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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 367x255, imageMath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8808927 No.8808927 [Reply] [Original]

No text here

>> No.8808941

It's actually a good question

>> No.8808960

Each has 2 in denominator and 1 in numerator. Unsolvable.

>> No.8808961

Thats the joke.

>> No.8808962
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>> No.8808963

There's only one equation. How can you possibly solve it for three variables?

>> No.8808970

Op this equation is impossible

>> No.8808971
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>> No.8808975
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>> No.8808976

Put 1000 for banana and 1 for tomato and pineapple. It is greater than 4. Put 1 for banana, tomato, and pineapple. It is less than 4. Because the rate of change between the two is continuous it must have a solution(s)

>> No.8808986
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>> No.8808991


wrong it is solvable but the numbers are very large.

>> No.8809005

Kekked at this.

>> No.8809007


>> No.8809012

My bananas can be quaternions if they want, it's thier life and their choice! Who are you to dictate?!

>> No.8809016

>solve over the integers
Nice, I tried "solve for x, y, z" but it didn't work obviously.

>> No.8809019

let pineapple be 0

>> No.8809023

The integers are a jewish lie. Only the naturals exist.

>> No.8809030

It's graphable with no unique solutions.

>> No.8809055 [DELETED] 

[eqn] \frac{a}{b+c} + \frac{b}{c+a} + \frac{c}{a+b} = 4, \ \ \ \ e = \frac{a}{b+c}, \ \ \ \ f=\frac{b}{c+a}, \ \ \ \ g=\frac{c}{a+b}, [/eqn]
[eqn] a = e(b+c),\ \ b=f(c+a),\ \ c=g(a+b) [/eqn]

[eqn] b=fc + feb +fec \implies b=cf\frac{1+e}{1-fe} [/eqn]
[eqn] a = c\big(e +e\frac{f+fe}{1-fe}) = ce\frac{1+f}{1-fe}[/eqn]

Let [math] c [/math] be any value, [math] e + f + g =4 [/math] be satisfied and you have a solution

>> No.8809060

Very nice.

>> No.8809065 [DELETED] 

[eqn] \frac{a}{b+c} + \frac{b}{c+a} + \frac{c}{a+b} = 4, \ \ \ \ e = \frac{a}{b+c}, \ \ \ \ f=\frac{b}{c+a}, \ \ \ \ g=\frac{c}{a+b}, [/eqn]
[eqn] a = e(b+c),\ \ b=f(c+a),\ \ c=g(a+b) [/eqn]

[eqn] b=fc + feb +fec \implies b=cf\frac{1+e}{1-fe} [/eqn]
[eqn] a = c\big(e +e\frac{f+fe}{1-fe}) = ce\frac{1+f}{1-fe}[/eqn]

Let [math] c,f,g [/math] be any value and use [math] g=c(a+b) [/math] to find an infinite number of solutions

>> No.8809073 [DELETED] 

Had to make a correction, but it looks like I fucked up in this one too.

Let [math] c,f,e [/math] be any value; not [math] c,f,g [/math] as I said in this post

>> No.8809081

[eqn] \frac{a}{b+c} + \frac{b}{c+a} + \frac{c}{a+b} = 4, \ \ \ \ e = \frac{a}{b+c}, \ \ \ \ f=\frac{b}{c+a}, \ \ \ \ g=\frac{c}{a+b}, [/eqn]
[eqn] a = e(b+c),\ \ b=f(c+a),\ \ c=g(a+b) [/eqn]

[eqn] b=fc + feb +fec \implies b=cf\frac{1+e}{1-fe} [/eqn]
[eqn] a = c\big(e +e\frac{f+fe}{1-fe}) = ce\frac{1+f}{1-fe}[/eqn]

Let [math] c,f,e [/math] be any value and use the above formula to find [math] a [/math] and [math] b [/math] for an infinite number of solutions.

Had to make a correction.

