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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8831246 No.8831246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are any of you guys going to the March for Science rally?

>> No.8831270
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>tfw conservative, Christian engineer/grad student

>> No.8831276
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Fuck no and fuck identity communism.

>> No.8831287

Fuck no.

Daily reminder that this movement's leader is not an actual scientist but some person (I think it was a woman but don't care enough to remember) who instead of having a science degree, has a sort-of "Science Studies" degree. I think it was like a Masters in Racism in Science. So basically a political degree focused on the politics of science.

So remember. "March for Science" actually stands for "March for imposing my political ideology in Science" and any researcher involved in this is out for a biased and politically driven con-artist and deserves to be shunned by the rest of the community.

>> No.8831294

Someone distributed flyers for this around my lab. It doesn't seem like many people are going though, because everyone is so busy.

My dad suggested I go and try to get women to show their tits and burn their bras like in hippie protests but I told him it's probably not that kind of protest.

>> No.8831303

>My dad suggested I go and try to get women to show their tits and burn their bras like in hippie protests but I told him it's probably not that kind of protest.
i think he may be more closer to what kind of protest it is than you desu. the womens march promoted by the same people were promoting sharia law and running around in vagina suits

>> No.8831306

that's a good way to get ganged up on and assaulted by the "feminists"

>> No.8831331

They make those?

>> No.8831332

A lot of people in my lab and other labs are going. I want funding senpai. that's all my sign is gonna say, that's all I want.

>> No.8831339

Your dad just wants you to stop being a faggot

>> No.8831351

and why you think that you deserve the money?

>> No.8831354

>March for science
It's already April you doofus.

>> No.8831360

These people do realize that attaching science to their social justice crusade is damaging? It dilutes the issue of scientific funding and it also alienates many people that would probably be supportive of science funding.

Are they false flaggers? I think it's the only explanation

>> No.8831361

Conservative values are inherently anti-human and anti-science. If you aren't supporting the people trying to stop them, you are no different than those who burned witches and kept slaves.

>> No.8831366


>> No.8831373

Look, it's either fund sciences or invest in another $900,000,001in weapons research to increase the yield of out bombs by .04%.

>> No.8831375

fuck off, this isn't related to science

>probably not that kind of protest
it is. look it up

>> No.8831382

cause im studying cancer, and if we want to cure it you need a shit ton of people working on all it's different forms.

>> No.8831383

also this

>> No.8831388

>implying that a lot of sciences aren't behind making bombs go boom

>> No.8831395

lot of funding this year is going towards anti-aging related things. rich people don't wanna die.

you might learn real life shit if you were actually in grad school and not living in your conspiracy fantasy

>> No.8831397


>> No.8831406

Why is anti-aging research bad?

>> No.8831414

it's not bad. i mentioned it since some tard on here thinks most science done is for weapons.

maybe it was bait

>> No.8831421

>maybe it was bait
Or, maybe, you're such a triggered faggot, you can't actually read what's written?

Yeah, I think that's the case.

>> No.8831428

yeah probably

>> No.8831432

I don't see pedophobia being addressed so I won't be going.

>> No.8831441

I'm tired of taking his advice on women. He comes from a Latin American machista perspective that has led to nothing but trouble for me.

>> No.8831454

that time has passed familia. now it's all about making sure they have a good time. bull shit

>> No.8831463

Shit like this makes you agree with pol

>> No.8831467

I'm going. The pic in the OP is pretty good bait though, almost made me reconsider.

>> No.8831481

Hehe great joke 16 year old reddit friend ;)

>> No.8831482

Because I'm studying batteries and if you don't want that phone you are posting from to blow up in your face you'll fund my research.

>> No.8831483
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>Seeing stupid opinions from fringe liberals makes you agree with stupid opinions from fringe conservatives

If you now hate groups of people because you saw a handful of dumb tweets, you're just as dumb as them.

And I see idiot /pol/ minded people everywhere now because of this. You realize these images that show you how stupid SJWs and liberals are. it's just conservative propaganda. it's new wave propaganda trying to make you think a certain way.

>> No.8831484

God bless America.
Also, >>>/pol/.

>> No.8831495

>racism is a scientific issue
I'll go just to see /sci/borgs awkwardly try to make a point about IQ

>> No.8831506

I'm going just to see how pissed off /pol/ will get

>> No.8831516

This happened days before Trump was elected president. Fuck off. Mods pls delet

>> No.8831525

If you don't hold ignorance on "your side" with just as much derision and anger as ignorance on the other side, then you're a hypocrite of the worst order.

>> No.8831536

That doesn't make sense.

Being a Racist neo nazi /pol/tard and a SJW liberal, they are both insanely stupid.
But If you actually care for you fellow man and want to see the world become more free and prosperous for all people, then the racist conservative ideology is league more damaging.

>> No.8831543

It is not about Science.

It is about a leftist backlash against the right wing US government under the cover of science.

They want to push identity politics not scientific awareness.

>> No.8831557

>the racist conservative ideology is league more damaging
It has worked for hundreds of years and creates a sustainable system.
The US itself existed under such a system for a very long time.

This also isnt the point. Even if the right wing is worse then left wing, this still isnt any defense against their completely retarded ideology.

>> No.8831578

The most damaging thing on the planet right now is identity politics. Hands down, no viable counter argument.

It's more antiscience than young earth creationism, it seeks to control thought and communication, and encourages a step backwards into tribalism. Hell, at least crazy Muslims let men science.

>> No.8831588

This is what /pol/ would like you to believe.

Read the mission statement of the organization. And the purpose of the demonstration.

>> No.8831609

I have.
And this really has nothing to do with /pol/.

>Read the mission statement of the organization.

>We will:

>Fight discrimination, exploitation, and inequity in the scientific community.

>Work to make sure that scientific research and scientific careers are made more accessible to people from historically underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds.

This is identity politics. This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to with protesting for evidence based policy making.

>Diversity and Inclusion Principles:

>Inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility are central to the mission and principles of the March for Science.

>Systems of privilege influence who becomes a part of the science community
> some scientific endeavors have been used to harm and oppress marginalized communities
>Political actions -- such as gag orders for government science agencies, funding freezes, immigration bans
>Science itself can drive our conversations about the importance of diversity
>We pledge to amplify the work of underrepresented scientists

Some quotes from THEIR WEBSITE.

