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8782569 No.8782569 [Reply] [Original]

Cognitive Improvement General, Brain Boost Thread 000

ThreadDescription I This Thread will collect and provide knowledge to boost up your cognitive functions, boost up your brain and help us to make the best out of our minds. Everything posted in this thread will be filtered and summarized for the next one, so hopefully we get more and more informations, techinques, knowledge to improve our mind.

Post everything that fits under this discription, everything related to learning, exercicing your mind, thinking. Everything about creativity, problem solving, neurology, and all that comes to your mind related to this big field.
Topics (feel free to add new Topics and Subtopics)

Studytechniques, -tips, -hacks, -routines
Sleep, Sleepcycles

Exercising, Sports

mental Health


Nootropics (chemical, natural)
Drugs, Psychadelics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I will try to summarize every information as good as possible and update the structure of this thread after it's archived.

Some questions

> Should I shedule the threadcreation on every friday?
> What other topics do you want me to add?
> How do you guys like the idea of this thread at all?

>> No.8783115

Bump for interest

>> No.8783153

>it's anecdotal evidence
Fuck you I'm posting it anyway

I used to smoke weed. While high off my ass, I consumed about 3 years of topology lectures in about 4 months. I could do all the exercises. I took an IQ test, got 154.

About 6 months ago my weed dealer went to jail and I've been sober ever since. I have difficulty concentrating in class now (never had that problem before). I can't watch lectures on youtube for hours anymore. I can still retain information if I try really, really hard. I took an IQ test last week when that faggot posted a thread on here. Coincidentally, it was the same site I took the test on before. I got 130.

I can't tell you if weed made me smarter, because I'd never been tested before I scored 154. I can't tell you if smoking weed will get me my 24 points back. I can't tell you if it was a fluke, either.

But don't smoke the ganja, bro. There's a nonzero chance that when you stop smoking it you're going to be cognitively impaired, or at the very least, lose your passion for learning. Err on the side of caution.

Somewhat relevant link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10780248

>> No.8783202

This post was entirely pointless as it utterly negated itself at the end.

Well done for wasting anyones time who actually read through until the end.


>> No.8783698 [DELETED] 


My life is a routine less mess but I can't function with routine.
It gets me down and just depletes my sole.

I make time for everything but I just can't get to a end(I can't finish what I start with)

Undergraduate in physics stuck in a strange place failing certain modules and excelling in the minority(pass one almost with distinction and fail the rest in exams)

Sorry for adding nothing to your cause

>> No.8783817

Thanks for the warning senpai

>> No.8783828

dude weed

>> No.8783838

Have any of you ay-nons tried Kratom?

I hear that shit puts your brain into high gear, Limitless style

>> No.8783850


LSD is a great drug for improving one's ability think abstractly, and process things in alternate perspectives.

Doing math is a blast on LSD, as long as you can keep track of what you're reading.
It's also superb for creative writing.

>> No.8784170

How do I LSD at home?
There's no psychedelic stuff around here and I'm not buy anything online.

>> No.8784197

very interesting

I have trouble maintaining coherence when I attempt to learn something while I'm high

would you say you're buzzed? are you full-fledged baked?

>> No.8784227

30 minutes of moderately intense jogging every day (hr of 140bpm) will do more for your cognitive, mental, and physical health than anything else.

>> No.8784243


you are fucking retarded for even considering that to be remotely possible to be true.

kratom is a shitty fucking pseudo opiate that will make you feel 'okayish' once or twice and then never again will it do anything except make you feel sick.


fucking eat the acid, what kind a question is that?

>> No.8784277

>fucking eat the acid, what kind a question is that?
What I'm asking is, what legal substances induce a useful high for a better understanding of mathematical concepts?

>> No.8784289

inhale the following:
get high as fug
you will
etc etc etc

>> No.8784291

>How do I LSD at home?
>There's no psychedelic stuff around here and I'm not buy anything online.

Unless you have some ergot laying around your house and you're a experienced chemist, you'll be hard pressed to make it yourself. Even if ergot was readily available, the synthesis of LSD-25 is quite an undertaking (I've been told making meth is child's play comparatively to this).
If you're looking for an acid dealer, try making friends with people in the music scene. A word of caution though; much of the "acid" sold on the street is 25I-nbome and not LSD-25, and you can overdose on 25I (where-as LSD you can't) so don't take more than 2 tabs if you don't know what you're messing with.

If you're looking for something similar to LSD-25 that's easier to identify, you could always go for shrooms (they're also easier to find in some cases). I find it very difficult to function on shrooms though, as it's a lot more "spiritual" persay, and you usually end up going off mental tangents that you're convinced is nothing sort of an epiphany.

>> No.8784305

I hear you on that..
I dealt with an opioid addiction and cannabis really helped detox and stay sober. It's not legal in Texas though!
But since treatment, my concentration and motivation is off!
Cannabis is nature's medicine, so hope u find something soon

>> No.8784306

Your brain will repair. Since you consumed regularly it might take a while.

>> No.8784309

>what legal substances induce a useful high for a better understanding of mathematical concepts?

Legal substances?
none that I know of. You can always turn yourself into a guinea pig for Chinese research chemicals.

I know that LSD primarily acts on the serotonin receptors, so you can always try some depression medications that target these receptors. I honestly think you'd be better off just looking for some LSD (the price of these meds are crazy, and they have a long list of side effects).

>> No.8784340

You can't compare drugs just because they use the same receptors. That would mean drugs like MDMA and LSD are the same, hint: they are not.

>> No.8784661

>There's a nonzero chance that when you stop smoking it
The word nonzero can be removed from every sentence (except this one) and still have the same meaning.

>> No.8784683

Every nonzero real has a real multiplicative inverse.

>> No.8784997
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Was hoping this thread would have some actual content so I'll add my 2-cents


Personally, I'd recommend not just jogging, but you make sure that you do an exercise that requires you to learn engrams (while increasing cardio)

This is mostly anecdotal evidence, but I feel like when you're doing a cardio while learning skill sets its simultaneously working the brain while giving fuel to it (and will get easier of time)

Some examples of these sports

Rock-climbing/swimming/skateboard/bmx/martial arts (most of them do this) parkour/calisthenics

While I can point to any studies, I can say from the perspective of body fluidity/intelligence transitioning from one sport to another is much easier than most of my peers, I personally believe it's due to doing a variety of different sports while critically thinking about my movement.

Just as a reference, I'd say I'm slightly above average intelligence, have a math undergrad degree, and play a number of instruments.

My issues mainly would be consistent motivation intellectually, I'm a jack-of-all-trades but I get easily distracted (though I pick up these things very fast)

TLDR; Do lots of different shit

>> No.8785164

I like you

lol I would be careful forcing yourself to do any meaningful activities while on LSD. you put yourself in the passenger seat of reality when you drop acid.

second this guy's recommendation to eat shrooms instead of LSD, unless you can find it.

ALSO I'd caution anybody in this thread who's thinking of taking psychedelics but doesn't have any experience with soft drugs like marijuana to BE FUCKING CAREFUL. Not only is it hard to gauge dosage (LSD is dosed in micrograms and the potency of shrooms changes depending on how dry it is not to mention identifying the correct species) but the exact same dosage in two different people can produce dramatically different effects. Remember that your experience is mostly dependent on set and setting, and it's good to have a sober person with you to keep you from getting into trouble. You're not gonna lose all bodily function if you take 1 hit of acid, but if you do start getting some anxiety it's good to have someone with a straight head to remind you of what's what.

>> No.8785170

maybe he is being sarcastic

i smoke weed and do all sorts of amazing stuff. its nothing short of miraculous.

>> No.8785172
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In my opinion you have a head start b/c of your history as a musician.

Studying a discipline or skill as a child teaches you how to learn. There is no better way to "know thyself" than to begin understanding exactly how you learn at a young age. It could be music or martial arts or any sport or anything really.

You start as an absolute novice. You spend a long time being terrible at it. But you still practice, for whatever reason (pressure from parents, internal motivation, etc.). You slowly get better. So slowly you don't notice it happening.

But 5 years later you decide to pick up a different skill or discipline. This time is comes faster, b/c your brain remembers how to learn.

This is all in addition to the actual hand-eye coordination that is improved by learning something like sports or rhythmic ability through music (which seems to inform mathematical ability as well, kinda cool).

Anyway that was a long tangent. Back to talking about drugs.

>> No.8785203


>> No.8785247
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I've been in this game for a while kiddos

1. LSD is legit. Do yourself a favor and try it at least once. 200ug minimum, don't be a pussy.

2. At the end of the day, rest and recovery are the rate limiting factor in mental performance. You can pump yourself full of caffeine and stimulants all day, but if you aren't getting enough rest you won't be operating at peak performance. This is coming from a guy who has tried basically every nootropic out there. Modafinil works, but it is not sustainable.

3. If you feel tired or groggy all the time, you probably have a health issue you are unaware of. Sleep apnea and food allergies are probably the most common causes of this. Many people go their whole lives not realizing they've been operating at 50% capacity.

>> No.8785357

Please READ some trip reports and tips before doing psychedelics. If you don't respect them, you'll regret it. If you consider set & setting it can be your greatest experience!

>> No.8785396

I ended up pursuing science after doing dxm. I would recommend everyone have some sort of psychedelic experience some time in life to get to know your world and self better.

Sleep is super important to everything involving your mind and brain functioning.

Coffee is a great antioxidant and caffeine will improve your mental performance.

Learn to mindfully meditate.

Read up on CBT, it eliminated my anxiety and everyone should learn how to think or feel properly.

>> No.8785405
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Thanks for the input man, never thought about it this way.

Yeah I've been playing music for most of my life now that you mention it, but I was also very very quick at learning before that (I began playing guitar at 11, was playing gigs at 15) also singing came pretty naturally to me as well.

My method of learning is kinda weird though...I'm a brute force kinda guy a lot of the time, I'll just do it until I get it right without much thinking about it, which doesn't take much time, this wasn't great for mathematics though, which I found I wasn't thinking as critically as some of my classmates.

I'd say some good advice is to master and understand your 'methodology' which is going to be very different to mine. Some of my friends prefer to take there time with things, thinking about each nuance slowly.

I also speak 3 different languages at basic conversational level, so there's also that I guess as well

-Learn musical instruments
-Learn different languages
-Try out a variety to different sports

>> No.8785527

>good diet
>minimize mindless internet use including 4chan
>read more

>> No.8785549

Verdict on Noopept?

>> No.8785567

why has no one mentioned amphetamines or dopamine re-uptake inhibitors?

are they really that unmanageable?

>> No.8785568

no jokes Y E S
i have sleep apnea and i ginored that for many years, GET TESTED FOLKS

>> No.8785599

ginko biloba
5-htp (as a means to help develop good habits)
omega-3 in triglyceride form
1-3 dmaa
thats my stack, ive taken adrafinil, it worked to help me stay awake af.

>> No.8785602
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To all those asking about drugs like LSD,
You can actually LEGALLY, yes,
Grow your own mushrooms at home fairly easily.

See, the loophole is that the chemical inside the shrooms themselves are not present in the spores, therefore you can purchase spore syringe kits off of shroom sites and they ship it to your house, and you can fucking just inject that shit into some of those 6th grade science plant kits and grow about 1-10 shroom servings.

Someone went to court about it and they couldn't acquit him for growing drugs because the spores were legal and didn't contain the chemical that was banned.

I really am considering doing it because of all the cool spiritual shit I've heard on /x/ regarding shroom experiences. It's supposed to be pretty safe to consume and not habit forming too. All that shit and you get an awakening like none other. Sign me up homie.