>> No.8809083

I didn't even use the fact that
[math] e + f + g = 4 [/math]
That means I made a mistake somewhere

>> No.8809089

Unknowns > equations = indeterminate; only way around this is to assume values.

>> No.8809117

Can we ban undergrads?

>> No.8809151
File: 30 KB, 468x780, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. Choose [math] c [/math] and [math] e [/math] to be whatever you want. These equations tell you what [math] a [/math] and [math] b [/math] need be.

>> No.8809153

That's a pineapple, it should be p.

>> No.8809187
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> falling for the diophantine meme

>> No.8809189
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also this

>> No.8809208

>smallest solution of infinitely many solutions is super fucking yuge

>> No.8809209

i gave this problem to a bunch of peopel adn they spent about 20 minutes trying to solve it on paper. twas grand

>> No.8809219


>> No.8809235

>elephantine equation
But it doesn't say we're only looking for integer solutions. You can literally set two variables whatever you want and then solve for the third.

>> No.8809276
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>> No.8809283
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>> No.8809287

Noamika, actually.

>> No.8809295
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>> No.8809297
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>> No.8809303
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>> No.8809308
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>> No.8809313
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>> No.8809420

this is high-school level math
a = 1
b = 1
c = [math]\frac{7+\sqrt{65}}{2}[/math]


>> No.8809425
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>> No.8809500

Every time I read this I find a different thing to laugh about.

>> No.8809522


Apple = 1
Banana = 1
Pineapple = -7/3

Why is this so hard?

>> No.8809525
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, 🤔.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i < 2147483647

>> No.8809549

>right click

>> No.8809551

minor correction, its just that e and f can be anything, and then using e+f+g = 4 solve for g, then solve for abc

>> No.8809556

e+f+g = 4 solve for C

>> No.8809576

here's a generalized formula if any anon wants it
where [math]\frac{a+b}{c}+\frac{b+c}{a}+\frac{c+a}{b}=x[/math]

>> No.8809604

solve x^2+y^2=5, or is it impossible?

>> No.8809613
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>> No.8809616
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>> No.8809620
File: 51 KB, 1297x304, A mathematician&#039;s companion to solving rubik cubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8809665

fuck, my bad I meant
for [math]\frac{a}{b+c}+\frac{b}{c+a}+\frac{c}{a+b}=x[/math]

>> No.8809932

>only just realized he incremented i within the if statement

>> No.8809939

What did the English major say to the Math major?

Do you want fries with that?

>> No.8809969
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>> No.8809972
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>> No.8809994


Set 4 equal to 1.5.
Each fruit = 1

Now trivially solve for 1 after converting 1.5 back to 4.

>> No.8810206
File: 753 KB, 852x1200, the truth about math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8810256

>There's only one equation. How can you possibly solve it for three variables?
CS major here. You can bruteforce the equation if you use computer programming. Just try out all possible values that exist, until something works.

>> No.8810259
File: 84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170407-113419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High schoolers pls go

>> No.8810262

What is this even saying

>> No.8810263

>calls others high schoolers
>looks up the solution on wolfram alpha

>> No.8810267

>what is being lazy

>> No.8810276

If you're a clueless freshman why did you bother to reply?

>> No.8810278
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>> No.8810296

You're underestimating the coders genius

>> No.8810316
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>> No.8810318

But mathematicians can just have a sex with an imaginary girlfriend
math win every time

>> No.8810326
File: 53 KB, 454x453, Serious pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is real
what the fuck

>> No.8810365

You have three variables and only one equation. The only option is to start making up values and I don't think we can do that.

>> No.8810373

Holy Shit, Who can up with such an ingenious hypothesis. Newton would be proud!

>> No.8810376

Very nice.

>> No.8810377

But where are the engineers?

>> No.8810402
File: 300 KB, 960x946, 1488303139036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like this a lot more if it weren't for Shiba

>> No.8810454

My degree is not in electrical engineering.