Tell me again how this has NOTHING TO DO WITH IDENTITY POLITICS:

>> No.8831613

You're not fooling anyone /pol/

>> No.8831617

Maybe /pol/ would do you some good.

>> No.8831623


>But If you actually care for you fellow man and want to see the world become more free and prosperous for all people, then the racist conservative ideology is league more damaging.

You are an idiot ideologue. Entire 20th century was considerably more racist and conservative than the present and yet the world was advancing fast on all fronts.

Far left ideas such as identity politics, open borders and generous welfare for every nigger are at best orthogonal to progress, at worst a threat for progress.

More funding for science, sure. The rest is regressive politicised garbage and has nothing to do with science or technology.

>> No.8831627 [DELETED] 
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So i guess you thought silencing decanters was just?

>> No.8831635
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You thought silencing dissenters was just?

>> No.8831637

You're not contradicting their point. They said if you cared about your fellow man and the betterment of all people, which would include the niggers. Racist, conservative ideology would be detrimental to blacks and browns, and would not lead to a world that is more free and prosperous for them. It would seek to only benefit whites, and even then there will be divisions within whites based on language, class, nationality, culture, etc.

>> No.8831638

I'm gay and it hasn't in any way affected my experience in grad school

>> No.8831642

You're afraid of children?

>> No.8831644

So how are Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and South Africa doing after they ousted the whites?

>> No.8831664

>hes one of those people who thinks it is the responsibility of the whites to improve the lives of other people


>> No.8831673

get a fucking job

>> No.8831693

>tfw studying jet fuels
>funding up the ass thanks to based God Emperor Trump
feels good.

>> No.8831697

>you are no different than those who burned witches and kept slaves.
Please don't remind me of the good old times.

>> No.8831699

Are you arguing that it was better to be black in America 100 years ago?

If you want to see the betterment of humans, then you'd support ways to uplift all peoples. Which would mean things like universal health care and education for whites, blacks, hispanics, all kinds of people.

It seems you have a dim and dichotomous view of people where they only have negative motivations, i.e. feeling guilt or feeling hatred. Many just want to see a happier and healthier world of humans, which would mean helping all kinds of people, not just the ones of a similar hue to your own.

>> No.8831700
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>le based centrist xD xD xD
>le to smart too have opinons :^^^^^^^^^^^)

>> No.8831707

>implying race isnt a social construct

race doesnt exist, but youre still a racist goy.

>> No.8831709

>Are you arguing that it was better to be black in America 100 years ago?
what were their murder and incarceration rates back then compared to now?

>> No.8831711

The chancellor of the university I'm attending sent a mail to everyone informing us about the march for science in our country. That mail and our national website make little mention of identity politics. They are highlighting more that they want to protest against discrediting of scientific knowledge, "alternative facts" and the like.

>> No.8831715

>Which would mean things like universal health care and education for whites, blacks, hispanics, all kinds of people.
They are arguing for PREFERENTIAL treatment for non-whites, you fucking faggot. I'm a white immigrant from a non-english speaking country. I had to learn a new language, and adapt to a new culture as a tween. My family has been stuck in the working class since we came here. I have had more disadvantages, and been worse off financially than many of the "minorities" that are given preferential treatment due to the color of their skin.

I sincerely hope that everyone who supports this shit, and milks it knowing how ass backwards it is, gets the end they deserve. You are a plague on this nation, and western civilization.

>> No.8831716

Space exploration, neurophysiology and the mutilated genitals of mentally ill people. My favorite scientific topics desu.

>> No.8831717

>little mention
That is completely false. Read it yourself, they even have a complete section about "Diversity".

see >>8831609 for some quotes.

>> No.8831724
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>Read it yourself
No, you read it yourself. Pic related.

>> No.8831726

So you are.

Hahaha you are so emotional.

I'm not arguing preferential treatment. If you refer back to where I first responded it was about the claim that racist, conservative ideology would lead to the betterment of all peoples. Which is obviously incorrect.

And now you're foaming at the mouth rattling off a series of non sequiturs. You are a silly person.

>> No.8831728

Here's the problem with that
Your opinion isn't the one that will be represented in news outlets
The "heads" of the protests will be sjws who are gonna pervert the message and use you to say "look at all the ppl that showed up for diversity" your just helping them and not really yourself.

>> No.8831729

I'm going but I'm going to voice my unhappiness with Trump's decisions that harm the field of climate science, as well as to advocate for better-funding of scientific organizations. I'm a part of a couple minority groups but I'm against identity politics 100%. Despite that, I really don't care if people associate me with those people -- I know what I believe and I'll only voice my support for what I believe in. So, yeah, I'm going.

>> No.8831739

those nice things need money. which comes from investment over consumption. which best comes from mono ethnic quasi secular societies.

>> No.8831746

>We commit to promoting diversity and inclusion in science to build robust and resilient communities for the benefit of all people.
>We pledge to amplify the work of underrepresented scientists and to address concerns and critiques as we work together to make scientific spaces more equitable.
>Work to make sure that scientific research and scientific careers are made more accessible to people from historically underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds.
So you don't support the march I take it?

>> No.8831750

what were their murder and incarceration rates back then compared to now?

>> No.8831752

Universal health care systems cost less as a percentage of GDP and yield as good if not better outcomes. This would free up enormous sums of capital for more productive investment and consumption.

Universal education would also be quite literally investment in human capital. And I'm not talking about free gender studies degrees, but access to STEM and the trades.

>> No.8831759

Those goals should be pursued through universal education, such as tuition-free or heavily subsidized colleges. That way if a talented black or brown person is born in a shit situation, there will be lesser financial barriers to getting into science.

I don't support quotas, affirmative action, or different testing standards.

>> No.8831765

Well then tell them to make that their stance and their message would resonance better. Instead of the current "if you're black or brown you deserve free shit" stance.

>> No.8831766

Is their international website.
I care very little for your rectors interpretation, I got a similar email from my university for the science march here in Hamburg.

Shouldn't it be evidence enough that the original march is completely infested by identity politics?

And even the website for the hamburger march for science makes it pretty clear against which kinds of politics they march and that they support far left politics.

