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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 71 KB, 550x594, timetravel16_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8724636 No.8724636 [Reply] [Original]

No more rando fags not knowing a thing of what they're saying nor shitposting on this one, If our illusion of time is a different plane from real time, then there's a crossroad somewhere in there correct?

>> No.8724674

Postdoc GOD reporting in

>> No.8724764
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Notice how the three time fields, positive, null, and negative are the same three time fields in the theory of infinite complexity

Details here: http://vixra.org/abs/1506.0055

>> No.8724772

This is the shit I've been waiting to see, more like this

>> No.8724793
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Notice how the author of the Theory of Infinite Complexity made it onto this list of people who are definitely not John Titor.

Also, note how Tooker and Gibbs appear together in the list, and Phil Gibbs maintains the website that publishes Tooker's (my) research: viXra

Notice how this document says the Montauk Project moved to Warner Robins a few years after 1992, it says "John Tooker" knows all about it, and that I, the author of the TOIC, Jonathan Tooker, did in fact move from Tucson to Warner Robins in 1994.

>> No.8724795
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liek this?

>> No.8724804

Explain more pls

>> No.8724808

>If our illusion of time is a different plane from real time, then there's a crossroad somewhere in there correct?

Source: 9 PhDs in different branches of physics, mathematics, engineering and gender studies.

>> No.8724810
File: 384 KB, 480x481, GedaliaGershon77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a question? I'll tell you whatever you want to know. It is my theory, I know more about it than any other living person.

>> No.8724846

Geo you seem like a pretty neat man, you as well anon
Is there possibly any way to exploit this crossroad? Implying there is one, wouldn't that mean we could adjust said crossroad with the proper approach? Would any other theories apply to our discussion?

>> No.8724852
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>> No.8724877
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>Is there possibly any way to exploit this crossroad?
new physical principles usually lead to new technological applications, but I am not an engineer.

One application I suggested just before Trump's recent wiretapping irritation was this:

>Consider an LED screen
>Three kinds of diodes emit three colors of light: red blue green
>therefore light in the room exerts radiation pressure on each kind of diode
>with advanced diagnostics you could reconstruct a picture of the room from the radiation pressure on the screen
>with very advanced diagnostics, a temporal modulator, you could reconstruct an image of the room long after the radiation pressure was exerted.
>consider that the internet wires that connect devices today will be the same ones that connect them tomorrow (hard wired)
>That means a temporal modulator connected to the internet in the future is also connected by real physical wires to the devices in the past
>it is only a difficult problem in engineering to use a temporal modulator to connect to advice in the past via its IP/datetime unique identifier
>it used to be a difficult problem to prove if this was possible
>I did prove it an it is possible
>and if your TV has a serial number on the its mother board we can use the temporal modulator to find it a the address of your power bill through the electrical wires
>all LED screens are cameras
>since the light in the room around the screen contains the exact RGB wavelengths of the photodiodes, the radiation pressure is always there
>all LED screen cameras are always recording

>> No.8724894
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That's what Your mom said, ya dingus

>> No.8724918

humor me because I want you to recognize me when I post
So you're saying we could use the displacement of exposure of a remote and personally known LED source? Sorry I've never grappled such principles even though you're dumbing it down so no one could misconstrue your explanation. I'm actually really glad I asked specifics. I was wondering if I could contact you in any way?

>> No.8724919

I can't see how this would be the thing that upset Trump though because I was already telling people about this application back in 2011 and


if no one told the President. Also, the application works without wires too, you just put an antenna on the modulator to do temporal wifi. Also, where Titor mentioned they could only go so far back in time, that may be due to the limited electrical power that was available to his team at the time.

The two-point correlation between the present and a point in the past has an amplitude that decreases in proportion to the amount of spacetime interval between the two points. If the temporal modulator is going going to use the amplitude to select a specific device, that amplitude will have to be amplified to a very high degree.

>> No.8724938

>So you're saying we could use the displacement of exposure of a remote and personally known LED source?

I don't understand that. I'm saying that even diodes that are designed to only emit light, each diode emits one wavelength and a TV has three kinds: RGB, will still feel the ambient radiation pressure caused by the photons in the room that have the same wavelength as the photodiode emits.

If you beleive that a temporal modulator can exist, then you should believe that it can be used to measure the radiation pressure on a screen in the past from diagnostic equipment located in the future. If your device is internet enabled this is very easy because it has an IP address. Then you can dial in the modulator to that IP and record a picture or video of the light was incident on the screen at that time.

Also works for non-internet electrical devices, such a s TVs, because the power lines will work just as well as the internet cables.

>> No.8724945
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... and perhaps that is why the people in the future thought it was ok to let you record me

>> No.8724962

You're blowing my mind anon, would data be just as easy to send? namely memories that would appear at first glance de je vu but retain characteristics of memories such as smell, scent, feel etc.
I realize it'll take some sci-fi neurosci/cognitive sci to materialize an input (helmet) with sensors.

By channeling this radiation and previously inhabited area via internet/tv, would this make it probable? It's not my specialty so my apologies for sounding scrubbish

>> No.8724980
File: 529 KB, 452x457, QuantumComputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would data be easy to send? Sure... you just plug in the modulator, format your device for http, and then you could even post messages a forum in the past. (It is March 5, 2017 for me now)

Here is an interesting application: Wait until after quantum computers get built. Format your device for http. Log into the database that is encrypted with classical encryption. Break the encryption with your quantum computer in the like 1 seconds, and then take the data or do whatever.

However, if you use your time machine to something untoward, then maybe someone who lives in the future with respect to where you are int he future will undo what you did.

You're getting a little metaphysical with me for memories and de ja vu. I wouldn't even know how to read someone's memories that with me here in the present so I don't see how a temporal modulator would change that if they were in the past.