>> No.8810466

Fake and unfunny

>> No.8810472

>sir, im just taking out the trash

>> No.8810549
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>> No.8810608

your idtiot, the conditionals are completely retarded, and its tradition to use a nulable bool for ternary logic

>> No.8810706

Holy shit

>> No.8810727
File: 456 KB, 1000x1000, Polar Attraction, a forbidden love story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i n t e r p e n e t r a t i o n

>> No.8810730

More like /math/ humor thread, right?

>> No.8810833

Is it possible to find that expression manually? Also, how would one go about finding it using programming?

>> No.8810901
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>> No.8810905
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>> No.8810906


same, kek

>> No.8810907

Here is a hint:
If a polynomial has a root in a, then (x-a) is a factor of that polynomial.

>> No.8810911


those fuckers ate those mints

>> No.8810920

Not defending the work, but you need to understand the context behind it.

>"Is E=Mc2 a sexed equation? Perhaps it is. Let us make the hypothesis that it is insofar as it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us. What seems to me to indicate the possible sexed nature of the equation is not directly its uses by nuclear weapons, rather it is having privileged that which goes faster."

>> No.8810924

dumb mobileposter

>> No.8810938
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>> No.8810956
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>> No.8810971

The only possible context that makes it not retard would be preceding it with "only a complete idiot would say <...>"

>> No.8810973
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>> No.8810982
File: 43 KB, 500x666, Game of Life.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8811014

look up chapter 2 or 3 in your closest introduction to linear algebra book

>> No.8811018

Is it possible to explain this retardation with physics?

>> No.8811031

>mfw this track comes on shuffle while reading this

>> No.8811041

This is excellent

>> No.8811051
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1479375372272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is one of my favourites

>> No.8811080

>tfw colorblind
I'll never know if the joke is that there is no number written, or a different one.

>> No.8811087

Congratulations, you... defined escape velocity.

>> No.8811249

what is delta v?

>> No.8811332

This is true. If you disagre youre a fat fedora-tipper.

>> No.8811373

"IF this equation privileges the speed of light over other speeds THEN it is due to being a greater speed" is actually a great example of vacuous truth.

>> No.8811854
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>> No.8811873


would it be faster to brute force or to take the necessary math credits?

>> No.8812078
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>> No.8812203
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>> No.8812295 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 500x500, Meet-Her-At-HALO-Parade-PAGO-Bootleg-Single-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big ass

>> No.8812297 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 960x1280, girl_mett_in_moscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small pussi

>> No.8812314


I studied this shit extensively through the playing of kerbal space program.

Basically, delta v is "change in v", aka, "change in velocity.

When you're in a vacuum of space, accelerating in a certain direction will change your course in a certain way. It's basically a way of describing how much your fuel is able to make you move, being a function of ISP (miles per gallon) and the amount of fuel you bring.

>> No.8812342

>smart but lazy
No u go

>> No.8812362

I would have yelled at you for posting off topic shit in my serious science thread but pictures of my sochifu are always welcome.

>> No.8812377
File: 44 KB, 500x409, 434563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this one. Just her face makes me laugh

>> No.8812380
File: 51 KB, 400x500, 562895431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one

>> No.8812413


Women's school

>> No.8812427

Is it wrong that I see Bogdanoff in this picture?

>> No.8812430
File: 55 KB, 630x504, cd5ef45f2e813b0ca94b1c419dc3a66f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fruit = numbers
>crossing fruit cultivars that can't be crossed in nature

You theoretical mathfags are retarded.

>> No.8812436

I think integer solutions are implied since we are talking about amount of fruits.

>> No.8812439
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>> No.8812444
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>> No.8812447

>answer comes with two free variables
>Implies my statement was wrong

>> No.8812467 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 480x640, 1477151144671-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waht does it mean?