>> No.8831777

What about the interpretation of the german coordinators then? They don't make a big point on identity politics. Or any politics for that matter. It is not part of the issue here. Science is. And that is what they are protesting for.

>> No.8831789
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>even the website for the hamburger march for science makes it pretty clear against which kinds of politics they march and that they support far left politics
I just had a look at it. Can you tell exactly where that is? The FAQ part is just a short version of the one I already took a screenshot of. (Though it seems not to be available in english.)

>> No.8831797

As I said, I dont care what his personal interpretation of the march on science is.

You obviously can have an a-political protest for evidence based policy making, but if you do that it probably shouldn't happen under the umbrella of another march which cares more about the percentage of non-white lesbians in mathematics, then science or policies based on science.

I am not condemning the individual protest itself (although I feel that it is completely unnecessary here in Germany), but the umbrella under which it happens.

>> No.8831806

If you are more triggered by identity politics than by our anti-science government, you are a dumb faggot and should go back to your containment board

>> No.8831813

i'm more triggered by your poor shilling attempt.

>> No.8831815

>>Diversität und Gleichberechtigung in der Wissenschaft
from their "Ziel" page

Is the one which bothered me in particular. I have to say that the marches in Germany are far more a-politcal then the ones in the US but the inclusion of such a statement, in a country like Germany (which is as anti-racist and anti-discrimination as it gets ) still bothered me.

"far left" was also probably the wrong word.

>> No.8831817

>>you can not be annoyed by one thing because ANOTHER thing which is worse exist.

>> No.8831818

"You don’t see advocates of reason and science clogging a street in the belief that using their bodies to stop traffic, will solve any problem."

>> No.8831820

>is a retard

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.8831824

thats all going to go to shit when those kinds of liberals get into office. democrats are rarely honorable or responsible.

>> No.8831825
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>Is the one which bothered me in particular.
If this paragraph bothered you, then you are just looking for excuses to hate on it.

>> No.8831841
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>another march which cares more about the percentage of non-white lesbians in mathematics, then science or policies based on science
When looking at the front page of their website, they make no mention of it. It is clearly not [math]the[/math] main incentive. Just one of them. Nowhere do they say they value diversity more than science.

>> No.8831842

Its existence bothered me.
It really didn't need to be said, especially if the march is foremost about evidence based policy making.

>> No.8831853

Same here senpai but undergrad. Does it ever lead to bad/awkward interactions with professors or anything? Or do you keep it private

>> No.8831860

Firstly, the quote was mostly hyperbole.

Secondly, their website is infested with a clear political ideology.
This leads to the conclusion that this isn't an a- political march, but also about pushing a certain political ideology.
The march having a clear political, that goes FAR beyond "we want evidence based policies" completely discredits it for me.

If this was ONLY about pushing for more scientific awareness in politics and the general population I would be completely for it, but it is clear that it is much more and definitely not a-political.

What is "most" important to them isnt really relevant if one big part completely goes against what the march should be.

>> No.8831863

"f a m" got filtered to "senpai" and now I look like a faggot

>> No.8831870

fa[math][/math]m doesn't change for me bro

>> No.8831873

The wordfilter only prevents white people from using nigger language. To combat language degradation brought about by the less intelligent boards.

>> No.8831876

>you can have an apolitical protest for making POLITICAL POLICY
Holy fuck, you're retarded.
Our government, as shitty as it is, still is less antiscience than identity politics.

>> No.8831879

Pretty sure the Nazi's didn't start off talking about gassing the jews.

>> No.8831880

We're not talking about the US though. The german government isn't anti-science.

>> No.8831881

>march for science
>none of it is science related

>> No.8831883

>Are you arguing that it was better to be black in America 100 years ago?
For many, yes actually. Do you not know the state of abject shit most black communities are by their own hands?

>> No.8831886

>Holy fuck, you're retarded.
There is a difference, between wanting to change reasons for policies and wanting to change policies themselves.

The march for science should not make any demands about politics themselves, but it should try to change the way people and politicians use science to come to any conclusions.
The demand for "policies based on science" makes no demand for specific policies. So it is a-political.

>> No.8831894


>> No.8831895


>> No.8831898

>scientific and technological progress is good

what the fuck is wrong with you all?

>> No.8831900

There's no argument needed. You're making an unsupported, illogical jump that begs the question of the utility of science-based decisionmaking in policy while simultaneously ignoring the utility of non-science-based decisionmaking.

>> No.8831904

I was talking about the fact that you can petition the government without demanding certain policies.

>> No.8831906

Sure. Just give me the co-ordinates...

*Prepares orbital strike cannon*

>> No.8831910


If you're ESL, you might want to realize that "political" doesn't mean of or related to policy.

>> No.8831911

I wish. If all issues were scientific, they'd stop countering facts with opinions.

>> No.8831912

>"political" doesn't mean of or related to policy

>> No.8831918


It doesn't matter, because /pol/ is more correct than /sci/ is about the third world/brown people.

>> No.8831919
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So, you're just an idiot...

>> No.8831927

>correct about anything


>> No.8831928

The only thing /pol/ has ever been correct about is that, were they deleted again, we'd see more idiots like yourself here. I still think it would be worth it.

Oh, and if you wanted a REAL containment board, just make /antifa/. /pol/tards would spend the rest of their lives there.

>> No.8831936

Leftist values are inherently anti-science, at least in the soft sciences.

>> No.8831942

In conclusion, all non-scientific values are anti-science.

Really tantalized my noggin

>> No.8831967

Yes I do. Government funding is important for basic research and sadly cannot be substituted by private sector due to enormous time returns. Funding is an issue and the march is too important to be ignored just because some SJWs want to include their agenda. Also the march is around the time Congress has to approve budget for 2017. I will rather side with retarded SJWs and get my funding rather than side with retarded pollacks that want this money for a stupid wall and wasteful military complex.

>> No.8831974


I was just on their site and I also checked their various Facebook pages. I haven't seen any (besides "scientific information should be free to all") indication of identity politics.

I won't march if that's the bullshit they're going to try to spin this as. I just want the people in charge to make informed decisions by listening to people who spend their whole lives obsessing about a single topic. I don't give half a fuck about cultural Marxism.

>> No.8831994

You'd better not be dissing the wall. It will elevate humanity to new heights.

