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File: 291 KB, 1600x1200, Super brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8821378 No.8821378 [Reply] [Original]

What does it feel like to have a >140 IQ?

>> No.8821385

It feels like you are constantly having sex with every else's moms.

>> No.8821386

I just realized that I don't know anyone that smart. My half bro is 137, and he's almost 50 (huge age difference).

>> No.8821389


>> No.8821400

I'm not sure I'd be able to tell if I met someone that smart. Is it obvious when you talk to your brother that he's that intelligent?

>> No.8821413

Like you're surrounded by a bunch of primitive apes I'd assume.

>> No.8821420

>Is it obvious when you talk to your brother that he's that intelligent?

Yes. Are you sexually aroused by his intelligence? Do you want his fucking number? Fag.

>> No.8821425

You're the one bringing him up on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.8821437

You know that feeling when you know the taste of cinnamon toast crunch but you can't put it into words?

>> No.8821438

My IQ was taken to enter my state's GATE program when I was 9. It was 155 at the time. (They later removed the IQ requirement (>120) as they felt it was suppressing the number of minorities in the classroom. So the class went from being roughly composed of a mixture of whites, asians, and a handful of hispanics and blacks to mostly asians ;))

I am pretty sure I am just a solid 120 now though. I don't really notice any difference with my peers as I am constantly surrounded by hard working and very intelligent people. However, when I go home to visit my relatives, there is a little bit a difference. It doesn't really bother me that much. I try to "switch" back into being a little redneck-ish.

Most people think I am a shitlord though. I don't really believe any extreme crazy rightwing stuff. I just refuse to believe a lot of the crazy leftwing bullshit.

>> No.8821553
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>> No.8821575

Geniuses aren't alien gods, anon. A friend of mine is a genius, and most of the time talking to him feels like talking to any ordinary person. You can only notice that there is something more to him when you talk about intellectual subjects or he gets something quick about a situation, but even then it's not like he has a powerful aura that feels overwhelming to the people around him, it's more like "oh he can think quickier than me. I wish I was like that."

>> No.8821580

Kek. He seems to be a knowledgeable autist who is slightly above average.

>> No.8821618

Cinnamon toast crunch tastes like cinnamon on a cracker that has no taste to it.

>> No.8821619

at a young age you are a superior edgelord and 'everyone' is stupid

later you realise that even though you are superior, you are still an ape like the rest of them. the clear superiority of the 160+ guys is also sobering.

if you are average in terms of social status/finance/career then it can be a burden because you feel as though you should be doing better.

dispite this it still feels pretty good to be in such a position.

>> No.8821624

There is some truth in what he says, but this motherfucker takes it up to 11

>> No.8821660

This without the part about feeling pretty good. It's just a constant feeling of powerlessness... Maybe I'm just immature, I don't know

>> No.8821675

I have a WAIS-tested IQ of 144. I dont find dealing with anyone above 120 burdensome, but below 110 I want to blow my brains out.

>> No.8821679

Not that good.

>> No.8821681

How do you know if someone has an IQ of 110 or 120?

>> No.8821686

If I knew I wouldnt be here.

>> No.8821700

The way they smell.

>> No.8821713

I wish my IQ was lower. Being highly gifted in this society is a burden most of the times. Most people just don't get the real 'you' and most people seem dumb while you know they are just normal.

>> No.8821748
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hurts. and it's cool, but only for your own. like a social curse.

it's like a nice vidya game but which have constant fps stutter. you do stutter when expressing your thoughts because your mind processes words quite fast.

>> No.8821774

Taking IQ tests is pretty low IQ desu senpai

>> No.8821797


>> No.8821811

I grew up in a redneck community. My family is redneck (not in a bad way) just country folks. I am intellectually gifted but never was in any "gifted" classes. It's a wonder I'm even intelligent given the community I'm from. Whenever I go home I don't discuss intellectual topics. It's ok. I'm used to it. No one in my family even knows what pure math is so would be a waste of time.

>> No.8821830

>I wish my IQ was lower.
Believe me, you didn't. Having a really high IQ means that you don't have to worry about not being smart enough to achieve your goals.
As a slightly above average lazy fuck, I have to worry both about not being smart enough and my lack of motivation to do stuff.

>> No.8821855

Yeah, but when you don't achieve your goals you just feel like an useless fuck because you know that "theoretically" you should be able to do things.

>> No.8821863

I also feel the sane way and I have a lower IQ. I know I can ace that test if I try hard, but I just end up not trying hard and getting a mediocre score.

>> No.8821876

Everything is so sharp and clear

Log in / Register
calc 1 was soooo easy
Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.

I ask my professor his thoughts on quantum mechanics and partial derivatives. He's impressed i know about the subject. We converse after class for some time, sharing mathematical insights; i can keep up. He tells me of great things ahead like series and laplacians. I tell him i already read about series on wikipedia. He is yet again impressed at my enthusiasm. What a joy it is to have your professor visibly brighten when he learns of your talents.

And now I sit here wondering what it must be like to be a brainlet, unable to engage your professor as an intellectual peer.

All of the deep conversations you people must miss out on because you aren't able to overcome the intellectual IQ barrier that stands in the way of your academic success... it's so sad.

My professor and I know each other on first name basis now, but i call him Dr. out of respect.

And yet here you brainlets sit, probably havent even made eye contact with yours out of fear that they will gauge your brainlet IQ levels.

A true shame, but just know it is because i was born special that i am special. I can't help being a genius, nor can my professor.

Two of a kind is two flocks in a bush.

>> No.8821894

>Quantum mechanics and partial derivatives
>Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.


>A true shame, but just know it is because i was born special that i am special. I can't help being a genius, nor can my professor.

Pick one.

>> No.8821915

>highly intelligent people experience the Dunning-Kruger effect powerfully
This is a contradiction in terms. The effect applies to people with low mental abilities.

>> No.8821964


Presumably he means that, as per Dunning Kruger, the more intelligent & capable, the less confident in abilities/understanding.

>> No.8822004

Anyone a genuine interest in math can reach that level, just takes more time.

>> No.8822049
File: 29 KB, 783x577, muh_iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a real IQ test with a psychologist and got higher than pic related. 147 IQ

>What does it feel like to have a >140 IQ?

Normal like everyone else. I got all A's for all my exams since primary school but I still had to work hard for it. In university I still struggle like everyone else. If I didn't study and did all my assignments I would not get high marks in class. Honestly I think having 140+ IQ is still within some margin of normalcy in terms of personality, social abilities, etc. But once you hit 180+ that's where all the eccentric or weird behaviours overpowers your being.

>> No.8822092

I find it very hard to read "I'm so smart" essays like this. Fucking cringy as fuck.

>> No.8822157

141 here so i guess I qualify. It doesnt feel much different. The people i work with seem to consider me the smart one as im able to learn and solve problems faster than most. Other than performing well in a problem solving environment i dont think there is anything exceptionally different about having a high IQ. In fact most people i meet probably think im pretty dumb because i have social anxiety and i kind of suck at talking to people i dont know. My friends and family tend to just blankly stare at me whenever we talk about a deeper subject than who has a pet dog. It can be lonely at times because the things that interest me are often too complicated for most people to fully grasp, then i meet someone who has a much better grasp on the subject and feel like a total brainlet.

>> No.8822162

>the more intelligent & capable, the less confident in abilities/understanding.
this is the imposter effect, not D-K

>> No.8822817

This meme needs to stop.

>> No.8822844

My university offered an anonymous, handwritten iq test. I got a 120-130.

Doesnt really feel different i dont think. I struggle with the same problems as my peers do. What seems different is when im under pressure, like during an exam, i make better decisions and have a better time identifying how to solve problems. When Im not under pressure, i pace regular students like im no different.

Thats why i think iq tests are bullshit.