>> No.8812475


>> No.8812476
File: 73 KB, 348x279, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a cute elven loli and take all the cocks in my virginal, prepubescent pussy, and have my still infertile tiny womb be full of countless stranger's cum at all time, to be perfectly tbf

>> No.8812496 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 1785x1049, tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to have skinny legs and be sexy

>> No.8812549 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 639x959, 14770584380220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8812583

Where the hell do you see him taking a cross porduct?

>> No.8812594 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 176x206, q3arena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see him cross my hair.

>> No.8812598

I tried this:
Apple = 2
Banana = 7.464
Pineapple = 0
And the result was: 3.999952
I'm near the answer.

There isn't just one correct answer. If you multiply Apple, Banana and Pineapple by the same number, you'll get the same result.

So, I believe the answer is:
Apple = Real number greater than 0
Banana ≈ Apple * 3.732
Pineapple = 0

>> No.8812616 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 120x301, sh2SEX34e23dbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo're near the being a gay.

>> No.8812635 [DELETED] 


>> No.8812655


>> No.8812661

This problem has multiple solutions. Here is one such solution in paragraph form.

If one fruit (say pineapple) equals 0, then...
another fruit (say apple) equals 2±√3, then...
the last fruit (in this case banana) can be any number.

One example of a valid answer:
pineapple = 0
apple = 2±√3
banana = 1

>> No.8812728 [DELETED] 

шизoфpeния гнидoзнaя

>> No.8813017
File: 1.11 MB, 855x1529, imaginaries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8813028

Dumb fucking tacos man

>> No.8813052



>> No.8813121


a = 2 + sqrt(3)
b = 1
p = 0

>> No.8813130


>> No.8813148


I see shit like this and am happy the Sokal affair happened.

>> No.8813150

They are values, not amounts.

>> No.8813152

A delicious breakfast.

>> No.8813162

If I told you the joke is that there is no number, would you believe me?

>> No.8813232
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>the number is false

>> No.8813267



>> No.8813374

dumb but i laughed

>> No.8813560

I think there's a minus sign missing somewhere

>> No.8813572


>> No.8813576

using j is for cock-sucking engineers

>> No.8813650
File: 46 KB, 288x358, 1490735198137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody, please explain the joke?

>> No.8813657

>using i when i is used for current

>> No.8813668

>doesn't get the reference no matter how abstract it becomes
it's your loss

>> No.8813857

Do a google image search on it and you'll get the reference.

>> No.8813937

wew lad, i would have never gotten that in a million years

>> No.8814116


>> No.8814316


>> No.8814327

meme reality been leaking again

>> No.8815463

top kek

>> No.8815491

Can someone explain this so even a brainlet like me can understand?

>> No.8815504

Please post that CS pics

>> No.8815533
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>> No.8815793

> Can you find values for apple, banana, and pineapple?

The answer is yes, you can find values for them that make the equation true.

The question doesn't ask for an example of these values, but if you're interested, one such triple is:


(The pineapple is the larger of the two solutions to the quadratic equation p^2 - 4p + 1 = 0.)

>> No.8815896

The idea of composition in the fundamental group is that of traveling the first path and the second in succession, or, equivalently, setting their two domains together. The concept of composition that we want for the n-th homotopy group is the same, except that now the domains that we stick together are cubes, and we must glue them along a face. We therefore define the sum of maps f, g : [0,1]n → X by the formula (f + g)(t1, t2, ... tn) = f(2t1, t2, ... tn) for t1 in [0,1/2] and (f + g)(t1, t2, ... tn) = g(2t1 − 1, t2, ... tn) for t1 in [1/2,1]. For the corresponding definition in terms of spheres, define the sum f + g of maps f, g : Sn → X to be Ψ composed with h, where Ψ is the map from Sn to the wedge sum of two n-spheres that collapses the equator and h is the map from the wedge sum of two n-spheres to X that is defined to be f on the first sphere and g on the second.

If n ≥ 2, then πn is abelian. (For a proof of this, note that in two dimensions or greater, two homotopies can be "rotated" around each other. See Eckmann–Hilton argument). Further, similar to the fundamental group, for a path connected space any two basepoint choices gives rise to isomorphic πn (see Allen Hatcher#Books section 4.1).