>> No.8785605

LSD microdosing sounds really interesting to me

but I can't risk the potential legal ramifications of working that into my supp routine

>> No.8785610

>believing /x/

>> No.8785621
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>all these disgusting druggies ITT
Excellent work on relying on any external substance to get anything done. Truly the height of brainletdom.

>> No.8785641

Even if /x/ is off about most shit, the experience itself is significant, even if their explanation of it is bullshit.

>> No.8785653

just buy lsd form alphabay

>> No.8786524

>why has no one mentioned amphetamines or dopamine re-uptake inhibitors?

Probably because they don't Improve one's cognitive ability. I use adderall regularly (I have a script, but it's debatable whether I truly have ADD). The drug works great for studying for long periods at a time, but that's pretty much it. Adderall won't make you smarter, hitting the books will, and if you don't use adderall constructively you won't gain anything beneficial from it.

>are they really that unmanageable?
In my opinion no, but it really depends on the individual's tendency to abuse drugs. If you use the drug responsibly, and manage your health accordingly (making sure to eat, sleep, and the like), then it can be a useful tool. Adderall definitely has some addictive properties, and coupled with a fast tolerance build-up, a dependence on it can be developed rather easily.

>> No.8786534

the spores themselves are legal but using them (or even intending to use them) to grow shrooms is very illegal.

Also if you sell the spores with intent (e.g. if you sell spores together with instructions to grow shrooms) it's illegal and people have been convicted for it.

>> No.8786740

>Don't drink soda

for fucks sake fucking retarded hippies

>> No.8786741



>> No.8786749

Anyone here into nootropics? Would like to try something like adderall or modafinil but from a little bit of research it seems modafinil is basically useless. Any other drugs I should take into consideration? Any new and trendy ones?

>> No.8786778

>L-theanine - goes without saying.
>Take LSD once, specifically attempt to contemplate topology and n-dimensional simplex shapes (easy for 1-3 dimensions sober, 4th dimension is easy on some LSD, higher dimensions get easier the higher the dose.) Higher does means higher potential to think in nonstandard ways and learn really cool shit, it also means higher potential to think in stupid ways and believe really stupid shit. If you're going to do LSD not for fun but actually to improve yourself you need a good understanding of logic and how to quickly apply the scientific method to anything you see in order to make the best use of it. If you don't, you'll probably have a good time but you'll just be another brainlet hippie.
>amphetamines when working on important things (I mean like, on major parts of major projects, in order to accomplish things above your ability, in order to quickly learn way more than you'd usually be able to) Don't do frequently or you'll become a brainlet for life and you'll need them just to be normal
>Get 8 hours of sleep at predictable hours EVERY NIGHT. Do not stay up, this fucking kills you.
>Get blood tested - have any dietary weird shit going on? vitamin deficiencies? Know if you have any and take care of them
>Eat enough, eat right, don't eat too much. Your brain consumes quite a few calories, if it doesn't have them readily available it will suffer in ability. If those calories come from low quality sources, the result will be low quality. If you eat too much you likely have emotional issues and shit that you need to sort out long before you begin to focus on improving your cognitive abilities.
>Stay fit - You don't have to be ripped or even get a gym membership. Just do pushups or sit ups at night, maybe get a pull up bar. Going to the gym definitely can help, its certainly a good idea. The only people who regret starting going to the gym are the ones who were shown how pathetic they are when they quit.

>> No.8787661


>> No.8787734

>if you don't use adderall constructively you won't gain anything beneficial from it.
It can even harm your body, especially your penis if you start masturbating 6 hours on adderall, kek

>> No.8787762

I used to grow my own shrooms. Shit was ca$h.

>> No.8787764


>> No.8787779
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Apparently you are all a bunch of druggies so let daddy help you.

My Routine on a free day.
-Wake up 5:30
-Read Shakespeare for half an hour
-Read Kishon for half an hour
-Do Yale Youtube stuffs for an hour (Currently on Political Philosophy and doing some middle age's shit for shits and giggles)
-Do Macat (https://library.macat.com/))
-Some High Intensity Training (Get a beachbody program form /t/ or Piratebay)
-2 Hours of reading about Story Structure (Using the Pomodoro Technique)
-Use the rest of the day to chill, review, or jerk off to anime girls.
-Go to bed between 8 and 10.

*Avoid Sugar, Video Games, Drugs and Pornography to play on Expert.

Now going to bed early is better for your brain (don't wanna strain those neurons) and waking up early makes your day longer. Mind and body have to be one on this, which just means do some blood-pumping excercises so your brain gets more blood (remember? Blood=Good, No Blood=Bad).

If you're broke use Khan Academy instead of Macat.

Don't do drugs, just don't. You wanna take acid? Take one cube (not 2, that was my mistake), sit back and try to relax. You want LSD light? Take Shrooms. However none of these will really help you unless you are working as an aritst or try to delve deeper into some concepts that are related to the social siences. You really wanna get shit done? Take cocaine, the girl will take you for a ride (even though I'm a downers kinda guy).

As a last point I'm gonna go over the topics:
Studytechniques: Pomodoro is good, also always take notes.
Sleepycles: The 5:30 thing I got from a Marine so I guess he knew shit(hopefully someday I can do the Uberman, however as an epileptic this seems dangerous. Source: https://sleephabits.net/sleep-patterns))
Mnemotechniques: No idea what that is.
Excercise, Sports: Bodybulding.com and a subscription to /hm/. Als HIT.
Nutrition: Stay on the sugar-free side of things
Mental Health: Well, I am on this side so telling you to meditate seems kinda pointless.

>> No.8787792
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Literature: Anything non-fiction relating to your topic of interest (trust me, it's dry in the beginning but like any good rapist you gotta fuck until it gets wet) or fiction that is brilliantly written (if you are an artist).

Nootropics (chemical, natural)
Drugs, Psychadelics: So I take this as one thing, I stopped trying to improve my brain through Nootropics or Psychedlics. It makes you more of a junkie than of an intellectual and combining these things DOES NOT make you a tortured genius. However if this version of you isn't enough: https://www.shayanashop.com/

Rock on guys, gotta excerise now.

>> No.8787811
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>-Read Shakespeare for half an hour
>-Read Kishon for half an hour
>-Do Yale Youtube stuffs for an hour (Currently on Political Philosophy and doing some middle age's shit for shits and giggles)
>-Do Macat (https://library.macat.com/))
>-2 Hours of reading about Story Structure (Using the Pomodoro Technique)

>> No.8787819

Not really getting the joke here, guess your daily routine is more enlightend.

>> No.8787834

This is good if you remove the pretentious shit (Shakespeare? Lmoa)

>> No.8787836

Also, you can excercise right after waking up to kickstart your brain. Not my style since it's not yet warm enough to run outside.

>> No.8787840

I'm trying to become a screenwriter so I do need to read at least some of his shit as influence for my work. The fuck though? What do y'all have against the old 'pear?

>> No.8787863

Ah, in that case you're excused.
My only problem with Shakespeare is that most people who read/claim to read him only do so because it makes them feel smart

>> No.8787905
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Yea, well I work with actors and directors (THE most pretentious shits on the planet) and telling them you actually read shakespeare makes most of them shut up (except my fucking cousin, quote "You listen to what other people say?" when talking about reading books about story structure).

>pic not related

>> No.8787933

What do you do to socialize

>> No.8787937

maybe you need to take more drugs kiddos.
obviously you should replace the specific books and topics with ones from your own field of interest.

>-Learn different languages
good point

it's like if you know C and decide to learn Scheme. to get good you'll have to learn a lot more than some new syntax.

similarly arabic, korean, japanese, chinese, and others, are so far from english in some fundamental ways, and i don't just mean the writing system. i mean shit like the lack of a "pure" future tense, the way they express timings / counts / repetitions, their whole concept of the passive voice, the heavily nested sentence structures.

>> No.8787944

I go on anime based image boards to find friends...

I'm kind of a social monster thanks to my genes (sounds weird but except for my Grandma, everone worked in entertainment) so I never really have a problem socializing anywhere, nevertheless I do go out on weekends so I don't become too antisocial.

>> No.8787961

honestly, i feel like shakespeare is treated a lot more pretentiously than he deserves.

He was the Seth Rogan of his era, if Seth Rogan invented a shitload of words for every movie. Half his plays were nothing but fucked up shit, people acting ridiculous, incest, and dick/shit jokes. His plays were designed to pander to the lowest common dominator of his era - english speakers (instead of presenting in french or latin), which is part of what made him so popular and relevant.

>> No.8787965

Someone recommend a good site for shroom spores?

Microdoses are overrated, fuck up your dose a tiny bit and you get the euphoria/driftiness associated with acid, just do adderall/amphetamines if you legit want to be productive.

>> No.8788002

You don't have to read the posts but it certainly helps

>> No.8788004

Yea, I kind of agree. Just finished the men from verona and man... its racism, rape jokes and a lot of retarded people.

>> No.8788218

So you are a NEET?

>> No.8788236

Yes but I don't want to work

>> No.8788254

Modafinil isn't useless, it just affects everyone differently. I use it and although I may not get some of the amazing results some people rave about, it does its job as a wakeful agent. I try to use it only twice a week and it has never failed to pick me up. It lasts for the majority of my day and doesn't have a heavy crash. I use it as a substitute for coffee on some days.

>> No.8788284

Haha yea I guess so

>> No.8789006


>> No.8789209

This thread is an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Psilocybin and LSD decrease activity in your frontal lobe.

A significant percentage of Psilocybin and LSD users experience permanent frontal lobe impairment, which leads to a lifelong decrease in their ability to solve problems. Another significant percentage will recover, but then experience random flashbacks involuntarily for a random amount of time. If you have ancestors or relatives with mental illness, you also run the chance of triggering a psychotic state which, once more, impairs your ability to solve problems.

Really, the net benefit of Psilocybin and LSD is negative when you compare it with other psychoactive substances like Cannabis or Caffeine, neither of which you run the risk of experiencing involuntary flashbacks.

Many argue that the benefit of Psilocybin and LSD is in increase in Serotonin, which is linked to an increase in mood, outlook on life, chattiness, openness to new experiences, etc,, but the truth is that you don't need either substance to increase serotonin levels. Simply socializing and exercise are enough to maintain healthy levels of serotonin. If it isn't, you likely have unrealistic expectations about human interaction, which no drug is going to fix. Only a very small percentage of people are physically incapable of producing enough serotonin without drugs, just like Type I diabetes and "Heart Disease."

If you actually want to "improve your cognition," you need to constantly expose yourself to new problems you don't already know how to solve. That is the actual purpose of the brain, dealing with new information, not just going through the motions of things you already know how to do. You will have an easier time supporting this activity if you supply your brain with enough energy to do the work, which means you need good blood flow (exercise), nutrients (diet) and time for recovery (sleep).

>> No.8789802

>both parents suffer sometimes from flashbacks after their "drugie youth"
>they "only" smoked cannabis
Ok so I just found out my parents did acid....

>> No.8789817

i personally found out that going to the gym and working out has really helped me focus more on my studies and even get more motivation to learn physics and math

>> No.8789826

Here's the trick: find something worth developing yourself to the utmost for.

If you have a sufficiently important open-ended goal, beneficial to yourself and other people at the same time, you'll do much more for your mind by trying wholeheartedly to achieve it than any exercise could.

>> No.8789827

and? Everyone should try it at least once or twice.