>> No.8822857
File: 1.16 MB, 1439x1659, 20161112_123635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole communication thing is normal when dealing with normies.
>before tough exam outside of class
>everyone is talking about how nervous they are
>me "yea, my blood is probably 50% cortisol right now."
>the funny guys get awkward
>the only other students passing in the course laugh
>funny guy "i guess anons a nerd, dont listen to him."

>> No.8823134

Do you consider 140 particular high?

>> No.8823147

>140 IQ
That's average smart.

>> No.8823151

What does a RAVEN score in the 99th percentile translate to, in terms of IQ, specifically when taken at age 9? My IQ feels like it's in the 95-105 range, desu.

>> No.8823159


>> No.8823168

You feel like a master.

>> No.8823181

it's not that I can't do advanced math, I even enjoyed what I've dabbled into at some points. The thing is, when I'm not doing it, it seems extremely fucking boring. Like, it lacks asses and tits. You know what I mean?

>> No.8823195
File: 237 KB, 478x415, Will Not Be Missed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yea, my blood is probably 50% cortisol right now."
Is this bait/pasta?

>> No.8823304

Better than having the motivation to do something but realising you're too stupid to do it.

>> No.8823906

I suppose, if I were to make up "equivalent intelligence" for the sake of making this point, scaling your IQ down to 100, would give the average person from your perspective an IQ of 56. Fucking lord.

Your post would sound pretentious, but my IQ is 128, and goddamn, do I know that feel. Much less than I would estimate around 115 gets grating, and the average person is hellish.

>> No.8823911

It doesn't feel like anything to be a high-IQ individual. High IQ people are "philosophical zombies".

>> No.8823912

If that online one you did seemed supposedly accurate, mind linking me it? This thread has piqued my curiosity for it, but I'm Yuropoor; never taken an official one before.

>> No.8823924
File: 95 KB, 569x590, 1474774571951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk sometimes i catch myself thinking about the most retarded shit on the planet and i laugh at the fact that i have a 153

>> No.8823930
File: 14 KB, 306x306, 79e0f76f22f429dc6a79ebbe8f3b484d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8823951


It feels like you're regular but surrounded by idiots.

To be the smartest person on Earth is a tragedy.

>> No.8823959

Yeah. I wouldn't want to be smart. I think smart people feel lonely. That's why so many of them are sad and kill themselves.

>> No.8823966

>That's why so many of them are sad and kill themselves.
When will this meme die?

>> No.8823974

I have 130 IQ but can barely formulate in this text how it affects my everyday life.

In fact I can't formulate it.

>> No.8823981

I'm guessing there is a reason that meme exists. Certainly it's been shown through numerous studies that proper geniuses disproportionately have mental illnesses.

>> No.8823982
File: 21 KB, 261x209, 1474516229950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the same anon
i can't say im the smartest man on earth, but i am in the 99.8 percentile
just about any room i will ever walk into, i will be the smartest one there
for me its a sort of a perception thing
i'll start picking up on patterns and within a few moments i'll know each persons story, ancestry, personality, intentions, etc... It's like reading a book
just makes me mad most of the time
what angers me most though is a lack of awareness
the few people i am friends with i constantly find myself criticizing for that reason
they're very smart themselves
my closest friend is 146, the rest are around 120-130
human nature is to just float on by, even a brainlet can overcome it, but even some of the brightest don't

>> No.8823990

Link one study that shows a correlation between intelligence and suicide.

>> No.8823998
File: 1.16 MB, 1154x1500, 1489174724269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you asking this board?

>> No.8824002

stupid tumblr girls who feel suicidal because chad never liked them and they convinced themselves that because they read alot of fiction books its because they're too smart
the most suicidal people are those who see some folly in the world or in themselves
doesn't take a genius to realize that, but to me it seems like the smarter someone is the more they see
not the same anon, so i'm not gonna give a link

>> No.8824005

Obviously, that was an exaggeration. The post you linked was not.

>> No.8824007
File: 5 KB, 278x181, just bee yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lack of confidence in your own ability, common in more intelligent people that can analyse themselves in more depth, often to the point of being severely critical of oneself, due to >>8823951
>It feels like you're regular but surrounded by idiots
I'm sue you've already heard that before, though.

It's a fucking meme, but honestly, it's confidence. The placebo effect is a very powerful thing, and just thinking you have the potential to do something will make yo work much harder at it, expecting to be able to do it. People that say they can, and people that say they can't, are often both correct.

Just bee yourself, Anon. I'm a smart asshole by default of the genetic lottery too, and beeing myself works.

>> No.8824012

I need to recite the alphabet every time when I need to know what letters are near each other because it's inconceivable that such a diverse language like english only has 26 letters.

>> No.8824013

Women don't kill themselves anywhere near as much as men, even though they have higher rates of depression.

>> No.8824030

I'm a 120 brainlet and can relate very strongly to everything you said.

>> No.8824034

the dunning-krueger graph shifts back towards confidence with your understanding of a certain field reaching a really professional level

the norwegian test that gets posted here shifts too much depending on circumstance, i got 123 with no sleep and 135 the next day so i have my doubts

haven't met anyone too smart though but i'd imagine the difference comes when you have to make logical connections and integrate past knowledge into new problems, you'd just do it faster

amazing insight probably requires something more than just raw intelligence

>> No.8824038

I'm gifted. I don't feel smarter than everyone else. If you study pure math then you know that you always have to learn more. Often I feel dumb not asborbong a proof right away. Then once I see it, it seems obvious but to get to that point requires lots of mental effort.

I don't know why others on my intellectual level think everyone else is stupid or bask on their intelligence. I think I'm not that smart and realize how hard I have to work to understand the math I want to do. I see a lot of liberal art majors think they're smart and act all smug. They don't have to solve math problems like I do or come across anything that challenges their IQ

>> No.8824041

Can you link the test pls?

>> No.8824048


>> No.8824056

Thanks bro

>> No.8824065
File: 17 KB, 640x478, tGUy7YN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last 3 line were genuine

>> No.8824072

Before my IQ test (15 year) I was a normie and I felt like a huge dumbass, because my way of thinking and perceiving things was different from the <110 IQ people. After my IQ test I became a narcistic, arrogant, normie-hating hipster. Because I was not retarded, the people around me are retarded.

My IQ was 123 (17 year) now I'm 21 years old and study bio-informatics

>> No.8824085

>What seems different is when im under pressure, like during an exam, i make better decisions and have a better time identifying how to solve problems
I guess it has more to do with your personality than with your intelligence. I've seen some intelligent people become brainlets under pressure because they don't have the emotional ability to deal with it.

>> No.8824092

i know the feel of thinking differently
literally never on the same page with normies
language is like math and they always leave out completely necessary variables
language is just poorly made
i never learn during lectures, they either leave a pothole or i start going off on tangents in my mind
practice work is my friend, just figure it out myself and if i need to know something specific i open the book or google it

>> No.8824097

>amazing insight probably requires something more than just raw intelligence
You mean raw logic. Indeed a solely logical person can't make any major breakthroughs (see Von Neumann). To do that, you need creativity, which is also a big part of intelligence.

>> No.8824126


>IQ meme

FFS this board is full of teenagers

>> No.8824134
File: 2 KB, 124x118, 476thv87qw6b87 tw4q78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking 4chan?

>> No.8824148

Like you're shitposting on /sci/ with a theoretical brainpower IQ of 140 but actually have a practical brainpower IQ of 100.

>> No.8824156

This isn't science or math

>> No.8824182

yes fuck yes I was waiting for someone to say that

>> No.8824194
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi am 107 IQ
am meet like-minded people over on /b/
we fap to our sisters feels good

pic very relate

>> No.8824238

i can agree that any sensible person would have a high IQ but it's still vastly more intelligent than the average/below-average intelligence pleb

>> No.8824263

You have a need to write equations on any smooth surface all the time

>> No.8824355

Hm, 140. About what I expected. Given it's mensa might not have to knock 10 points off for it being online BS either.

