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File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, maximum autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8716422 No.8716422 [Reply] [Original]

Are mathematicians all genuinely autistic?

No, seriously. Who gives a fuck if 1729 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of two cubes two different ways?


I'm all for math, don't get me wrong. It's really important for real work like physics and engineering, but the people who dedicate every second to this shit must be pathetic.

>> No.8716444

Just have fun yo

>> No.8716449


>> No.8716484

>Who gives a fuck if 1729 is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of two cubes two different ways?

Number theorists care. If you are not a number theorist then you shouldn't care.

Why do number theorists care? Because the job of a number theorists is to prove theorems about the numbers. Now, you may be telling yourself that "1729 is the smallest number such that..." is not a "real" theorem and you would be right, so why do they care about little statements like that? Simple.

How do you advance number theory? How do you decide which new theorem could be true and therefore deserves your time and effort to investigate it? Well, simple. By having a list of facts about numbers.

What facts? Any fact. Anything goes because the next big theorem could be hidden in ANY statement. Number theorists care about the random facts that show the structure of numbers.

For the 1729 thing there are many things that could be asked. For example: What characteristic of the natural numbers makes it so that no number smaller than 1729 can be written as the sum of two cubes in two different ways?

What is the answer to that question. Well, now we know. We know that numbers that have that property must also satisfy certain properties outlined here:


And if you assume a number less than 1729 has those properties then you will soon reach a contradiction.

And how did that author "discover" that theorem? Probably by studying 1729 and the numbers that follow it and finding what they have in common.

And now you may be saying "okay okay, but why do you care about these theorems"

Well, simple. To find those theorems we



>> No.8716493

Who gives a fuck about stars and dark matter and subatomic particles that can't even be used to make bombs? Who cares about 99% of physics?

>> No.8716503

Did You Know:

Autistic mathematicians continue to be autistic mathematicians despite the disdain you feel toward them. Or, in the words of Stephen Crane:

>A man said to the universe:
>“Sir, I exist!”
>“However,” replied the universe,
>“The fact has not created in me
>A sense of obligation.”

>> No.8716513

he's pretending to be excited about it so he can pull viewers.

>> No.8716540

I would still be finding them without getting paid, because numbers are just fun

>> No.8716550

I see where you are coming from and obviously every number theorist thinks numbers are fun but...

>I would still be finding them without getting paid

No, because you would have starved to death years ago. The unemployed, poor and specially the dead can't research number theory.

>> No.8716554

Mathematicians dicking around are what leads to new mathematical tools being developed for the rest of the scientific community.

>> No.8716562

>if you like numbers you starve to death
This is why plebs can't into anything

>> No.8716570

couldn't something like this eg anything under 1729 be bruteforced to check if its the smallest number possible with those conditions? Why does it have to be prooven?

>> No.8716573

Learn to read m8, that is not what I said.

What I said is that if you don't have a job, you starve.

You need that PAID job as a number theorist to live.

>> No.8716575

You misunderstood my point.

1729 was probably bruteforced, but then from that number theorists found something to look into and then came the proven theorem.

>> No.8716578

Who said anything about not having a job, lmao

>> No.8716587

ah ok. just out of curiosity is there a website of "problems" like this that still need to be bruteforced?

>> No.8716589


you seem to have some intangible rancor with the fact that some people can enjoy other things that make no sense to your present self

>> No.8716594


Electrical Engineering Master Race

While you math'n'physics autists continue wasting your lives away on some fool's gold, we're actually improving the efficiency of power systems and battery systems and solar systems which actually make a difference in people's lives.

>> No.8716595

You are going to do number theory while working in Mc Donald's m8? You will be too poor to care about anything.

You will be doing number theory while working some [insert high paying job]? You will be too busy.

You kinda have to work as a number theorist to really afford to be a number theorist.

I don't know but people are always finding ways to compute the new biggest prime.

Or you could look for what the biggest known number that can be written as the sum of two cubes is, and then find an even bigger one.

>> No.8716598


>> No.8716602


no don't make fun of the physicists

well, maybe the theoretical ones

just make fun of all theorists and their non-applicable and useless ideas

>> No.8716603

If you didn't notice, I considered both cases.

Either you work a poor job, or you work a rich job. In either case you are fucked.

Number theorists can afford to be number theorist because

1) They can do it full time without worrying about other responsibilities.
2) They get paid for it, so that they don't have to worry about their finances.


Why the fuck do you get the impression that I am bashing number theorists? I am being REALISTIC.

