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8754344 No.8754344 [Reply] [Original]

I'm beginning to studying Category theory. What are you studying? Doesn't need to be math only related, this is open to any STEM field.

Be sure to include any tutorials / books / blogs / podcast

>> No.8754349

Theory of computation
African studies
>Be sure to include any tutorials / books / blogs / podcast

>> No.8754372

what topology book you using

>> No.8754378

Functors of local artin rings

>> No.8754409

Mathematical Economics

Fundamental Models in Mathematics for Economics - Alpha C. Chiang
Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory - Michael D. Intrilligator

>> No.8754424

Game theory

mostly using online tutorials and Wikipedia

>> No.8754512

Infinite series and proofs. I use wikipedia or uni resources given by old profs

>> No.8754529

Recently picked up a book on elementary number theory, pretty cool so far

>> No.8754537

Oh and the book is underwood dudleys elementary number theory

>> No.8754559

Trying to get a handle on smoothed particle hydrodynamics.

>> No.8754565

Padding up that resume with that+ fluent Spanish

>> No.8754572

>for fun
Brewing and cheesemaking. Studying chemistry professionally, and food chemistry is where I might wind up anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to learn more about something I find interesting sooner rather than later.

>> No.8754917

topology by james munkres

>> No.8754996

>african studies
u jokin?

>> No.8755141
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>> No.8755174

Programming in Python..
I'm so bad at it rofl.

>> No.8755217
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universal geometry
>tutorials, books, blogs or podcasts
i'm doing it old school

>> No.8755238

Me too

>> No.8755246
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>pointless topology
>topological K-theory
>maybe some topos theory

>> No.8755256

density functional theory

>> No.8755905

>Abstract Algebra
>Algebra by Micheal Artin
>Harvard lecture series

Recently looked over some old lin alg notes and was pretty quickly like "I recognize those conditions for vector spaces!"
Feelsgood when you see things connect.

>> No.8756105

Yeah, non-white immigrants always pronounce my name right.

>> No.8756121

Computer Science and math.
Starting with assembly and going higher later on.

>> No.8756137

Homotype Type Theory. With the only book there is for it.

I'm really digging it, I hope to start a little seminar on it next semester.

>> No.8756165

Learning C++. It's my first exposure to programming.

>book I'm using

>> No.8756306

>First language

I hope you're baiting anon

>> No.8756327

Learn Haskell


>> No.8756348

Fuck off with this shit advice. The first language one learns should be useful and nice to write in.

>> No.8756363

Transfinite game values for infinite chess

>> No.8756368

Why do you think Haskell is a bad first language? I understand it is good to know OOP concepts. Java is a good OOP language to learn and so on, but Haskell is inherently mathematical and beautiful

>> No.8756381

I have no time for studying for fun but if I could, then probably operator theory and go deeper into Galois theory

>> No.8756687

are you sure? john

>> No.8756699

>Not learning python as a first language

>> No.8756743

set theory before topology.

>> No.8756764

>the Japanese language
It was easy. Then it was hard. Power through and it gets easy again once you reach the level where you can read interesting books

>> No.8756770

I have to take a python class next semester so i might as well learn it now.

but i do have a haskell book from a friend maybe i should just do that

what do you think

>> No.8756784

Honestly Python is a good language to pick up. I think it's a good way to get your head into the right mindset for programming. If you're just a beginner you don't have to worry about speed and really low-level stuff. Hell I work in astronomy and python is used by professionals much smarter than IO am, because it's nice to use with loads of resources and extras to add.

>> No.8756834

the only two languages you really need are python and C++. python is good for most things, and C++ is for when you absolutely need it to be as fast as possible.

>> No.8756861
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Meme Studies

>> No.8756974

is this real?
i can actually see how "meme studies" could be a valid sub-field of marketing psychology or something similar. but memes are changing rapidly, and what was cool 1 year ago could be irrelevant today. you'd have to really get into it on a psychological level and study what makes something popular on the internet

>> No.8756978


There's several fields studying this shit as a legit thing.

>> No.8757937
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Chaotic systems
This book

>> No.8757968


>spelling Java wrong

>> No.8757970


>spelling Java wrong

>> No.8757995

This is pretty much it, at least as far as scientific computing goes. Once you need to develop applications it gets complicated, and you are probably best off with what this guy said >>8757968 >>8757970.

>> No.8758159

I'm learning category theory to apply it to computer science. Reading basic category theory paper by Pierce and follow up with it on Wikipedia, YouTube videos, nLab and then plan to follow up with a few different books and lecture series in parallel.

T.sauce math major interested in CS

>> No.8758192

What is this book called?

>> No.8758200

Trying to get into programming. Getting a grap of HTML and CSS before moving on to Java

>> No.8758366

>tfw brainlet

>> No.8758664

Please explain

>> No.8758700
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>tting a grap of HTML and CSS before moving
HTML and CSS is not programming language pajeet,
pick haskell or C before java

>> No.8758713

I only study for fun.
I've been "playing" with evo-game/ game theory, network theory and science, biosemiotics, and botany.
The other fun things I study are too rigorous to be included

>> No.8758716

Forgot to mention synergetics

>> No.8758739

There is no point learning HTML or CSS

>> No.8758746

HTML *and* CSS are Turing complete

>> No.8758801

>Turing complete
without javascript they are not but HTML5 + CSS3 are turing complete.

>> No.8758861

>durr start with something simple
Don't listen to these homos. Python is no fun

>> No.8759082

Oh and for some textbook recs (basically things I would (re)read if I could), see Algebras of Linear Transformations by Farenick (very readable introduction to the functional analytic viewpoint, even though it only touches upon finite dimension vector spaces), Functional Analysis by Rudin and then maybe some specialized works for operator algebras and Galois Groups as Fundamental Groups by Szamuely, Algèbre et Théories Galoisiennes by the Douadys and Galois Theories by Borceux for Galois theory.
Also, I recently read the original papers by Galois and they are very inspiring. It's really amazing what he managed to do (constructing finite fields, establishing the Galois correspondence, giving a criterion for solvability, proving the simplicity of PSL(2, Fp) for p > 3) with so little technology (ie. without knowing what fields, groups, solvability and linear groups were). Lacking in rigour, for sure, but all the ideas were definitely there

>> No.8759494


suicide is an option

>> No.8761118


Can you recommend any resources? Also how many hours did you practice on average everyday?

>> No.8761144

The first language should be one that matters in your field.
If you want to be a systems programmer you won't need python since things are written in assembly, C or C++ or even Rust.
It'd be pointless to learn something high level but if you are going to write dirty scripts or even small tasks or anything in the scientific way you might as well choose python.

>> No.8761230

Are you a fucking mouth breathing retard? Yes, you are.

>> No.8761257

agree, as a mathfag haskell is the most fun language i've used

>> No.8762860

What's the source of the picture?

>> No.8762865

Nevermind. Found it:
>Javascript & Jquery by John Duckett.

>> No.8763246

I'm learning Java (first language) and some easier vector calculus right now. The calculus is a bit difficult to fully grasp, but I guess I'm pushing through (just finished divergence and curl of vector fields, starting double integrals soon)

>> No.8763332

Chemistry. I bake cakes

>> No.8763421


just wait to you get to triple integrals it will rock your world

>> No.8763452


how to cure my erectile disfunction


>> No.8763639

>studying for fun

>> No.8763681

i was obssessed with this for a while, made some fucking bomb ass cakes too