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File: 508 KB, 680x544, erdos1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8800053 No.8800053 [Reply] [Original]

Paul Erdos took amphetamines throughout his life to increase his mathematical output. When someone bet him that he couldn't quit for a month, he did, and then once the month was over proclaimed that mathematics had suffered and was now one month behind because he had quit

Will amphetamines help me study? Are they useful? Is he an aberration or are they really good?

I've never tried adderall but it really interests me. Taking a pill then being able to study for hours without distractions. Is that how it works? Is it worth it? Are the side effects bad?

>> No.8800056

A brainlet high on amphetamines is still a brainlet desu

>> No.8800057


Paul Erdos was already smart, he just needed that BOOST.

Just take coffee, multivitamins and omega 3 if you want to play it safe.

>> No.8800068

how come noone memes about Erdos on /sci/ as much as Von Neumann and Gauss? Erdos is a fucking legend

>> No.8800076

So no amount of studying and boosts can make me not a brainlet? It's completely biological?

>> No.8800083

Everyone has a biological limit on them.
Most people never reach it, so for those people studying does help.

But once you're there there is nothing you can do.

>> No.8800088
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had the pleasure of trying adderall once. It made me very clear headed, and focusing on math for multiple hours became an enjoyable task. It was kinda like lsd for me in that every little 'discovery' i made in study made me feel really happy; minus the lighting effects and the music benefits.

Honestly, i'd recommend low dose amphetamine use to anyone trying to study effectively. I don't see why its more common.

>> No.8800089
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>using adderall
>not METH

>> No.8800096

This is just a meme, you get smart by studying math and reading.

Doing this will make you smarter than the average person, even if you arent in school you should be reading and doing math for fun.

>> No.8800098


>those digits

Saika confirmed for god tier

>> No.8800100


Brainlet detected.

>> No.8800103

It's just exactly like when the Japanese draw anime pictures of their Emperor.

Oh wait, there's something called respect.

Also guys, it is true that the regressive effects of marijuana won't affect you past 25?

>> No.8800104
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erdos was just weird, he wasn't a colossus of the mind.

>> No.8800112


>Erdős was one of the most prolific publishers of papers in mathematical history, comparable only with Leonhard Euler; Erdős published more papers, mostly in collaboration with other mathematicians, while Euler published more pages, mostly by himself. Erdős wrote around 1,525 mathematical articles in his lifetime, mostly with co-authors. He strongly believed in and practiced mathematics as a social activity, having 511 different collaborators in his lifetime.

Can someone living at least reach close to these numbers?
inb4 me

>> No.8800114


prolific, sure. But nothing earth shattering, nothing truly remarkable, nothing no other could feasibly have done at the time.

>> No.8800121

Well true, there are a lot of good Mathematicians as well that made lots of hard shit like that enlightened samurai.

But those freaking numbers are amazing still.

>> No.8800125

>throughout his life
No, only after his mother died.

>> No.8800138

You are sharing a board with mediocre, mostly young people.
Dont get memed, there is always room for improvement.

The greatest were only men. You are also a man.
Dont set yourself to fail before starting

>> No.8800146

Enlightened samurai?

>> No.8800150

Why not just take Modafinil? It's legal, isn't neurotoxic and works much better anyway.

>> No.8800156
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>works much better anyway.


Modafinil is a wakefulness agent. It helps you to stay awake and focused to an extent, but the stimulant properties of amphetamines put it a class ahead of Modafinil. I agree that it is less toxic, but typically negative effects are only seen when you surpass 30 mg doses; and by then you aren't taking it to study, you're taking it to get high and party.

>> No.8800163

>modafinil works
i fell for this meme once

>> No.8800175
File: 534 KB, 1000x650, not sure if it's him but that badass beard though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinichi Mochizuki

>> No.8800178

Ah it wasn't him, my mistake.

>Go Yamashita lecturing on the work of Shinichi Mochizuki.

>> No.8800179

what is with hungary and all the mathematicians from it

>> No.8800222

Hungarians are in the same group as Finns and so they suffer from severe autism.

>> No.8800811

doesn't adderall cause brain damage?

>> No.8800858

Last time I took an amphetamine (concerta) it gave me psychotic hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking. Turns out I didn't have ADHD but Bipolar 1 disorder (or Schizoaffective is what my psychiatrist said). Any way around this or is there a substitute I could take? I also do not take anti-psychotics because they gave me very bad dyskinesia, EPS, and other movement problems. So I just use anti-depressant and everyday seems like it could go downhill anytime. About a week ago, I gave myself a concussion because I was slamming my head into the wall for no reason. I would like a substitute for my medication. I haven't been to my psychiatrist for months and it seems nobody cares about what happens me to me even when I attempt to kill myself like every so often I found things around the house to choke myself with (I don't cut myself because it hurts too much but). I am trying to get back into educating myself but I don't have in money even though I am rich. So I would like to have motivation asap for my illness, sort of speak. I haven't been able to talk to my therapist in a couple weeks because my mom wouldn't take me (because she has illness of her own) so I have no one to talk to and when I explain this to my best friend I think it makes him nervous (he says he doesn't know how to respond, even though he specializes in "Neurotech" or something, I think he has problems as well). He takes medicine for ADHD but doesn't know the reason why it affects me such. I think it has something to do with me living in the country and we pay less taxes and most of the health care facilities are in the city so they don't give a shit about us. If anyone knows how to help me out it would be good. Otherwise, go one with your day. I am completely serious and my state has the second worst health care in the country. (I am in Tennessee, USA.) I have been in a facility 8 times and would like it to stop.

Thank you for you patience if you read this.

>> No.8800908

See your psychiatrist, anon.

