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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8809641 No.8809641 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any drugs I can take to help me study?

Ones that don't cause permanent damage preferably.

Is adderall advisable? Nicotine?

Give me the scoop.

>> No.8809649

the most potent drug in the world is knowledge

>> No.8809654
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>Not love.
>Not falling in love with mathematics.
Disgusting brainlets.

>> No.8809669
File: 87 KB, 487x650, motl_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the true brainlets are those who think witten>motl

>> No.8809670

>Is adderall advisable?
If you're not at high risk of becoming addicted, and have enough self control to use it responsibly, then yes it works wonders.

>> No.8809686

go fuck off to

>> No.8810488

>ones that don't cause permanent damage

>> No.8810850


>> No.8810853

Nicotine is less harmful than caffeine. It's the predominant delivery system that's harmful.

>> No.8811472

Thank me later

>> No.8811492

there is a form of magnesium that sucessfullu crosses the blood brain barrier (Magtein commercially - can get by dr's best brand) . A study found magtein totally ignited the firing of the neruocusters (too lazy to llok up article) like fireworks. No other form of magnesium works. In short its like caffein but "really" fires up your brain.

Best known science that i know of (besides brain zapping)

>> No.8811554

Nootropics are a meme

>> No.8811801
File: 126 KB, 500x538, when-you-smonk-weed-18251098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8811843

cardiovascular exercise.

>> No.8813045

>Are there any drugs I can take to help me study?
>Ones that don't cause permanent damage preferably.
Darjeeling tea, preferably TGFOP or better
>Is adderall advisable? Nicotine?
No. Just perhaps a tiny bit of milk.
>Give me the scoop.
No scoop but a tiny dash of sugar.

For high pressure work try sencha and make sure this is in moderation.

>> No.8813137

Amphetamines will make you energetic, and that's about it. I've tried a few. Adderall is fine. The adderall everyone hypes up doesn't actually exist anymore. It's different now. The adderall of today can be effective, but there are many different distributions of it and some are better than others. Unless you're predisposed, addiction is not really something to worry about. Like I said, it's overhyped.

>> No.8813170

Just watch the science channel all the time.

>> No.8814165

4mg nicotine gum works for me. Seems to help with working memory.

>> No.8814239

Stealth pepsi advertisement thread, detected.

Pay for the ads, you fuck.

>> No.8814248

Here is a great drug: stop being a lazy feg and get off sci

>> No.8814336

how about 2mg?

>> No.8814808

Haven't tried 2 but most people that use nicotine as a noot say that's a good dose.

>> No.8815516

motl>witten is for incels
win lose situation I guess

>> No.8815529

percocets, molly percocets

>> No.8816982

Literally worse than coffee

>> No.8816988

Nootropics are a bit of a false science. All drugs work by altering a state in your body, deviating it from the norm. The 'norm' for most areas in the body is an ideal balance and moving away from it is deleterious in some way or another, which is why they say all medicine is poison. A drug like mdma is great temporarily but there's an obvious reason your brain isnt in that state normally - it would be terrible for survival.

However your brain IS designed to be as clever and energetic as it can be, there's no downside to being smart and focused. So there can't possibly be a drug that makes a real change here. Most that "work" really just dampen fatigue, like caffeine and modafinil or if someone has a genuine medical problem like narcolepsy or adhd then they can shift this back towards normal.