>> No.8824362

It's hell.

>> No.8824370

it's fucken mint.

>> No.8824376

It's alright if you have the force of character to get others to follow your lead in logistical matters, regards my current workplace.
Frustrating as fuck if you're on the outer and watching people pissing resources up against a wall for lack of foresight tho.

>> No.8824414


spent too much time double and triple checking the earlier questions so i had to rush the other ones a bit and skip a few. and some of the ones in the middle felt way too easy which made me do a double take.

>> No.8824511

My IQ is 141. It feels like nothing special, but I appreciate the fact that with enough effort and hard work I can understand any subject that a human is meant to understand. I can grasp it fully and make it a fundamental part of my skills and even creatively work on it, upgrade it and practically use it. It will take time though. Also 141 IQ is a solid basis on which you could increase your IQ, if you're into that.

>> No.8824536

I understand things easily and get irritated when brainlets can't grasp simple concepts.

>> No.8824579

144, being young in your field of work is suffering.

>> No.8824690

It feels normal since you haven't experienced below 140. It's like asking a bird what it feels like to be a bird. Can't really compare to anything since it's a fucking bird and always will be.

>> No.8824699
File: 116 KB, 1308x854, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute, real cute anon, you're real cute, I have a vagina and want to fuck your cute face, your cute cute face, I want to rape you consensually

>any subject that a human is meant to understand

wtf does this mean. how is a human 'meant' to understand anything? i dont understand

agreed. as a prostitute, I can definitely attest to that

>> No.8824721


brainlet detected.

many look but do not see, many hear but do not listen, many lick but do not taste, many touch but do not feel, many breathe but do not smell

the world is an insensitive place anun. the stories of the peoples in front of their face are right there and yet they do not look to see the stories and read the histories, pleaing instead to ignore their own faculties. Why jump from A to B if you can go straight to E, F, or G. Some can go as far as R, maybe one per million,,,S becomes more difficult, and Z, well ask Newton. The top provides winder angling for viewing the world around but the people become smaller and smaller like ants, specifically Monomorium minimum, the small benign black ant that likes sugar, much like the naive humans scuttling about or geo-orbital.

ALas we can only turn to books and bury our noses like few will bury us in the future..

>> No.8824730

If you are smart enough you can definitely see how your mind differs from those of less intelligent people around you.

>> No.8824737

Like constantly asking yourself why continue existing, why make any progress since everything is meaningless and will turn to nothing with time

>> No.8824742

Literally every human being on the planet thinks that. No exceptions.

>> No.8824760



>> No.8824777

Seeing the difference =\= living the difference

>> No.8824780

Won't lie I go into some occasional fits of frustration and suppressed feelings of superiority when someone does some dumb shit that doesn't make sense as to why they would do it.

>> No.8824785

Like when someone does poorly on a test and complains to the professor I get annoyed wondering why they didn't just study harder or practice more. Can't really comprehend the idea of trying and trying and trying and just not understanding a topic in differential equations for example

>> No.8824792

I think quickness is actually just one dimension of higher intelligence. Another important dimension is potential level of insight. Some people, no matter how much time they spend on a subject, will simply never unpack it as well as a significantly more intelligent person. Being able to correlate more information at once renders a higher resolution picture of a subject that sometimes simply can't be made up for with time and energy. This is why, despite the countless people in rigorous fields, STEM or otherwise, there are only so few that uncover something completely previously unknown. Sure they might have been lucky, right place right time, but then again, I think this ability to peer behind the curtain is what we commonly conceive of as genius.

Talent is being able to hit a target nobody else can, genius is being able to hit a target nobody else can see.

Also creativity is huge. I know high IQ folks with practically infertile minds.

>> No.8824793

Shitty. I'm currently in my first master year in theoretical physics and I'm constantly thinking about quitting. I skip all my classes, even most of the mandatory ones. I'm constantly demotivated and thinking about shitty phylosophical things (how I'm perceived and how others are percieved by me). I usually start studying one to two days before an exam and pass with scores ranging from 10 to 14. I realise I'm more worthless than a welfare nigger, as my tuition takes more money from taxpayers, and I'll never repay it because all I do is smoke weed and drink booze. (The best part is I party without smashing bitches, as I can't stop thinking about my own awkwardness).

>> No.8824805

you're cognitive capacity isn't shitty, it's your attitude and temperament

you should probably go shopping for a good therapist (one that's smarter than you (you'll eventually find one))

>> No.8824808
File: 56 KB, 633x758, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIL: I'm highly intelligent

>> No.8824816

my brain always makes noise, things make sense, people in general seem slow and ignorant, most social events are tedious, fortunately it's easy to mess with people which can be really fun, school's easy, speaking's easy, making friends is easy (while i don't necessarily attribute this to intelligence, i do think my smarts have helped), etc. etc.

>> No.8824825
File: 594 KB, 1944x1944, 1480995023504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel enlightened all the time.

Everything is illumined.

Life has order.

>> No.8824835

If your arc has further similarities to mine, you didn't come from a stable home.

>> No.8824836

I've thought about this, but haven't perservered in this direction. I allways think 'It will work out'.

I do have educated myself about procrastination and the lack of willpower. I've read dozens of papers, alas, without result.

>> No.8824840

>couple weeks into Calc 1

Enjoying high school, friend?

>> No.8824842

Yes. And to top it all off I've got weird fetishes as well.

Interested in hearing your story.

>> No.8824859

reading isn't *doing* anon!

understanding isn't a substitute for habitual practice

knowledge supersedes not action

it's like that one pop song: work work work work work

put sticky notes up in your domicile, try desoxyn, implement a self-administered electroshock behavioral regulation apparatus, quit jerking off

i say this all as a hypocrite, i have way too much work to do rn

>> No.8824861

I'm happy and full of life.

>> No.8824876

It's fucking hell

>> No.8824899

Well, the old man was fucking my sisters behind the family's back so the drunken domestic violence which we were all aware of wasn't the worst of it.
Stuff came to light in my second year of undergrad, struggled through, but the self medication with weed, alcohol and social distractions bombed my classes in third year and while I did get my math major after a few years stuck in that grade I couldn't complete the physics and didn't get the degree.
If you can afford to shop around for a good therapist do it.
But the core of my advice would almost be - given you can't afford/find an effective therapist - to buy in to a second rate prepackaged spirituality for as long as it takes to complete; the value of yet another person trying to reinvent the wheel of the meaning of life (because their parents fucked up, essentially) isn't perhaps as great as continuing on the path you're on, and then later on revisiting the spirituality/meaning of life issue. Get input from the greats of philosophy as a byline.
But, I don't know how bad you're in it and a real person - professional - to talk to would be the better choice than what I can offer here I expect. Even if you don't want to walk the prescription drugs path.

>> No.8824919

You are either a 200 IQ genius or really young. Even most geniuses can't escape frustration. That eventually happens even with the brightest minds.

>> No.8824926

this tbqhwya

>> No.8824931

Well I'm not saying that. I mean I put effort in also and study :^) but I'm talking about hours of studying and still not getting it. Maybe I'm just retarded and can't comprehend

>> No.8824939

I can count the number of people I've met that are clearly smarter than me on an abacus. A rare, but humbling, experience.