>> No.8724986

Are you guys starting to notice?

It's not, "I'm that guy and here's this thing that I did."

It's, "I did this thing and that's why I am that guy."

>> No.8724987

this thread now officially belongs on /x/

>> No.8724989

I just got the feeling now, would you personally manipulate time?

>> No.8724996


>> No.8725006

Let me rephrase that, have you manipulated time? How can I contact you? Wouldn't a phone work just as well as an LED catalyst?

>> No.8725009

Is this an /x/ raid?

>> No.8725010

wouldn't you be disconnect from Causality?

>> No.8725016

i don't think so. they don't seem to know what they're doing.

>> No.8725017

I have not manipulated time, no. I don't know what an LED catalyst is.

I am referring to diodes because they are tuned to exactly one wavelength, and the three wavelengths that TV and phones use, red green and blue, are sufficient to reconstruct an image in the visible part of the EM spectrum

>> No.8725019
File: 15 KB, 184x184, buthesaguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not, serious discussion since it's /sci/

>> No.8725023
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I don't know.

>> No.8725025

I want arg posters to leave. Please erase yourself from all time planes

>> No.8725027

Thanks for being patient, I really appreciate the information you're sharing on this hopeless board. Would you help me conduct such an experiment? You must've conducted one experiment or simulated something

>> No.8725035
File: 355 KB, 600x337, Principia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you help me conduct such an experiment

>You must've conducted one experiment or simulated something
Like with time travel? Nope. I don't even Mathematica to solve integrals for me. I do it all by hand with pen and paper, and then I fix my handwriting with LaTeX

>> No.8725037

anon says that since its on /sci/ it's serious. perfect.

>> No.8725042

Tell me the truth, would you want to participate in making such a thing? You mentioned decryption, wouldn't an ibm 5100 be perfect? I reside in Texas.

>> No.8725044

>it used to be a difficult problem to prove if this was possible
>I did prove it and it is possible
please link, i want to read this

>> No.8725065
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The application that I am most interested in is the modulation of plasma turbulence. This is required to build nuclear fusion power plants. With working fusion resources, we could build nuclear water pumps to irrigate dry soil such as pic related.

If you look at the topography of Africa, you can irrigate the entire Niger River basin by crossing not much land in Sierra Leone. There are a lot of places where the topography favors nuclear irrigation.

>> No.8725068

what a crackpot

>> No.8725069
File: 239 KB, 463x772, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, for plasma, attenuation is probably the right word, not modulation... I am not an engineer.

>> No.8725076

I admire your aspiration Geo, sadly I wish to be the subject and witness the occurrence of time travel. With your aid this would be serendipity, do you believe in such a thing?

>> No.8725088

I have no idea how hard it would be to build the temporal modulator. However, even if they don't build it for 1,000,000 years, they can use it to look at 2016 and then send it to 2017.

On the other hand, my irrigation project is completely doable now, and the difficult part about the plasma turbulence seemed mostly solved already. Irrigation has a lot of positive economic effects, and positive economic conditions tend to lessen the tendency toward war...

Everyone is worried about refugees, so why not turn the desert green and build some cities there?

>> No.8725105

But first you need to learn fear of the Lord. All of you. You don't know it now, but you will have to know it.

>> No.8725119

This would be a reality I would encourage. With the efforts of time an space we could manage a prepared and efficient planet.

>> No.8725122

Is there something we need to be aware of that you may know?

>> No.8725125

Parallel not perpendicular so no intersection; just how close those timelines might be. It's still more sci-fi than B-theory

>> No.8725126

Besides being a nonsensical ARG LARP whatever,

If all this were true why even bother posting here? Some dude a thousand years in the future could just send the info to make this shit to you yesterday and you can go win a Nobel prize for turning Africa green or something. Talking to some weeb tripuser on a Mongolian smoke signal exchange is totally purposeless. If you wanted this to be a serious thread you wouldn't be larping with the time travel anime weeb

>> No.8725128

He has promising information, but it took someone making a thread to encourage him to share this information, no?

>> No.8725129

Also the trip name is so he can recognize the one who engaged the discussion to begin with. From both of our points of view, you're bashing me and selling this man short of what he can be truly capable of.

>> No.8725133

ITT: Steins;Gate fans and roleplayers.

El Psy Kongroo.

>> No.8725136

Man I haven't even tried sneaking any of that nonsense in this conversation, but if ya'll get that hard about it
El Psy Congroo

>> No.8725532

i feel so bad for you that im just not going to respond

>> No.8725664

>im just not going to respond
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8725807

Are all the namefags making this type of shitpost one person, or is it some obscure part of board culture?

>> No.8725809

It's 4chan brainlet
anything can happen

>> No.8725812

C-can I post here if I'm getting a Masters?

>> No.8725813

kek i didnt say anything but i really suspected that these posts were a circle jerk with the same guy responding to himself.

>> No.8725819

It's not the first time. Vague, weird shitposts about some alleged revelation, posted by a namefag have been popping up a lot lately.

>> No.8725821

I almost didn't make the thread, but decided fuck it right?Then I get this guy telling me all this stuff. I apparently asked correctly rather than hurr time travel thread??

>> No.8725828

Speak to your heart's content anon

>> No.8725835

really makes you think

>> No.8725839

Time isn't a plane, it's a flat circle

>> No.8725852


I'm a self proclaimed scientist.

>> No.8725868

If you have anything to contribute go ahead

>> No.8725920

I have a theoretical degree in physics

>> No.8726461

Then out what you know to use

>> No.8727229

There are a lot of mentally ill people on this board.

>> No.8727326


>> No.8727345

Bitch I have a PhD in shitposting.

>> No.8727347


What about a Phd in linguistics :^)