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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8814719 No.8814719 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you use math stack exchange? Is it just me who thinks that the cunts on there are so uptight, they downvote fucking everything.

>> No.8814738


>> No.8814740

>not mathoverflow

>> No.8814741

that's stackexchange today in a nutshell
it's become a massive circlejerk and everything is off topic or duplicate (even if it isn't)
still a good info source often times, but they're gonna die off because they don't get many new users. the barrier to do anything in the site is too high

>> No.8814742

Your mom makes the bath overflow

>> No.8814755

>ask people to do your homework for you
>get btfo

>> No.8814756

>ask question on stack exchange
>everyone posts links to older questions
>"how bout ya look at this post over here buddy?"
>my post gets locked
>doesn't answer question at all

>> No.8814758

>math underflow

>> No.8814765

>Be a supreme being that can understand anything and everything
>Some brainlet asks you dumb questions so you redirect them so unrelated answers hoping they will figure out rocket science out of gender studies
>The brainlet gets triggered and complains about you on taiwanese sock masturbating forum
>tfw too intelligent for this world

>> No.8814767

>Write complicated question.
>I don't get it.
>Simplify question a lot.
>Question downvoted and locked.
I fucking hate that site.

>> No.8814770

>unrelated green text

>> No.8814841
File: 71 KB, 553x554, Screen Shot 2017-04-09 at 20.07.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used it from 2013 to 2015 and have about 500 questions and answers.
Then, basically, all the good questions and answers where done and it became a sea of duplicates. That is understandable and okay, but the real problem is that (while the user base is more experienced than on /sci/), just like on /sci/ nobody will put any effort in harder question. I was against the reputation system and spend literally thousands of reputation points as the bounty - and the bounties never got my any extra good answer. The system doesn't work.

>> No.8814852
File: 47 KB, 700x400, Net-Worth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS: Oh and the reputation system is broken too. Those 3k I gained from 2014 on, it's just gains from upvotes on questions I posted in the years before that time. You can literally read what's wrong with the system in the communist manifesto.

I also have a 46 upvotes question and some with 20++ that I took from a /sci/ thread

>> No.8814864

Emmabro, know anything about graph theory/symmetries?

Why would there be a bijection between the distance regular graphs on n nodes and the ways to equally divide the area of a circle into n parts using only chords?

>> No.8814867
File: 60 KB, 991x902, 1452345410636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can literally read what's wrong with the system in the communist manifesto.

>> No.8814888

Where did you get that form?
Also, what's a chord?
Can you count the cuts for n = 2, 3, 4?

>> No.8814899

I got it from my own research. I conject this nonfiction exists.

A chord is a straight line whenever with both endpoints lying on the circle. So imagine we are cutting a circular cake with a wire into equal sized pieces. The number of ways to do this (i.e. the size and position of the chords) appears to be equivalent to the number of distance regular graphs.

>> No.8814903

*I conject this bijection exists

Stupid autocorrect

>> No.8814911

Number of ways to split the cake into two pieces: 1 obviously, 1 chord down the middle.

3 pieces: 1 way using 2 chords

4 pieces: 1 way using 3 chords and one way using 2 chords down the middle which cross at a 90 degree angle


>> No.8814927

>3 pieces: 1 way using 2 chords
What is a "way". With two cords, I see one cut where two endpoints touch and one in which they don't. What are your rules?

>> No.8814932

If you've asked a question within the last few years it's just a race for literal autists to find the closest duplicate and link you to it, even if it doesn't answer the question you asked.

>> No.8814938

Yes, good question. If you are just shifting the endpoints of the chord along the circle without changing its length or crossing it with another chord, then I don't count those separately. Obviously there would be infinite ways to split the cake into three pieces if I did count them all separately.

This is because this conjecture was born out of the question of whether you can divide a cake this way such that all the pieces are noncongruent with each other.

>> No.8814989

I don't understand what their motivation is

>> No.8815013

Another way of understanding this is that each piece is a node and pieces adjacent to each other are nodes connected by an edge. So you can create a unique graph representing each "way." Shifting the chord doesn't change the graph. Other things we know about these graphs are that they are bipartite (since ever chord or crossing of chords creates bipartite structures), outerplanar (having a price not touching the circle creates an predetermined system), and no node connects more than two blocks (the proof for this is that a piece which touches three or more parts of the circle must be larger than the smallest piece that results from this division, which can easily be proven via trig). However this does not completely describe the set.