>> No.8800912
File: 194 KB, 857x1202, drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concerta is methylphenidate

>> No.8800919

t. brainlet

>> No.8800920


>> No.8800923

I have a long history of drug abuse and I can say adderall is very similar in feel to crystal meth, and has the same horrible withdrawals when it starts to leave your system. It might give you an advantage, but with any type of upper or stimulant you always have miserable withdrawals feelings even after a single use. That's why I always preferred downers/depressants.

>> No.8800941

>horrible withdrawals
Adderall is much worse compared to Methamphetamine.The withdrawals aren't even bad, you just sleep and eat a shit ton.

Also you won't feel "withdrawals" from single use, maybe you're referring to the comedown? Which eventually becomes second nature if you're taking stims daily.

>> No.8800952

Yeah I meant comedown, sorry my mistake. The comedown is definitely what kills it for me. I guess certain personality types might handle it better, I never could.

>> No.8801013

What is best and why? Concerta, Adderal or Ritalin?

>> No.8801061
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, 53691-1-1383720940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It has 0 withdrawal

pic related = you

>> No.8801568

Too bad its scheduled so strictly enjoy yourself in prison.

>> No.8801721

meth is neurotoxic and literally makes you a brainlet.

>> No.8801866
File: 1.00 MB, 1254x1080, 1490466023581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black coffee
>20mg Adderall IR
>LSD microdosing

Name a better combo for work performance

>> No.8801872

Mine is really fucking high, I could literally teach myself chemistry from nought to undergraduate in a month.

I just don't find chemistry interesting, but maths and physics, oh boy. :D

>> No.8801946

Imo there should be caffeine in the first box and modafinil in the second

>> No.8801949

naw theyre shit they make you crazy

>> No.8802089
File: 284 KB, 600x400, ErdosTao_Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My favorite erdos jargon is that children are "epsilons". A nice, neutral phrase for little ones.

Here we have Erdos and an promising epsilon.

>> No.8802093

Depends on the person.

There are very instances where a drug will make you better in all ways, there's always a cost and it comes to if you're net better for the task you wish to apply yourself. If you're better all around you're either already hyperfixated, or your normal state is in fact a pathological one / you have brain damage.

Amphetamine, both levo and dextro did very little for me. I thought it inhibited creativity and caused the very "mere blank paper" effect he described.

>> No.8802095

They give it out like candy, are you kidding me? I brought myself a bit of the way into amphetamine psychosis. If I ever wanted to try amphetamine again I could probably walk into a doctor's office and leave with a prescription the same day.

>> No.8802104

WELL MEMED FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8802106

They're getting a lot more fussy about prescribing it now because of how much it gets abused by students.

>> No.8802114
File: 135 KB, 409x409, neet-rx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for the Eurofriends who will never experience legal cognitive enhancing stimulants like addies or ritalin

>> No.8802437

Ah, you must be autistic.

>> No.8802460

ritalin is a thing in europe, a bitch to get a prescription though i'd guess, our (((government))) doesn't want us reaching space marines level

>> No.8802611

Ritalin works well for me (I'm not diagnosed with ADHD).

If you get access to strattera, use it with caution. It makes me tired and nauseous.

>> No.8802614

My friends has ADHD. First he went to a psychologist, who was reluctant to prescribe ritalin. Then he switched to his "personal doctor" (not sure how the norwegian system is compared to other contries), where he got both a larger dose and freedom to choose between pills and capsules.

>> No.8802618

I bet that kid just wasted Erdos' time and turned out to be a major brainlet

>> No.8802623

Not really, if you're motivated to get a prescription for something it's still ridiculously easy. If one doctor says no, go to a different doctor.

>> No.8802668

Horseshit. The seemingly dumbest kid in class can go straight to the top of the test scores after he gets put on ADD meds.

>> No.8804062

What makes Europeans so much more restrictive in terms of getting smart drugs?

In burgerland it's pretty easy to fake symptoms until they fill you full of pills

>> No.8804071


apparently because no one is lobbying hard enough to sell speed to children

>> No.8804119

>My favorite erdos jargon is that children are "epsilons".
[math]\forall \epsilon >0\exists \delta[/math].
I bet he showed him his [math]\delta[/math] afterwards.

>> No.8804141



>> No.8804164

But he is and he admitted it during his Numberphile interview.
Listen carefully to what he is saying here at 8m47s:

>> No.8804177

The mathematicians you're thinking of are jews, not pure hungarian stock. Also, the Martians were a single phenomenon that happened 100 years ago. Ever since then Hungary hasn't been producing a lot of mathematicians.

>> No.8804181

>What they do [Perelman and Wiles] is really impressive.
>You need both.
>You need people who focus very very hard on one very narrow problem and working for years become a very deep expert.
>But then you need the people who can connect [incomprehensible mumbling].
>I make my living, you know, by understanding one field x and checking some ideas from that and applying to field y.
>But, I couldn't do that if there weren't people who are very deeply working on field x.

>> No.8804265

>When someone bet him that he couldn't quit for a month, he did, and then once the month was over proclaimed that mathematics had suffered and was now one month behind because he had quit
Fucking based.

>> No.8804277

thats a bullshit story, adderall is at most a form of energy.

>> No.8804313

>t. Someone who has never tried adderall

>> No.8804334

He wasn't dumb in the first place, just mismanaged.

>> No.8804423

You don't need a lot of managing to do simple stuff. He is talking about those people. There are people who can't actually do simple math unless they try really hard. But if you put them on adderall they will try really hard because they will get the drive to do it.

>> No.8804625
File: 234 KB, 1536x2048, 1490637899260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit man

>> No.8804697

The mumbling is
>Things that are fragmented in fields