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File: 269 KB, 1591x1019, petting-my-cat-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8735822 No.8735822 [Reply] [Original]

sci, when I pet my cat in his consciousness does he feel as if a giant dry tongue is licking him? Just wondering.


>> No.8736570

Hello Trudy,

Your cat isn't conscious.


>> No.8736588

Really? Where do you draw the line? Are dolphins conscious? Are chimpanzees conscious?

A cat is conscious, of course, more than a frog. But less than a human.

As for petting the cat, probably the touch brings up memories of mom cat and siblings and a sense of safety and feels good man in general.

>> No.8736634


I think a cat can probably differentiate a it's tongue from a hand. When a cat rubs up against your leg or something he doesn't think he's rubbing against a tall dry hard tongue

>> No.8736652

they probably think of it as similar to when they rub against other cats

>> No.8736665

They don't care whether it's a tongue or a hand. They just like the feeling of shit rubbing against them. It's instinct for the most part. They use their own paws to clean themselves on spots they can't reach with their tongue (like their head). So all they feel is that you are cleaning them. That is an intimate and friendly gesture to cats, so in case they trust you, they enjoy it.

My gf's cat always starts licking my arm back when I pet him after a while. Wants to return the favor I suppose.

>> No.8736671

Doesn't make the cat conscious.

>> No.8736674

>implying you are conscious

>> No.8736678

So deep dude. The cat does not realize it's a cat. I realize I am a human. If I wasn't conscious I wouldn't be having this conversation. Simple as that.

>> No.8736711


cats absolutely recognize they are cats the same way dogs recognize they are dogs, how else would they form packs without some sense of identity

>> No.8736713

>Reiki instructors and their cats: the thread

>> No.8736721

Animals have personalities, desires, feel pleasure and pain, can interact with their environment. They most definitely have a consciousness. What exactly it's like is still not understood.

>> No.8736727

What is personification for 500 Alex?

>> No.8736787

It's blatantly obvious to anyone who has interacted with dogs. Some are outgoing, others more introverted. Some are energetic, some are lazy. Some are bold, others passive.

Here's an interesting quote from Darwin on the subject

"The difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind. We have seen that the senses and intuitions, the various emotions and faculties, such as love, memory, attention, curiosity, imitation, reason, etc., of which man boasts, may be found in an incipient, or even sometimes in a well-developed condition, in the lower animals."

>> No.8736801


>> No.8736802


>> No.8736809

Hey Trudy
Fuck you and your cat

>> No.8736887


poop pigmentation belongs to /pol/

>> No.8736919

I bet you're pinker than the inside of my anus

>> No.8736943

cats are quite self-aware

>> No.8736948


That is the most shallow understanding of consciousness I have ever seen.

Consciousness is a little bit different than simply being able to recognize your existence.

>> No.8737090
File: 305 KB, 684x1129, 1452354423-20160109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8737319

Dead things don't conscious, Trudy. Line drawn.

>> No.8737321

<---- /askcatsthings/

>> No.8737491

You're all fucking dumb. The only difference between a human and an animal is that the human brain has thoughts and an ego.

>> No.8737504

cats definitely have an ego

>> No.8738303

>the human brain has thoughts
Your post implies otherwise.

>> No.8738305


So do animal brains. The only difference is LANGUAGE, not thoughts and egos (all mammals have those)

>> No.8738309


>> No.8738340
File: 2.91 MB, 512x288, what_cats_really_see.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.8738341


>> No.8739416

Cats have urges, not feelings, not thought. To cats, it is sexual; except when you terrify it to "comply."
If they thought and actually had feelings, they would not play/maul birds and mice. Birds and mice are also animals and capable of the same.

>> No.8739481

You don't have evidence for any of this. I don't doubt that cats are more driven by instinct than humans, but to say they don't feel or think is just guessing. Humans are eating meat as well, used to hunt and butcher them. Not an argument.

>> No.8739486

Who said humans have thought?