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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 104 KB, 736x460, EvolutionaryFacts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8716192 No.8716192 [Reply] [Original]

So how come you guys are still denying scientific facts?

>> No.8716196

Frugivores are a subset of Omnivores. There for all frugivores are also omnivores who just so happen to eat a lot of fruit. Kill yourself vegfag.

>> No.8716213

Because Hunter Gatherers with spears and shit built huge civilizations by risking life and limb to hunt large prey in the wild... Riiighhhtt

I mean, it wasn't the farming and relying on storable food grains that built massive civilizations.... right???

We Wuz Kangz too?

>> No.8716219

What the hell are you talking about? I'm pretty certain there was some domestication at some part in human history. Don't reply to me or any of my posts ever again.

>> No.8716221

>Literally designed to eat fructose + fiber
>Modern "health experts" say sugar is bad for you! Eat animal protien!
>You need to eat meat to get your protein!!!

>Mmm I love steak
>Damnit, why am I getting atherosclerosis!!!
>Why is my cholesterol so high!?!?!
>Damnit why have cancer rates shot up in the last century... We've been eating more meat, its healthy RIGHT???

>> No.8716223
File: 12 KB, 258x245, topkekpepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't handle the truth
>Goes and cries in a corner
>"Leave me alone!!!"

Typical science deniers LOL. Such two-faced piece of shit.

>> No.8716224

>4 replies
>2 posters

Kill yourself OP.

>> No.8716225


Fuck those compression artifacts hurt my eyes. But from the looks of it I'm not missing anything important.

>> No.8716233

>source: bananagirldiet.com

DAily reminder that all tetrapoda are descendants of fish so they can eat meat.

>> No.8716238


But seriously OP. Neck yourself.

>> No.8716245
File: 1.06 MB, 498x280, 1486750845470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooo, I don't want to hear facts!

>> No.8716266

I eat meat so I can get Acid piss like a Lion.

>> No.8716275

Im sure your kidneys love you for it.

>> No.8716296

>le appeal to nature meme
I don't care how things evolved or how they "should" be or what's "natural" to do
arguing about moral choices because of what's "natural" is retarded shit for dumb hippies who buy gluten free lactose free nongmo meme food
if you just want to say "i think a non-vegan diet is immoral" then I'll still disagree with you but I won't think you're a retard,

>> No.8716310
File: 194 KB, 1024x768, Copy-of-Copy-of-file0001028893808[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a meat farm right here fella

>> No.8716326
File: 496 KB, 646x498, 1487269953393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Health =/= Morality

Really makes you think.

>> No.8716332

Your mom loves the acidic taste of my piss too

>> No.8716337

Enjoy your atherosclerosis

>> No.8716349

OMG... someone pls give a nobel to "bananagirldiet.com", after reading this I started eating only fruits, my dick got 20cm larger and my brain doubled the size.

>> No.8716351

if humans are supposed to eat meat than how did I just get dubs?

>> No.8716355
File: 47 KB, 960x749, received_1121931857934070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because only meat eaters like me get digits, check this shit.

>> No.8716357

will start a barbecue because of these dubs.

>> No.8716358
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>> No.8716360
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>> No.8716365
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Vegans, Vegetarians, and Atheists simultaneously BTFO

>> No.8716370
File: 506 KB, 1280x720, Louis_Mcknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.8716378

Holy shit, OP absolutely BTFO. Rope shortage grips the US as vegetarians of all stripes realize how rekt they truly are.

>> No.8716381
File: 214 KB, 1200x900, CpNq37HVIAEhqbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8716386


>> No.8716389

lots and lots of protein + garlic that is one of the only foods that can naturally increase your testosterone... The Jones is a BEAST.

>> No.8716390
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>> No.8716392
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Oh fuck nigger. It's all over now

>> No.8716418

He's also a Grade-A retard and a red-neck pandering conspiracy theory fucking moron.

My bets on him having a heart attack or a stroke in the next 5 years are likely.

>> No.8716426

>My bets on him being assassinated by the NWO-Illuminati-reptilian conglomerate in the next 5 years are likely.


>> No.8716432

LOL, Jones haters are pathetic just like Wilberger haters.

>> No.8716433
File: 73 KB, 485x345, plant-food-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think.

>> No.8716436
File: 253 KB, 371x398, 1485891861430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you don't even filter your water

>> No.8716439

No... You're confusing the word "pathetic" with "intelligent".

Alex Jones all of a sudden loves the government after Trump got elected, while all he did was complain and bash it year in and year out.

Talk about viewer pandering to the Nth degree.

>> No.8716440

I'm pretty sure obesity rates correlate much more than "unrefined plant food consumption" with heart disease and cancer.

>> No.8716441


>> No.8716445

>implying its healthy to eat complete garbage... as long as you don't eat too much of it.

Wew Lad.

Isn't it funny how doctors aren't required to know anything about Nutrition to get their PHD's???

Really makes you think.

>> No.8716446

This is all true. Retards in this board will pretend to be objective, unpolitical, unbiased, rational people but when confronted with facts about their diets they usually throw a fit. I've seen it a lot in real life, people get so angry when I mention that I'm a vegan.

Kill all meat eaters.

>> No.8716451

Fatty fish and poultry are quite healthy and obviously part of a carnivorous diet.

The best argument for vegetarianism is an ethical one. To categorically claim all meat is unhealthy would be unscientific.

