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8762278 No.8762278 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people such brainlets?

>take differential equations midterm 2 weeks back
>pretty easy, exactly like the homework only with "complicated" numbers
>grades come out today
>get a 97, know it's because I missed a negative when setting up an IVP
>class average was a 63
What the fuck? I'm not saying I'm smart or anything, I'm a complete dumbass actually, but holy fuck how can people be this dumb?

>> No.8762284
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you are beginning to understand what this guy was talking about.

>> No.8762286

What was he talking about?

>> No.8762290


>> No.8762316

You go to a shitty school that's why. An exam from a top school usually leaves you wondering if you get the subject for days.

>> No.8762322

I don't get it

>> No.8762351

Why the fuck do people do this?
>yeah I know how to do everything pretty much perfectly I can solve basically anything from the chapter you throw at me
>also I got over thirty points higher than the class average
>but oh no I'm a complete dumbass, nope not smart at all
Literally what the fuck do you get out of pretending to be dumb? If you want to be dumb so badly then get below the class average on the next test poser.

>> No.8762363

But it's a top ten school, at least for engineering
Good grades doesn't mean that someone isn't a brainlet

>> No.8762370
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>> No.8762372

>being this much of a memelord

>> No.8762373

Differential equations is easy.

It's just a matter of classifying the equation and applying the proper solving technique.

A monkey could do it.

>> No.8762374

you're a brainlet if you can't think of all the possible types of personalities / personal issues that could lead people to have lower grades

part time jobs, focusing on extracurricular shit that's far more important for employability than grades and licking lecturer ass all day, etc

I had a 50% average in Internet Systems. Cool. And I got a summer internship from Goldman Sachs here in London, on the other hand. So suck my ass! SUCK MY LEFT ASSCHEEK, put it in your mouth and suck hard on it, suck my hemorrhoids

>> No.8762379


I may not be getting the highest grade in my courses, like my classmates getting 97s. But I'm employed, and have over 5 years of serious experience that they simply do not have. As in, they have literally 0 work experience and don't have anything to do all day except study.


>> No.8762383


some brainlets get into autistic mental loops that are completely illogical and freeze, they go round and round and never exit

by this i mean that they get stuck with the idea that grades are important

yes, they kind of are because they can increase your employability but you have diminishing returns for good grades and there could also be better options that could increase your employability / quality of life / income / etc a lot more than just getting a 10% higher grade for some retarded module

the main idea in life is not to waste your life in academia or to get high grades, the main idea is to have a good career because we live in a capitalistic word, you need to maximize money, happiness and health

grades are just a tool, it's just an abstract shit, a component, a cog in a system that outputs happiness, money, whatever

placing too much importance on a fucking tool is like praying to your toilet just because it makes shitting convenient

>> No.8762386

It's literally okay to be gay, faggot

>> No.8762389

Kek, what sort of brainlet tier college did you go to?

>> No.8762404

you got hemorrhoids on your asscheeks? gross

>> No.8762410

you don't get the joke m8 stop pretending

>> No.8762422

>engineers detected
Fuck I hate engineers so fucking much
>muh job XDDD
>muh grades aren't important XD
>*gets D+ on midterm* LOL who the fuck cares they didn't let me use a calculator, who isn't able to use a calculator IN THE REAL WORLD XD I was busy writing my resume anyway and showing that I know how to write hello world in c++

GTFO of /sci/

>> No.8762438
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>>muh job XDDD


>> No.8762442

A complete dumbass wouldn't have even done the HW to notice that the test was just like it

>> No.8762445

One that showed the truth about differential equations. i.e. not your shitty college

>> No.8762458

>thinks diffeq is hard

Top kek.

>> No.8762461

idk brainlet, last time I got 7SD above average on my algebraic geometry final, but I'm disclosing this information publicly for the first time cuz I'm not like some pathetic freshmen who has to show off how smart they are. It's ok though, most will eventually become a sophomore and grow out of it, but until then, don't even

>> No.8762507
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ODE is hard. In a semester where they just ask you to memorize the highlights of hundreds of years of people slaving away crunching out solutions by trial and error, the memorization isn't easy. But if you ask, "Damn how did they figure that out," it is really hard. If they didn't have all the different types of solutions listed for you at the outset there is no way anyone would say ODE is easy.

>> No.8762509

the memorization IS easy is what I meant

>> No.8762529

>, but until then, don't even

Wow, it is so insensitive to tell someone to not even when you know that there are people who literally can't even.

Check your privilege.

>> No.8762534

Awesome thread.

>> No.8762560

>If their's an infinite number of universes that represent an infinite number of possibilities then that means that there is a universe where X is true!

No, no it does not you fucking idiot.

>> No.8763383

Um yes it does

>> No.8763480

I'm getting low A's and B's on my midterms. Not good compared to the top of my class getting 97s-100s. But again, the dude has literally 0 work experience and has nothing else to do with his day except study. I ain't even mad.

>> No.8763484

>ask "damn how did they figure that out"
this. fuck. asking this has definitely helped my intuition, though. but god damn I'm a brainlet.

>> No.8764051


Lol, i saw MIT's physics and calculus tests and they were easy as fuck

>> No.8764072

>This is what brainlets tell themselves to make themselves think they're not brainlets