>> No.8815016

(having a piece not touching the circle creates an overdetermined system)

>> No.8815018


definitely not money

>> No.8816224

The things you mentioned dob't yet speak of surface, right?
How will surface area be captured?
I don't yet understand your construction and fyi whenever someone only provides te necessary details to understand his question when you find out and have to ask, you lose motivation

>> No.8816414

last time i used code from stack overflow i lost 260GiB of data. luckily it was just intermediate step that was reproducible

>> No.8816420

>brainlet asks brainlet questions, gets downvoted
>cries about it on feer chun dat org

>> No.8816429

fgt pls

>> No.8816576

>off topic or duplicate (even if it isn't)
While that is certainly an issue the site isn't a place to post useless shit. It's meant to be relevant, clean and very specialised. If you can figure something out by searching for it or learning the surface knowledge of topic then you shouldn't be posting.

>> No.8816615

If you ask serious question, describe your thoughts and attempts to the solution, give a sketch of a solution and ask what's wrong with it or how to proceed if you're stuck then you'll get the answer. But if you just post your calc homework, "guys do it for me, I don't even know what it means and don't even wanna understand it" then no wonder you won't get your answer.

>> No.8816866

I calculate interior angles between the radii that touch the endpoints of the chords. The interior angle x of a chord is determined by the fraction F of the circle's area it cuts off

x-sinx = 2piF

Then there is a much more complicated formula determining the interior angle for the intersection between two crossing chords. These are all you need to construct the cuts.

Unfortunately as you can see these angles cannot be solved analytically. But it is fairly easy to construct with estimations.

>> No.8816869

Maybe that's true if you're an engineer asking a math question. If you know some math and have a question beyond that, you often don't get much out of it.

>> No.8816873

>If you ask serious question, describe your thoughts and attempts to the solution, give a sketch of a solution and ask what's wrong with it or how to proceed if you're stuck then you'll get the answer.

This is how all my questions are posted, and none of them have positive rating. The claimed duplicates are almost never even vaguely related, and if they are, I'm at such a different level of understanding that I don't get it. And no one bothers to tell you why or how. It's cancer.

>> No.8817540


Do you know this guy by any chance?

>> No.8818827

math.SE is ruined, completely destroyed by giving trivial answers to trivial questions.

cs.SE is a decent alternative, if you're into discrete math and/or optimisation. I've seen a few interesting questions pop up from time to time.

It has many of the problems that the SE format has for actual intellectual discussion, but it is smaller and most trivial questions get either closed or only given a hint,suggestion in the comments.

>> No.8819199

If they weren't uptight, their website would degrade in quality. Their moderation system incentivizes high quality, on-topic discussion.

Would you prefer something more akin to the endless shitposting of /sci/? Would you prefer endless threads of gorilla posting, /pol/ bait and petty one-upsmanship?

I don't know how you retards can get so butthurt about SE's curation system and continue to post here and defend the low moderation of this website. Maybe you just enjoy wallowing in garbage.

>> No.8819257

Stack Overflow and related sites are basically trying to write a textbook, not be a conversation forum. Which is annoying and tedious in that the better covered a topic is, the more of an expert you need to be to even ask a question. I like it for information, but I don't like trying to ask questions. The reality is that most of my questions are already answered but it takes awhile to even figure out the right question if I'm too much of a noob. And they are incentivized through their point system to be as tedious as possible in editing your shit and finding where it's already been asked before.

>> No.8819300

math.SE is super useful if you're doing math.

if math.SE and cs.SE are interchangeable to you and you're looking for "intellectual discussion" then you probably need to go to reddit or something instead

>> No.8819312

>they don't let me play-pretend and want to actually have serious questions that require you to have read the fucking book


>> No.8819320

>not a branch of math

>> No.8819333

you're retarded. instantly confirmed that your education level in math and cs is lower than a highschooler. if not, prove me wrong and tell me something interesting. otherwise kill yourself brainlet

>> No.8819346

>"intellectual discussion"
Perhaps I phrased this incorrectly. I meant productive discussion about non-trivial problems, so not "freshman homework assignment #325563256".

>math.SE and cs.SE are interchangeable to you
No, I said cs.SE is superior. Math SE is useful for the knowledge already posted, but actively participating in the QA is very unrewarding.

If I want to shitpost, I'd go to /sci/ .

A large part of theoretical cs is essentially math, but the common knowledge has diverged enough for the origin to become irrelevant.

>> No.8819357

my experience wildly differs from yours. I find a shitload of productive discussion about non-trivial problems that helps me in what I'm currently learning.

>> No.8819660

This is what I'm saying, retard. I'm not complaining about it. I'm just saying it's a different mentality than many are accustomed to. If you approach it like a forum, you won't be happy.

>> No.8819673

>You're a big baby asking to be cuddled
>"This is what I'm saying, retard"
really makes the neurons fire

>> No.8819708

math overflow and cs theory SE are good since the questions are at a much higher level than typical pajeet shitposting on math SE so mods don't enforce it as much, assuming you know what you're doing.

if you do any research in cs theory you'll end up using math overflow to find some specialist in analysis to provide insight into some corner case in your paper and you don't have 8 years of analysis background.

>> No.8819726

>really makes the neurons fire
You show little chance of that