It's inarguably a very different way of looking at the world. If you do it and recognize this difference and feel that it is simply impairment and confusion and not anything meaningful, then that is fine. That was my reaction at first, later I found that it helped my depression, which could be entirely a placebo effect--but it doesn't matter to me, it worked anyways

>> No.8789829

Stopped reading when you equated topology with imagining the fourth dimension

>> No.8789871

This. Mindfulness meditation has been clinically proven to increase cortical thickness. Though I think just the act of focusing your attention on to a single thing is enough to show benefits.

>> No.8789944


The problem is that you're playing roulette with your brain. With every other drug you will eventually sober up. With Psilocybin and LSD you run the risk of permanent impairment or recurring impairment. The risk is not insignificant either, especially when you account for how many of your relatives have a mental illness. I think the main reason you see so many people sing it's praise is because if their IQ is already very high, say 3 SDs above the average, they aren't going to notice a dip as much as someone with an IQ of only 1 SD above the average. Dropping from 160 to 145 is not as big of a deal as dropping from 115 to 100. The latter would have to change jobs and would get knocked down a social tier, whereas the former would just be able to relate to lesser geniuses a little more.

I'd like to reiterate, that the reason people feel enlightened during and after trips on Psilocybin and LSD is because of the decrease of activity in their frontal lobes combined with the hallucinations. When you combine those two together, what you're essentially doing is dangling a kaleidoscope in front of the version of yourself that has a fraction of your pre-trip IQ. To put it more bluntly, you're impressed by the hallucinations and you think they're profound because the drugs make you dumber, not smarter. When you give these people cognitive tests during and after their trips you see significant drops in working and short-term memory. If you value your mind and your ability solve problems, you don't won't bother taking the risk.

As for depression, the reason it makes you feel less depressed is because it temporarily increases your serotonin levels, which is more or less the same thing that common SSRI's do. It still amazes me how many people will in the same breath badmouth anti-depressants and sing praise of LSD and Psilocybin. Cannabis also acts as an anti-depressant but you don't run the risk of recurring cannabis flashbacks... unfortunately.

>> No.8790758

Got any source on LSD/Psilocybin permanently reducing frontal lobe activity and IQ? It seems like you are just talking out of your ass. They reduce connectivity in different parts of the brain _while_ you are on the drug, but not after. LSD and Psilocybin are probably the safest drugs you can use as far a long term side effects go.

>> No.8790770

Its because it makes you complete relaxed and carefree so you can properly focus and not stress your brain from multitasking. What I'm doing and thing it would be probably big pretty soon is being completely relaxed(Muscle tension) ALL THE TIME. You have no idea how good it feels and how focus and feels free you're. Its like meditating but without doing it and if you also meditate you increase your "brainpower" even more.

>> No.8790771

I'm calling bullshit. Give me a single citation for the frontal lobe impairment and the flashbacks.

Furthermore, hallucinations on LSD aren't significant below large doses. And the benefits of LSD and psilocybin on depression are far beyond an increase in serotonin.

>> No.8790773
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>Don't do LSD, smoke weed!
Also nice digits.


>> No.8790847

You're a fucking idiot

I took shrooms and it improved my cognition for weeks afterwards

Smoked weed once and now I have permanent brain fog

>> No.8790861

>Smoked weed once and now I have permanent brain fog
Smoke it again. The last time I did, it slightly fucked with my finger coordination (I can't possibly type a whole sentence without makingat least one mistake) but it enhanced my logic by the same amount.

>> No.8790866

>experience deleterious effects from weed
>lol just smoke more

Wow you are a fucking certified genius

Fucking potheads

>> No.8790975

>drug impairs frontal lobe activity
>people who use drug think they are in the position to doubt that this happens

Man, acid and mushroom users crack me up. It's always people who are already smart (or think they are) who claim it doesn't have a negative effect. Also you should actually read the thread in that link you posted. No one is saying it increased their IQ, and in fact they're all skeptical of that claim, and instead they said it *changed* the way they thought about things- one guy described it as "thinking without words." The reason you're thinking without words is because you're temporarily regressing into a primitive state while also feeling the upper effect of the serotonin. You feel good and your judgement is impaired so you think everything is great and incapable of description, but the thing is, you literally are incapable of describing it and just impressed by your own obvious, literal thoughts. There's nothing profound about it- the great irony of LSD enlightenment.

You see this more now with recent generations of scientists or mathematicians. A few major scientists decide to try acid, think it "expands their mind" and that there's some conspiracy by the government to also prevent people from "expanding" their minds, but then they slowly loose their ability to think critically and "choose" to go do art or something less challenging than science instead. You just don't see people advance in their field after using acid more often than you see people "change their mind" and do something less challenging. (Watch that statement get quoted as "you just don't see people advance in their field after using acid.")

Acid makes you *feel* more intelligent, it doesn't actually make you more intelligent in any measurable way. You don't test better. The only drugs that actually increases people's scores on cognitive tests are of course stimulants, which is actually reproducible, and well known.

>> No.8791534

The vast majority of people in this threat aren't saying that lsd increases intelligence. They're saying it can help you to think differently.

personally, I would say that LSD is more important for spiritual and emotional purposes than anything else. And I know a shitload of people are going to be triggered to shit for my use of the word "spiritual" and they likely misunderstand the purpose with which I use the word. I mean it in the sense of understanding onself and ones place in the world on a very basic level, and embracing it in such a way to make yourself happy, and resistant to the suffering naturally encountered in this world. there is nothing profound about this either, though often, it will feel greatly profound - its part of learning to 'just be' and just be happy. I feel like you deeply misunderstand this and deeply misunderstand the experience.

still not seeing that citation, by the way. All studies as far as I'm aware have shown it to be a practically harmless substance.

>> No.8791864

>Also you should actually read the thread in that link you posted.
But I did read it.
>No one is saying it increased their IQ, and in fact they're all skeptical of that claim
IQ is not an absolute measure of intelligence.
Hallucinogens help develop new useful pathways in your brain.
>The reason you're thinking without words is because you're temporarily regressing into a primitive state while also feeling the upper effect of the serotonin.
Your point of view is wrong.
The transition from thinking in words to thinking in pictures to thinking in feelings hoovering over your head that don't have a images associated to them but express a whole sentence, is a good thing.
Mind you that you don't lose your ability to think in words.
I've read of people learning to do this (those who solely think in words) after quite long periods of positive mental exertion.

>> No.8791988
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I should have quoted the whole part.
>The reason you're thinking without words is because you're temporarily regressing into a primitive state while also feeling the upper effect of the serotonin. You feel good and your judgement is impaired so you think everything is great and incapable of description, but the thing is, you literally are incapable of describing it and just impressed by your own obvious, literal thoughts. There's nothing profound about it- the great irony of LSD enlightenment.
You have literally no idea what you're talking about.
>Research by child development theorist Linda Kreger Silverman suggests that less than 30% of the population strongly uses visual/spatial thinking, another 45% uses both visual/spatial thinking and thinking in the form of words, and 25% thinks exclusively in words.

Not only that, but you distorted the content of the post.
>Yes, I feel that in my own mind, LSD usage has unlocked a capacity for abstract thought that I previously didn't have (or it was simply inaccessible to me). The only way I can describe this phenomenon is that I can "think without words," penetrating directly into a concept without the barriers of spoken language to guide me. This has transferred over into my everyday life, as my ability and interest in mathematics, engineering, and science increased dramatically after I became aware of this dormant ability. Now, I'm not saying that LSD makes you smarter -- I don't think it does that -- but I do think that LSD has the ability to dramatically change the way your brain processes stimuli which could have a beneficial impact on how you process academic subjects. Its kind of hit or miss, though.

What a piece of shit.

>> No.8792106
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>different 'styles', not synonyms

Parrots, why try it yourself when you can simply repeat what an awthawity says?

>> No.8792180

>regurgitating memorized trivia

Alt. theory: You started subconsciously realizing how pointless what you know is, and that idea scares you, so you externalized the fear of this onto the substance and blamed it for your 'lack of motivation' to care about and memorize formulas rather than asking how or why.

>> No.8792195

>personally, I would say that LSD is more important for spiritual and emotional purposes than anything else. And I know a shitload of people are going to be triggered to shit for my use of the word "spiritual" and they likely misunderstand the purpose with which I use the word. I mean it in the sense of understanding onself and ones place in the world on a very basic level, and embracing it in such a way to make yourself happy, and resistant to the suffering naturally encountered in this world. there is nothing profound about this either, though often, it will feel greatly profound - its part of learning to 'just be' and just be happy. I feel like you deeply misunderstand this and deeply misunderstand the experience.

If you can't even explain basic concepts you should try getting your brain checked. You might be suffering from brain damage caused by taking too much psychedelics.

>> No.8792403

>This are the people giving you advice.

>> No.8792979

>If you can't even explain basic concepts you should try getting your brain checked.

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of introspection? I'm not even the poster you replied to, and it's pretty apparent that this is the concept they are explaining. I think your reading comprehension skills are a bit lacking for the pretentious faggot that you are.

>> No.8792985

Is 8.5 hrs sleep every night necessary? How far and how often can I stray?

>> No.8792991

meh. i could practice and improvise fugues on the fly if i worked at it long enough. weed doesn't make you smarter, but it may give you that push of imagination and inspiration toward something creative or meaningful.

>> No.8792998


props to this guy for being so rustled as to actually call him out on the "out-of-context" quote

>> No.8793026

>Is 8.5 hrs sleep every night necessary? How far and how often can I stray?

>How Much Sleep Do We Need?

Educate yourself brainlet

>> No.8793076


It's well known that anxiety, fear, stress all impair creativity, while cannabis can relieve anxiety, fear, and stress in some users. Other people report increased anxiety and sometimes paranoia if they have history of mental illness or many relatives with mental illness. You likely, as >>8790770 pointed out, were more relaxed and thus able to think more clearly about the problems. This is a common experience with cannabis users which is likely why it is so popular apart from simply feeling good. Creativity is important in problem solving and mathematics generally so anything that reduces fear will raise your performance ceiling.


Sleep is second to water and food in terms of importance. Sleep is when your body releases HGH which is a hormone that repairs and grows tissue. If you don't get sleep you don't get HGH. If you don't have a regular sleep pattern than you don't get enough HGH. That is why it is so important that you sleep.

>thinking without words
>thinking in pictures

What is disturbing to me is that you think this phenomena is somehow exclusively caused by Psilocybin and LSD. You should already be "thinking in pictures" from the time you were in elementary school. That's the whole point of learning how to read. Words are not sounds that people make at each other, words convey information, sometimes pictures, hopefully something a little more complex than a picture.

You don't need hallucinogens to do this- you need to learn how to read.

>> No.8793333

>What is disturbing to me is that you think this phenomena is somehow exclusively caused by Psilocybin and LSD.
I never said that, you whoreson. I even wrote that you get it with a training if you don't have it. I've never taken hallucinogens. I think in the whole spectrum I described in this post:
Now fuck off, you're a bad troll.

>> No.8793414


Yeah, except the context of what you said had nothing to do with basic literacy, you were suggesting that there was something esoteric about LSD and Psilocybin which can only be achieved from the drug, or, as you put it, "quite long periods of positive mental exertion."

You also mentioned that hallucinogens help "develop new pathways in the brain." You do realize that "developing new pathways in the brain" is the basic neurological definition of learning, right? When you encounter new information and have to "figure it out," you're "developing new pathways in the brain." There's nothing unique about the effects of LSD or Psilocybin that warrants their use over all the other methods I've suggested. If you really are gung-ho about "developing new pathways in the brain," you could start by traveling to a new location without a map or compass, or reading new books or solving problems that are just a little past your skill level.

