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8723337 No.8723337 [Reply] [Original]

How do I come out to my parents as an engineer?

My family is pretty liberal so I do expect they should accept me.

I don't know how I am going to tell my dad that I am not going to become a physicists like every father before me for past 12 generations.

Is it ok to become a physicists and do engineering on the side or is that just internalized engineeringphobia?

>> No.8723389

Or, become a good engy and work for CERN or Fermilabs?

And then make your kids get into physics.

>> No.8723628

come out as gay first and they'll figure out the engineer part
that's the easiest way to do it

>> No.8723664

Repair the closet.

>> No.8723688
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tell him that in such times: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis
technology is new science. at least it works. and science always attracted overcompensating fools and career freaks

>> No.8723770

tell them that i'm a brainlet at maths

>> No.8724616
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Implying engineers meet women. And get to have sex with them.

>> No.8724619

>Is it ok to become a physicists and do engineering on the side or is that just internalized engineeringphobia?

I don't know why but I lost it there

t. a gay guy

>> No.8724728

This. Unless you are a walking charisma you wont have time to shit in a good engineering program.

>> No.8724949

There are lots of people who mix Engineering and Physics, they're both very relatable in some instances.

>> No.8724956

i went to a pure engineering school and can confirm.

all you do is study, eat, and lift. its kind of like prison.

>> No.8724957

How much dick sucking went on there?

>> No.8724960

If your problem is that you want to do something with your life that your dad doesn't approve of, you just have to be an adult and tell them and then they get to deal with it. If the problem is specifically that you're going to be an engineer, your dad is an idiot and you get to deal with that.

>> No.8724964

He wants me to be a scientists just like every father before me

>> No.8724983

Start sucking your father's dick, he'lk understand

>> No.8724990

You want to do something with your life that your dad doesn't approve of. You just have to be an adult and tell them that, and then they get to deal with it.

>> No.8725540
File: 5 KB, 259x194, dewey statement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are literally marginalizing and normalizing the oppression that homosexuals face on a daily basis

This is EXTREMELY problematic

>> No.8725707

Brothers plz I'm deebly concerned
>Tfw thought I'll lose virginity in college

>> No.8725712

That's because you need to be a man to do it. No pussies allowed. This includes women.

>> No.8725744

you could double major in both engineering and physics.
im currently double majoring in aerospace engineering and physics