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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8769786 No.8769786 [Reply] [Original]

College is such a fucking scam.

What the fuck is the point of making people take classes like Physics and Calc 2?

Physics is literally just applying algebra.
Calc 2 is applying Calc.

Both concepts a 7th grader can understand with ease.

Why the FUCK do I have to pay for this garbage? So that some fat fuck can get his pay check after regurgitating his shit at me at a meandering rate so all the fucking retards in my class understand it?

The education system as a whole needs to reformed because its all shit that doesn't make you a better person or enrich your life. It just wastes your fucking time and money doing uninspired shit you will never use or care about for the rest of your life.

>> No.8769794

>Why the FUCK do I have to pay for this garbage?
does someone have a gun to your head?

did you not enroll willingly?

>> No.8769795


>> No.8769799

all of math is simply applying the axioms

>> No.8769802


>> No.8769928

>he didn't skip calc 2 or at least take it the first semester of freshman year

End yourself

>> No.8769953

lol I'm taking calc 3 senior year of high school

>> No.8769968

topkek faggot. Not my fault your parents are shit. Why don't you drain their bank accounts and escape to Mexico and live on your own if you hate your life so much?

>> No.8769971

>I am doing calculus with no proofs. unrigorous derivations, and just applying formulas I don't even understand

And you are proud of that because...?

>> No.8769977
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Physics is literally just applying algebra.
Calc 2 is applying Calc.
Calc is just applied algebra.
Algebra is just applied arithmatic.
Arithmatic is just applied logic.
Logic is just applied philosophy.

>> No.8769978


>> No.8769999

It's a proof-based course faggots

>> No.8770006

Lol send timestamp of a proof you've written.

>> No.8770017

I would lie because...?
I go to a good private school. Last year the same teacher taught a few students differential eqns and linear algebra who, but this year no one in my grade was at that level.

>> No.8770021

who's not supposed to be there

>> No.8770027

I am not saying you are lying. I am questioning what you think is a proof.

I also come from a fancy private school m8 and I also remember the "proofs".

>> No.8770033

Logic is theoretical philosophy you pleb

>> No.8770046

Sounds like you go to a shit uni. That's the case in probably 90% of these threads. I'm getting pretty tired of it desu.
>>whinge whinge whinge I hate my course etc.
>oh, what university are you at?
>>Bumfuck Nowhere State or CC
>well, there's your problem
Every fucking time.

>> No.8770066

Goddammit america, not everyone is as mediocre as you.

>> No.8770077

>goes for the american education meme
>I am not even from america
>He still hasn't taken a simple picture of a proof he has written in class

This really makes me think

>> No.8770085

Im not him faggot, and yes, people can start taking proof based courses in HS. Yea that means delta epsilon, least uper bound shit and inequality memes. You are probably in your babbys abstarc algebra course abd feel like a big shot with your retatded proofs.

>> No.8770120

drop out and just self learn then. you have the internet. you don't need to waste your parents money anymore.

>> No.8770132

As someone with a PhD, It's a Ponzi scheme, 100%.

>> No.8770135

>Calc 2 is applying Calc.
Maybe they need to go a bit slower for your brainlet ass

>> No.8770168

>he's an american
>paying for college
ayy lmao

>> No.8770221

it's not for everyone. you gotta have a plan. lawyer, pharmacist, engineer are plans. achievement usually means you are willing to trade off the time and money for all the bullshit requirements these days.

>> No.8770226

but if you keep fucking up with no plan, you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.8770422

And the act of applying X for all X is just applying philosophy

>> No.8770570
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>noone checking these quads

>> No.8770615
File: 52 KB, 493x738, 1489505565754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math is simply just moving numbers around for the sake of moving numbers.

Math is a meme.

>> No.8770979

The concept of taking derivatives and integrals isn't applying anything. Its a new technique.
Same goes for usub and by parts.

>> No.8771052

Not him but from my personal experience (i.e. Togolese, French and Swedish education systems) I do feel like the U.S. is one of the few countries with that proof-based / non proof-based separation, and with "introduction to proofs" university courses.
How is it even possible to progress in math without doing proofs ?

>> No.8772574

It kind of makes sense though. First you learn what something is and how to use it, then you go back at some future point and decipher how it works, re-derive it, prove it. Like learning how to use a computer before you learn how a CPU works.

>> No.8772584

by the time you get to college, you should be old enough to make your own decisions
albeit with some common sense and responsibility
it always boils down to what you act on, you always have a choice