>> No.8793493

I am starting to think I have a condition like those because I always feel tired and I do not remember the feeling of not being tired.

>> No.8793518

>you were suggesting that there was something esoteric about LSD and Psilocybin which can only be achieved from the drug,
Quote that part please.
>or, as you put it, "quite long periods of positive mental exertion."
Read this:
>It should be noted though that I practiced pretty extremely. I did an hour a day of this [dual n-back] consistently for 12 months.
>I also notice I've stopped thinking in words. Now I think purely in causal relationships, if I'm making myself understandable.
>You also mentioned that hallucinogens help "develop new pathways in the brain." You do realize that "developing new pathways in the brain" is the basic neurological definition of learning, right?
Yes, you are right in this part.
I should have specified, pathways which are more difficult to be developed/strengthened than in normal circumstances.
You can develop you visualization abilities (The Mind's Eye, Oliver Sacks) though traditional means i.e. forcing pictures in your mind's eye.
Doing it before going to sleep and upon waking is a lot more effective though, but you have a limited time frame.
Imagine being able to access that state during the day for unlimited amounts of time.
Hallucinogens won't make you play a better chess game maybe but in my opinion they would be extremely valuable during training.

>> No.8793551

Going to take a hit of lsd tomorrow and chill with the dog and listen to music all day. Anything to suggest to trip myself out? Have a nice set up outside, thinking for mind games or ways to hallucinate better. I find after smoking weed and staring at shit you start to get some strange visual concepts. Anything in particular has stuck with you and you try again?

>> No.8793560

Is anyone on /sci/ not a fucking druggie loser?

Get off my board you degenerates.

On topic personally I recommend learning a musical instrument and a difficult language such as Japanese.

>> No.8793869

>I should have specified, pathways which are more difficult to be developed/strengthened than in normal circumstances.
>You can develop you visualization abilities (The Mind's Eye, Oliver Sacks) though traditional means i.e. forcing pictures in your mind's eye.
>Doing it before going to sleep and upon waking is a lot more effective though, but you have a limited time frame.
>Imagine being able to access that state during the day for unlimited amounts of time.
>Hallucinogens won't make you play a better chess game maybe but in my opinion they would be extremely valuable during training.

Increased serotonin levels play a significant role in the increase in visualization ability. People who take SSRI's also experience the same increase in visualization abilities, whether it is greater vividness of dreams, or during waking hours, depending on the dose. There are other methods of increasing your serotonin and visualization ability that don't depend on LSD, Psilocybin or SSRI's. I'm not advocating for SSRI's, just to make that clear.

Visualization can also be exercised by simply drawing the things you are trying to visualize- and I don't mean that in the obvious way of "Oh! Now I can see it because it's right in front of me!". Drawing forces you to visualize it is what you want to draw before* you begin drawing, thus exercising your mind's eye. Visual artists, whose job it is to visualize things for other people, consistently test better on visual ability tests than non-visual artists, as evidence.

It isn't worth the risk of using these substances if you have other means, which we all do. I'll also be more explicit about my motives in this thread in that I think it's irresponsible when I see, usually already very intelligent people espouse the benefits of LSD and Psilocybin without considering the risks (which I've already stated above) or even worse denying that they exist.

>> No.8793889
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Post your credentials

>> No.8793915

I bet you have absolutely NO data to back up these retarded claims. This isnt science. Its retarded conjecture.

>> No.8793928


A couple more things.

1. Drawing exercising one's visualization abilities is another good reason why euclidean geometry with compass and straight-edge constructions should not be removed from modern curriculum as it gives students a sense of autonomy when doing math that you might not get if you're struggling with "seeing" what the algebra is "saying." Doing euclidean geometry is a good segue into transformations in coordinate geometry which is also another great segue into matrices which we all know are notorious for being unintuitive, but if you have a visual reference of, "this matrix can do this to that shape" you'll definitely gain more confidence for when the matrix isn't referencing any kind of geometric transformation.

2. Setting goals that are achievable and then achieving them in sequence is the best way to increase your serotonin levels as you learn how to motivate yourself, by yourself, without any assistance all while maintain a firm grasp on reality. I used to think that escape was necessary to stay motivated but I was proved wrong when I started setting goals and thinking in small, slow, but achievable steps. I'm never depressed anymore because my expectations are always within a stable range because I know what the range is. Too often people will repeatedly go outside the range, fail, and then wonder why they're depressed. Turning to psychedelics can be a shortcut for introspection where you *suddenly* realize you've been lying to yourself all that time, but you don't need to. You can shortcut the trip by pausing, and then admitting it. Done. No risk of schizophrenia necessary.

>> No.8793937

>Visualization can also be exercised by simply drawing the things you are trying to visualize-
Yes, this is another viable method. I can visualize every detail of a simple drawing, although not the whole picture. The problem is that drawing is difficult and time consuming. It's not something you can do if you don't like it.

>> No.8793944

>It's not something you can do if you don't like it

I agree. For some people it can be like learning a musical instrument. Totally foreign, awkward. I'm not saying it's a magical shortcut, just another option. Thank you for being civil in your response.

>> No.8793966
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>> No.8793985

>Thank you for being civil in your response.
No point in being a dick if you make accurate claims.

>> No.8793988


>> No.8794101

>Cognitive Improvement General

>> No.8794119

The word nonzero cannot be removed from this particular sentence either, without altering the meaning.

Given that the above sentence is not the same as yours, your sentence must be false; the set of all sentences from which the word "nonzero" can be removed without changing the meaning contains more than one sentence. In fact, it contains at least two. QED

>> No.8794374

I believe the only good "cognitive enhancer" that people on this board should be interested in is Bacopa Monnieri. But there are other nootropics which are great for a variety of things. Phenibut works well for anxiety and improving mood even though it shouldn't really be considered a nootropic. Phenylpiracetam is one of the best stimulants out there in my opinion, but if you aren't doing a physical task it might not be too helpful to you. Some of the other racetams have useful but much more subtle effects. Something like modafinil will really only be useful if you are sleep deprived and want to feel normal, in my experience if you are not sleep deprived it does nothing but make you hyper and on edge.

>> No.8794797

Go do proofs somewhere else

>> No.8795949

Anyone here on Ritalin? I use it for ADD, but it has no effect nor side effects for me(tried up to 20mg IR), anyone with similar experiences? Would mixing it with coffee help?

>> No.8796482
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Thoughts on polyphasic sleep? I do take naps throughout the day and end up sleeping less at night, but I never tried this following a regular schedule. I could even try the Uberman if I wanted as I'm currently a NEET.

>> No.8796495

>-Learn different languages
Does that really help? I have been wanting to give Chinese a try. One thing worries me, and it's probably dumb, but my field is completely unrelated (math) and I think about how it could end taking up useful brain space.

>> No.8796518

Dude I have that same fear, I feel that learning too much unrelated information will make it harder to remember what I need to know.

>> No.8796521

Anyone here practice a morning ritual to get your brain and body out of its sleepiness and into a motivated and fully awake state? I'm trying to get myself into the habit.

I'm thinking about:
>7am : wake up
>7-710 : roll out of bed, get some water, put on walking shoes
>710-730 : go for a 15 minute walk, then 5 mins of push-ups and pull-ups
>730-800 : Shower/brush teeth/etc...
>8-810 : meditation (loving-kindness)
>810-815 : make a coffee
>>815-830 : drink coffee and read book

It's an hour and a half every day, which feels like a lot, but i think it'll pay off in the long run.

Anything i should add?

>> No.8796526

Every few days I take 200mg of Modafinil because I've had awful sleep.

The other day I took 400mg and was up for 60 hours.

On 200mg I can usually fall asleep pretty easily.

What is going on?

>> No.8796546

All I need is a coffee and a hot shower to be honest

Walking is always healthy though

>> No.8796574

ces't la vie

>> No.8796583
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Stop drinking coffee.

>> No.8796608

That's a neat opinion. Mind explaining why?

>> No.8796612

idk about him, but some people are of the opinion that its a crutch in the same way that smoking is, and that you wind up a dependent addict.

I say fuck them. It's not like I'm ever going to actually run out.

>> No.8796634

Send help. ADHD brainlet trying to learn programming languages to get better job.

What nootropics have results and a theorized mechanism of action?

Tell me what to buy with my 7.50 an hour full time paycheck. I never wanted to be a restaurant busboy.

>> No.8796652

If its a crutch then who gives a fuck. It certainly helps without having massive drawbacks.

>> No.8796671


Don't worry about being an ADHD brainlet. Programmers are the laziest sons of bitches on the planet and really only work 2-4 hours a day. Even if you are stupid you can keep up by actually trying.

Buy multiple beginners books on C (because they will have different explanations, better chance of getting it) and a couple books dedicated to pointers. Check stackoverflow, they have a really good book recommendation thread.

t. extremely lazy professional programmer that works about 2 hours a day and gets praised for productivity

>> No.8796696

/fit/ here, my cool boards and sites are being tarded today. But I am doing exactly what you are doing, with nutrition, sports and habits. All very scientific and zero bro science. Anyone wants my input lol?

>> No.8796719
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That is true I'm web programmer , I just took 3 hours a day and I procrastinate a lot.
And now I just start self-learn Abstract Algebra and General Topology , i just study that 2 subject 3hour per day.
Any advice?

>> No.8796722

>it could end taking up useful brain space

You can think about any subject 'mathematically'. No one is forcing you to learn a language phonetically for day-to-day conversations. Why not study the frequency of mark placement in a set of characters? Why not do a shape analysis of their marks? Why not study the production and substitution rules for their sentences? Why not take a set of sentences and look for common characters between them?

There are plenty of ways to learn things outside your subject without going outside your subject.

Some related articles:


>> No.8796723


I only really know up to trigonometry so I couldn't help you lol

>> No.8796739
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its first April are u joking?

>> No.8796742

>Programmers are the laziest sons of bitches on the planet and really only work 2-4 hours a day
Sounds like my dream job. Do I need a degree to be one?

>> No.8796759


Nah. The only real mathematical concept you need to a good programmer is to understand the cartesian coordinate system and... not sure how to explain this, but, uh, I guess the ability to represent a problem space as 'numbers', so, pretty much defining the problem you are solving in terms of variables that you might think of as dimensions of a cartesian coordinate system or even just a number line because a lot of the stuff you deal with is one dimensional anyways. Probably a bad explanation but whatever.


No, no one gives a shit about degrees.

>> No.8796774
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>be sci
>know nothing of nutrition science
>hurrr durrr nootropics
>durrr hurrr muh marginal bullshit things

You know what great start is for nutritional science?

Examine.com, pretty easy to understand and go through for the various benefits that certain foods give to you. Almost zero level of corporate shillery.

>> No.8796775

*breathes in*


>> No.8796792

>The only real mathematical concept you need to a good programmer is to understand the cartesian coordinate system

t. code monkey

>> No.8796816
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>safe to consume
psilocybin is a toxin that gets filtered uremically. fun fact: drinking your piss after a mushroom trip can induce a second trip.
>not habit forming
mostly because you immediately build a tolerance after just one trip, that can take a couple weeks to return to normal. In order to trip for days in a row like other psychadelics, you need to increase your dose dramatically each time.
>get an awakening like none other
you certainly feel some crazy shit and think in an unhinged way. but at the end of the day, you're on drugs. and anything you "learn" needs to be reevaluated from a sober perspective to offer any realistic insight. someone without critical thinking skills may gain nothing from psych's

but this isnt a trip thread

>dont drink soda
seconded. i feel way sharper since i switched to seltzer water. the artificial dyes and sweeteners really bog you down

>avoid video games
spatial reasoning/puzzle/strategy games are fantastic for training your brain to think from different perspectives.
>take cocaine

people with schizophrenia, or any other degenerative brain condition that can potentially be worsened by psychedelics, should probably only try them under the direct clinical supervision of an expert. drugs can have some fantastic utility in many peoples lives, but they arent some miracle cure. be safe kids.