>> No.8716453

>Gee Golly... I wonder whats making people Obese!!!
>Hyuck, I'm sure Americans eat tons of unrefined plant foods, they're just getting obese because of sitting around all day!
>Yea, that's it!!! You can totally get Obese by eating unrefined plant foods all day! It's not like the fiber in plant foods will prevent you from overeating or anything!!!
>Nope, that's not it at all! Hurrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.8716457

It is true

You can eat garbage in moderation and you'll be just fine.

>> No.8716460

Meat is really healthy for you, if you're a bear... or a pig... or a dog... or a cat... or an aligator...

GEEZ, I wonder why it's literally impossible for Carnivorous and Omnivorous animals to develop Atherosclerosis.

GEEZ, I wonder why Atherosclerosis is the #1 killer in 1st world countries (that have high meat consumption rates).


>> No.8716462

In terms of obesity, maybe. If you only ate McDonalds, but burned more calories than you consumed, then you wouldn't gain weight. But all the saturated fats, sugar, and salt would not be good for your health.

>> No.8716464

Here's a scientific fact: meat tastes good af and you're a pussy

>> No.8716467

Fish and poultry are really healthy for you, if you're a human.

Also you have an obnoxious posting style.

>> No.8716471

Tell that to the guy who ate 2000 calories of McDonalds for months straight. He was even doing exercise too.

His blood pressure skyrocketed and he was starting to feel depressed and fatigued all the time.

>> No.8716498

>vs dieing young from aids or malaria in a third world shithole with lower meat consumption

kek meat wins again

>> No.8716591

thats the worst thing about "healthy food".

it makes you absolutely bloated and takes forever to eat

>> No.8716639

Lol retard, human anatomy is specifically adapted to eating cooked meat and vegetables and raw fruit, created fire was around before h. Sapiens speciated.
Fire is what shaped our unique digestive system. We're omnivores but only with cooking, pyrovores or something

>> No.8716709

Meat taste better than vegetable

>> No.8716725
File: 12 KB, 326x179, IMG_0831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons please, this is shitty bait

>> No.8716728

Try eating that meat raw, then tell me what it tastes like.

>> No.8716734

Chimps are not frugivores. A graph on the internet is not science. If you don't want to eat meat, so be eat, this is a luxury you can afford living in a civilization but has nothing to do with what humans have evolved to eat.

>> No.8716752

Add me in screencap.

>> No.8716765

This guy gets it

>> No.8716766

I'd only put my dick in the one on the right ţbh

>> No.8716768
File: 70 KB, 470x404, chimpa-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chimps are not Frugivores
>Therefore Humans are not Frugivores
>Even tho all biological anatomy points to the contrary
Gotta love how fast the meat eaters plug their ears and close their eyes when facts they don't like are being shown to them.

Gee, that really looks like a human mouth. Don't you have teeth like that??? The hell is wrong with you? i thought you were Human, lol.

>> No.8716792

Humans are not vegetarians/vegan/frugivore or whatever you want to believe.

Don't believe me? Eat nothing but plants with no vitamin supplements see how long you last.

>> No.8716817

Wait so is the point of your post that we should be eating only vegetables, fruits, and nuts because our physicality is similar to some vegan monkeys and a horse?

Boy that sure doesn't explain why that burger I had last Sunday tasted so good

especially the meaty, bloody part of it

I could taste how good of a life that cow had

>> No.8716825
File: 29 KB, 680x371, 1485830106348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been lasting for 7 years. LOL...

Are you actually trying to say, that fruits and vegetables don't have vitamins in them?


>> No.8716826

chimps eat the fuck outta some smaller monkeys

>> No.8716829

>Food taste directly correlates to health

No wonder they're called "Ameri-fats"

>> No.8716835

Based on the quality of your posts, I wouldn't be surprised to learn you're suffering from mild brain damage.

>> No.8716840

You would be dead from the effects of b12 deficiency if that were true.

>> No.8716846


I never made that implication, but if it's health you want my grandfather is still living at 97 and he was practically a carnivore

enjoy your nogainz and mud stew

I'll keep savoring the occasional bloody steak

>> No.8716851

>Damnit why have cancer rates shot up in the last century
Because people don't die earlier from other causes.

>> No.8716858

There is really no such thing as "herbivores" and "carnivores". All animals will eat meat if they are capable of acquiring it.

>> No.8716870

>Don't reply to me or any of my posts ever again.
Don't reply to me or my wife's son ever again.

>> No.8716875

>Doesnt even know that B12 is predominantly from soil.
Here, I have a challenge for you bro.

Consume nothing but meat for as long as you can. DO NOT EAT A SINGLE FRUIT OR VEGETABLE. Now after you've done that, enjoy dying from scurvy.

>> No.8716880

B12 is only produced by animals and some bacteria.

>> No.8716893

"Vitamin B12 is produced by soil microbes that live in symbiotic relationships with plant roots. " -MIT

Link to article: http://news.mit.edu/2007/b12

Wrong again, friend.

>> No.8716920


Why would he not eat a single fruit or vegetable? He hasn't made the claim that fruits and veggies are bad

You made the claim that meat is baaaaaaaaahd

that's supposed to be an innocent lamb right before it's murdered and served as lamb chops

>> No.8716923

I did not say that because chimps are not frugivores humans aren't. I said that your chart is bullshit. Again, you can choose not to eat meat if you like, that's up to you, but facts are not something you can bend to accommodate your beliefs.