It is tempting to try to simplify the definition of homotopy groups by omitting the base points, but this does not usually work for spaces that are not simply connected, even for path connected spaces. The set of homotopy classes of maps from a sphere to a path connected space is not the homotopy group, but is essentially the set of orbits of the fundamental group on the homotopy group, and in general has no natural group structure.

A way out of these difficulties has been found by defining higher homotopy groupoids of filtered spaces and of n-cubes of spaces. These are related to relative homotopy groups and to n-adic homotopy groups respectively. A higher homotopy van Kampen theorem then enables one to derive.

>> No.8815906

Holy shit.
This is me IRL.

>> No.8816191

I'm going to send this to my angry old deaf math prof via a throwaway email

>> No.8816198

And another beautiful one. I want to be your friend.

>> No.8816204

>The number is false
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8816221


This is not solvable with the information given.
We have three unknowns and one equation.

We need two more to get a single solution, or we get a plane of solutions, just like y=2x+1 gives us a line of solutions.

>> No.8816363
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>> No.8816367
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>> No.8816379 [DELETED] 



Fuck off back to /pol/, you cucked nigger nazi FAGGOT KIKE, you JEW you C U C K

>> No.8816381

It's a symmetrical equation and it's solvable

>> No.8816390

no, no, it isn't

>> No.8816393
File: 72 KB, 325x282, 1462732500322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ok there pal?

>> No.8816395 [DELETED] 


>> No.8816411
File: 129 KB, 864x749, 1486360904878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have YouTube fucking RED?????

>> No.8817285

The fucks that jewish symbol?

>> No.8817363

No unique solutions, its (kinda) solvable but the set of all solutions can be graphed as a plane in 3d space.

>> No.8817370

Aleph naught, its how many natural numbers there are.

>> No.8817376


>> No.8817405

This doesn't work for 2, because I can conceive of higher primes. Is this further evidence that two is in fact composite?

>> No.8818292

Thanks for the good explanation! Gotta read up on some of these things lel

>> No.8818425
File: 73 KB, 640x426, stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded or is everyone else retarded?
x=0, y=1, z=2+sqrt(3)

>> No.8818495

[math]\frac{-5}{9+11} + \frac{9}{11+(-5)} + \frac{11}{9 + (-5)} = 4[/math]

You brainlets are trying to be cool with your real numbers when you miss the obvious integer solutions.

>> No.8818971

but what if I increment it by 1?

>> No.8820415

ℵ +1 = ℵ

>> No.8821228

Aleph naught

>> No.8821286
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>> No.8821313

Off the charts

>> No.8822361

>not [math](0,1)[/math]

>> No.8822995

>-5 apples
positive integers only, bub

>> No.8823034


Researching this woman made me discover that there's some pretty insane/retarded courses you can take at my university:

Locates queer embodiments, performances and projects in local, national and transnational contexts. What is made visible and invisible in performance theory, constructions/appropriations of the deviant, and the complex shifts in queer space taking place through globalization? How are effects produced as queer across interwoven spaces?

Taking a course on finding thedeviancy of the complex shifts in queer space? Fucking brainlets.

[math] D(\lambda) \in \mathbb{C}\\ G: \mathbb{Q}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{Q}^n[/math]

>> No.8823162

>What is uppercase?

>> No.8823182

then there are no solutions below 10^10 or so

>> No.8823214
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>> No.8823247

I'm certainly not fit for most threads on /sci/ but why the fuck would you need the acceleration to escape velocity to be done in a t=0 period? How do you even come to that conclusion at all?

>> No.8823249

fuck you if this image is satire

>> No.8823319
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>> No.8823449

did you not stop to think this is a humor thread

>> No.8823507


>> No.8823584 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1024x1536, 1477227931947-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, why you think so?

>> No.8823733

>very large.
You're a big number

>> No.8823856

By not understanding science, i.e. being a flat-earther.