>> No.8832008

Science should not allow itself to be pre-empted by any political or social movement. Science is a tool that is universally applicable, allowing it to undergo a hostile takeover by a political faction would be detrimental.

>> No.8832033

this, pretty much

I just had a look at my countries mission statement:
No SJW bullshit at all, so even better.

>> No.8832039
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If im uplifting the guy below me, and someone is uplifting me, surely there must be a guy at the top that no one is uplifting?

Surely this proves that our first priority is to uplift ourselves. And not be a burden.

>> No.8832045

>Entire movements refute scientific evidence by denying climate change, blaming vaccines for the development of autism, writing away evolution as just a theory, claiming homosexuality to be a willful choice, and finding the white race to be genetically superior. Rejection of overwhelming evidence by policy makers and opinion leaders is a critical and urgent matter. This is becoming a global problem.
>not SJW

>> No.8832055

>. We must work to make science available to everyone, and encourage individuals of all backgrounds to engage in science, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion or lack thereof, political affiliation, or socioeconomic status. A diverse group of scientists generates progressively diverse research, which broadens, strengthens, and enriches scientific investigation, and therefore, our understanding of the world.
Hey guise! Retards can science too!

Oh, and ignore in the opening when we said
>Science values the notion that through rational inquiry and the rejection of superstition and prejudice, humanity can make real progress.
If you're religious you're cool!

>> No.8832068

>>not SJW
That's correct.

>Hey guise! Retards can science too!
not what it implies at all

stay classy, /pol/

>> No.8832071

I love how upset the /pol/tards get over this

>> No.8832072

Literally directly addresses identity politics. That's as SJW as it gets.

>not what it implies at all
You're aware retardation is a disability, right? I mean, you are correct in that it doesn't imply it, but it does explicitly say it.

>> No.8832073

radical centrists need to be gassed. meek brainlets

>> No.8832079

I'm sorry that your disjointed strawman got rejected and now the likelihood of your brainlet platitudes getting turned down is high my dude. Read a book open your eyes.

>> No.8832083

hey ideologue, this is the science board.

>> No.8832087

>can't counter
>resorts to insults and claims of superiority

Yes, it's definitely a strawman. I mean it's not like various nationalistic and racial supremacist organizations were ignored to solely focus on the evils of the whites (because only whites can be racist, of course). I mean that would be rejecting fact for opinion!

>> No.8832089

>Literally directly addresses identity politics.
It doesn't. It is carefully phrased. Too nuanced for you to understand. This is different from saying
>we need quota of minorities
They're saying
>doesn't matter what your background is, you're welcome to do science

>You're aware retardation is a disability, right?
Yeah, so is being born without legs. That shouldn't stop you from doing science.

>> No.8832094

>white supremacy
>becoming a global issue
What planet exactly is it that these people live on?

>> No.8832099

Radical centrists like you are ideologues too you manlet lol.. Never learned critical thinking huh. Guess that's why your a trash engineer instead of a hard scientist like me :^)

>> No.8832103

Different person tardo. Sorry that my call out so needled you. Stay mad.

>> No.8832106

I'm not the one that's missing nuance here friendo. The subtext is pretty damn clear.

>being born without legs
Yeah, if only there were a wheelchair bound, highly respected scientist that was super well known...

>> No.8832111

>The subtext is pretty damn clear.
Fucking kek, stay paranoid /pol/tard. There is no subtext.

>Yeah, if only there were a wheelchair bound, highly respected scientist that was super well known...
He was already a scientist before he even became wheelchair bound, idiot.

>> No.8832115

>Different person tardo.
How does that change anything in my response?
>Sorry that my call out so needled you. Stay mad.
Yup, definitely foaming at the mouth here.

>> No.8832117

Keep your politics in your pocket. baka
Your views are between you and your ballot.

>> No.8832118

>Yup, definitely foaming at the mouth here.
Clearly. Something must be bugging you to keep browsing /sci/, because you obviously don't know anything about science.

>> No.8832123

>There is no subtext.
Are you autistic or just stupid? I mean it's pretty hilarious that you first say that there's nuance, then state that there's not subtext which means that you are horrible at English, so maybe you're just severely underdeveloped there. Or you actually think that those are different things...

>He was already a scientist
So he doesn't count because his body didn't shit out on him in a young enough age?

>> No.8832125
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>mfw engineering is a conservative good ol' boys club and i don't have to deal with this nonsense

>> No.8832131

maybe in undergrad, but grad school is still full of that shit as is the industry.

>> No.8832134

You enjoy asserting things without providing any evidence.

>> No.8832137

>That way if a talented black or brown person is born in a shit situation, there will be lesser financial barriers to getting into science.
And for each of those 1000 retarded ones will flood into the education system.

>> No.8832138

>Are you autistic or just stupid?
Neither. Text like this is meant to be take literally. It's not some elaborate poetry full of metaphors, dumbass. You're reading too much into it. The nuance is in extracting exactly what the text implies, and it does not imply identity politics. That's your interpretation, and it isn't justified given the literal wording of the text.

>So he doesn't count because his body didn't shit out on him in a young enough age?
Pretty much. People with disabilities hardly ever even start a science degree, while there's no principle objection for them doing so. Hawking completed his degree in full health, then shit went downhill for him.

>> No.8832141

Zuma aside, isn't South Africa doing fairly okay? Yeah it has social unrest but so do many, many countries these days.

>> No.8832142

True. Though in this case, the validity of my statements is evidenced by your posts in this thread.

>> No.8832145

if your research isn't relevant to the military complex then it's shit research. deal with it, fagtron.

>> No.8832152

tell that to the doctor when you go in for your cancer treatment

>> No.8832153

Ah, idiot it is.

>pretty much
There's a significant difference in the population of the working disabled in going into STEM versus other fields of work? Or are you hanging your hat here because you can't think of any other arguments to support your asinine side?

>> No.8832155

>as is the industry
In my experience, 90% of them don't actually care, they just want to get good PR. The ones who push for it the most are the ones who actually feel that way the least.

>> No.8832156

it's not doing any better than under apartheid and neither is rhode-i mean zimbabwe. the best time for africa overall was under colonialism. they saw the greatest infrastructure development the continent has ever seen. it's only decried because it was delivered by whites and wasn't free, it cost them natural resources that they weren't exploiting anyway.

of course now the chinese are doing the same thing but it's okay because they aren't white.