>> No.8716925

I just said AND SOME BACTERIA you illiterate. Also, the bacteria do not produce enough for human needs. You don't get any real amount of b12 from eating plants.

>> No.8716931

If humans weren't meant to eat meat we wouldn't have inscisors and canines, which were teeth evolved for cutting and tearing tough things like meat

>> No.8716950
File: 820 KB, 2000x1500, ska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I don't eat meat except fish, am I still a vegetarian? Is there another name for it (excluding fag)?

I am also a socialist, atheist. So that would fit well I guess.

That being said - OP is a fag. Antagonizing people instead of converting.


>> No.8716953

>What is small inscisors to cut thru hard fruits.

>> No.8716958

I have no moral argument tho. I didn't make a moral argument once.

Nice try but you're grasping at straws.

>> No.8716962


Not eating any animals because they resemble human's emotional and physical characteristics and behaviors is past excessive empathy

>> No.8716974

You're the OP? You're just annoying.

That's just like your opinion man. Somone could say - not eating humans outside your tribe is past excessive empathy.

>> No.8716976
File: 50 KB, 500x313, zubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these tiny little fucking things going to do exactly?

>> No.8716983


>> No.8716992
File: 61 KB, 404x480, seasons greetings..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So how come you guys are still denying scientific facts?

You cant stop me from eating meat which my body is built to digest.

Meet is murder. Tasty tasty murder.

>> No.8716993

>That's just like your opinion man.

You're correct


They're very helpful when I'm eating ribs

Hold with hands, tear with my manfangs

I imagine this must be like a blind man hearing about colors for the first time

>> No.8717001

>Eating marinated and COOKED ribs... With a knife and fork for backup, for when things get tricky.

Nice argument.

>> No.8717006

My canines are way bigger

>> No.8717011


How dare you assume my ribs' cooking style?

Also steak, but that goes without saying

You ever had churrasco? Hahaha, of course not.

>> No.8717069

Some observations:
1.) Cats fangs are for catching prey, not consuming it.
2.) Humans can consume meat easily with their teeth and require spears to catch food rather than fangs.
3.) Humans have stomach enzymes that break down meat. Why would we have these if we weren't meant to eat meat?
4.) No other monkey of a similar genetic tree as us has a brain as large or with as much intellegence as us. And you are suggesting we should be more like them? I think we should be less like them, and more like ourselves. Otherwise you are creating a cause and effect confusion fallacy, with elements of a thin end of the wedge fallacy, and corrolation not causation fallacys aswell.

So there, you haven't beaten science, because you have a conformation bias.

>> No.8717081

>Humans have stomach enzymes that break down meat. Why would we have these if we weren't meant to eat meat?

Yeah why WOULD we have these if we weren't meant to eat meat?

>> No.8717097

If you want to compare the teeth of animals who evolved to eat meat and those who haven't, you shouldn't just look at canines, as those seem to serve the purpose of catching prey. Human don't hunt like lions, we don't latch on to our prey. However, human molars differ from those of animals who evolved to eat only plants. our molars have the capacity to shred meat. It's not controversial in the slightest bit in biology that humans are omnivores. This is yet another proselytizing effort on the part of vegans which has no intention whatsoever of being coherent with scientific knowledge, and this by presenting false information.

>> No.8717106

My teeth are unusually sharp. They look like the omnivore.

>> No.8717115

I wanna see that. Pics?

>> No.8717129
File: 97 KB, 500x334, cloudedleopard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you quite understand >>8716976's
point. These are canines lad.

One thing no one has mentioned here is that we cook and process our food before we eat it, which makes it much easier on out jaws, teeth and digestive systems. Hence our jaws and teeth are proportionally much weaker then those of other primates. It also allows us to eat a much wider rainge of foods, including but not necessarily, meat. You can argue the toss all day about whether you should or shouldn't eat meat, how much you should eat and whether eating it gives you bigger testicles. We can pretty much eat anything, therefore it pretty much dosen't matter.

>> No.8717134
File: 71 KB, 1247x520, 52_Schaedel_Haus_Wildschwein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


omnivore teeth can occur in quite a range of varieties

>> No.8717136
File: 3 KB, 127x131, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, why would we have these if they werent for eating meat. That is my question.

Its not like the stomach has to periodically digest itself at 3 grams an hour.

>> No.8717144

>Its not like the stomach has to periodically digest itself at 3 grams an hour.

You're right, it doesn't.

>> No.8717149


No man I agree with you, I'm just not big on nutrition/biology.

>> No.8717153

but that's exactly what the inuit do and they survive

>> No.8717155

You're a fucking idiot.

You can literally feed cows, ground up meat (They do this BTW) does that mean a cow is an omnivore just because it has the capability to digest meat?

I repeat: Omnivores and Carnivores CANNOT develop Atherosclerosis. Explain to me why Humans CAN develop Atherosclerosis.

>> No.8717165

Carnivores and Omnivores cannot develop Atherosclerosis, how come Humans can???

>> No.8717181


Why would we give them our meat? Fuck the cows. Meat is for us

>> No.8717182

That's factually wrong. Carnivores are used as animal models of atherosclerosis.


This again proves my point. You are not interested in scientific facts. You will bend truth to your heart's content so long as it preserves your beliefs.

>> No.8717200

>does that mean a cow is an omnivore just because it has the capability to digest meat?

I dont imagine that a cow is evolved to eat 3-10 grams of meat per hour in even one of its stomachs. But humans can.

And if we can, why should we not?