>> No.8824945

130 IQ brainlet reporting in, life down here just isnt worth it.

>be walking to class
>group of 140+ with their hung brainstems corner me and ask me to solve Question 6
>halfway through solving they start laughing at my 2d thinking and push me over
>take turns kicking me on the ground in the optimal rhythm for maximum pain, the equation to which they did in their heads nearly instantly
>as they walk away one whispers "dont ever come back"

>> No.8824955




>> No.8824960

I know you're memeing, but I feel like this around people here on /sci/ and my gifted peers at college.
>you thought for your whole life you're really smart
>turns out there are plenty of smarter people than you
>you're just a knowledgeable normie that can use pretty words
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.8825020

It makes it easier to entertain oneself.

A nigga's never bored

>> No.8825081
File: 125 KB, 1356x986, Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 8.13.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genius here.

Ask me *almost* anything!

>> No.8825098

The fact that the world is deterministic and that free will doesnt exist depresses me.
Seeing where I stand in life and how it couldn't be different is a huge burden.

I live in a country where my passion (not science related) can't put food in my mouth and having no real interest in a specific degree and job is stressful.

Why couldn't I have been born in another country where I could make money with my passion or be a person who has a deep desire to become a doctor etc

>> No.8825099

do you think joining mensa is worth it

>> No.8825107

imagine your brain to be like the radio in your car. imagine each station to be a train of thought or line of reasoning.

now think of the sound that you hear when you turn the knob back and forth very quickly. for the genius, instead of mmmgobmdddll, he hears each station with crystal clairity.

>> No.8825116

God no. And not only because you have to pay.

Here's what Isaac Asimov had to say about it:

I took the test, scored high, and became a member of Mensa.
It was not on the whole, a happy experience. I met a number of wonderful Mensans, but there were other Mensans who were brain-proud and aggressive about their IQs, who, one got the impression, would like, on being introduced, to be able to say, ’I’m Joe Doakes, and my IQ is 172,’ or, perhaps, have the figure tattooed on their forehead. They were, as I had been in my youth, forcing their intelligence on unwilling victims. In general, too, they felt underappreciated and undersuccessful. As a result, they had soured on the Universe and tended to be disagreeable.

What’s more, they were constantly jousting with each other, testing their intelligence on each other, and that sort of thing becomes wearing after awhile.

Furthermore, I became uncomfortably aware that Mensans, however high their paper IQ might be, were likely to be as irrational as anyone else. Many of them believed themselves to be part of a ‘superior’ group that ought to rule the world, and despised non-Mensans as inferiors. Naturally, they tended to be right-wing conservatives, and I generally feel terribly out of sympathy with such views.

Worse yet, there were groups among them, I found out eventually, who accepted astrology and many other pseudoscientific beliefs, and who formed ‘SIGs’ (‘special interest groups’) devoted to different varieties of intellectual trash. Where was the credit of being associated with that sort of thing, even tangentially?

... I stayed on in Mensa for years, getting more and more tired of it. ... Eventually, after both Marvin and Margot [two of the New York Mensans he acknowledged as "delightful and intelligent"] had died, I did resign.

>> No.8825121

>Naturally, they tended to be right-wing conservatives
>tfw to intelligent too be a libtard

>> No.8825123

140+ IQ here - ask me anything. I'm currently studying computer science and working on minors in philosophy and math at a state school in the US; sorry I didn't apply to any Ivy League schools and would have likely been denied had I tried.

It's not worth it unless you want to listen to a bunch of autists masturbate to their "superior intellect."

>> No.8825139

y do u hav to b such a little bitch

>> No.8825143

People that have higher IQs, or better - people that measure their intelligence and do well on IQ tests usually have greater clarity in life and things are less foggy, sometimes you can just 'skip the maze' and get meaning of certain things and ideas with razor sharp precision. Decisions in health, finance, lifestyle and so on become more logical related to other things. Those that are really gifted with sharper mind tend to either devote themselves to something substantial or succumb to their egoism and clueless lifestyles. Because life either has all meaning or it has none once you get certain perspective, there is no lukewarm day to day life for real geniuses. But then again, should you be called a genius if your IQ is 150 and all you do is drink and make political youtube videos?

>> No.8825147

lol anon, you misspelled to(o) TWO times, lol

you're a fucking inbred prenatal-tier halfwit with peanut butter for schwann cells and nigger dicks for axons and you have a brain the size of no brain you slackjawed glassy eyed troglodyte with a dad for a mom and and mom for a sister you subsistance of turkey basted human waste dredged from some bog in ireland and slapped Paddy Jack for half a pence on a sunday

>> No.8825153

>People that have higher IQs

People with higher IQs would know that the proper formulation would be: "People *who* have higher IQs."

Jesus, the inanity of some folks never really ceases to befuddle my constantly keen intellect.

>> No.8825154

>however high their paper IQ might be, were likely to be as irrational as anyone else.
this is literally my biggest fear about any high IQ society

Is high IQ separate from high intellect?

130 IQ brainlet here btw

>> No.8825161

>t. can only speak one language

>> No.8825162
File: 71 KB, 554x551, Advice Dog understand memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.8825165

I speak English, Spanish, conversational Japanese, and Esperanto. Check your assumptions, kiddo.

>> No.8825175

No idea.

I know I'm not dumb, but I know one person who is definitely sharper than I am. He takes his time learning subjects, but commits them to memory. He clearly spends a lot of time thinking on subjects in both a linear and horizontal fashion, that is to say, very deeply on many aspects of whatever. He's quick with a joke, and often surprises himself with the things he says.

If I could say anything subject that would twist a lot of heads, I'd say music theory. His doctoral degree is in Music Performance doubling or minoring (forget which) in Music Theory. I've never taken a STEM-related course that challenged me as much as music theory did, and it still isn't my forte to today. In the same way that mathematics have a wonderful precision to them, music theory has many singular correct answers, but those answers may or may not change in the context of the piece.

If anyone is interested, I'd suggest looking any music theory website, like earmaster.com. Probably not the best example, but interesting.

>> No.8825176

It's not separate, but it's also not directly correlated. Just based off of personal experience: I've met people with 140+ IQs whom I regarded as not very intelligent, and I've met people with 125+ IQs (and a particular individual with a 136 IQ) whom I regarded as far more intelligent than some of the more IQ-endowed people I've met. But then again, anecdotal evidence is hardly the strongest, so I can't safely make any general claims. That being said, don't make the intellectual chauvinism here on /sci/ make you feel stupid. Statistically speaking, you IQ puts you ahead of approximately 97% of people. So, realistically speaking, you're still probably quite smart (assuming, as I said before, that IQ is at minimum *correlated* to intelligence. To what extent, I can't say).

>> No.8825178

And I'm a 130 IQ Mexican weaboo who knows English, Spanish, moonlights as a Japanese to English translator, and learning Ithkuil

Check your privilege

>> No.8825195

As a cerebral-palsied pansexual hermaphroditic Nigerian-Iroquoian Jewish orphan living in a Sao Paolo favela, I can't believe that you have the gall to tell me to check my privilege. I also speak Chemehuevi.

>> No.8825200

it's a meme you dip

>> No.8825203

IQ is a flawed measurement anyway. notice how pretty much everyone ITT who took the mensa.no online test scored near the max (145) of the test

>> No.8825210

i kno u dip, i was JUST JOSHIN

>> No.8825214


Like I said before, I don't consider myself the most brilliant person, but by no means dumb, just probably above average. However, there are points that I've experienced which make me question myself in a positive light.

Never was quick to pick up math - Algebra kicked my ass in middle school, high school, and college, though Pre-Calc and Calc 1 didn't present the same learning challenges, I guess because I found it interesting and applicable.

Chemistry and Physics were always fun, never got less than an A in any of those courses, and while I put in the time to study the material, the coursework and exams never stumped me.

I remember a shop class I was in, I think in 5th grade. The class was set into groups to build a bridge that would be set across two desks, and then have weights set on top of it to see how much weight the design could support. I got set into the group of kids who weren't really interested in the project, so I did most of the work, and my design held 3x the weight of the next groups. I think I was 11ish? Other than having fun with Knex and shit at home, I knew nothing about bridge design, other than what I had seen IRL, and hey, it worked.