Im jesus

I have always wanted to learn more about polyphasic sleep, so if anyone has something more than anecdotal evidence (long term effects, strategies to start, etc), my dick will be in my hand waiting

Do you realize how many chinese mathematicians there are? bridging that linguistic gap could offer you more benefit than you could save by not learning the language. but im not bilingual so i dont know. just a thought.

ive never heard the term "Code coverage."
what does this mean?

more infographics like this, if you have any

>> No.8796864
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it starts to get more fuzzy though, but basically, the baseline testosterone levels in males went down in this generation, compared to the past.

If you follow evolution lore, you could be open to it all. But I dont know here on sci lol

also, do you know about the devil that we call cortisol?

>> No.8796886

Building on your this point, I notice a decline in my focus and cognitive ability when i eat sugary shit. Stop by the department break room and grab a donut, or get a Dunkin donuts type coffee and I can't focus for the rest of the day. Also I'll suddenly feel like I'm getting a flu. Same with fried stuff.
I know it's obvious but sugar is a truly a poison. Avoid sugary and fried foods at all costs.

Earl grey and green tea all day boys. Espresso with table cream when necessary.

>> No.8796892

>Studytechniques, -tips, -hacks, -routines

Anki cards, teaching to brainlet classmates, blind shogun (open up a page in textbook, pick last problem of that section and attack)

>Sleep, Sleepcycles

Always wake up the same time every day.


Mind palace is the best combination of effectiveness and ease of use

>Exercising, Sports

Jump Rope, 3 rounds 5 minutes in duration, 1 minute break between rounds.

Weightlifting MWF Jump Rope Tu,Th,Sat REST on the Lord's day.


1 Fruit and 1 Vegetable every day + fish oil supplement

>mental Health

meditation 20 minutes a day


George RR Martin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


LSD, Magic Mushrooms when you're not too busy.

>> No.8796893

Phenibut. I take it as a painkiller and anxiolytic, but with chronic use it certainly does sharpen the mind and improve the depth of your focus. However it also sometimes glazes things over and inhibits creativity. Everything just is. There are fewer spikes or avenues of interest. Nothing has that sort of shine, or spark. There is no unshackled self evident beauty.

Generally cacao, short term, is very good for improving brain function overall. Don't feel like breaking down individual subsystems. I like the detached time warp feeling. Everything you see is blanketed in interesting. I have visual snow as well, and large intake causes altered perception of time, motion, relative size and shape, and spatial relationships. eg I'll be turning around a corner but it's as though I'm moving my environment, not myself. I'm standing still. As I move closer to an object it's as though it's growing larger, and I am motionless. Probably artifacts of whatever mechanics are involved with Alice in Wonderland syndrome, which I had occasionally as a child.

Nonetheless. Phenibut, guarana seed powder (caffeine and a yet unidentified novel stimulant, possibly working synergistically), kava kava for inhibiting reuptake of norepinephrine in the frontal lobes (lower doses), and cacao. Cacao really is the most profound of them in its ability to augment and improve neurological function. However with long term use it makes you prone to being myopic and hyperfixated, slow, and potentiates a constant low level to heavy anxiety. Possibly via its triggering the release of histamine from mast cells, or its small amount of phenylethylamine.

>> No.8796894
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additionally, I can give you quite a nice link from some person that has up to date nutritional science

http://ergo-log.com/ (warning: low level of potential corporate shillery suspected)

>> No.8796960
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[Citation needed]
Fuck of with your agenda this is /sci/ go back to /x/
You are spreading FUD and you didn't provide one single source

>> No.8797732


Might be true, plan on doing psychedelic drugs in the future, but may give up on them. The problem is drugs give you a short and extreme euphoria, but after that will slowly take it back with interest when you begin to have fucked up deluded thoughts. This is why it might be better to achieve happiness through meditation, or what I mean to say simply existing. The human body does need to hallucinate sometimes though, this is why we have dreams.

It might be better just to have a stable life without drugs, rather than one moment of euphoria and then a lifetime of mentally unstable thoughts. Playing chess though I noticed there are times that you are locked into rock solid patterns and cannot think creatively, if drugs could logically, and creatively open up your brain pathways, they could possibly improve your intelligence if you have very rigid thinking patterns.

>> No.8797762

Then why does virtually every software related job listing say something to the effect "must have BS degree in <related field of study>"?

>> No.8797820

Practice intermittent fasting, or fasting in general. Fasting essentially forces your body to break down defective cellular components for energy metabolization. Start by simply skipping breakfast everyday, eventually you will incur a heightened state of alertness and functioning.

For expert mode, research calorie restriction, it's the only proven life longevity increasing habit.

Get sunlight, I can highly assure that the majority of people here are Vitamin D deficient.

No electronics 30 mins before bed, your circadian rhythm is regulated by light.

Don't eat in the PM.

Coffee is good but bad if you already have anxiety problems. Caffeine while fasting is superman mode. Try to limit caffeine to early hours of day.

Sleep in complete darkness with ALL wifi/Bluetooth emitters turned off. I'm not being tin foil hatty, see for yourself as you sleep better.

>> No.8797891



Try this:

-Wake up at 2:30PM
-Jerk off
-Log onto Runescape at 3:00PM
-Blackjack in Pollniveach trying to get to level 91 thieving for Pyramid Plunder or do questing
-6:00PM rolls around
-Jerk off
-Out of food
-Buy daily can of Pringles, bag of Doritos, and Pizza
-Eat all of the chips and pizza in one sitting
-Jerk off
-Browse 4chan at 8pm
-Alternate between Youtube, 4chan, and other bookmarked websites.
-Jerk off about 3 more times
-Cry self to sleep at 6am while hugging my pillow, pretending it's Yuuko from Nichijou

Do this until you fail out of college.

>> No.8797975

>No source whatsoever for some bold claims

You don't know what you're talking about and frankly it is disgraceful you would peddle your ignorance here.

First of all, flashbacks are rare and a recent paper (If I remember it, I'll eventually dump it here) seems to have implied that flashbacks are a part of HPPD, which is more than likely an anxiety disorder. Should this be true, this means both flashbacks and HPPD are at the very least manageable if not treatable.

Second of all, the reason LSD is thought to change personalities has nothing to do with "permanent frontal lobe damage" in any way. In fact the most bleeding edge modern research about how LSD is thought to work does not even mention such a thing even as a footnote. LSD's personality bending effects are thought to come from its activity dampening effect over the DMN and the mPFC, as Calhart-Harris et al. found that depressed persons tend to have an over-expression of activity within the DMN and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex (See their work with Psilocybin).

That idea ties into their new and experimental framework for understanding the stages of Consciousness, which is fleshed out in "The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs" and its subsequent followups. The very basic and condensed idea is that LSD temporarily increases entropy within the brain and that in extremely rigid subsets of consciousness this can lead to lasting and positive change towards what the authors describe as "Sub-Criticality" - an ideal state of consciousness, one where the brain is organized enough to control and change its environment but flexible enough to be able to adjust to the changing conditions of a disorganized and chaotic world. The paper comes to some interesting hypotheses about why the brain is capable of extreme rigidity and seem to conclude that depression may actually be a defense mechanism against insanity. 1/2

>> No.8797980


Now, to stay on topic, does LSD increase IQ? Probably not. Could it put a person in a better emotional position for putting their mind to use? Possibly, since humans tend to be very emotional and their emotions tend to cloud their reason. Such a powerful and mysterious drug shouldn't be abused and nobody should have to rely on a drug to feel emotionally capable in their every day life, at least in my own opinion.

>> No.8798056

That life style is my worst nightmare, your philosophy is consume consume consume
By completing books or some Stanford videos you get this fake sense that your life is now better you are more advance, basically a placebo effect while in reality you are just letting time pass by basically you are living the life of mainstream old people.
This is how life works, your brain is a repeating machine, what you repeat more is what you are, you are a muscle memory machine, whatever your next move will be, you will do it because you already did it a million times before. That's why if you wanna improve yourself the first thing you wanna do is go crazy random until something useful pops up then you take this new thing and repeat repeat repeat repeat until it becomes you.

>> No.8798064

I get a ridiculous increase in wakefulness and productivity when I'm sleep deprived. It's not even funny, when I'm fully rested I can spend 10+ minutes reading some retarded shit not understanding it, even forgetting parts of it while I'm doing so, but when I'm really tired, like on the verge of just falling asleep I instantly absorb all information thrown at me.I become a superhuman of understanding on the verge of death, you should try it.

>> No.8798080
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Absolutely not! Languages are well known to help with brain function and activity, especially something as symbolic as Chinese, as mathematics is also related to symbols aswell

You've heard it also helps with a alzheimers.


>> No.8798081

>Don't eat in the PM.
You feel sleepy after eating so you eat some hours before going to sleep.

>> No.8798343
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thats because your brain tries to cope by increasing temporarily the release of neurotransmetters. Needless to say that thats pretty short-lived and that you re screwing up your health

>> No.8798357


>> No.8798465
File: 69 KB, 851x522, Entropic brain hypothesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minor correction, I went and read the paper and realized the "ideal" state is better described as an average state that is closer to Criticality Proper than to the high ordered but inflexible thinking that comes with Sub-Criticality. Sub-Criticality is closer to the far right of the spectrum. Pic related.

>> No.8798468

My current routine works pretty well for me. Here's what I did yesterday:

>Wake up at 11, slept for 11 hours
>Skip breakfast and lunch, go buy a few different kinds of Cheetos and eat both family sized bags
>OK now I can start on homework
>Shit post and listen to music for 4 hours
>OK I'll go to dinner with friends and then start
>Eat, now I'm sleepy
>7:00, basically bedtime
>Too sleepy to start on homework
>Shitpost some more, sleep at 11
Repeat on weekdays, but I usually go to the majority of my classes

>> No.8798469

I tried it, it does not work. I slept through most of my classes and was miserable

>> No.8798471

This smells like bullshit. When people who are not in the field of physical chemistry talk about entropy, quantum mechanics and stuff like that I am extra cautious

>> No.8798491

this. it took me almost a year to get back to regular sleep habits. in this regard alcohol is significantly worse.

>> No.8798494

These are me, getting some shit off my chest.
I have an adderall addiction and it's the fucking worst. Not really an addiction but I'm dependent. I'm ADHD-PI as fuck and I've been on adderall for most of my life. Without it I can barely write my name on the paper. I basically require adderall for the motivation. The problem is I hate taking it and being dependent on it. I can't motivate myself to do shit without it and even then I get distracted.
I want to try exercise but I really don't like working hard

>> No.8798498

quality advice, anon. based as fuck. 10/10
for your sanity's sake, never ever try to say any of this to /x/. i think they'd rather see people get fried than have a meaningful and productive experience with the way they throw out suggestions of dmt.

>> No.8798500

Does anyone have any experience dreaming more? I don't mean lucid dreams, I mean routinely having dreams more often and more vividly than once a week I usually get.