And yes, meat is murder but it is also far worse if i dont eat meat and cant win if Jamal picks a fight with me on the bus.

>> No.8717219

>And yes, meat is murder but it is also far worse if i dont eat meat and cant win if Jamal picks a fight with me on the bus.

So you're going to be a fucking idiot and fight hand-to-hand combat, just to prove who has more physical strengh, instead of using your brain and stabbing him with a knife or shooting him with a gun.

You realize the brain runs on glucose, right? No wonder all you protein heads are stupid AF.

>> No.8717234

>And if we can, why should we not?

I can smoke a pack of cigarettes per day
I can drink a liter of alcohol per day
I can inject heroine into my veins everyday
I can snort cocaine up my nose everyday

Why should I not?

>> No.8717250

Meat eating is typically the luxury. Unless you're hunting wild game in your free time it's a very inefficient use of resources. A calorie of raised meat requires roughly 10 plant calories to produce, and many times more water.

>> No.8717254
File: 89 KB, 500x590, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first worlders die from unhealthy lifestyles while also eating an increase amount of meat
>"CAUSATION, CAUSATION!?'v everyone look at ME I have been eating fruit for years xd and nobody listens"

Le correlation does not equate le causation.
The reason for high death rates dut to obesity, heart failure, etc is definitely not on meat alone.

It has been pretty well proven that humans have much higher protein requirements than previously expected, and the easiest source of that protein (if we want the Earth to keep on spinning) is from animals, primarily fish due to farming efficiency, but likely insects as well further down the track.
The issue we are having imo as western society is an excess of fats, both saturated and not, as we no longer expend the kind of energy on a daily basis which would require those fuels.

>> No.8717255

Taking longer time to eat prevents over consumption.

Also fiber makes for super nice poops.

>> No.8717260

Nutritional yeast has tons of B12 and its produced by fungi.

>> No.8717282

Because it's fortified with cyanocobalamin.

S. cerevisiae doesn't possess cobalamin biosynthetic enzymes, has a B12-independent methionine synthase, and lacks methylmalonyl-CoA mutase


>> No.8717294

>, instead of using your brain and stabbing him with a knife or shooting him with a gun.

I live in a noguns no brains country.
>thinking you have to kill everyone that picks a fight with you
How is it being a psychopath? You didnt mention tazer i notice.

Show me the enzyme that digests smoking a pack a day (24 hours), which is supposed to be equivalent to my argument of enzymes that digests 3-10 grams of protein an HOUR.

These things are in no way equal.

>> No.8717295

Very interesting. My mistake.

>> No.8717303

Thank you sir, we're done here

>> No.8717318

>cholesterol level being related to diet

>> No.8717327

Are you trying to say that plants dont contain proteins?

Why have I been living off a vegan diet for the past 7 years and I haven't had a protein deficiency yet?

What is the medical term for a Protein Deficiency?

Show me a list of patients that have Protein Deficiencies.

Show me how many people die each year from Protein Deficiencies.

>> No.8717332

Im afraid that that is a straw man fallacy. Your refuiting an argument you made up rather than the one i said. I havent even mentioned plants in my whole post.

Maybe protien deficiancy is measured first in the brain...

>> No.8717350

That's funny because all foods contain proteins, including fruits and vegetables. Why the fuck wouldnt we have enzymes that digest protein when protein is in literally EVERYTHING.

Your argument falls flat on its face.

>> No.8717405

Yes but would we need to digest 3-10 grams per hour of protien found in the levels of a fruit?

There is 0.9 grams of protien in an orange. That means we would be expected to eat 11.11 oranges per hour. Thats 133 oranges in only 12 hours.
Clearly man was not ment to consume that many oranges. lel

Clearly we were meant to eat something else containing more protien...

>> No.8717423

Veganism is a religion.

>> No.8717438


>> No.8717476

Whats thats brown thing next to the garlic?

>> No.8717514

humans use tools to prepare and cook meat. We don't need specialized teeth to eat meat.

since developing the ability to use tools and cook food we have evolved even larger brains as a result of being able to take advantage of meat as a food source thanks to our cooking and tools.

youre an idiot.

>> No.8717526

Wow really? You really think we need to eat PER HOUR to survive? How fucking dumb are you?

I can gaurantee that the average human doesn't need more than 45g a protein per day.

100g of Kale is 4.3g of protein, so 2 pounds of Kale = Protein requirement met.

That is a vegetable example given
Now here's fruit:

Guavas = 1g protein per 26 calories

in 1300 Calories of Guava, you're eating 50 GRAMS of protein.

Even if you needed 70 grams of protein like you say we do, that is easily met with 2000 calories of Guava fruit.


>> No.8717531

I would like to watch a person try to eat 2 lbs of kale

>> No.8717534

>Durrr, civilization thrived because we cooked meat! Yea that's it!!! It wasn't because of storable food grains or nothin' HURRRRR

Its silly that retards can only think of meat when they think of foods that can be cooked to gain extra benefit from.

I mean... it's not like rice did anything for humanity... right??? LOL

>> No.8717543

K well that was a vegetable example, and 2 lbs of Kale is nothing when spread out over the period of 12-14 waking hours, you moron.

My Guava example fucking wrecks your face. You can't come back from it because you're simply destroyed.

2000 calories of Guava = 70 grams of protein.


>> No.8717555

Also your Orange example is shit. That is not a calorie dense fruit in the slightest.

>> No.8717572

Protein myth debunked
Atherosclerosis occuring only in herbivores

Who's next to get rekt?