I went for some psychiatric evaluation at my university, to get something for my mood swings and to see if I could get an ADD script. There is some test you have to run to make sure you're not super batshit insane, and not faking it, and a portion of it is reading comprehension, and another portion is how quickly can you complete a bunch of basic arithmetic equations.

I know they throw those types of exams at us as we grow up in public schools, standarized testing and all that shit, but ever since I took that first fucking test at age 6 or something, I've been getting 99th percentile for an age group of 30< year olds. For the arithmetic, I did shit, something like 45th in a group of 18 y/o's?

>> No.8825219

Self selection bias I expect. Those who didn't do well aren't very likely to advertise that fact now are they? Even as anons.

>> No.8825221
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cont again.

Though I wonder in regards to the arithmetic portion - how much of that exam can be skewed just by having had some sort of preparation for it. I know I get faster with particular actions just by sheer repetition, as anyone would, and it would seem that for something as basic as that, that anyone could skew their results just by having practiced it.

So is IQ really just measured by speed? Or is it measured by originality of thought?

>> No.8825223

those were all me anon (well two of them, but the other dude's score was backed by a psychologically administered test (la-di-da) so his score is probably relatively accurate)

anyway, my IQ really is crazy high, I won't tell you the exact number, because I don't like to gloat, but it's astronomically high, my friends tell me all the time

>> No.8825225

I generally think I'm fucking retarded and people are better than me because I'm so "smart", yet I have very low persistence, i.e. a fucking retard can outpace my output simply by doing the work that I can (and refuse to do) in thirty minutes in 5 hours. tfw high IQ low conscientiousness

>> No.8825227

Originally I thought it was speed, but after a second's thought realized it's originality.

>> No.8825230

Donnie go back to work

>> No.8825234

this is actually relevant advice

also how the fuck did you guess my name? you're goodman

>> No.8825236

Just so all the sub-140 folk feel good, this is what an IQ of 145 allows you to do in two minutes:

I analed her good
she said yes thats good
right there deep in my bum
bury your chunky pork-sword
puncture the innards of my soul
and so I kept slamming away
like a comet shooting for the stars
pummeling away, away, away
boy did I fuck her good in the bum
all her friends told me I did
they all said, you really did, she said so
about me giving her that good dick
anally of course, she's saving herself
for marriage, thus the poophole
loophole, that glorious loophole
the poophole that I stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey
despite it being july, hot damn that ass was sweet
like a honeybaked christmas ham
during july of course, but still, hot ham ass
sweaty and salty and sweet like meat
gave it to her so good she came back for more
of my amazing penis game so strong
yeah i ass fucked her real good
all her friends tell me
everyone talks about it

>> No.8825241

get the fuck out of here, this isn't shit/lit/

>> No.8825255
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>samefagging this hard

>> No.8825256
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dude, what are you doing

>> No.8825258

sorry I meant reply to these two microbrainlets
Jesus you guys need to get a job

>> No.8825266
File: 55 KB, 738x290, youreliterallyjustoneperson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop, this is annoying

where here to discuss the nuance of intellect, not solipsistically circlejerk in our own two palms.

>photoshopped for effect

>> No.8825277

>wow anon, you should become a hip-hop artist, you're so talented!
>im so turned on right now, let's engage in intellectual discourse

>> No.8825279
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>What does it feel like to have a >140 IQ?
162 here. You feel weird when you are young, everyone is different somehow. Then you grow up and understand what's really going on. You feel superior at times, but in most situations it's just a pretty number because you are out of sync with the rest of your "peers", like a dented wheel going faster than it should within a clock mechanism.

There are other intelligences, too, but this particular one can get you to feel alone easily.

Also, the world is made for 100 IQ white males living in a Western Culture. I meet all criteria except for my very high IQ and I'm not sure if it's helping me or not.
To be happy, that is.

PS: Picture unrelated.

>> No.8825281

epin post /b/ro!

>> No.8825291
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Good luck finding a non-government organized think tank to work in.

Unless that is your thing, in which case, it's going to get cut so the justice dept. can run with the results from their internal investigations.

>> No.8825309

>even the android is visibly confused with how humans do things

>> No.8825312

literally this lel

I'm not kidding

Read Godel,Escher,Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Its thesis doesn't state anything directly about memes, but read it and you'll understand it actually is entirely about memes.

>> No.8825317

thanks guys I really appreciate it

>> No.8825321


>> No.8825329

>"He's cute and I don't want him to feel bad, but he wasn't as good as I expected, even though I told him it was good he might catch on"
>"so can you please tell him what a good boy he was so he doesn't become self-conscious?"
>"I would like to keep him happy and ignorant so the bitter truth of the world doesn't crush him, as it did me"
>"I want him to remain pure"
I feel bad about being the one who has to tell you this, desu wa

>> No.8825338

>i'd imagine the difference comes when you have to make logical connections and integrate past knowledge into new problems, you'd just do it faster
In my experience, it might not be faster for everyone. I instead, integrate more knowledge and come up with ideas that no one around me imagined before. It might be faster or slower. My ADHD might help or not, depending on the situation, mostly it doesn't.

Also, we mostly live in an ilogical human defined world.

>> No.8825374

anon your conscientiousness really touches me and I really appreciate it, but where I"m from, they dont call me 6 inch Sam for nothing

>haters will say i'm lying

>> No.8825417


>162 IQ
> anime shit

top kek

>> No.8825432

Quiet you close-minded cretin. The smartest person I know has and IQ of 165 and loves Ghost in the Shell. The first time he watched the film, he rewatched it immediately after. Smart people can enjoy common things.

>> No.8825448

threadly reminder that if the IQ test you took goes over 140, its bullshit.

>> No.8825489

the test is too fucking easy tho

>> No.8825498


>> No.8825730
File: 40 KB, 780x236, Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 12.23.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded. The whole point of my samefagging escapade was to draw attention to that very fact. Why would I add to superfluous posts to that? Jesus, don't you understand the basic fundamentals of humor, or are you too dense?

>so this is what it's like to have a sub-140 IQ

>> No.8825737

Even if it was administered by a licensed psychologist/psychiatrist? Because by your logic, anon, nobody has a testable IQ above 140. Last time I checked, the limit to the Stanford-Binet, the original IQ test, is 160, and, well, that's 20 points, or 12.5%, above the 140 you have mentioned. That sort of discrepancy doesn't really seem negligible.

How you reconcile this information I have provided to you?

>> No.8825739

I like this thinking

>> No.8825745

That's because it's stupid, anon.

The logical assumption is that people are here either because a) they want to know or b) they do know and want to answer. For the anon to whom you responded to assume that he wouldn't be here is to assume that he or she is not a person willing to assist others in the sharing of potentially illuminating information. For, if he or she were to possess and IQ measuring above the 140 mark, then it would only be correct to assume that such a person, if of even mildly magnanimous, agreeable, or helpful disposition, would take the additional 3 minutes in their day to answer OriginalPoster's eager inquiry.

>> No.8825754

from your post i gather that you have asperger syndrome and not necessarily a high IQ

>> No.8825763

Honesty, once you get pass 135, you pass. IQ measurement becomes less accurate, so you passed gasses, like oxygen, 02, and the trees eat carbon dioxide, CO2.

It is not the IQ score that matters the most, but, rather, what the person does with his or her Intelligence. I know a guy who scored near 160 and climbed K2. It's a very tall mountain. He had to eat his friend and drink his own piss, because he was freezing and there was no food.

He eventually reached the summit. I don't think IQ matters, really. It's what you do with your IQ.