>> No.8798504

xanax and some other benzodiazepines produce similar affects. they're savagely addictive however.

>> No.8798542

I don't have any dreams, I must be dead inside

>> No.8798563


I actually meant don't eat after it gets dark, or much later then that. Eating close before bed interferes with sleep.

>> No.8798581



Eat a diet consisting of whole based foods, and mostly plant based. Things like spinach, kale, nuts, legumes, meats and fish, eggs, fruits, other vegetables like brocolli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, beets, carrots. Eating garbage for that temprorary pleasure spike is just not worth the aftereffects like acne, shitty mood, body odor, weight problems, etc. To start eating whole foods generally start with salads for lunch (a plant, a fruit and a nut). There are some stores like Wegmans with awesome buffets that you can get edamame beans with other healthy shit that is already prepared.

Keep your reproductive system healthy and functioning. Sex is such a well-being booster and your reproductive system follows a "use it or lose it" mentality. You can start by practicing masturbation, but don't look at porn, porn really fucks with your brain.

I'm mostly suggesting all around healthy habits that have resonating effects on daily functioning and good mood, which will all bounce back to a healthy happy brain.

>> No.8798682

You don't remember, shithead.
~2 hours every night is the mean standing to Wikipedia.

>> No.8798687

Good for a quick boost but don't overdo it.

>> No.8798688

>Get off my board you degenerates.
>I recommend learning a difficult language such as Japanese.
Get off my board weebs.

>> No.8798702


>> No.8798712


>> No.8798714

Is it bad that I legit want to murder this dude?

>> No.8799280

Best reply

>> No.8799316
File: 15 KB, 196x110, 1461584433025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY Exercise is so Underrated (Brain Power & Movement Link)
>If there were a drug that can do for human health everything that exercise can, it would likely be the most valuable pharmaceutical ever developed.

Also this blog is godtier
>http://www.bakadesuyo.com/search/<search term goes here>

>> No.8799333


TL;DR Just sleep in multiples of 1.5 hours and aim for a minimum of 7.5 hours a day, no exceptions. Should you need a siesta/stimulant take it only before hitting 7 hours of being awake (e. g. if awakening at 7am, no coffee/siestas after 2pm). Siesta > stimulant. 90 min siesta > 10 min siesta > 30 min siesta > 20 min siesta > 5 min siesta. Avoid polyphasic sleep meme at all costs.

>> No.8799334


>> No.8799378

Is exercise actually underrated? I recall that the message of being physically active has been shoved down my throat since i was born. I guess its more that people know they should and know its good for you but cant overcome the initial hump

>> No.8799451

Yes seriously start lifting stuff or start lifting yourself, search for reference here if you can't afford a gym.


>> No.8799490

As someone who has been looking for methods to improve brain function for many years I think I can help.
Sorting what is most effective from least effective

1)Mindset (very deep process)
5)Company (surround yourself with people who are also smart)

Sharing anything more would be dangerous.

>> No.8799506

You should post sleep above exercise.

>> No.8799531
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>> No.8799532

Your anecdotal evidence is just as valid as a size 1 random sample.

>> No.8799545

Alright anon then: deprive your sleep, gather stats for how well you perform; sleep more than usual, gather stas for how well you perform. Then just compare the results with a sign test and don't blame me for saying "told you".

>> No.8799548
File: 183 KB, 690x1010, c2d445acly1fdmo2rlfmxj20zk1g1135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psilocybin is a toxin that gets filtered uremically. fun fact: drinking your piss after a mushroom trip can induce a second trip.
>being retarded enough to confuse mushroom strains and an entire class of compounds
Your entire post is disregarded, retard.

>> No.8799558

Some people like to take their ideas as far as they'll go because they're insane retards.

It's a crutch, toss it
It's ignorant, toss it
It's a trap, toss it
It's indulgent, toss it

>> No.8799559

The only useful thing you said was that your brain is a muscle.

Maybe lay off the amphetamines.

>> No.8799560

ralphs spores is top notch

>> No.8799562

>recommends coccaine
Jesus fucking Christ, fuck you man.

First of all coccaine will detract from your ability to concentrate, second off it's bad for you. It acts as a seditive...

You probably have amphetamine in your coke or some shit. good coke you're just like gang gang gang gang gang gang fuck you lil bitch giv more coke

>> No.8799566

It could also be impure as it doesn't meet FDA regulations on purity.

It could actually be bad for you.

Try growing some mushies yourself organically and micro those

>> No.8799642

How hard is it to understand a plot, rising action, falling action, conclusion?

>> No.8799972

>... Start by simply skipping breakfast everyday, eventually you will incur a heightened state of alertness and functioning.

BS. Skipping breakfast is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. It pushes the body to drop to an famine mode which both makes you tired (conserving metabolic energy) and encourages you to eat high calorie foods.

On the other hand, eating a regular balanced breakfast fuels the body and reduces stress.

>> No.8800302
File: 161 KB, 747x1120, 1491082922674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Body enters famine mode because you skipped breakfast.
Gas yourself moron.

>> No.8800326

Skipping breakfast will spike your cortisol.

If you are generally healthy this shouldn't be much of a problem, but if you have any potential problems you will eventually get fucked up.

>> No.8800445

the key with LSD is microdosing anon. You don't want to trip your balls off, you just want the ability to analyze things through different perspectives in a quicker and original way.

>> No.8800463

>It acts like a sedative


>> No.8800946

I gave everyman a try. Ended up falling asleep involuntarily. Spent the rest of the time tired and miserable.

>> No.8801029

>sleep with Wi-Fi & bluetooth off
>starvation mode
Ebin :D :D :D :D :D (intermittent fasting is god tier though)

>> No.8801048

What kind of intermittent fasting schedule should I follow for maximizing brain function? I used to do 16 hour fasts, but just for diet purposes.

>> No.8801219

Start the day with 40mg of ritalin followed by coffee and nicotine. Your appetite should be completely gone while your concentration is greater than ever.

>> No.8801913

So I just took five different IQ tests at my psychologist's office, and I figured out that my IQ is a lousy 109, which makes me only very slightly better than the average American.

Although, I know I fucked up royally on the math portion, because it was very early in the morning and I didn't receive much sleep.

So I bullshitted most of the math, but on the second test it stated that my Verbal Intelligence was 92 and my Non-Verbal Intelligence was 119. This is supposedly significant because the percentage difference range between the two is only found in ~4.5% of the population. They didn't elaborate much on this find, but I thought its significance meant that I'd maybe benefit more from a different learning strategy, but they told me that it was probably just a testing error and not something psychological like autism.

I don't fully know why I brought that bit up, but I somewhat believe that it just makes me feel better about my 109 IQ. :(

I am trying to work towards enrolling back into college, and turning my weak point (math) into a strong point. I know it'll be tough, because I am a brainlet but I am determined.

Now that's over with, I guess it's time for me to share some things that they've been telling me to do that has really been helping me out. I have memory problems brought on by ADD, and I was always forgetting certain items, names, etc.

So the best way to strengthen this portion of your brain is to get out and doing something every day, keep a journal, and log the times, places, and feelings regarding each location in your journal. If you speak to someone new, then you should try your best to remember their name and other details until you get to a nice place to log it in your journal. It sounds counter-intuitive in actually retaining this sort of basic knowledge, but after a couple of weeks, I've gotten to the point where I've trained my brain to log this sort of information into a brain journal if you will.

>> No.8801929

>>sleep with Wi-Fi & bluetooth off
I like that I'm beginning to see more people saying this. An accurate conception of reality is starting to make its way back into the collective consciousness, which is drowned in illusions and bullshit.

Now you just need to get people out of their rut of instant gratification centered hedonism, and caring about accuracy. I mean for fuck's sake, evidence that pulsed microwave fields alter bone growth, hormone release, neurotransmitter release, most specifically proper melatonin cycles, goes back decades. It's time to wake up and get with the fucking program.

>> No.8801930

The journal thing has also helped me better cope with depression. The vyvanse that they have me on is also helping me out with fasting until dinner, in which I eat the calories I need for the day. It's easier to count them whenever it's all in one meal, I suppose.

As for a sleep schedule, it has been proven that the best cognitive performance results in sustaining eight hours of sleep through one sleep session.

This is stupid. Do you believe that our ancestors ate big breakfasts every day? No, and the big breakfast meme was a marketing scheme built by Kellogg's and the same group of people who told you that eating bacon for breakfast was good for you. If I'm hungry for breakfast, then I might have an apple or banana to keep be satiated until dinner. I've never felt tired from not eating breakfast anon.

>> No.8801934

Secondly, not eating at a certain meal time shouldn't encourage you to eat high calorie food.

A person understanding the difference between physical hunger and psychological hunger should prevent this viewpoint from occurring. It's all mental--not physical.

>> No.8801938

I hate to say it, but one of the most surefire ways to enhance neurological function is repeated trauma to the point where the psyche begins to splinter apart and dissociate to continue functioning. This can be forced by an individual if you have a viable entry point to work with, though it comes at a significant cost and will probably remain a constant source of torment for the rest of your life. There is a point where you have too much of the wrong sort of control.

Either way, selective memory enhancement, skill acquisition, focus, drive, etc have all been noted to occur with this sort of "programming", and low level architectural re-engineering of the mind. I can walk through a space once, and only once, very briefly, and then (veritably) walk through it in my mind later for years afterwards. I can play all my music in my head if it's quiet, watch videos (only animation, everything else is too hard to store apparently), etc.

It's all about being able to consciously build a framework, then live it. If you construct a crude shell identity and funnel yourself into it, eventually it will grow into something that resembles a legitimate self. A hell of your own creation, ultimately.

>> No.8801948
File: 11 KB, 512x512, Logo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write a blog on super rare & interesting neuro disorders. You guys might be interested, I would certainly appreciate some feedback.



>> No.8801954

Anything about visual snow?

>> No.8802029

>visual snow

Not as of yet but that's an interesting one, I'll cover it soon. Cheers.

>> No.8802045

Also Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. It correlates with visual snow, in childhood especially.

>> No.8802125

Yeah that's one I've definitely looked at. It'll be coming up soon too.

>> No.8802154


Good to hear that you are applying yourself to overcome your shortcomings. You should know that although they say you cannot increase your general intelligence, what you are doing, keeping track of your daily activities, will eventually lead to better decisions that you might not have made had you not been tracking. You will slowly but surely become more aware of your environment and be able to have a greater effect on it.

You can always improve a skill, even if you can't improve your general intelligence, and anything can be broken down into a set of skills. Some things just break down into more skills than others, which is why they are "harder."

Good luck, keep a positive attitude and do not give up. Definitely ignore the idiots who say it isn't worth it. You will thank yourself later.

>> No.8802215

Sounds good. Cheers.

>> No.8802235
File: 33 KB, 500x411, 13672330_10153587547622441_262867248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I take stims daily and don't get as much sleep as I know I should - girls kept complaining about my snoring so I went to get it checked out, turned out to be sleep apnea. A couple adjustments to how I sleep made all the difference in the world. I don't smoke and im not fat, so I didnt expect to have it... but if you know you snore, thats like a 50% chance anons.

>> No.8802240

Ive found ever since I quit drinking coffee, I'm much less sleepy in the late evenings when I go out

>> No.8802244

Thats because taking coffee regularly for a long time upregulates the adenosine receptors in your brain because it gets used to being caffeinated all the time. Takes a while to return back to normal.

