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File: 319 KB, 2448x3264, Qb6qzLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8718671 No.8718671 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm sitting in my college cafeteria and my plastic spoon just melted when I placed it in some hot food. Is this shit hazardous because it melted into the food? How fucked am I?

Would I be able to sue my college about this?

>> No.8718679

Would not eat that, would definitely let someone know. Carcinogens dont make a good lunch

>> No.8718698
File: 1.08 MB, 3019x1736, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already finished my lunch. But here is an updated pic of the spoon.

>> No.8718701

>cafeteria food
>plastic spoon
Nigger not to be elitist prick or anything but your standard of living is worse of a house dog and that said I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.
If you want you can order high performance plastic spoons they use in MRIs the American ones are especially good meaning stiff,resistant and inert.

>> No.8718706

>Would I be able to sue my college about this?


Thanks for the laugh.

You'd be lucky if the college doesn't sue you for defamation in return.

>> No.8718708

It didn't melt, it deformed.

>> No.8718813

This. If it melted then it would be dangerous to eat. Not because of the plastic tho but because it is too damn hot

>> No.8718837

Does the spoon change color when exposed to heat?

>> No.8719476

All plastic breaks down and infects our food to some degree. More so so they melt with hot food. Eating enough plastic at one time certainly isn't going to un-fk you. As for f'd, unless things change, all of us are. Unless one of you geniuses has the answer rather than a bunch of meaningless answers?

>> No.8719762


>> No.8719764


>> No.8719769

shit...I've been using plastic spoons to stir scalding hot coffee, haven't paid enough attention to the spoon to see if it's deforming or not

how fucked am I

>> No.8719771

it is a MR...E******* you fucking retard

READY (to)



>> No.8719776

Is English your first language?

>> No.8719777

Yes I heard you the first time you autistic little shit.

>> No.8720070

Show us the recycling code motherfucker.

It is probably made of biodegradable PCL or PLA though, as these substances have relatively low glass transition temperatures.

These plastics can be fucking implanted into the body and are often used as tissue scaffolds. PCL is FDA approved for some medical applications.

That plastic bottle thing is more likely to fuck you up than the spoon. It probably has all sorts of nasty plasticizers that diffuse out at warm temperatures.

Those bad boys don't fuck around and can disrupt your endocrine system at low concentrations

>> No.8720118

It's an optical illusion. It only looks white in the first picture because of the black background.

>> No.8720148
File: 3.74 MB, 2736x1822, 1470175433420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It plastically deformed

Shout out to my materials scientists

Jet fuel can't melt steel spoons

>> No.8720149

omi wa mo shindeiru

>> No.8720214
File: 104 KB, 829x553, 1487731456019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8720360


don't be a little bitch

do you think that george washington cared if his spoon was melted when he ate boiled leather

no motherucker

>> No.8720559

You blew it, Google translate fag.


>> No.8720593

Sorry Anon, I'm a mechanical engineering student. Though I'll be taking the welding specialization in fourth year which is basically materials+heat transfer.

>> No.8720633

Probably stage 4 cancer with brain mets.

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.8721244

>The postponement of America which killed you

>> No.8721462

Where's the recycling code?

>> No.8721464


>> No.8721472
File: 3 KB, 124x125, 1482623075122s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stampf makinv fune ov mi artismo

>> No.8721477


>> No.8721483

There is no "o" in "autism"

>> No.8721486

rip headphones

>> No.8721489

For Europeans this typo was not so obvious.