>> No.8717633

>I can gaurantee that the average human doesn't need more than 45g a protein per day.

I dont need your guarantees. Nore have i asked what the minimum survivable amount of protein is. Statistics show that western humans are on average getting taller and larger. This is due to the larger availability of food and lack of famines in the western world.


According to google 1 Guava eaten whole yields 1.4g of protein (this may infact be mostly skin). If you were using these gut enzymes you would eat 7.14 guavas an hour. Thats 85 guavas every 12 hours. Surely, mankind was not meant to eat that many guavas a day. Clearly it was meant to eat something else more proteinouse.

Also, Guavas seemed to have originated in South Amerca and Mexico, which was only discovered in the 1526. Which makes it impractical that mankinds ancestors all throughout africa, the middle east and europe would be eating Guavas.

And before you use your Kale example again. Isnt your argument that we are similar to Frugivores? Frugivores dont eat Kale. And human beings dont eat Kale either, as we do not all live by the sea side. We prefer to get our protein from a more readily available source. Animals.

Lastly, a comment on your debating style. You must involve a large amount of emotion in your arguments to come out with so many angry words. This need not be the case. If your using logic, emotions can be given a back seat. You'll find that you can process much more argument data if you arnt expending energy on the side into emotions.

Perhapse your angry because you think i eat animals out of spite? I do not. I wished there was a way without causing them suffering for me to survive. But clearly i am not meant to eat Guavas and Kale for the rest of my life.

>> No.8717665

None of the animals cook food you actual retard. You are the reason the world sucks. Humans have adapted to cooking for tens of thousands of years. Our entire digestive system, teeth included can only handle cooked food. Please kill yourself.

>> No.8717671

Anyway i must go to bed now, perhapse i'll check your reply in the morning.

>> No.8717821

double the brain, double the IQ !

>> No.8717846

>So how come you guys are still denying scientific facts?

So, I want to give my opinion.
I'm a forest ranger that has been giving interpretation on foraging.
It's not meat that is harming us, it's the additive properties put in by man. Vegetarians are fucking retarded. Meat is what helped the cognitive state of mind bloom.
Circling meat into your diet is fine. Too much of anything regardless of its origin is bad.
However, vegetarians are fucking retarded. If you really want to call yourself a vegan, get off your lazy ass and forage. The plants from stores will give you cancer just like the meat. For example, Pennyworts (dollar weed). This little super food is found fucking everywhere. I want you to take the initiative to look up the benefits.
P.S. ((your)) a faggot.

>> No.8718046

Let's dissect this pile of shit

Meat consumption in socially dominant frugivore chimpanzees averages about 70 grams per day. Omnivores such as raccoons possess prehensile hands. There are/were carnivorous and omnivorous bipods like chickens and various dinosaurs. Insectivorous and carnivorous bats have small mouths. Salivary ptyalin is enriched predominantly in omnivores not frugivores - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003996915001259
Tool use and brain expansion unique to humans supersedes most of the other tooth and mouth shit

Salivary pH is acidic upon carbohydrate ingestion in omnivores, frugivores, and humans with poor dental hygeine. Salivary pH is alkaline in insectivorous/carnivorous bats - https://www.jstor.org/stable/1383064 - and carnivorous cats fed a carbohydrate-free diet - http://www.spasb.ro/index.php/spasb/article/view/373 - like they would consume before domestication. Urinary pH is alkaline in omnivores like rodents when they consume adequate plant matter rich in potassium, magnesium, citrate, etc https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7797810

>> No.8718058 [DELETED] 

Carnivores have alkaline urinary pH when fed moderate fat - moderate protein diets like they would consume if allowed to self-select food - http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/3/6/160081 - it becomes acidic on a non-preferred high protein diet only - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1250243

Uricase is absent in avian and reptilian carnivores and omnivores http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jez.1402430302/abstract

Stomach pH in humans is comparable to scavengers http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0134116

Carnivores and omnivores require animal fiber in the absence of plant fiber http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1439-0396.2011.01252.x/abstract https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/nutrition-research-reviews/article/div-classtitledietary-fibre-and-the-importance-of-the-gut-microbiota-in-feline-nutrition-a-reviewdiv/B7B363D84D53E6391880515F970C8DBA

Humans can handle large quantities of dietary cholesterol just fine https://link..[math][/math]spinger[math][/math].com/chapter/10.1[math][/math]007%[math][/math]2F3-540-27661-0_6

Vitamin A is a non-issue comparable to carnivores with adequate vitamin D

Pigs are omnivores and have a GI tract longer than humans despite lower body length

Humans have a SHORT colon - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0899900799000787 - and carnivores/omnivores have ACID fermentation end products in the presence of adequate plant/animal fiber https://www.animalsciencepublications.org/publications/jas/articles/90/8/2540

Carnivorous polar bears have a GI transit time of ~25 hours

>> No.8718065

Carnivores have alkaline urinary pH when fed moderate fat - moderate protein diets like they would consume if allowed to self-select food - http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/3/6/160081 - it becomes acidic on a non-preferred high protein diet only - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1250243

Uricase is absent in avian and reptilian carnivores and omnivores http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jez.1402430302/abstract

Stomach pH in humans is comparable to scavengers http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0134116

Carnivores and omnivores require animal fiber in the absence of plant fiber http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1439-0396.2011.01252.x/abstract https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/nutrition-research-reviews/article/div-classtitledietary-fibre-and-the-importance-of-the-gut-microbiota-in-feline-nutrition-a-reviewdiv/B7B363D84D53E6391880515F970C8DBA

