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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8752064 No.8752064 [Reply] [Original]

Can the entire universe be explained with math?

>> No.8752067

Not just explained with, it IS math.

>> No.8752079


No. The entire mathverse can't even be explained with math.

>> No.8752080

so things like, say, human consciousness is a result of numbers?

>> No.8752083

Can the mathtire unimath be mathed with math?

>> No.8752084

and by the way it's a simulation
it's not just a theory for meme scientists, even sean carroll thinks this
>sean carroll

>> No.8752090

Math math math, math mat. Math math; math...

>> No.8752092


Math math your mathing math mathhole. I'll math my math math your maths.

>> No.8752094

Why do we speak in in English anyway, and not in math? Language is so inefficient.

>> No.8752096



>> No.8752098
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>> No.8752099

We have as yet no reason to believe otherwise. I'm agnostic when it comes to this.

>> No.8752101
File: 50 KB, 212x270, Kurt_gödel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. But a lot of it can.

>> No.8752103

Care to explain your meaning, Superman?

>> No.8752110
File: 58 KB, 600x337, Jimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had some math that you thought might describe the whole universe, then how could you check if it does or does not describe the part of the universe that is further away than where you can see?

>> No.8752115

The leading theory of everything is uncheckable

>> No.8752117

also, david chalmers
>inb4 lel philosopcrap

>> No.8752120

>believing your limited pattern recognitions resemble consciousness.

>> No.8752122
File: 20 KB, 240x240, cum dot he math man www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the math, you can do it, right?
Why do you need me to answer you?

>> No.8752126

it helps us understand
but right now we don't understand shit

>> No.8752161
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the universe



>> No.8752359
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And math & music are same

I think the truer "definition" of math extends beyond our concept of numbers themselves obviously as they are a way we can interpret/understand it. Basically saying consciousness is a result of "numbers" would assume numbers as the universal constant while another species' system of arrangement may be different. The inherent harmony and order of "math" is what generates consciousness

I think once you start looking at music/ math as flip natures of the same coin we begin to broaden our perspective of what either really means

>> No.8752381

Of course not.

>> No.8752438


But faith can. Through faith, God. God is the only comprehensive explanation for the existence of the entire universe.

>> No.8752445

God is not an answer. It's just a joker. A blank word that one uses when they don't have a clue.

>> No.8752448

Good luck convincing those that believe they have no faith in anything but facts

>> No.8752450

Human consciousness is not special
Just another example of emergent phenomena

>> No.8752451

It's foolish to think that we will ever have a clue, especially if you think this lifetime is all we have. There are many fundamental truths about reality that will never have any explanation besides a faith driven belief.

>> No.8752454

>"... we speak in in English anyway,..."

>> No.8752457
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And that faith keeps you from looking for real clues. Good luck. I hope your kids die without enjoying life as it can be experienced.

>live humble and have your reward in the afterlife.

>> No.8752458

Brainlet here, can someone explain to me how quantum physics can be explained through mathematics?

>> No.8752482

Short answer: no.
Long answer: my dick is so long, it can't be expressed using numbers. I die from blood loss at every erection, but I get ressurrected each time because my schlong is out of this world.

>> No.8752499
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>Tfw Earth maths have been mastered and want to learn alien maths

>> No.8753427

There should be a single equation to represent it. You'll never find it.

>> No.8753460

>implying OP's dick is the size of the universe
That's not possible if you can't find it

>> No.8753485

No math is a human invention that has self made rules to make it make sense, there's plenty of stellar phenomena that throws it all away even when scientists try to make up new rules.

Tbh the arrogance of mathematicians and all the science derived from it is astounding.

>> No.8753490

>implying math is discovered, not invented

>> No.8753504

Do you think there aren't mathematic equations in quantum physics? It's just much easier for people to understand quantum physics through allegory.

>> No.8753506

The universe is smaller then the math verse stupid nigger.

>> No.8753508

>implying math is invented, not discovered

>> No.8753517

I don't feel like its arrogance.

It makes sense that the universe behaves in a certain consistent way. Even if it changes, it makes sense that it should change in some particular way. Then the way it acts and the way it changes can be described in some mathematical relationship.

We might not know or understand that relationship, and it might require a kind of mathematics completely outside the current relm of human knowledge, and we might never understand it, but that doesn't mean that the relationships don't exist.

>> No.8753601


>> No.8753606

This. Also some of those existent relationships could be exerting their influence on what we observe from "beyond" our universe. Some of them could forever remain inscrutable yet still be real.

>> No.8753618


>> No.8753619

Just because we can't prove shit doesn't mean we can't express it with math.

>> No.8754042

Of course.
Just because we don't know how it occurs doesn't mean that it's transcendent of the physical universe.

>> No.8754411

"We are a fluke of the Universe
And, believe it or not. the Universe
Is laughing behind our backs."

>> No.8754445

Current math, no. In the future maybe, but probably also no. Mathematics relies on a set axioms that you need to predefine & these arent self-consistent across all fields. Mathematics itself is a game people have developed and found to be extremely powerful and useful when applied the universe because then it becomes the study of relationships between 'objects' (physical or mathematical).

>> No.8754769

who are you quoting?

>> No.8754783

Completely, and if you knew every single thing there was to know as the big bang happened who you could hypothetically solve a equation that could predict everything. So basicly your whole life is already predetermined and you have no free will.

>> No.8754793

More precisely, math is our language for describing it.

>> No.8754800

Numbers are just measurement. Since consciousness is a phenomena in space over time, yes.
How could consciousness be the result of something nonmeasurable? It would have to lie outside reality and everything we know about it.

>> No.8754952

No, just because you can't explain mathematics with mathematics

>> No.8754959

No, a poor representation of a thing is not the thing itself. That's why when they shut off our simulation, they won't lose any sleep over it.