>> No.8803002

This isn't a serious question, right? Because in whatever way I take it, ironic or serious, it's still dumb as fuck

>> No.8803004

>I'm from Europe
Sorry but that's how some guys role, not me, but some guys

>> No.8803017

My philosophy is existentialism, and I don't feel anything after all this, except the need for some sleep.
Agree with the repeating-stuff though, kinda what I did in the beginning. Do you think I've been browsing self-improvement only for the last 2 weeks?

>> No.8803018
File: 155 KB, 889x1334, IMG_6124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What field would I need to study to try and learn and understand about human consciousness? I want to understand everything about the human brain and how it reacts to outside stimuli via the invironment, as well as how genetics play a role in how the person is set from birth to be like and their "mental ceiling" for creativity, intelligence, etc. I also want to know how the brain interprets sensations that are channeled to it via touch, taste, smell, etc, etc. Thanks in advance for the help.

>> No.8803020

>had me at runescape

>> No.8803123

>I hate to say it, but one of the most surefire ways to enhance neurological function is repeated trauma to the point where the psyche begins to splinter apart and dissociate to continue functioning.
t. MKUltra

Can you please elaborate on this?
What a proper self inflicted trauma would be?
Is it possible to limit oneself to mild fictitious "traumas" such as starving, HIIT, cold showers, etc... ?

>> No.8803198

>>avoid video games
>spatial reasoning/puzzle/strategy games are fantastic for training your brain to think from different perspectives.

No they just activate (whereby stimulating is the right word) different areas of your brain. Not train. Not improve. Just activate.

>> No.8803210

>Whereas abandonment and personal identity trauma (e.g., sexual abuse) have direct negative effects, secondary trauma (e.g., parents' involvement in war or combat) has a positive effect on IQ. Collective identity trauma (e.g., oppression) did not have either negative or positive effects on IQ.


>> No.8803223

I'm having bad brain fog. Can someone help me? I suspect it is due to the fizzy drinks I've been constantly having. Which is made worse by my high caffeine intake and fapping?

>> No.8803233

I love masturbating once in a while but I notice mood swings the day after (no religious upbringing).
Fizzy drinks have sugar in them and when they don't have sugar, some of the sweeteners may be untested unlike aspartame.
Caffeine reduces blood flow to the brain.
You should address these problems but if you're affected by all of them your likely a slob so who cares.

>> No.8803237

Also check my digits.

>> No.8803242

Dude, weed

>chemical and natural

When will this hurr durr chemicals meme end. Everything is a chemical

I bet you buy organic foods because theyre healthier

>> No.8803253

Im not sure which one im affected by

>> No.8803278

>There were no significant intellectual differences between the groups on any major intelligence quotient summary score or any of the age-adjusted empirical factor scores. The anecdotal but widely accepted hypotheses that dissociative patients either have above average premorbid intelligence or that their current intellectual functioning is deleteriously affected by their fluctuant psychiatric disorder were not supported in this sample.


>> No.8803665

Thats just cognitive science.

>> No.8804940

>drops out of college
>lives with parents at 30
>iq lowers by 10 points

>> No.8804970

Oh nice!
I made a thread earlier where i posted some paragraphs on the healthy mind lifestyle.

>> No.8804978

I'm 99.999% confident that 99.99% of you are wrong about 99.9% of the time when it comes to 99% of cognitive improvement, especially when you consider important differences between about 90% of the population and the other 9.9999999...% of you who don't think that would be the whole nine yards. But should you listen to me when you could take another 9mcg microdose of lsd? Nein.

>> No.8805039

What does /sci/ think of acetyl-L-carnitine?

It's used for:

>Improving memory problems in elderly people.

>Improving memory in people who use alcohol excessively. Taking acetyl-L-carnitine seems to improve memory in 30-60 year-old people whose use of alcohol has produced long-term thinking problems.

Surely it'll have positive effect on normal people too.

>> No.8805151


>>>8799972 (You)
>This is stupid. Do you believe that our ancestors ate big breakfasts every day?...

Do you have a reading impairment? Where did I mention anything about a big breakfast? Maybe you should drop the fasting long enough that your brain is able to read what's actually written...

>> No.8805179

>>>8782569 (OP)
>I'm having bad brain fog. Can someone help me? I suspect it is due to...

Taking caffeine less than 8 hours before bedtime can interfere with normal sleep cycles. (You could get 8hrs of sleep and it'll only refresh your brain the equivalent of 4-6hrs of un-caffinated sleep.)

Falling isn't likely to cause brain fog (unless you're doing it instead of getting sleep) ...

Brain fog can also be a symptom of low choline. Google for foods that are high in choline (or just get a supplement).

>> No.8805186

Damn autocorrect...

*Fapping* isn't likely to cause...

>> No.8805200

At least personally, weed helps me with learning and assimilating new information, makes it easier to draw inferences and connections. But when it comes to applying information in a strict sense, it's very detrimental for the exact same reasons. I'll want to keep messing around with information and seeing what I can make of it, when actually I just need to summon and perform what I know in a set way, such as on a test.

tl;dr weed is good for brainstorming and learning, but bad for crunch time where you just need something concrete.

Also, don't smoke regularly. And I mean that literally, unless a drug (any drug) is basically essential to you carrying on with your life, never get in a situation where you're taking a drug every day at the same time, that's the most critical factor in developing a behavioral dependency. Caffeine isn't itself addictive or even really all that strong, but watch a person who drink a cup every morning go without, it's kind of sad to watch particularly because our society normalizes it.

>> No.8805248

jesus man, don't start tulpa shitposting on /sci/ too

>> No.8805290

>brainlets actually need to give themselves permanent psych trauma to be able to mentally walk through a building
it's almost sad

>> No.8805309

I got a referral to see a psychiatrist for a bad case of brain fog. Should I go?

>> No.8805353

You're describing not consciousness but cognition.

So, fairly obviously look into Cognitive science. It's some neat shit.

>> No.8805400

Is gambling healthy or unhealthy for the mind? I use my own strategies and tactics, and I've learnt to discipline myself by holding back when necessary.

>> No.8805453

I want to know what my best chances are of breeding a nearly perfect child.

I'm white, male, 178 cm, 88 kg, athletic build, 137 IQ, no allergies, been sick 3 times throughout my life, and I can provide any other information you deem necessary.

What kind of woman would I be best off breeding with to make the best offspring? Looking for a generalized answer since, obviously, every woman isn't created equally.

I've considered Asian for high average IQ but they are typically small in stature and have metabolisms that make it hard to build a muscular physique.

I've considered black for superior athletic ability, physique, and height. However, they have a lower average intelligence level.

I thought white women because they do seem like a best of both worlds when it comes to average physique and IQ. However, their unwillingness to produce multiple offspring and lack of agreeable nature is a huge turnoff. On top of the fact that I feel like having a child with someone of the same race wouldn't diversify the gene pool enough and could lead to defects.

Will my good genes override the shitty ones of most people? Any insight?

>> No.8805456

I see no problem with it until it starts to negatively effect you.

For example, not being able to go long periods of time without gambling or killing your financial status.

>> No.8805464

>137 IQ
>Perfect genes
Kek you ought to be gassed instead.

>> No.8805467

Where does it say perfect genes at anon?

>> No.8805468

Is improving your memory and cognition with supplements a meme or are there some that actually work?

>> No.8805469

>Smoking weed increases IQ by 24 points
You never had an IQ of 154 to begin with you fucking retard.

>> No.8805478
File: 45 KB, 756x758, fe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, pretty much a meme.

>> No.8805488

>nearly perfect child
Not even close son.

>> No.8805500

>Tfw I skipped breakfast once and ended up looking like an Auschwitz survivor.

>> No.8806001


>Skipping breakfast makes your body enter famine mode
/fit/izen here, no skipping breakfast doesn't send you spiraling down starvation mode, this is actually a very popular diet called intermittent fasting and it has some cognitive benefits due to the fact that your noradrenaline will be heightened in the morning along with your HGH and Testosterone, because you're not spiking your insulin or your serotonin by stuffing your face with carbs. Serotonin makes you more at ease and a bit drowsy unlike noradrenaline which makes you alert and ready to go, spiking insulin will decimate you testosterone and your HGH in the morning. Stuffing your face until the point of lethargy and obesity isn't going to make you smarter, and you don't actually enter starvation mode until you've gone for DAYS without food. By eating in the morning you are also actively suppressing your natural morning cortisol which is responsible for waking you up, and you might think AH! Suppresses cortisol you say? Well that's fantastic! No it isn't there's a difference between stress induced cortisol spikes and the cortisol spike that you have in the morning which exists only to get you go in the morning.

>> No.8806100 [DELETED] 

Sorry for the attack, as I had your same view point up until last year. I went to a dietician for prediabetes and she told me that intermittent fasting works wonders in helping one manage their calorie intake, lowering their blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and helping them to better understand the difference between phyiscal hunger and psychological hunger.

I don't fast all day, instead I just skip all of the meals that're not within a certain time range, and I pair that with a low-carbohydrate diet. My daily routine consists of eating all of my calories from two meals within 1PM-7PM, and I will have one 24-hour fast per week. So essentially I'm skipping breakfast; however, my two meals consist of nutrient rich low carb foods like leafy vegetables, yogurt, nuts, fish, and lean meats like baked chicken and turkey. Sure, at first my body was craving food around noon since I was used to eating large breakfasts, medium lunches, and a small dinners, but that quickly went away in about a week or so after my body adjusted to my new eating habit.

The starvation mode that you speak of does not nearly begin after skipping one meal in a day, as it usually begins after 48-60 hours of fasting. Secondly, the only thing that starvation mode entails is that your body is using up its own storages to maintain bodily function. Whenever your body phases into this starvation mode, it begins by utilizing more of your muscles, fat, and sugars for energy, but it quickly shifts to utilizing your fat storages (at this stage, your body is, in a way, experimenting to figure out which one has the most calories/g, which is fat), and it then focuses on actually preserving your muscle. Almost all mamals are setup like this, because we all evolved from some sort of hunter/gatherer society, which sometimes went weeks without a kill.

Here's a doctor using case studies that debunk the starvation mode hype (21:16 if it doesn't skip): https://youtu.be/tIuj-oMN-Fk?t=1276

>> No.8806114

Sorry for the attack, as I had your same view point up until last year. I went to a dietician for prediabetes and she told me that intermittent fasting works wonders in helping one manage their calorie intake, lowering their blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and helping them to better understand the difference between phyiscal hunger and psychological hunger.

I don't fast all day, instead I just skip all of the meals that're not within a certain time range, and I pair that with a low-carbohydrate diet. My daily routine consists of eating all of my calories from two meals within 1PM-7PM, and I will have one 24-hour fast per week. So essentially I'm skipping breakfast; however, my two meals consist of nutrient rich low carb foods like leafy vegetables, yogurt, nuts, fish, and lean meats like baked chicken and turkey. Sure, at first my body was craving food around noon since I was used to eating large breakfasts, medium lunches, and small dinners, but that quickly went away in about a week or so after my body adjusted to my new eating habit.

The starvation mode that you speak of does not nearly begin after skipping one meal in a day, as it usually begins after 48-60 hours of fasting. Secondly, the only thing that starvation mode entails is that your body is using up its own storages to maintain bodily function. Whenever your body phases into this starvation mode, it begins by utilizing more of your muscles, fat, and sugars for energy, but it quickly shifts to almost solely utilizing your fat storages (at this stage your body is, in a way, experimenting to figure out which one has the most calories/g, which is fat), and it then focuses on actually preserving your muscle. Almost all mamals are setup like this, because we all evolved from some sort of hunter/gatherer society, which sometimes went weeks without a kill.