>> No.8832157

>Ah, idiot it is.
Said the guy who can't read text.

>There's a significant difference in the population of the working disabled in going into STEM versus other fields of work?
Whether there is or isn't is irrelevant. The point is that people with disabilities are welcome in science. Kind of a stupid point to be arguing against buddy.

>> No.8832161

are you really so stupid as to claim that the military complex isn't interested in medical research?

i'd rather take my chances with cancer than be turned into a zombie with chemo, and on the off chance i don't die during the treatment it will likely rebound in a few years.

>> No.8832164

>who can't read text
I've noticed how you're not touching how whites were singled out.

>The point is that people with disabilities are welcome in science. Kind of a stupid point to be arguing against buddy.
Are they? You've already stated that retards aren't welcome. In any event, you're the one who has asserted that they aren't with the whole "People with disabilities rarely start a degree"...you're making a lot of noise over something that you're stating is a non-issue.

>> No.8832167

>are you really so stupid as to claim that the military complex isn't interested in medical research?
The don't seem to be funding cancer research. If the did, I'd have a whole lot more funds to apply for.

>> No.8832173

yeah, but in the industry you have to deal with the stronk womyn in HR that try to push that shit. i'd rather take a lower paying position in a company where the hiring manager is the senior engineer i will report to than some piece of shit in HR.

>> No.8832174

>I've noticed how you're not touching how whites were singled out.
In the Netherlands, there is an active resurgence of neo-nazism. That's why whites were singled out. Key here is that supremacists are singled out, not whites altogether.

>You've already stated that retards aren't welcome.
I never stated that.

If someone is able to do science, they're very welcome. If not, they're welcome to benefit from it, but obviously science isn't for everyone.

>you're making a lot of noise over something that you're stating is a non-issue.
You're the one who brought it up buddy.

>> No.8832175

maybe you should not do worthless research then :^)

>> No.8832176
File: 17 KB, 398x398, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAhyAAAAJGMyNjMyNGUxLWRiOTQtNDY2ZS04ZGJiLTU0MTI3M2Y0MDRkOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said it because i'm in industry. at least where i'm at its mostly straight family men with a few skirts doing HR/clerical shit. if there was a whiskey cart and cigarettes you'd swear you were in an episode of Mad Men.

what >>8832155 said is true. the "diversity" and other SJW buzzwords are all lip service to deflect further scrutiny.

>> No.8832177

I reiterate: tell that to the doctor when you go in for your cancer treatment.

>> No.8832182

HR just pulls resume's off Indeed or whatever. they have very little to do with the overall hiring process. you know who my boss fills our AA slots with? veterans.

>> No.8832183


>> No.8832187

>In the Netherlands, there is an active resurgence of neo-nazism. That's why whites were singled out. Key here is that supremacists are singled out, not whites altogether.
Yes, it's purely a local problem. That's why the text that I can't apparently read calls it a growing GLOBAL problem.

>I never stated that.
In fairness, you didn't really, except with the whole
>If someone is able to do science, they're welcome.
Sorry buddy, that's ableism.

>You're the one who brought it up.
Not really, no.

>> No.8832196


They are but only tangentially.

The realty is that most of the money that gets spent on the military does not go into R&D, but rather lines up the pockets of (((those))) at the top and the rest is literally wasted.

>> No.8832204

>Yes, it's purely a local problem. That's why the text that I can't apparently read calls it a growing GLOBAL problem.
But it is a growing global problem.

>Sorry buddy, that's ableism.
You suddenly have a problem with that now?

>Not really, no.
Then it was another anon. But it certainly wasn't me.

>> No.8832206

>the rest is literally wasted.
former POG clerk. can confirm. i personally wasted over 5 million dollars during my time in the Navy, and i was just a low level enlisted guy.

>> No.8832218

if you go to this there is a 100% chance you are a nu-male

>> No.8832219

same. I go to a Christian college though and it's pretty fucking awesome that way.
>tfw no qt christian girl looking for husband with good job

>> No.8832241

>But it is a growing global problem.
Is it, really? And more importantly is it occurring in a vacuum?
>You suddenly have a problem with this
Nope, not one bit. I'm all about meritocracy.

>> No.8832248


And when the boss position gets filled by a lesbian, all new hires are lesbians

>> No.8832253

>Is it, really?
It is somewhat of a problem, at least in the netherlands and to some extent in the US as well. We literally have daily threads about the 'genetic inferiority of blacks'. Literally daily. But this is 4chan, so let's not overgeneralize. Perhaps global is overstated. I'll give you that one.

>Nope, not one bit.
Then why are you complaining.

>> No.8832256

>And when the boss position gets filled by a lesbian

never seen or heard of that happening in engineering. the boss is almost invariably a crusty baby boomer white dude. thats why i said its a good ol' boys club, and the nature of the work keeps it from changing.

>> No.8832286

see, that will never happen because the guys at the very top know how hard it is to find good engineers. the minute they pull a stunt like that, me and everyone else i work with will quit to go to any of the multitude of companies that are riding our dicks on linkedin. the field is still dominated by straight white dudes and a handful of like minded asians/pajeets. until the SJW degenerates not only start getting engineering degrees but also getting fuckin' good at it, its going to maintain its conservative atmosphere. women almost never make it past their first year in industry before getting knocked up or moving on to something easier.

>> No.8832289

i rather die outright than poison myself with chemo before dying, thanks.

>> No.8832294

>chemo is the only cancer treatment

Cross posters need to go back desu

>> No.8832301

oh yes, how could i forget carving chunks of my body out :^)

>> No.8832308

What does any of that shit have to do with science. What does marching for science even mean. This is just a political march.

>> No.8832312

libtards have a different definition of science than actual scientists.

>> No.8832318
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> women
> science
Pick one.

>> No.8832323

> A bunch of social justice warriors disfiguring science in order to justify their shitty ideologies

Nice job retards. Now real scientists will not be taken seriously thanks to you.