>> No.8825764

haha what

>> No.8825768
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>> No.8825770

There's a fine line between an intellectually gifted drunk person, and someone with Asperger's syndrome, my dear anon. That being said, you know I'm not wrong, that's why you decided to address my character, rather than the content of my post. Still, you're welcome to address both, to your heart's content. I don't mind

>> No.8825771
File: 32 KB, 416x224, 2017-04-13-214822_416x224_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok chill lol you faggot

>> No.8825772

read this mental disorder insensitive fuck

>> No.8825775


>> No.8825776
File: 53 KB, 804x312, Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 12.50.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both retarded

>> No.8825779
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literally wtf is happening here

>> No.8825783
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>> No.8825784
File: 35 KB, 538x409, 1483872854816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purge this thread.

>> No.8825788

>>8825776 (You)
>>8825775 (You)
if you can't figure out what maths sequence this describes than you're not fit to be on /sci/

>> No.8825790

You're either retarded, or you're trying to imitate my original joke, which is retarded.

>> No.8825793

shit taste

>> No.8825799

More like, if you can figure out what math sequence the descending digits 8825783, 8825779, 8825776, 8825775, 8825771 describe, then you *shouldn't* be on /sci/. Frankly, no self-respecting scientist nor mathematician should ever frequent this cesspool of site.

>> No.8825804


>> No.8825813
File: 40 KB, 439x444, 2017-04-13-221147_439x444_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty fucking smart my buddy

>> No.8825822

>only 6 inches
nigga, I'm the Mexican weaboo from earlier and mine is 8 inches

if it asks if you want to "share on facebook/twitter/tumblr/reddit" it's double bullshit

>> No.8825833

i'm convinced

what's 33% when you have a silver-tongue harp and fingers to fiddle

>> No.8825843

>mine is 8 inches
no it's not

>> No.8825847

Don't go adding extra length to my dick without my permission, I'll sue you for malpractice.

>I analed her good
>the poophole that I stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey
>despite it being july, hot damn that ass was sweet
>like a honeybaked christmas ham
>sweaty and salty and sweet like meat
>silver-tongue harp and fingers to fiddle
please tell me you didn't do what I think you did, because that is not what it means to have a silver-tongue

>> No.8825852

you act like dick lengthening techniques don't exist or something

>> No.8825855

>1/3 of 6 is 2
>the difference between 8 and 6 is 33% of 6

and I don't know what you think I did, but either your assumptions or your definitions are wrong

you need to straighten yourself out anon

>> No.8825857

there are none that are safe and reliable

>> No.8825871

You mean "there is* none"

i sure hope english isn't your first language

>> No.8825878

>that ARE safe and reliable
t. mexican sperglord

>> No.8825883

>the difference between 8 and 6 is 33% of 6
OR 25% of 8
and since it was my dick you were comparing to, it would set 8 as the denominator

making it 6/8 not 8/6

now lets quit talking about our dicks and focus on whether or not you anally stimulated a girl with your tongue

>> No.8825891

none is singular

you're literally retarded


learn what subjectivity is, then apply that rationally to actual subjects (me), then you'll understand why you saying this is pointless

as for your second point: of course I eat ass. Who the fuck doesn't? Girls dig it, it doesnt taste like anything, and, did i mention, girls fucking dig it. I don't understand the point of your question. Do you not eat ass? If not, you must be seriously repressed my friend. You should really step outside your comfort zone for once

>> No.8825893

You just feel retarded all the time, because you recognize that other people understand the things you don't... Then you end up with people telling you you're smart all the time, so, when you screw something up, it feels even worse.

>> No.8825899

"there are none" is common as fuck in american english. implying it even matters what a fucking spic like you thinks anyway. your dick clearly isn't 8 inches anyway you lying piece of shit.

>> No.8825900

I believe he meant anything that another human made or is capable of understanding.

If someone else made something, you're meant to understand it, yes?

>> No.8825903

lol this test is such fucking bullshit everyone is near maxing it out it's too fucking easy and you are clearly not a "genius" judging by your post

>> No.8825913

he's not the spic

I'M the spic

now give me the hostility I am so rightly owed
or I shall have you ~MULTICULTURALIZED~

>> No.8825919

>implying intelligent people can't have fun
who killed your whimsy, anon?

>> No.8825937

>implying common is correct
jesus you really are a moron

>If someone else made something, you're meant to understand it, yes?

Me? No, not necessarily.

whatever you say anon

>> No.8825950
File: 690 KB, 1656x3093, 1476066100160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like having an IQ of 155?

>> No.8825953

Feels spergy, man.

>> No.8825959

this is the youtuber right? he has done nothing to show that he has a genius IQ. all he does is rant about video games while putting on this really snarky "radio voice" (which he uses irl too iirc... cringe). this whole thread is just retarded spergs taking flawed IQ tests and confusing their assburgers for intelligence.

>> No.8825964


>> No.8825994

Looks like http://test.mensa.no/ to me

>> No.8826000

betwen 125 and 145 its a difference between how fast(witch way) you process shit , logical output of solved problem is the same ,
i had score 134 and yet i have dyslexia problems with english (my native is polish, also i had dyslexia with polish when was young)
the real difference is betwen 100 and 130
like for example i rent a room and next room a couple lives ,every time they have some problem with phone/laptop this guy barge to my room (even when i sleep) dumb people do not even attempt to solve the problems on they own or even use google

>> No.8826017

t. 104 IQ Ghost in the Shell fanboy who in fact has no friends

>> No.8826033
File: 113 KB, 652x367, big-bang-hed-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you thought about physics as much as you think about coitus you would know

>> No.8826038
File: 28 KB, 400x400, meagain_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

155 here

seems like a cool guy

>> No.8826051

My IQ was measured at 99 in 5th grade and i got a bsc in math. never took another one

>> No.8826052

Do you all realize that the average IQ is 100 (it is normalized to be 100)? What I read on /sci/ concerning IQ is just trolling and/or absolutely ridiculous. A person with IQ 120+ is already a real genius, roughly only 1 out of 10 would be more intelligent. To all that people claiming to have an IQ 140+ or even 150+: LOL! Online tests are entirely useless.

>> No.8826057

and my wife has 135

>> No.8826138

>Many of them believed themselves to be part of a ‘superior’ group that ought to rule the world, and despised non-Mensans as inferiors.
Convenient of you to ignore the preceeding sentence

>> No.8826172


Got Mensa tested, scored 135 in the language paper and 140 in the logical/maths one.

The results definitely confirmed a subtle notion in my head that I was operating on a different level.

I spent a year studying engineering in a community college to save money and it was actual hell, everyone was retard level IQ and I was very frustrated socially.

Now I'm in a top 1% ranked University and life is good, everyone in my classes are also over 120 IQ and the campus societies are great for meeting similar folk in different courses.

Basically you will still need to work hard,albeit less than the brainlets.

Just get yourself in an environment where those around you are operating on a similar level, life will seem so much better then.

>> No.8826253

It doesn't

>> No.8826433

Too bad you don't even seem to know how an abacus works

>> No.8826460

This. You realize how much you don't know while normals don't, and become more insecure
And everyone else thinks you're super intelligent for doing what is basic shit to you, and after some time you start to hate being praised for being "smart"

>> No.8826844


>scored 135 in the language paper and 140 in the logical/maths one

> I was operating on a different level.

Since when is a shitty 140 IQ a different level? Top fucking kek, delusional as fuck.
THIS is "a different level":

>Kim Ung-Yong, 210 IQ. Born in South Korea in 1963, Ung-Yong started speaking at 6 months old and was able to read English, German, Korean and Japanese by his 3rd birthday. After his gift was publicized, Ung-Yong went to the United States to study and later ended up working for NASA for the better part of a decade.

