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8736089 No.8736089 [Reply] [Original]

Physical philosophy > Art > Physics > Mathematics > Military > Law > Economics and politics > Engineering > Medicine and biology > Chemistry > Linguistics > Sociology and culture > Psychology > Philosophy > Religion

>> No.8736114

military > medicine
military > engineering
art > military

Care to explain? Are you a romanticist who likes his paintings dreary as he craves death?

>> No.8736119

Your body is equipped to repair almost every single failure you can manage to inflict on you. Medicine is not that important, because humans should just learn how to eat+sleep+sport and live carefully, avoiding injury and infections.

Somebody is born sick and malformed? Yeah just throw it to the wolves and make a new baby. Somebody is shit human and unable to survive? Good, natural selection.

Medicine is needed to extend human biology, like increasing life span.

>> No.8736128


>medicine isn't that important

t. didn't die as child due to polio, smallpox, plague, pneumococcal or pertussis pro

>> No.8736133
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>Physical philosophy > Art > Physics > Mathematics > Military > Law > Economics and politics > Engineering > Medicine and biology > Chemistry > Linguistics > Sociology and culture > Psychology > Philosophy > Religion
this is what secular humanists believe

>> No.8736134

>he thinks dying is bad

Found the hedonist.

>> No.8736140

>priest pavel
>i'm CIA

>> No.8736597
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Anon, just because those people were christians and did science does not mean that christianity is somehow to credit for their scientific work.
The only real way you could argue that is if you can prove that Christianity (and no other religion) could have inspired their work.
If you want to turn this into a dick measuring contest, hellenistic pagans had far more philosophers and scientists per capita than christians and their scientific discoveries formed the basis for nearly all of western science and philosophy.

>> No.8736632

What the fuck are you on about? How about all of the vectors that aren't related to pathogenetics, physical pathogens or the such like, like cancer?

You're an edgy moron, and tell why:
>humans should just learn how
>Medicine is needed
Where are these moral absolutes coming from, fuckhead? Certainly not the objective and non-metaphysical.

>> No.8736650

Mathematics come before everything else. And I say that as an engineeringfag.

>> No.8736679

>he thinks hedonism is inherently bad

>> No.8736700

>He did not read Plato's Philebus

>> No.8736766

Philosophy > shit > your arbitrary category of philosophy

>> No.8736781

>he hasn't progressed past Plato

>> No.8736813

>Religion can't be attributed to progress in any way, it can only be applied when it impedes progress

>> No.8737722

What exactly do you think medicine does beyond increasing the human life span? Anyone who posts on this yak hunting mongolian trade post wouldn't survive a year in a hunter-gatherer society.

Out of all those, art is objectively the most useless for the "humans only exist to live, eat and breed" utopia you dream of while masturbating to Ayn Rand while failing to realise that someone like you would be the bottom of the barrel in such a society.
I am so incredibly tired of privilegied rich kids thinking that they have somehow earned all their privilegies themselves.

>> No.8737728

>christian scientists
>2/3 of those lived in a time where not being as christian as you could be would leave you dead or at best in exile or being frozen out of society