>> No.8832347

You look like a bigger faggot for using f[math] [/math]am

>> No.8832360

>It doesn't seem like many people are going though, because everyone is so busy.
No shit. People with actual jobs are too busy for this crap. I'd bet the ones marching aren't even into STEM to some degree. It's just going to be protesters marching and burning some shit.

>> No.8832368

I actually talked to military medical school recruiters and ask them specifically about research opportunities in the army and air force. they said there are very limited medical research opportunities atm. also it does not seem that suggested increase in military complex spending will boost ongoing medical research anyway. i mean i get pissed by identity politics a lot, but trump really makes it hard for scientists to side with him. even conservashit establishment supports NIH increase, maybe even more so than libtards. If you go for Heritage Foundation proposed plan for the budget, they actually arguing for basic science funding increase.

>> No.8832378
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I've never had a problem, but then most of my professors/coworkers have been religious, if not Christian

>tfw you go to your professor's office and he's got Christian music playing on his stereo

>> No.8832389


>> No.8832581

What a fucking joke. Read up on articles about it on Nature or Science. The theme is "science isn't political, but there are times to get political in order for science to remain non-political".

>> No.8832595

>science funding is going to shit
> instead of fighting for more funding start whining about who gets the scraps based on their skin color
>never mind the fact that most American scientists are first generation Americans so there is fantastic diversity already

>> No.8832606

>mixing science with politics and social justice no less
just fuck off already

>> No.8832617


>> No.8832620

back to /pol/

>> No.8832628

>"muh /pol/"
not an argument. Political movements shouldn't be mixed with science. End of story

>> No.8832632

>oh jeez I was going to go to this pro science protest but they decided to get all political and also protest against lynching.

>> No.8832634

Spoken like a true /pol/lack.

>> No.8832635

>science funding is going to shit

federal science funding is going to shit. the vast majority of science funding comes from industry grants.

>oh no! research needs to yield something of use and substance now! how terrible!

>> No.8832641

>get more funding
>it's in first order allocated to non-whites
>have to fight for scraps anyway
Great plan, faggot.

>> No.8832645

nice strawman
>"anybody who says something I don't like about politics is a meanie from /pol/"

>> No.8832649

It's applying exactly the same logic. Just admit it's because it's politics you personally don't like.

>> No.8832658

Sorry, bud, but your god emperor makes up most of the reason why these marches are necessary.

>> No.8832664

>Just admit it's because it's politics you personally don't like.
I'm not him, but that's enough for me. I liked the idea when it was "lets go show that science is important", instead of whatever the hell it is now.

>> No.8832666

it's politics I don't like, but I'd find such a movement with the sort of politics I agree with instead just as distasteful. Science is objective; politics is not. Therefore politics has no place with science. Additionally. scientific movements should appeal to everyone so as to encourage science in every sort of (politically-oriented) group, left or right, liberal or conservative, etc.

>> No.8832668

He's probably just an /pol/ack who's angry his race will die as birth rates fall too low. Sorry can't stop progress.

>> No.8832669

My primary interest is for society to recognize the importance of science funding.

Once you start attaching highly divisive politics to science now a significant chunk of people in the US associate science with something they hate.

You are as much an enemy of science as the creationists.

>> No.8832675

>Additionally. scientific movements should appeal to everyone so as to encourage science in every sort of (politically-oriented) group, left or right, liberal or conservative, etc.
Exactly. The problem is politics isn't about making the best out of both sides, and it's not about objectivity either. This is just one side that wants to say "ha, we have science on our side!" because most people interested in this don't even know what it's about.

>> No.8832679

I'm not even a Trump supporter for Christ's sake. Stop confusing me for the nazi /pol/ack stereotype just because my political views are a little different than yours. Much of /pol/ is far more authoritarian than me. Those progressives can have their movements if they want to even though I don't agree with them. Politics should be kept out of science. See >>8832666

>> No.8832684

>significant chunk of people in the US
>implying this includes scientists and anyone else worth a damn
If anything, the views that March for Science promotes are unifying, unlike Trump's divisive politics. I'll admit it's a little bit dirty to dabble in politics as a scientist, but it is entirely necessary given the absolute shitfest that our world is in with regards to science. Once we're done, we'll stow away our pitchforks and return to the lab.

>> No.8832695

>If anything, the views that March for Science promotes are unifying, unlike Trump's divisive politics
They're unifying only to the people who maintain liberal values. Scientific movements should remain as objective as possible to appeal to all political groups. When a scientific movement favors a certain political group over another, that other political group is excluded from the movement and a lot of potential support is lost

>> No.8832696

Guess what people who are not "worth a damn" get as much a vote as you

>> No.8832721

>Stop confusing me for the nazi /pol/ack stereotype just because my political views are a little different than yours.
You're either with them or as far away as possible from them. They only understand extremes, and if there could be people with moderate views, they would have to end up at an extreme eventually.

>> No.8832731

Are there people with PHD or masters in math actually going to these marches? They would look so stupid

>> No.8832737

I know a physics PhD who would go if he could get time off and free travel.

>> No.8832743
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Christ you're insufferable. This is a board dedicated to science, not politics with respect to political movements. You seem like an insufferable liberal twat but I'm not going go off on why I hate you because this is a board dedicated to discussions of topics related to science &/or mathematics, so stop doing the that to me. Stop trying to devalue what I say just because you disagree with my political orientation; I said " Science is objective; politics is not. Therefore politics has no place with science. Additionally. scientific movements should appeal to everyone so as to encourage science in every sort of (politically-oriented) group, left or right, liberal or conservative, etc.". So what's the problem? Does this not make sense to you?

>> No.8832746

This is literally the funniest thing I've ever read.

>> No.8832758

Explain why please. I provided you a valid point and that's all you can say?

>> No.8832775

You replied to me saying the guy calling you a /pol/ack is an extremist who assumes everyone is either as far left as them or as far right as possible by calling the guy on your side "an insufferable liberal twat". I get the confusion, but you jumping to write out this rant is hilarious to me.

>> No.8832817

Anyone in this thread who seriously believes science and politics should be separated during a time like this needs to be fucking banned. Then maybe we can start lining the race/IQ "investigators" against the fucking wall.

>> No.8832863

>race/IQ "investigators"
That's still putting politics into science. Trying to use science for your agenda is what we should oppose.

>> No.8832867

So I take it 'pray away the gay' didn't work for you?