Humans can handle large quantities of dietary cholesterol just fine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16596800

Vitamin A is a non-issue comparable to carnivores with adequate vitamin D

Pigs are omnivores and have a GI tract longer than humans despite lower body length

Humans have a SHORT colon - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0899900799000787 - and carnivores/omnivores have ACID fermentation end products in the presence of adequate plant/animal fiber https://www.animalsciencepublications.org/publications/jas/articles/90/8/2540

Carnivorous polar bears have a GI transit time of ~25 hours

>> No.8718072

Dental adaptations include sharper teeth, increased development of premolars, canines and incisors, and enamel thinning

Digestive adaptations include vestigialization of the cecum and appendix, shrinkage of the colon, elongation of the small intestine, increased reliance on autoenzyme-based digestion, increased expression of lactase and carnosinase, upregulation of bile acid production from increased cholesterol availability, loss of plant protein digestion enzymes, loss of migrating myoelectric complex during the postprandial state and decreased stomach trituration

Microbiome adaptations include loss of cecal taxa capable of producing vitamin b12 from dietary colbalt and increase in those suited to carnivory

Metabolic adaptations include increased expression of bitter taste receptors for deterrence of plant foods, reduced synthesis and increased dietary reliance on carninutrients such as long-chain omega 3/6 fatty acids, phosphatidylcholine, taurine and creatine, reduction in maintenance energy requirement fufilled by hindgut fermentation to a carnivore-like 6-9%, decreased expression of enzymes responsible for degradation of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine into oxalate to avoid calcium oxalate stone formation, decreased expression of xanthine oxidase to handle higher dietary nucleotide loads without gout, increased expression of amino acid utilization pathways for higher animal protein diets, the apoE3 allele for higher cholesterol diets, reduced cholesterol absorption, resistance to dietary cholesterol induced hypercholesterolemia, and increased dietary cholesterol requirement

>> No.8718073


>> No.8718088

I didn't realise you define what an animal eats not by what it eats but its mouth

>> No.8718099
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But what do these teeth mean?

>> No.8718111

>Balanced diet
>Eating only one thing

>> No.8718142

I don't get why eating meat is seen as so normal. Seems like the vast majority of diseases come from eating animal products. Heart disease, high cholesterol. That doesn't happen from pears and broccoli.

>> No.8718176

You sound completely delusional. Heart disease and high cholesterol are multifactorial.

>That doesn't happen from pears and broccoli.
Not hard to imagine scenarios where it will, such as overfeeding.

>> No.8718183

Selective data reporting AKA cherry picking. Add every other country and a life expectancy bar and we can talk.

>> No.8718185

Was it 2000 kcal? Or 3 meals? Because in supersize me he was getting 2000+ kcal from the sugary drinks alone.

>> No.8718189

Pyrovore definitely sounds better than Coctovore which is a formation of cooked eater.

>> No.8718193

Very fresh meat and offal contains vitamin c.

>> No.8718196


>> No.8718463

Except there isn't one documented case of anyone getting Heart Disease from eating a whole food plant based diet.


Caldwell Esselstyn has done clinical trials with a whole food plant based diet. He has reversed heart Disease in many patients.

Also high intakes of Dietary Cholesterol are "fine for humans" is complete fucking bullshit. Why is cholesterol lowering medication a top selling drug in the pharmaceutical industry. Obviously people are consuming too much Cholesterol AKA Meat.

>> No.8718466

Do your own experiment then.

Eat nothing but 2000 cals of McDonalds for 1 year straight. French Fries, Burgers, etc. Make sure you get everything on the menu too, I wanna see you eat ice cream sundaes and fudge cookies etc. Also burgers and fries at every meal.

You said so yourself right? It doesn't matter what you eat, nutrition means nothing, so long as you eat 2000 cals.

So that means you can eat 2000 cals of Gummi bears too. Or 2000 cals of only chocolate bars.

C'mon man, I wanna see you try it. Document your study then I wanna see how much trouble you run into and how sick you get LOL.

>> No.8718467

Somebody already did this. Look up the documentary 'Fat Head.'

>> No.8718490

For 1 month, and his HDL lowers, wow what a thought provoking experiment.

Doesn't mean fuck all if doing it for 1 month, as I'm sure you can still develop heart disease even if you're eating 2000 cals per day. HDL lowering is a good sign that it will happen too.

I'm still waiting for people to show me documented cases of Vegans developing Atherosclerosis at a rate on the level of omnivorous humans

>> No.8718508

>mother breastfeeds while on a vegan diet with no supplements
>child dies
Wow how natural

>> No.8718522

>cherry picking 1 incident to refute everything

Wow how smart

>> No.8718525
File: 33 KB, 500x338, Shaolin Monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that these guys only eat Beans, Lentils, Rice, Fruits and Vegetables.

And they will fucking destroy you in a fist fight.

>> No.8718534

are you honestly this retarded?
breastfeeding is fundamental for human survival. a breastfeeding vegan literally cannot keep her baby alive without supplements and you are trying to argue that this is natural?

>> No.8718537
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>> No.8718539

You're a fucking moron. Obviously that one case of the girl breastfeeding the mother was anorexic. Just shut up, because there has been many vegan babies who've been breastfed perfectly fine.

