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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 126 KB, 1000x563, alex-jones-shirtless-fuck-now-this-is-on-my-computer-ugh-i-hate-writing[1].jpg_w=1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8783327 No.8783327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>All the mainstream media said vaccines don't cause autism
>All the mainstream media said global warming was real
>All the mainstream media said Trump would lose

>Alex Jones said vaccines do cause autism
>Alex Jones said global warming is a globalist lie
>Alex Jones said they put chemicals in the water to turn everyone gay
>Alex Jones said Trump would win from the start

>Alex Jones was right about everything all along.

How do we combat this?

>> No.8783339


>> No.8783489

>All of the peer reviewed scientific papers in medicine said vaccines don't cause autism. The one paper that argued otherwise in the infamous Lancet study got retracted.
They were right

>All of the peer reviewed scientific papers in climate science said global warming was real
They were right

>All the mainstream media echo chamber said Trump would lose
They were wrong

See the difference? Peer review is the cornerstone of all /sci/entific advancements

>> No.8783496

Vaccines still don't cause autism and certainly not high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome, they are genetic.

>> No.8783502

global warming is real you fucking halfwit

>> No.8783510

>Alex Jones said they put chemicals in the water to turn everyone gay
True. /sci/ and animes are examples of these chemicals acting.

>> No.8783540

Actually Trump did lose the election

>> No.8783545

That's why he is the president now, right?

>> No.8783572

It would be funny if Alex Jones was actually right about everything. Think about it. As it stands, that guy is basically a scammer. He pushes all these conspiracy theories and then sells you the TRADEMARK DE-GAY-EFICATOR FILTER for your water and other bs to basically make money at the expense of uneducated retards (read: conservatives) but then imagine if the water was actually gay and his product is the only thing that could save us.

If I was him I would be very surprised.

>> No.8783579

don't you mean climate change, anon :^)

Alex Jones is controlled opposition though. No one that insane gets that much airtime.

>> No.8783581

It doesn't actually make sense, why are there so many FtM as well? Is the xenoestrogen fucking up their endocrine systems and inadvertently increasing their testosterone levels?

>> No.8783754

Wrong board friend, here, I'll lend you a helping hand :^)


>> No.8783788
File: 400 KB, 1800x1800, img_8176-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry friendo. I meant to include a question about the earth being flat.
Here you go. Now it's a /sci/ thread.

>> No.8783810

That burn. D':

>> No.8783822

It's a joke you sperg.

>> No.8783825

kill yourself, reddit queer.

>> No.8783833

The only redditors on 4chan are the newfag edgelords over on /pol/. I've been here almost 12 years, try again polkid. Get back to your containment board kid.