>> No.8832881

is this what political science looks like?

>> No.8832901

communists like you should be banned and banned from science as well

>> No.8832951
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I've always taken issue with this word in the context of jobs that aren't meant for representation. You go into politics, then sure, if you're going to be in your nation's congress, you represent your people, but if you're a scientist? I mean, it'd make their case if they pointed out exactly which people aren't allowed to participate in the sciences, but I've never seen any empirical evidence of people being left out specifically for their identities.

I mean, some people can't get into colleges because they either can't pay for it or can't grab enough scholarships. There's a conversation to be had there, but that's about economic class and the quality of grade school, not exactly a distinction between races or sexes until you look at scholarship criteria, which FAVOR those "underrepresented" people. Even so, people from different backgrounds will inevitably desire to go into different fields, and trying to get people from every single background into the same field just leads to more anger or outright shifts in career from those people who only did it for incentives that weren't their own.

Unless you're a lawyer, an advertiser, or a political leader, the only one you represent is yourself. If you think minorities can't accept the work of people who don't look like them, you're assuming that those minorities are bigots. It's condescending, especially to those who worked their asses off to get to where they are without the training wheels of identity politics. I'm a black Hispanic physicist, so you might see why I'm venting here. I don't care to represent people who look like me. I just want to work out better fluid mechanical models for the atmospheres of gas giants. If you want to do the same or if you don't, it doesn't matter what you look like. What matters is your ideas, and if they don't have to do with my field, then work somewhere else. It's not that you're not wanted here; what matters is if YOU want to be here.

>> No.8832978

Also, here's your citation:


>> No.8832981

And here are the diversity principles from the bottom half of the post:


>> No.8832984

Moralfags keep ruining science by polluting it with this nonsensical humanitarian garbage.

>> No.8832987

Why do you care about other humans? Are yoy some brainlet who thinks ideaks are reality?

>> No.8832991

your dad is pure numale

>> No.8832994
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It's not even morality. They just want to be part of something that makes them feel good about themselves, not to deal with boring things like actual solutions and policy suggestions.

>Suggestion: Extend the civil rights acts to transgenders.
>Reply: But that's extremely basic and doesn't deal with things like media representation, so it's invalid.

>> No.8833102

My fluids professor at Georgia Tech was staunchly Christian. It's not a problem unless you haven't learned to relate well with people who don't think what you do, and that includes people who challenge your ideas. You can take criticisms, think about it, agree to disagree, just have nuance all around, and still hold to your beliefs. If they don't think like you do, they don't have to. Just sue their ass if they try to discriminate against you for it :^)

>> No.8833112

> the womens march promoted by the same people were promoting sharia law
being this paranoid

>> No.8833117

/pol/ is always right

>> No.8833124

>sustainable system
>european history at any point
>American Civil War

>> No.8833137

How do you think our economy will cope with the boomer problem if you succeed?
I don't see any problem with cancer research but a cure will have to wait another decade or two

>> No.8833314
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Oh, the popsci march.
Whoever attends to this event is a brainlet.

>> No.8833359

>being this paranoid
But it is factually correct.

>> No.8833375

I do like the "knowledge is work over time" sentiment, although I'm not sure if that's what they were explicitly going for.

>> No.8833397

>Tfw spending more time on something means you know less about it

>> No.8833399

what is the w and t

>> No.8833420

According to /pol/ Obama would had been never elected

>> No.8833508

>Anyone in this thread who seriously believes science and politics should be separated during a time like this needs to be fucking banned. Then maybe we can start lining the race/IQ "investigators" against the fucking wall.

It's almost like you don't realize the biggest reason that climate change denial has traction is that the issue is heavily politicized. Irrespective of the quality of work done by the various research bodies, it's a clear example of bias in science, in research funding, and thanks to that IPCC hack, fudging data. What's also frightening is how the narrative is always about the "consensus of the scientific community" as if science were a popularity contest.
Again, because some people will be too dumb/emotional to get this point on the first read: I'm not addressing whether the work is right or wrong, but I am saying that public perception matters. Look at the difference between the acceptance of climate change research versus that of tobacco use's links to cancer.

>> No.8833764

I don't go to political rallies. I've got finals.

>> No.8833815

source: my ass

>> No.8833822

/pol/ is satire you brainlet

>> No.8833834

Maybe if you were in a real field, you would get some of that money.

>> No.8833913

this. generally people take science as a trend, kind of like a religious trend: you dare challenging one of their approved researches, you'll get ridiculed and shunned. "science" has become a meme. it's very common for these people to say "THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED, STOP TALKING ABOUT X" no, idiot, it's not settled. it never is. how many of these pieces of shit can actually read a research paper? everyone can read an abstract. they get their info from IFLS and other shitty politically inclined websites that trivialize science.
so no, I won't be marching with these sanctimonious ignorant know-it-alls who's only "scientific" activity is the "appeal to authority"

>> No.8833922
File: 42 KB, 400x333, xF9FgWhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who are not "worth a damn" get as much a vote as you

you guys miss me yet?

>> No.8834010

Do you think science is a partisan issue?

>> No.8834012

Look at OP's picture you dumbfuck. They want to make it a partisan issue.

>> No.8834033

Shut up fag. Self intrested people will push their own agenda reguardless.
That doesn't change the fact that science is being obstructed and politicized by corporate-state powers, at the exspense of the hope of any kind of decent human life in the future.
You can complain all you want but that is just putting your power in someone else's hands. You ought to be excreting your own creative influence on the institutions available to you and acting on the moral imperative. Our consent is what allows injustice to exist.
Democracy doesn't work with the people disenfranchised and content with being repressed

>> No.8834041

>Democracy doesn't work with the people disenfranchised and content with being repressed

who's disenfranchised and repressed? i make a good money and work around pretty much nothing but straight white christian males.

i became an engineer because i knew it would make me petite bourgeoisie and i wouldn't have to be around shitskins, degenerates, and other forms of disgusting proletariat.

the status quo is aaaalright.

>> No.8834114

This is about ecological armegheddon now
Makes sense, you aren't taught to ask questions you are taught to engineer.
You have no idea how much effort it takes to get you to think critically about engineering while also keeping you uniformed and complacent of the larger world around you.
Not that much, most of the work is done in early education, actually most of the effort just emerged from our institutions

>> No.8834121

whatever fag. i got mine.

