a global community. That's not really true; they'll bring their ideologies and political systems with them, which might actually be harmful for scientific innovation.

A Star Trek future is one that can only come about after a long enough period of nationalism that allows some states to reach post-scarcity and expand outward, implementing the new system by force. If you shifted the entire population of India to the US for example, you wouldn't suddenly have a billion geniuses getting involved in bleeding edge research; you'd bankrupt our social systems more likely than not.

>> No.8835806

>exclamation mark on 4chan
There's your hint

>> No.8835807


>> No.8835820

I recognize that comic.

God have mercy on me

>> No.8835830
File: 94 KB, 293x444, KWbzxBy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician-tier taste you got there, Anon.

>> No.8835838


this is true though

>> No.8835841

isnt the number of transcendentals equal to the number of irrationals since they're both infinite uncountable sets?

>> No.8835854


irrationals are less than the real number which are irrationals + rationals and transcendental number are all the reals + the complex. so trans > irrationals

>> No.8835862

it's not, both have the cardinality of the real numbers

>> No.8835870


wrong, transcendental are real + complex, check wiki

>> No.8835873

you're wrong brainlet, go learn what a cardinality is

the complex numbers, the real numbers, the irrational numbers, and the transcendental numbers (even when you include the complex ones) all have bijections between each other

>> No.8835874


just google it then, the proof is on math-overflow . i checked before i posted to make sure i didn't look like a retard. too bad you didn't

i dont see how you can think it has bijections when there are a whole extra set of numbers in there.

>> No.8835882

how much of a brainlet are you? i like how you don't post the mathoverflow link because this proof doesn't exist


>Sets with cardinality of the continuum
>the irrational numbers
>the transcendental numbers

please go read a book before posting nonsense

you know there's a bijection between even numbers and all integers right? even though there's the 'whole extra set' of odd numbers included in the integers

>> No.8835884

This is probably one of the most well thought out and articulate arguments against globalism

>> No.8835886

*That I've ever read

>> No.8836694


>> No.8837937

name of the comic?

>> No.8837957

Why can't scientist be political?

>> No.8837966

what gave you that idea? there's plenty of scientists and mathematicians active in political work

>> No.8837971

Tyson isn't a scientist

>> No.8837972

You didn't like it when Shockley tried to redpill the world?


>> No.8837973

Leads to bad science.

Same reason you can't get too attached to your hypotheses. If you can't reject the null, you can't reject the null.

But I mean, if you want to live in the world where the default answer to anything controversial isn't guided by evidence but the party line, go for it.

>> No.8837976

Oh, and also, scientists have a tendency toward dunning-kruegering themselves when they get political speaking about fields they have no real education, training, or experience in, but thinking they're still an expert because SCIENCE.

>> No.8837980

>If you lined up all the molecules on Earth from end to end, everyone would die.

In all seriousness, I kind of like him. He seemed open-minded about racial differences in intelligence on Sam Harris's podcast. He just thinks we shouldn't be focusing on that issue until we've leveled the playing field for all races as much as possible.

>> No.8838058

Fuck off

>> No.8838114

what a retarded assumption