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8821043 No.8821043 [Reply] [Original]

does [math]\varepsilon^{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}} T_{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}}[/math] transform like a scalar? supposing that T is a rank n covariant tensor field.

>> No.8821054

hur durr

>> No.8821065
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yes. It is a trivial question, but an important pedagogical question all the same.

>> No.8821321
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Does it transform like a scalar? no. The levi-civita symbols fail to transform like rank n contravariant tensors and so you cannot contract them to form invariants.

attempting to transform the levi civita symbol yields the following

[eqn]\varepsilon^{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{1}}\prod_{i=1}^{n}\frac{\partial\bar{x}^{\beta_{i}}}{\partial x^{\alpha_{i}}} = \bar{\varepsilon}^{\beta_{1}...\beta_{1}}
|\partial \bar{x} |[/eqn]

>> No.8821331
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from this it is clear that the symbol is a tensor density of weight one, and that we can define a tensor from it thusly

[eqn]E^{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}} := \frac{\varepsilon^{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}}}{\sqrt{|g|}}[/eqn]

>> No.8821353
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as [math]E^{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}} T_{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}}[/math] now transforms like a scalar field, we are able to take the integral over D dimensional space time and add it to our action.

the term is

[eqn]\int d^{D}x \sqrt{|g|} E^{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}} T_{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}} = \int d^{D}x \ \varepsilon^{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}}
T_{\alpha_{1}...\alpha_{n}} [/eqn]

>> No.8821363
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isn't it lovely? dependence on the metric has vanished, and we now have something that looks like it is invariant under all "topology preserving" maps.

>> No.8821396
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and now, if we consider a topological term like:

[eqn] \int d^{(3+1)}x \ \varepsilon^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} F_{\alpha \beta} F_{\gamma \delta} [/eqn]

which is rather similar to the standard maxwell action, just swap out the permutation symbol for a pair of metric tensors and carry a factor of [math]\sqrt{|g|}[/math] with the differential.

then we have a path to chern-simons theory.

>> No.8822178


who is this man

>> No.8822182

He's a branelet.

>> No.8822205

Dude chill what the fuck stop dropping these redpills ffs

>> No.8823197

This thread is my favorite D-meme