>> No.8718545

>Obviously that one case of the girl breastfeeding the mother was anorexic
literally not the case and you know this
>because there has been many vegan babies who've been breastfed perfectly fine.

literally every vegan (who isn't a retard like you) will tell a mother to take take b12, calcium, and zinc supplements because you simply cannot get it from vegan foods in the quantities you need

>> No.8718553


"It seems, based on more complete news stories (as I wasn’t there), this 11-month-old girl was exclusively breastfed and her parents were vegan. But her death was due to untreated bronchitis which progressively got worse until she got so sick her parents called an ambulance but it was too late."

The kid died from Bronchitis, you fucking retard.

Also B12 doesn't come from Meat, you fucking moron. It's synthesized by bacteria in the intestines and colon, and most B12 deficiencies are due to Absorbtion issues.

It's as if you're trying to say that there aren't children out there that die from malnutrition while being omnivores. I'm sure there are PLENTY of cases where chiildren die while breastfeeding from an omnivore mother.

Get your fucking head straight and stop cherrypicking data.

LOOL, Greens are a higher source of calcium than Dairy Milk
LOOOL, nuts and seeds contain high amounts of zinc

Gosh damn you're stupid.

>> No.8718570

wow, an emotional response from a vegan. how shocking

>"But her death was due to untreated bronchitis"
can you cite one source of this that isn't a vegan website?
here I have four that say nothing of bronchitis:

and for the rest of your post, I said FOR THE QUANTITIES YOU NEED, just because vegetables and nuts contain those vitamins that does not mean they have enough
I'll just cite a fucking vegan website that tells you that you need supplements

>> No.8718585
File: 438 KB, 1152x1424, shaolinmonk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol there's obviously a Eurpean bias toward veganism and all the fucking legal bullshit surrounding it.

Italians are assmad at vegans over there, because Italians are so fucking picky about their food. Also it was a crazy french couple that were most likely anorexic and didn't properly feed their kid, as it was SOLELY breast fed for 11 months, ontop of having Bronchitis. Regular babies are fed solids at 6 months, everyone fucking knows this, idiot.



Also because Veganism attracts crazy Anorexic people, does not have anything to do with the diet. They only get attracted to the diet because its easier to lose weight on a vegan diet.

>> No.8718599

Chickpeas (Garbanzo beans) 1 cup: 6.86 mg (46% DV)

>> No.8718618
File: 17 KB, 233x374, article-1371172-0B646A2600000578-90_233x374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's quite fat for a vegan

>Regular babies are fed solids at 6 months
it should be perfectly fine to breastfeed babies up to two years

>people who have trained and meditated all day every day their whole lives are in good shape

>> No.8718624

You have no supporting evidence for your claims at all.

You have no idea how long she breastfed her child, it could have literally been for a minute at a time. You don't know what other living conditions the child was subjected to. It's clearly stated that the child also had Bronchitis and was having complications from it as well as being malnourished.

This is literaly one fucking case, I repeat ONE CASE. There are many other documented Natural Vegan mothers who breastfeed their children and they turn out perfectly healthy.

>people who have trained and meditated all day every day their whole lives are in good shape


BUT!!! I THOUGHT THEY'RE SUPPOSE TO BE UNHEALTHY IF THEY EAT A PURELY VEGAN DIET??? (Monks don't eat eggs or dairy, so it is technically vegan)


>> No.8718625

>It's clearly stated that the child also had Bronchitis and was having complications from it as well as being malnourished.
you have not cited that yet

>> No.8718634

>Elderly population is very low in Somalia therefore they must've cured aging

>> No.8718643

Ok well because its from a website that obviously refutes the idea of vegan breastfeeding to be harmful.

All your websites are clearly biased as well.

Please compare all the children in the world who die at a young age while being breastfed, then correlate your findings with how many of them have vegan mothers.

I gaurantee that there are many children out there that die at a young age while being breastfed, but also have a mother who consumes meat.

>> No.8718650

>Because they've had an exploding population since 2005

Shit evidence is shit.

>> No.8718712


It seems to be that a chimps mouth isn't only good for biting Andy chewing, not slicing. The angle of the chimp's front teeth is extreemly shallow Andy most likely couldn't be able to accommodate the easygoing consumption of meat. Any humans who eat mean on a regular basis know that it is incredibly easy to slice with your front teeth; our teething are practically designed for slicing, and also chewing.

Conversely, herbivore teeth seem to only be good at grabbing and chewing, and carnivores teeth seem to be only good at grabbing and slicing.

>> No.8718726 [DELETED] 

>Except there isn't one documented case of anyone getting Heart Disease from eating a whole food plant based diet.
With a complete lack of high quality long-term data there aren't any cases for not getting heart disease either. Since all your education on atherobiology apparently comes from crackpot fad diet books, blogs, and forums so it's no surprise you resort to childish and anti-scientific ad ignorantiams.

>Caldwell Esselstyn has done clinical trials with a whole food plant based diet. He has reversed heart Disease in many patients.
Looking at his publications his intervention was small, lacked a control group and randomization, had numerous dropouts, but more importantly involved weight loss, statin therapy, saturated fat and trans fat restriction, calorie restriction, increased fiber intake, and counseling to increase exercise and reduce smoking - all behaviors known to influence CHD risk and regression. What is your point?