To be a number theorist, you need to be employed as one. Welcome to the real world.

Fuck, I study pure mathematics and I plan on going into number theory. Why would I bash myself?

>> No.8716614
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>> No.8716622

People don't write papers like this because of some idea that we'll just fling a gigantic amount of mathematical shit at the wall and some of it will stick and we'll see a theory form.

They write papers like this because career mathematicians are expected to publish and there aren't nearly enough "real" theorems that are achievable.
So in order to survive you have to write about some 80 year old factoid about an integer, or classify a certain set of noncommutative semisimple dickballs rings long up to isomorphism or some other shit that 10 people are going to read.

>> No.8716634


>> No.8716652

Well, not every day can you build a pyramid. Some days you can just lay a new block.

>> No.8716656

I'm an ecologist and all the mathematicians I know are in network theory and probability theory.
They are not autistic at all

>> No.8716659

Damn, it feels good being smart

>> No.8716667

>To be a number theorist, you need to be employed as one.

But do you? Do you really?

I'd argue that anybody that has a degree in the field is a number theorist (but that's just semantics)

Somebody with a degree and lots of experience in the field could make your next big discovery while not being employed. Would he then be a number theorist or not? He could work on a low income job and live in cheap housing with basic necessities; number theory being the one true thing he looks forward to working hard at in his spare time.

Albert Einstein did something very similar. He worked as a patent clerk and studied his ass off when he had spare time. He was a terrible husband and father precisely because he was so forceful with his work.

Tbt I don't care anymore because semantical problems are just dumb and this is boring

>> No.8716670

Epic b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.8716671

>To be a number theorist, you need to be employed as one. Welcome to the real world.

To be a soccer player, do I also need to be employed as one?

>> No.8716680

>I'd argue that anybody that has a degree in the field is a number theorist

We are talking about producing research here.

>Somebody with a degree and lots of experience in the field could make your next big discovery while not being employed

Sure, we know a couple who've done this but come on. Those people are outliers. The topology guy lived with his mom so at least he doesn't have to worry about finances.

I guess that if you are in a position in where you don't need a job to survive, then you can be a number theorist.

>He worked as a patent clerk and studied his ass off when he had spare time.

And immediately after getting his break he became a full time physicist.

>To be a soccer player, do I also need to be employed as one?

Quite literally yes. If not then you are just some guy playing soccer.

>> No.8716683

This, 99% of all science, i mean all, is completely worthless.

>> No.8716689
File: 293 KB, 150x150, 1354738019142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biggest known number that can be written as the sum of two cubes
Trivial as fuck:
[math]2*n^3[/math] is a sum of two cubes. Just set n sufficiently large.

>> No.8716691

It's unfair that the hard work of mathematicians is abused by engineers to get money to afford gay prostitutes.

>> No.8716759

I fucked up but man, read the OP.

Anyways, I should have said:

Biggest number that can be written in two different ways as the sum of two cubes.

>> No.8716838


mathematics is not autistic

Plenty of normies and even women do mathematics

>> No.8716848

>implying all women aren't born autistic

>> No.8716856

I mean, I guess if you're autistic, it doesn't feel like everyone else is autistic around you. You just feel like one of the guys at that point.

>> No.8716922

>goes to work
>gets paid
>goes home
>does number theory
>for fun
Fuck you

>> No.8716937

That's it, boys. The word "autism" just officially lost all meaning.

Like literally, but more so.

>> No.8716938
File: 71 KB, 300x300, i-just-found-this-guy-in-numberphile_fb_4747081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8717296
File: 13 KB, 244x256, 1369262912046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fedoric

>> No.8717310

What are you talking about? As far as I can tell, the use of "autistic" in the OP is pretty much the literal definition.

>> No.8717348

Everything is interesting if you know a lot about it

>> No.8717537

>Electrical Engineering
Golorofy technician

>> No.8717547

Trips confirm

>> No.8717617
File: 859 KB, 1296x797, 1472519836781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8717668

Find a unique way to write proofs and this gives mathematicians another perspective. Math is infinitely related to itself and finding those connections helps find even more. It is math for maths sake. Only those with a very strong ego or sense of self will not understand this.

>> No.8717669

The verbosity of your response suggests autism. Am I right?

>> No.8717870

The terence tao part is the best thing about that whole image.

>> No.8719148

Fucking Amazing

>> No.8719240

47762053 is a product of two primes
among other, larger numbers.