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8830797 No.8830797 [Reply] [Original]

>People who failed at their careers become teachers
>It pays more to be a professor than to pursue a career in your field plus the respect you get from your students

>> No.8830802

You know that professors actually do research and don't just teach right?

But anyway, if one is mature enough, one will eventually realize that teachers actually do a lot more than you may think.

t. considering Math/Education degree for a comfy job in the midwest AND getting that Math Education PhD one day.

>> No.8830808
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Or you could be a doctor.

>> No.8830815

teachers are not all professors.

professors lead labs. teachers... teach.

>> No.8830818
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>plus the respect you get from your students

>> No.8830819

And get sued? No thanks.

>> No.8830826

Not like you can't hire an overpowered lawyer with that kind of money you're pulling in. Nonetheless, the hospital will protect you anyways, getting sued is a meme bro, it usually doesn't hurt the doctor.

>> No.8830883
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>be engineer
>work on master's in the evening
>decide to look ip how much my professor makes
>tfw I make more than him starting
Pro-tip: if you go to a public school, all of your professors salaries are available online

>> No.8830898


only capitalist low life fucks get motivated by money, kill yourself.

>> No.8830905


>earn 500k
>pay your owepowered lawyer 200k

>> No.8830910

That's if the hospital doesn't protect you, where it usually will.

>> No.8830912

Starve, hippie

>> No.8830915
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>he thinks he's 'above' money
>he thinks being a professor is somehow more 'dignified' or 'important', despite being underpaid

>> No.8830994

I'm totally not a hippie tho and i acknowledge the fact that i will need money to exist in this system throughout my life but to worship money is a really fucked up way of doing things.
Every single human being that does not worship money is above money.
Actually, I have a nihilistic way of looking at life. I don't necessarily believe in after-life and I feel confident that when I die everything will be like before when I was born, that is there will be no everything nor anything at all. Thinking like that does not imply that i should kill myself right now nor does it imply that i should live a life that is somehow meaningful or dignified so in fact acknowledging this nihilistic perspective does not say anything about how to live your life or even whether to live at all. I just observe how worshiping money fucks up every single thing it touches in life and i choose not to do that. That's all.

>> No.8831115

You realize professor also do research right? You could also argue that professors are have a lot more knowledge than people who went out into the industry, since they constantly have to refresh on what they know so they can teach it.
So being overall more knowledgeable and on top of it constantly creating new scientist is enough to award professors with a higher salary.

>> No.8831160

I go to a top school. Computer science professors here get paid vastly less than they otherwise could. Most seem to be in the 100-120k range. There are a few odd ball ones in the 200k and 300k range, but they are outliers.

I often wonder why they choose to stay professors making that kind of money. Then I see a lot of them recycle the same slides, same assignments and so on and it must be easy paychecks for them, or this allows them to focus on research. Some of them are very lazy when it comes to running a class so I suppose if they can get paid 100k barelyndoing anhrbing they'd take it over making 200k+ in industry doing much more

>> No.8831175

its all about that side hustle fampai. my combustion professor got his PhD at Cal Tech. he half asses his lectures and i see him spending most of his time doing custom fuel maps for rich faggots sports cars.

my machine design professor is the same way. he does land development on the side. teaching is easy af, lets you do other work on the side, and also gives you funding to do your own research.

perks > cash compensation

>> No.8831189

Honestly that makes a lot of sense. Good idea

>> No.8831213

Becoming a tenure track university professor at a R1 is more competitive than your brainlet brain could even start to comprehend. Teaching is not even 5% of their time, and they only make them teach because they're considered a world expert in their field.

>> No.8831465

Not him, but while a certain level of money is important for providing security, once you get into six-figure territory, it becomes sort of silly.

Think about it, does it make more sense to develop a desire for increasingly luxurious items, and get caught up worrying about what other rich people will think about you, or would you rather focus on intellectual pursuits, friendship, and learning to appreciate the simple pleasures of life?

>> No.8831552

Being an engineer isn't "worshipping money". Most, if not all, engineers I know would still do what they do without as much pay, but it is nice to be paid what we're worth.

>thinking like that does not imply that I should kill myself
Might be worth a shot though

Being an engineer takes much less time than being a professor, both in that you only need a BS to be an engineer and in that engineering only takes 40 hours a week. I have much more time to pursue education (as I am by getting a master's), spend time with friends, ans enjoy the little things. I'll even use the money I have to spend a week or two abroad every now and then.

You would have to be crazy to want to be a professor in this day and age,unless you just aren't cut out for a real job.

>> No.8831580

well I've never said that being an engineer is worshiping money...

>> No.8831585

>People who failed at their careers become teachers at Harvard

>> No.8831607
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Then I misunderstood, my bad

>> No.8831687

<3 your response is cute tho

>> No.8831694

be honest - how often do professors get approached by qts wanting to suck them off / sleep with them / whatever?
if I was a professor I'd be corrupt as fuck. college pussy all the time

>> No.8831977

These threads are generally started by jealous neets and /pol/-tier dropouts as far as i can tell. They don't even know what professors actually do, or why it's so competitive to become one.

I've asked a several professors that question actually

They all answered more or less the same thing: for them, the "lifestyle" was worth the hit in money.

It's relatively low stress, choose your own hours, etc. It's not just about being "lazy" though.
You have freedom to work on problems that interest you. Your research doesn't get locked up in a vault as a trade secret or get canceled if it's not immediately obvious that it can make money.
You don't have to play politics with administrators and salesmen who have convinced themselves they know your field better than you.
You don't get pigeonholed into the specific field you got your PhD in
And believe it or not, some actually do like teaching and guiding students.

>> No.8832000

>You don't have to play politics with administrators

>> No.8832014

You only get respect from your students if you earn it. Unless you go into a 'soft science'.

>> No.8832016

"He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches."

Welp, at least you can enjoy your cushy hours

>> No.8832047

>Professors don't do, they only teach
NEET detected

>> No.8832057
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>Using the average payroll of harvard university professors to prove a point.

>> No.8832061

I'm sure some professors are like that, especially if they don't do research. But Harvard professors are most definitely not like that at all.

>> No.8832676

You have no concept of what professors do or what money is actually worth. You really need to do some growing up.

>> No.8832680

I have a hard time an english teacher is making that much. That must be the salary of a PHD physics researcher who has a part time teaching job.

>> No.8832683

Being a doctor is so boring. It's just memorizing facts. Not to mention doctors have a high stress due to dealing with shiity patients and pressure.
Solving math with medicine is way more interesting.

>> No.8832784

you need to be tenured to get that kind of money. you also need to be the type of person that's one in ten million to get a job at a place like harvard. that's not to say that even mid tier universities don't pay tenured professors well, but even there if you look at professors' bios they come from top schools unless they are old as fuck.