>Also high intakes of Dietary Cholesterol are "fine for humans" is complete fucking bullshit. Why is cholesterol lowering medication a top selling drug in the pharmaceutical industry. Obviously people are consuming too much Cholesterol AKA Meat.
Based on what exactly? With absence of other risk factors, the rise in serum cholesterol from dietary cholesterol is trivial and clinically insignificant in populations without genetics causing hyperabsorption of dietary sterols, here phytosterol restriction is prudent as well. Otherwise high SFA, TFA, low PUFA, low fiber, inadequate exercise, overconsumption of calories etc have much more dramatic effects on hepatic LDLRs and atherogenic lipoprotein production hence their specific recommendations. Factors such as smoking, diabetes and hypertension which lower the threshold for atherogenesis tend to be comorbid in many cardiac patients meaning lipid goals are very different in primary and secondary prevention and statins become indicated.

>> No.8718727

>Except there isn't one documented case of anyone getting Heart Disease from eating a whole food plant based diet.
With a complete lack of high quality long-term data there aren't any cases for not getting heart disease either. Since all your education on atherobiology apparently comes from crackpot fad diet books, blogs, and forums so it's no surprise you resort to childish and anti-scientific ad ignorantiams.

>Caldwell Esselstyn has done clinical trials with a whole food plant based diet. He has reversed heart Disease in many patients.
Looking at his publications his intervention was small, lacked a control group and randomization, had numerous dropouts, but more importantly involved weight loss, statin therapy, saturated fat and trans fat restriction, calorie restriction, increased fiber intake, and counseling to increase exercise and reduce smoking - all behaviors known to influence CHD risk and regression. What is your point?

>Also high intakes of Dietary Cholesterol are "fine for humans" is complete fucking bullshit. Why is cholesterol lowering medication a top selling drug in the pharmaceutical industry. Obviously people are consuming too much Cholesterol AKA Meat.
Based on what exactly? With absence of other risk factors, the rise in serum cholesterol from dietary cholesterol is trivial and clinically insignificant in populations without genetics causing hyperabsorption of dietary sterols, here phytosterol restriction is prudent as well. Otherwise high SFA, TFA, low PUFA, low fiber, inadequate exercise, overconsumption of calories etc have much more dramatic effects on hepatic LDLRs and atherogenic lipoprotein production hence their specific recommendations. Factors such as smoking, diabetes and hypertension which lower the threshold for atherogenesis tend to be comorbid in many cardiac patients meaning lipid goals are very different in primary and secondary prevention and statins become indicated.

>> No.8718769

>make an out of the blue statement with nothing to back it up
>asked for 1 (one) citation from a website that isn't specifically a vegan website
>presented with 4 (four) different news websites that counter your argument
>"yea, all four of the news websites you cited clearly have an anti vegan agenda"

>Ok well because its from a website that obviously refutes the idea of vegan breastfeeding to be harmful.
you didn't even provide a link, you just copy pasted text

>> No.8718797

Thx. That's a shitty name.

>> No.8718804


>> No.8718816

That body is not actually that impressive. I doubt they could beat a regular football player or rugby player without using lots of special technique.

>> No.8718822

>makes argument against meat
>cites people eating cholesterol

What your doing is called a conformation bias.

>> No.8718831
File: 7 KB, 220x220, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You havent replied to my previous argument,
because it destroyed your argument. This is very bad style. It means that you ignore whenever your proven wrong. That can lead to delusion.

>> No.8718844

maybe that's why they are turbomanlets

>> No.8718994

Show me evidence of Omnivores who dont have children that die while breastfeeding.

I can 100% gaurantee that there are tons of breastfeeding children that die, even with omnivore mothers.


>> No.8718997

Turbomanlets that can still kick your fucking ass.

>> No.8719002

Are you fucking stupid or what?

The evidence is shown that EVERYTHING CONTAINS PROTEIN

How fucking DUMB are you?

Go ask any nutritionist and you'll find this out. And your argument that "WE MUST EAT 3-10 GRAMS PER HOUR!!!! PER HOURR!!!!!! REEEE" is also fucking RETARDED.

Just because we released enzymes doesn't mean those enzymes HAVE to be used. Goddamn it's like I'm speaking to a fucking 5 year old.

>> No.8719007
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Wow daily reminder people smoke daily and live to 122!


>> No.8719011

>Perhapse your angry because you think i eat animals out of spite? I do not. I wished there was a way without causing them suffering for me to survive.

You're the one using the moral argument. I have NO Moral argument. I don't give a fuck about animals, idiot.

Eat your meat raw, then talk. Enjoy having parasites too.

And I Guava and Kale were given as examples, they still have the requisite amount of protein needed. Your calculations on Guava are fucking wrong.

>> No.8719015

Daily reminder that your "WHERE DO YOU GET THE PROTEIN?!?!" myth has been thoroughly debunked.

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.8719017
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>> No.8719044

What does that even supposed to mean? Are you hallucinating? It does makes sense given your projection. Retards are often psychotic.

>> No.8719060

"Where to get protein" myth, still debunked. Remain conquered.

>> No.8719077

>refuses to explain word salad
>proof by assertion

vip quality

>> No.8719134


I eat 6 fried eggs every day and I have the low cholesterol levels.

>> No.8719277

>Just because we released enzymes doesn't mean those enzymes HAVE to be used. Goddamn it's like I'm speaking to a fucking 5 year old.

Oh so i see youve backtracked from your 85 Guavas a day position.

But why would we have those enzymes in those proportions if we didnt need them?

>> No.8719455
File: 81 KB, 720x579, frog dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying the "cholesterol in your food affects cholesterol in your blood" meme