>> No.8823862


>> No.8823865
File: 423 KB, 716x1154, Waterman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8823886


Quick rundown?

>> No.8823891

literally this simple
you can quickly change the equation to
which obviously reduces to x+y+z=4

>> No.8823895


>> No.8823903

make me mad that some are real and some are fake
guess thats the point though

>> No.8823967
File: 296 KB, 900x850, 1421057483162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mentally ill or something?

>> No.8825050

I thought its just s massive proof by example, and since there are finite examples, they just let s computer do them. If you are autistic enough maybe you can do them instead.

>> No.8825083
File: 290 KB, 1000x1200, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8825159

Maybe you should change "aether" for "solar X" (solar powered, solar panels, solar cells, ..) even if it's a bit too easy, i think "aether" is too tricky to score.

>> No.8826018
File: 146 KB, 1075x384, gaysex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8826020


engineer detected, lol.

>> No.8826027
File: 7 KB, 195x258, Skolnick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamilton all the way.

>> No.8826028
File: 1.17 MB, 1243x635, gaysex1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8826039


the one on the left very clearly has titties, you can't call that gay.

>> No.8826041


errr right.

>> No.8826044
File: 289 KB, 1042x466, gaysex2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just a chubby boy.

>> No.8826117
File: 292 KB, 1000x1200, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u rite

>> No.8826140

finally, queuing theory finds a use.

>> No.8826145

[[4, 95, 370], [7, 14, 79], [7, 79, 14]]
within 0.0001

>> No.8826284



>> No.8826357

it lacks :
>orbital ring
>space elevator

>> No.8826456

I got 360000, 194605 and -90000

>> No.8826475
File: 157 KB, 770x562, (1)_sci_-_How_close_are_we_to_growing_boobs_with_stem_cells_-_Science_&amp;_Math_-_4chan_-_2017-04-14_17.09.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8826668
File: 25 KB, 440x586, Book - japanmath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8826673
File: 249 KB, 926x576, Government Lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8826676
File: 195 KB, 480x360, Musical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8826734

>integer solutions
>OPs problem specifies nothing about integers

>> No.8826799

>which obviously reduces to x+y+z=4
What the fuck, no

>> No.8826842
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>> No.8826862
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>> No.8826910

not /sci/-related but i kek'd

>> No.8827126
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>> No.8827130

Why has fruit algebra become a Facebook meme?

>> No.8827132
File: 1.19 MB, 680x1772, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8827135

no quaternions

trash meme

>> No.8827148


>> No.8827158
File: 59 KB, 292x320, pancreator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why 12 dimensions though?

>> No.8827168

clearly not enlightened enough

>> No.8827173

>real numbers
>taught in elementary school

>> No.8827183

>tfw you have red
>and use adblock

>> No.8827246
File: 72 KB, 511x496, 7fb202df34e3ce571b1e1523f9e43877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard a lot of these guys I am a bit out of the loop

can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.8827363

They are the canadian elephant men white equivalent of Niel Degrasse Tyson.

>> No.8827393
File: 70 KB, 522x783, Ainsley_Harriott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy?

>> No.8827751

Who's that guy?

>> No.8828008
File: 100 KB, 640x427, 1470532399070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely in tears over here. I was not fucking ready for this one.

>> No.8828035

what's this from

>> No.8828063

it says that since the two things are touching, the distance between their mass is 0

and therefore the gravitational force between them is infinite.

which is wrong, therefore gravity doesn't exist

>> No.8828099

What phone is that?

>> No.8828106


I don't know but it's nearly every day someone posts another Facebook fruit math meme and comments on "intelligence".

>> No.8828109

0+0+0+0+0+1+1+1+1 us your jpg op

>> No.8828172

In general, when you assume one of the variables is 0, you can compute the other 2 with 0.5 = sin(2*t), then, use t on x = r*cos(t), and y=r*cos(t), where r is any non-zero real number.