Here's a doctor using case studies that debunk the starvation mode hype (21:16 if it doesn't skip): https://youtu.be/tIuj-oMN-Fk?t=1276

>> No.8806141

I'm cruising on 100mg of Modafinil right now.

Shit is legit. Doesn't make you smarter, but it removes any barrier to actually getting shit down. Tiredness - gone. Bored - gone.

It also made me have a diarrhea explosion. Like a stream of pure liquid coming out. just fyi

>> No.8806173 [DELETED] 

I really appreciate the encouragement, and my therapist is helping me to find a tutor to work out the certain issues I have regarding math. I just really cannot subscribe to journaling enough, because it is helping me out not only in regards to my memory retention skills, but also combatting the depression that I'm going through by placing more incentive for me to get out of the house every day.

A week or two ago, I would've never been able to tell someone what I did last Thursday, but now I can tell people everything that I did with ease without even reading back over what I wrote on that day.

I recommend anyone who thinks that they have a memory problem to keep a journal detailing their daily events. It has worked much better for me than any nootropic ever could.

>> No.8806185

I really appreciate the encouragement, and my therapist is helping me to find a tutor to work out the certain issues I have regarding math. I just really cannot subscribe to journaling enough, because it is helping me out not only in regards to my memory retention skills, but also combatting the depression that I'm going through by placing more incentive for me to get out of the house every day.

A week or two ago, I would've never been able to tell someone what I did last Thursday, but now I can tell people everything that I did with ease without even reading back over what I wrote on that day.

Also, before you to decide to take any nootropics because you feel that you cannot get anything accomplished or you figure out that you're wasting a large portion of your time during the day, then I would find a therapist to go to because you might be experiencing depression brought on by some sort of anxiety which stems from some problem you've faced regarding school, problem solving, etc. I didn't know I was depressed until after my therapist/psychologist really honed in on it through multiple tests and 1-hr sit down counselings. The journal though has helped me out more than any nootropic or SRI ever could.

>> No.8806195

does cycling or fighting with a sandbag work in the same way?

>> No.8806250

Cycling damages your testicles and lowers your testes.
Search it.

>> No.8806401

>What a proper self inflicted trauma
I should clarify, I didn't mean directly self inflicted trauma. The most effective way is just using the effects of existing (sources of) trauma towards a different end. Which is why I said "viable entry point to work with", either you have the means, or you don't. It's a matter of indulgence, in a way.

Indirect means of generating trauma would be stripping down your existing behaviors, evaluating your value system, and beginning to act more honestly, and closely, in accordance with it. That generally leads to greater hardship and mental conflict, for obvious reasons.

I never tried, but generating a tulpa is probably possible.

In photographic detail.

>> No.8806407

looks like it is not a universal problem, and i don't get the testicle aches either

>> No.8806410

Hmm what kind of crazy person are you?

>> No.8806415

I'm only crazy in that I'm much saner than the rest of you.

>> No.8806416

So you consider yourself an epistemological island? Laughable to be honest

>> No.8806425


>> No.8806553

Does anyone else feel that their thoughts are most clear when expressed in writing? I find that my clarity of thoughts follows a hierarchy of writing > thinking > speaking. It's a shame that I might think about a nuanced argument in my head, find it lacking when I discuss it with others, and then suddenly realize that there's huge depth that I didn't see before when I sit down to write.

Is there any way to "level" the playing field by bringing the full brunt of my writing/thinking abilities to improve my speaking ability? It would be nice if my effectiveness weren't limited by location, time, etc.

>> No.8806573

>What kind of woman would I be best off breeding with to make the best offspring
Someone with good genes and of a different race or from a different region than you if they're the same race.

>but they are typically small in stature and have metabolisms that make it hard to build a muscular physique
then... find an asian who doesn't have those problems. Averages are useful, but a tall person who can build muscle easily is just that, doesn't matter if people from that person's race tend to not be. Clearly that person has the genes that give them those advantages, if anything they're just more exceptional and their kids will receive those same genes (maybe, children may receive genes from both parents that cause disadvantageous traits to surface which weren't immediately apparent, which is why trying to eugenics your way into having uberchildren is kind of crap shoot but I won't ruin your fantasy).

>However, they have a lower average intelligence level
Then... find someone with a high IQ. Again same thing as above. A person of any race with 90 IQ is as smart as anyone else with the same IQ (within the limitations of IQ obviously), a certain range of IQ just tends to be more common. A white guy with 90 IQ has just as shitty genes as a black girl with 90 IQ, just find a black girl with high IQ.

Of course these caveats apply to your perceived "pros" as well. There are retarded Asians and DYEL blacks, just don't pick someone with low IQ who's a skelly womanlet and make sure they're of a different race.

>> No.8806577

Honestly I'm shit at math (not intended as counting) when I do it in my head.
You simply get better by training doing math in your head, but if you stop you're back like to square one.

>> No.8806624
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>Is there any way to "level" the playing field by bringing the full brunt of my writing/thinking abilities to improve my speaking ability?
Study meyers-briggs and the eight cognitive functions. Not the "dude haha ISTJ memes haha are you a feeler or a thinker lmao", the actual cognitive functions in pic related(ignore the red dividers, there are plenty of valid groups of four besides those).

You can improve your tertiary and quaternary functions through practice and training. You only have four functions, trying to train the ones you don't have is a waste of time. Find out what comes naturally to you, and practice that until you're the best.

>> No.8806632

>I should clarify, I didn't mean directly self inflicted trauma.
Yeah got it but I think it would be difficult to arrange for someone to rape and beat me. I wouldn't do that.
>The most effective way is just using the effects of existing (sources of) trauma towards a different end.
Say I'm depressed and I know the causes. How exactly could I take advantage of this?
>Indirect means of generating trauma would be stripping down your existing behaviors, evaluating your value system, and beginning to act more honestly, and closely, in accordance with it. That generally leads to greater hardship and mental conflict, for obvious reasons.
Can you make an example of this?
I think I am overall consistent with my moral code.
I am lazy so I clearly value laziness over hard work; nonetheless I'd like to be a virtuous person since nothing good comes out out being a slob.

>> No.8806635
File: 106 KB, 820x672, Q6F61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better picture.

>> No.8806681

I think I just found the miracle pill ( for men )


take it

I feel much more aggressive, smarter etc

Tried hundreds of supplements nothing worked

>> No.8806695

You're an idiot.

>> No.8806706

Yeah that's it. Don't say how or why, just say it, that makes it true.

>> No.8806848
File: 85 KB, 720x480, man-memory-loss-720x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How deal with my Memory loss?
i have 23yo and Memory loss

>> No.8806891

>How deal with my Memory loss?
What kind of memory loss?
Did you hit your head?
Did you do too much drugs?

>> No.8806937

iktf senpai, im really depressed right now and have extreme difficulty recalling anything. Sometimes i cant remember what i did yesterday or i'll be having a conversation and forget what i just talked about, pretty scary desu

>> No.8807379

Where's that guy who eats cheese while studying

>> No.8807586

damn sorry to hear that. I have the same thing. bumped my head a while ago and I just damn sorry to hear that. I have the same thing. bumped my head a while ago and I just

>> No.8807625

>What kind of memory loss?
-Memory slip ,sleep depravation
-when i was more younger i go to doctor but he say it's normal in teenager, actually i have 23 and this memory loss steel persist
>Did you hit your head?
>Did you do too much drugs?
Yes, depressed people tend to lost memory
why you repeat bumped my head a while ago and I just 2 times?

>> No.8807630

sorry after my memmory loss I forget Im typing but then sorry after my memmory loss I forget Im typing but then say

>> No.8807632
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>> No.8807643

Enjoy your doubled risk of prostate cancer.

>> No.8807646

Bacopa (makes your memory and focus worse at first)
Modafinil (or armodafinil)

>> No.8807647

And noopept

>> No.8807692

Was expecting that site to be about antioxidant, toxin flushing kale and berries.

But it's actually pretty good. Like Wikipedia for supplements.

>> No.8809327


>> No.8809330

Does it really work? I can not say that I will, but sound interesting

>> No.8809732


>failing for the IQ meme

>> No.8809782
File: 48 KB, 201x199, 6446ff8702204b67ad609efa38d060cd4305c685d5306f75d7806ad9d7a4b2a3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this anon, it helps give me structure and a sense of where I'm at realistically

>> No.8809791

>cognative improvement
there's your problem OP.
drugs in the short term might boost bran function (such as adderal) but in the long term will fuck you up and make you and addicted barely functioning human being (such as with adderal).

>> No.8810022

Does anybody know the lasting effects marijuana, cocaine, spice, and alcohol have on the adolescent brain?

>> No.8810158
File: 665 KB, 700x759, 1491550213189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main problem is laziness, brainfog or whatever else, it's fucking 4chan. The best thing I could ever do to cognitively improve myself is leave this shithole for good but it's the worst addiction I've ever had. I've tried, I've really tried - I've managed to wean myself of junkfood, to start exercising regularly, but I cannot leave 4chan for more than a month.

>> No.8810184

How do I fix that? I feel like that's the only thing standing between me being an average kid and a smart wizz that gets into Harvard

>> No.8810225

I can confirm the Adderall part.
Also script, but all it really does is help you focus on your tasks, I.e studying.
If you don't actually pick up the fucking books and try to learn, it's pointless.

>> No.8810230

Don't you mean

>Must have PhD and 10+ years experience
>Experience in 30+ meme languages and frameworks a must

>> No.8810306

Because a degree can be used as a minimum standard for what to expect from an applicant, e.g. it can be guaranteed that the applicant has passed some courses vaguely related to the field. I guess this reasoning doesn't apply to all countries, but at least where I'm from the (STEM) degrees are strictly regulated and allows for this.

>> No.8810596

Get off the fucking internte, read payback

>> No.8810810

>applying the scientific method

>> No.8810815

aka cocaine-looking powder laced with cocaine
just do Adderall if you're in the states, metylphenidate elsewhere

>> No.8810823

You cannot comprehend extended use of the word to describe similar processes?

>> No.8811300

>how to become a kickass computer scientist without taking classes
>learning physics

Wtf, these are completely different things and usually if you like one you'll hate the other.

>> No.8811370


I absolutely love it! Neurology PGY1 here. I haven't gone through enough of your blog yet, but if you haven't mentioned prosopagnosia, kluver-bucy, alien hand, or frontal seizures, i'd look into them!

>> No.8812164
File: 42 KB, 644x484, stoiccheatsheet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends, if you're a video game designer you'll need to really understand both to a certain degree, as you'll be incorporating physics mechanics into your games.

>> No.8812183

>those 2 last steps
I mean they would be proper advice if 4chan wasn't so normie these days.

>> No.8812691


That's a buzzword for stupidity. "inattentiveness" is another one or "I can't concentrate." You're not special for having "brainfog," you're just calling stupid a different name. The best way to overcome stupidity is common sense, everything already stated ITT:

Read for information.
Write by hand in print every day.
Practice long division and other tedious arithmetic tasks by hand.
Tie and untie your shoes.
Eat vegetables, meat and fat, avoid grains and processed foods.
Stand up straight.
Flirt with women.
Help seniors in your community.
Get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day.
Do compound lifts at least 3 times a week.
Get enough sleep.
Write both realistic and unrealistic goals, and strategies to achieve both.
Be aware of what time it is and how long it takes you to do things.
Don't make mistakes, but if you do, always correct them.

>> No.8812740

what adjustments did you make? i think i have it too

>> No.8812856