>William James Sidis. Experts have pegged his IQ somewhere in the range of 250 to 300, which would give him the highest IQ score in history. What did Sidis do to earn such an accolade? Born in 1898, he entered Harvard at the age 11 to study mathematics, which at the time made him the youngest person to ever enroll at the prestigious university.

>Christopher Hirata, 225 IQ, is another child prodigy that made waves when he became the youngest American to win a gold medal at the International Physics Olympiad in 1996 at the age of 13. He enrolled in the California Institute of Technology at 14, and successfully obtained his PhD from Princeton at the age of 22.
You are average, delusional retard.

>> No.8826901
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>> No.8826929

Its honestly pretty bad. Everyone you know is an idiot, and they all think YOU'RE the dumb one because they don't understand any of your ideas, motivations, or opinions.

>> No.8827055


you tards are full of yourselves

and the mensa test (the irl one too) looks like a scam just so they will recruit slightly above average normies for that membership fee $$$

>> No.8827202

Somehow you never hear these names tho.
Clearly their IQ hasn't made them any more successful.
A different level of what?

>> No.8827216

>140 IQ
Jesus fucking christ. You are literally the most jaded person in this board.

>> No.8827314

too bad you don't know how irony works

>> No.8827317

>Be black
>Was in gifted programs in elementary/middle school, could have taken AP classes in high school but was too lazy
It really sucks not knowing if you're intelligent or if everyone just says you're intelligent because affirmative action or it's just "you're smart for a black person"
Being lazy really sucks but I don't know how to fix it. I know there's no reason not to complete assignments as soon as they're given but I always end up shitposting on 4chan and procrastinating until the day before assignments are due before I do them.
Freshman in college and it's really bad, I actually have to study for certain classes now but because habits developed in high school (Get A's despite not studying at all, so never study) I don't have that inclination on top of the procrastination problem.
How do I fix this?

>> No.8827343

I wake up in the morning and the first thing I remember is that I have my goddamn doctorate in mathematics, this results in an immediate rush of endorphins and testosterone which will last for the rest of the day. I then get to work writing down the proofs to the theorems that I solved in my head last night. After that I fuck my 10/10 wife while thinking about my research. I then leave without eating breakfast since I no longer require sustenance. Next follows morning lectures gracing plebs with some invaluable insight into my mind and its firm grasp on the most important field of study in human history. The rest of the I spend developing various mathematical structures on blackboards, the results of which will applied to curing all cancers and building thermodynamically efficient cold fusion reactors. As the day winds down I ponder my surreal existence, I have to dig up my degree to remind myself of the reality that I do in fact have a PhD in mathematics. Finally I fall asleep holding my doctorate and 300k salary slip in my arms.
And then I do it all again.

>> No.8827351

You study chemistry
>source is me

>> No.8827392

5/10, could be subtler. still gave em giggles

same problem sufferer here. just remember that the habits you've cultivated throughout 4 years of high school can't be replaced in a day, so the key is to start incrementally (search: Kaizen), and gradually carve out new neural pathways in your brain that allow for increased industriousness with minimal expenditure of willpower

also exercise

>> No.8827513

mensa 161

Not sure, lot's of things I'm very bad at. I'm prone to risk taking/adrenaline rushes and that dominates my life more than anything else. When I'm calmer from exerting myself some things are very easy. I made a lot of people very upset in my life who challenged me to chess and bragged about epic they were only to be crushed. All I know about chess is how the pieces move and the rules, I've never spent time playing it for fun or memorizing openings.

However, I imagine that's more due to playing video games. All I've ever really liked to do desu, got to Challenger elo in various RTS and rank 1 on battlefield, top 50 on gears.

None of this means anything, just my experiences. Everyone has propensity towards different things and to me the only measure of intelligence is how good you are at what you do. Obviously someone like mochizuki is the most intelligent person. One time I saw a caretaker at school enact what I thought was pretty much the perfect algorithm for sweeping the stairs.

I swear to god if that guy was into math maybe he'd solve the riemann hypothesis or something. Perfect kinetic expenditure, minimal time effort. Someone who can optimize a task that well could probably solve p vs np or something.

Basically just being good at things you choose to do just makes people hate you so you stop doing them cuz you don't want to show them up and they weren't that fun anyway (basically not fast paced videogames)

So what I'm saying is that Faker probably has a higher iq than mochizuki.

>> No.8827534



nice try, the IQ test mensa uses only go up to 160, because after 145 it get really innacurate

>> No.8827556

>I made a lot of people very upset in my life who challenged me to chess and bragged about epic they were only to be crushed. All I know about chess is how the pieces move and the rules, I've never spent time playing it for fun or memorizing openings.
seems legit

>> No.8827571

>black people

>> No.8827612

you mean like 1+1?

>> No.8827618

i wish i was smart to

>> No.8827629

no like a dial that is numbered from 0 to 11

>> No.8827638

>So what I'm saying is that Faker probably has a higher iq than mochizuki
Probably not. To play videogames well you need good reflexes, and that's a complete different skill than what's needed to excell at something like physics of mathematics. Reflexes have nothing to do with intelligence (you could argue that's one type of intelligence, but IMO that's not). Being able to quickly concatenate information on your head is intelligence.

>> No.8827679

there's more to professional-level competitive gaming than reflexes

>> No.8827682

but research has proven that they do. What do you think happens when you respond to thinking aka reflexes ? If you said thinking, yes that's correct. So faster reflexes=faster thinking=higher iq.

Don't even get me started on parallel threading all the tasks that go into competitive gaming (talking to 4 people, running min max algorithms with visual input)

>> No.8827696


>> No.8827703

Like what?

If better reflexes = higher intelligence, how aren't all basketball and baseball players geniuses?
Also, is there any research proving that competitive gamers score higher on OQ tests? I know of a research that showed that playing videogames improves academic success in students, but that doesn't mean that gamers are more intelligent, as doing physical activity also improves cognition, and, like I said, athletes aren't know for their high intellect.

>> No.8827732


lol i always feel dum 2

>> No.8827756

complete my undergrad at some shit state school because I'm an asshole who refused to believe university mattered so I did nothing in highscool but shitpost and jack off.
get into a graduate program at a top 10 for my field, realize I absolutely hate everything about modern life, move to the mountains and live in a cabin for 5 years.
realize I'm wasting my life and go back, finish my degree, get a job ruining people's lives with my education for big bucks and still feel empty. Start posting on 4chan again.

Thinking about retreating from the world again desu.

>> No.8827760

they are, they apply their genius to playing baseball. nobody said gamers are more intelligent. I said faker is probably more smarter than mochizuku because there are 11 million nerdy high iq/asian whites tryharding to be as good as him but none are. He gets money, girls, fame having fun. Nothing more genius than that bro.

>> No.8827765


>like what

creativity is the #1 necessity for success in e-sports.

>> No.8827787

did you forget
>richard bongo man, 124 iq

>> No.8827824

I got a nice 126 IQ (post-military while homeless and in one of the deepest depressions of my life). It might be a bit higher now that I'm in a stable life position with meds that work.

It's like having a 16 in Int and a 8-12 in wisdom.
It feels like being Salieri in Amadeus. I'm smart enough to see what is genius in the world but not smart enough to generate things that are "genius".

>> No.8827858

the pressure from my brain onto my skull is unbearable. when i dont want to die i try and solve Hodge's conjecture in my head.

>> No.8827861

fucking brainlets, when will they learn

>> No.8827994
File: 63 KB, 633x758, 5507890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 133 IQ aka mentally handicapped
I want to be cool too.
Why was I born defective?

>> No.8828031

Like you wrote the program

>> No.8828033

I relate to you. I was once tested at 121 IQ but was severely depressed with bad OCD which was consuming massive brain cycles. I believe my IQ is actually higher because of that.