>> No.8834144

So the protest is more full of people that don't really work with science and have a leddit tier understanding of it? The same people that share "I fucking love science" on facebook and just say SCIENCE IS 100% FACT?

>> No.8834145

>le epic autodidact philosopher NEET detected.

>> No.8834185

Nah. But they were pretty violent and open about believing democracy to be obsolete.

>> No.8834222

Well of course, as soon as slavery ended black people immediately got family wealth and connections and could get a job just as easily as any white person.

>> No.8834260

Yeah, no one can manage to succeed after a paltry 150ish years. It's like every immigrant family is a failure for the first 8 or so generations...

>> No.8834272

Doesn't help when systems are in place which hinder your ability to accumulate wealth, implicitly or explicitly, depending on where you are in the time.

>> No.8834308

Yes. You can read it in their comment section of each city march. They even post stuff about "decolonizing science" from evil white bias.

>> No.8834427

>wants his son to see naked wymin.

you're a numale.

>> No.8834437

Yee, Touché

>> No.8834441

100% accurate, gj

>> No.8834461

Seems like they are trying to engage a larger audience.
I think it's a tactical error, that fractures the movement, but doesn't define it. no reason not to involve yourself and give your own creative input. Actually it's greater reason to, you could keep it on topic. You need to take adavantage of the institutions avalible to you. I'm an anarchist but I still go out and vote for the lesser of two evils.

And this is 100% a reaction to our governments blatant contempt for science and public well being. Yeah partisain issues will get involved inevitably but that is not what it is about.

>> No.8834480

Has any board been more ruined by /pol/

>> No.8834481

try to express ONE opinion, not necessarily scientific, they don't agree with, then we'll talk.
fucking reddit invaders. I used to cringe at that meme, but it's damn true.

>> No.8834500

Don't agree with the factually wrong opinion and policy that climate change is not happening, and we shouldn't be doing anything to combat it.
Or the fact that the government typically only considers/funds r&d or acts in the public good if their corporate constituents have nothing significant to lose.

>> No.8834507

Idiotic examples already seen as dogmatic by them. Another example could be, how transsexualism can't be cured with surgery and hormones, that it doesn't change your sex, etc. Try that, dumbass.

>> No.8834509

Who is them?
Wtf are you even going on about

>> No.8834535


has any board deserved it more?

(((science))) is the biggest fucking meme ever, it's just a religion meant to instill nihilism into a population.

>> No.8834542

Why are you even here

>> No.8834561

>ethics and morals are science now

we are ruled by retards. And the problem is that the average to above-average citizen is realizing it and turning to the far right.

The left killed itself by going mainstream and pandering to idiots (eventually making them their leaders).

>inb4 /pol/
no, i'm not, and i'm actually scared of the aforementioned scenario. I'm even beggining to think that those """""leftists""""" are false flagging far-right activists to bring about a new fascist era.

>> No.8834603

the organizers and reddit maggots like you, idiot. learn how to read.

>> No.8834613

>82 mentions of /pol/

So this is the reddit thread, isn't it ?

>> No.8834614

>If you have a skeptical opinion on whatever SCIENCE1!!!!! says you can't stay here!!!
fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.8834621

>go to science board
>science is a lie, it's all bullshit liberal lies fuck science

>go to anime board
>anime is disgusting pedobait for weebs this board is trash

>go to video games board
>video games are for manchildren it's a waste of time you're all losers

Again why are you here? Just stay on /pol/

>> No.8834625

>go to science board
>see a bunch of meme "scientist" redditors appealing to authority
fuck right off.

>> No.8834630

This is coming from someone who clearly doesn't accept debate and believes anything they're told. Tool.

>> No.8834635

When did I indicate that I don't accept debate? Or that I believe whatever I'm told

What debate is he seriously inciting? You want me to argue that "science isn't a meme"? The point is that guy is discrediting the entire subject of this board. He is only here to be inflammatory, what's the point?

>> No.8834640

>"Science is a Karltural Marxist conspiracy from the Jews or something because I say so"
>"Fuck off"
>"Well I see you can't handle a reasoned debate"

>> No.8834642

No, science is a meme whenever people like you ridicule and shun whoever dares to cast even the slightest doubt, asking for more independent research on matters you see as "settled".
So OP's picture is nothing relevant? This is who's leading the "scientific debate" right now in America. Tell me how it's all good.

>> No.8834649

OP's picture is relevant to society, that's correct.

OP's picture is not relevant to this board because we discuss math and hard science here, not social and political science. OP's thread's actual purpose is just to incite shitposting and gather (you)s

>> No.8834653

READ OP'S PICTURE. How can you say it's relevant in science unless it has a clear political agenda?
Yes, gtfo back to plebbit. Useful idiots like you are embarrassing.

>> No.8834661

OP's picture shows how science has been clearly contaminated, but you're too stupid to realize it. And queer, trans, whatever "issues", are surely relevant to society, but now how you want to portray it.

>> No.8834668

You clearly aren't involved in the scientific community. Most scientists are in it for the science, believe it or not.

>> No.8834673

So, research on the cure for gender dysphoria being else than hormones and surgery, for example, is not taboo in the community? Give me a break, LARPer.

>> No.8834679

I don't think mathematics has been contaminated. Why are you lumping all fields of knowledge together?

You should be saying that the university system has been contaminated, or social media is contaminated or something to that effect. None of those things belong on this board.

Which community are you referring to? I'm a transsexual and I would absolutely support that kind of research.

>> No.8834688

This is a science board, not specifically a maths board. Are you that dense? Oh well... Now you're also pretending to be a tranny.
Psychiatric research, there's only been one on the matter, so far.

>> No.8834694

The fact that the board's title is science and math does not mean that every field of science is meant to be discussed here. Political discussion belongs on the politics board, and that's what this thread is. I'm not pretending to be a transsexual, what would the point be?

>> No.8834760

Conservative value are associated with aversion to risk, and calculated moves. Conservatism (classical, not neo-con shit) is at it's core the more scientific of ideologies. Essentially, they're the ones slamming their foot on the brakes saying "Uhhh, can we look at the numbers more before we make such a big decision?"