I too recognize genius but can not usually produce it myself.

However, I think I could if I put in the necessary work to achieve it. I think you probably could too. what I've learned is that genius is not without effort. What is usually recognized as genius is the result of a lot of work over a long time and without letting fear, insecurity or doubt get in the way.

>> No.8828045
File: 136 KB, 644x632, 1484731059802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can literally read a person's source code

>> No.8828051

i dont understand intelligence quotients...140+ math and science..90 or so in basic life skills... shouldnt they average out? nothing against sheldon, but just saying if the table aint round.

>> No.8828056

which end of the table do you sit ?

>> No.8828078

How do I put this?

I was always told that when I got to "the next level of school", or "the real world", I'd finally meet people smarter than me. Or at least on the same level as me. The implication being I shouldn't get too cocky.

It hasn't happened yet. I've met plenty of people more talented than me in specific ways. I don't claim to be an Übermensch. I make mistakes.

I comprehend connections and induce
in an instance.

You can expose me to a topic I've never heard about before and begin lecturing me on it. Before the end of that lecture, I will be asking questions you'd expect from someone with your own level of knowledge.

I also have 0 respect for my own ability. Why? Everywhere I look I see people basically making shit up, and I've been more or less convinced at this point that my intelligence is not correctness. Which is to say, I can intelligently engage on a wide variety of topics because the people involved in those topics have no respect for the concept that fundamental rules should underpin their theories.

Everyone can and does sense patterns in the same way I do, I just do it faster. Pattern recognition is a fucking garbage method of finding the right answer. I've had more success applying problem solving models designed for so-called brainlets, than I have relying on my own thoughts, as far as being right goes.

>> No.8828096

>Christopher Hirata
>225 IQ
It's 185 you liar. NO ONE gets above 215+ IQ which is RESERVED FOR THE BOGDANOFF BROTHERS.

>> No.8828105

God. Me. I hate it. I go full retard with time constraints its like ive lost the ability to think rationally.

>> No.8828119

You are delusional as fuck to think that these geniuses are of a 'different level'--they would never and will never earn even a fraction of what successfull people like Donald Trump earns.
They are still average, delusional retard.

>> No.8828143

Me too. I've recently downloaded an app that gives me 10 seconds to answer math questions (they get progressively harder) to practice thinking under stress. Not sure if that will help but I don't know what else to do.

>> No.8828223

>get progressively harder
*insert fitnessgram pacer test meme*

>> No.8828273

has* you just outed yourself chimp

>> No.8828502

Back too your containment board.

>> No.8828759


poltards are worse than SJWs

>> No.8828761

Out of curiosity, what is the app?

>> No.8828781

I do. I was a "math genius" when I was a kid, what made everyone around me basically give up on ever even trying to teach me anything.

>> No.8829216

>language is just poorly made
So make a better one. Or learn lojban.

>> No.8829240
File: 19 KB, 325x450, 158353-004-18324BFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the first question he asks them

>> No.8829423

same, and id say im kinda smart. maybe 130

>> No.8829523

>almost everyone gets near the max score
>this self-admitted brainlet gets 125 which is still a high IQ
oh yeah this test seems totally legit guys

>> No.8829564


When you realize the problem space of the "world' is beyond the machinations of any one neurological entity, you stop hating people.


People make do with what they have, no from top-down moral rules on how they "should" act. Of course the "should" will be formulated by a brainlet with dark triad traits.

>> No.8829807

Mental Math Master

>> No.8829917

>High IQ
Stop this meme it's not even funny anymore

>> No.8829926

It's not funny, it's true.
It's nearly two SDs from the average.

>> No.8829931

You have to go back to >>>/r9k/

>> No.8829933

I've never even been there. Fuck off.

>> No.8829992
File: 189 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-15-19-51-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurray i guess

>> No.8830471

>thoughts on quantum mechanics and partial derivatives

Why do people pretend anything in undergrad was difficult?

>> No.8830496

I've known some smart people, I myself am only like 120 region. Smart enough to get a nobel prize if I spend my whole life on it but not enough to go beautiful mind on things. The people I know that are geniuses like that tend to have trouble forming healthy relationships with any ease. The ones I know that formed good connections in their life often suffered elsewhere, it makes sense though often mutations and expression of phenotypes grant increased cognition or memory but take away from another area or lead to mental instability especially at older ages. Intelligence is a gift and a curse taking away as much as it gives. If a person is lucky or hardworking wonderful things appear but many geniuses have no desire to use their gift and as such simply live comfortably and well.

Superior bait.

>> No.8832322

They don't pretend. They are honest with themselfves and don't create the illusion that they are geniuses.

>> No.8832329

>/sci/ thinks psychology is garbage
>/sci/ uses a psychological test to brag about its intelligence

>> No.8832341


I'm a fucking service tech and all I think about is what could have been had I applied myself.

>> No.8832346

>forgot to add I'm a 146 IQ

>> No.8832390

It's really strange for me to meet someone with a genius-level IQ who isn't on his way doing a PhD...

>> No.8832482

Too much DUDE WEED LMAO and pussy in high school to motivate me. Now I'm 36 and it's too late. Hopefully my son fares better.

>> No.8832643

u gotta raise him good

be for him what ur pappy couldnt be for you

raise him good

>> No.8832654

153 IQ here
>tfw unemployed NEET who just smokes weed plays music and listens to acid
have a master's degree but just don't have the attention span for menial bottom tier entry level jobs

>having a son
in truth you are already more successful than most of this thread ever will be

>> No.8833946

Your wife has 1 black 35 inside her.

>> No.8833957

I got 136 on a ravens matrices from mensa.
I think people let those tests affet their lifes wayyy more than they should.

>> No.8833984

>150+ IQ

Apparent estimation is broad analysis (142- 155) range
Estimation by official test; 155

I say estimation because system flawed. Basis unconditional for what I knew already by familiarity.

Feel unwelcome warmth nowadays. Used to feel cold, aggressive. Had mental trauma. Had physical trauma, Chiari Malformation found, just inhibits thought. Tired, alot.

Can't think properly; usually, anymore, either. Insufficient diet by young disease; cause for fear and paranoia, environment always anxious, always paranoia.
Everyone always fighting, bastion of intelligent mind not enough to escape emotional problems caused. Found out I have aspergers, not a big shock.

Mind ever entrenched, cannot keep still. Fidgets. Sparks to voices, random overbearing, rampaging thoughts or music. Concentration almost not possible without physically slapping self or reading/thinking same thought five times.

Complete people's sentences, complete their work, offer to help but usually few or many steps ahead. Used to awe people. For long period, seen as know-it-all; devolved into very nasty imprints, always felt abandoned when I couldn't feel their emotions, both of us.
Strong intuition. Strong logic. Too strong morality, too involved with "life" to ever have used my thoughts for much good.

Sorry of incoherence. I'm tired. Overall experience over 140 IQ is 'relative, but incapable'.

>> No.8834302

Constantly bored with normal social interactions, can't relate to anyone. It's easy to be elitist. You learn to conceal your intelligence (or not, I guess).

>> No.8834305

Have you tried religion / spiritual practice? It could help.

>> No.8834982

160+ IQ here. It sucks. Trying to connect with peers your age is very challenging when you're that smart, and it makes getting good grades in primary school easy. Then you get to college and it sucks. Really, the only things you can do socially are "give up on getting intellectual stimulation" and "talk with people at your level even if they're older".

>> No.8835378

Can relate to that.

>> No.8835559

Fucking lol

>> No.8835610

No they don't experience depression, just 'le sad chad wont dick me'.

>> No.8835615

Brainlets can ignore it though.

>> No.8835627

it's because they suck at getting things done. they have a lot of attempted (but failed) suicides. a lot of which are probably just for attention but still