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8713372 No.8713372 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I have spent my devoted my past four years of school to college admissions
>I got 24 A's plus AP + College credit
>officer in three clubs
>horrible body but barely make varsity track
>get into Stanford and Princeton
>finally realize this was all a joke
>mfw there are students at worse colleges gettting the same education as me

>> No.8713375
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>mfw there are students at worse colleges gettting the same education as me


>pour hear and soul in uni
>for 5 years
>people that did worse and cheated will land better job

>> No.8713378

Thanks acer

>> No.8713382

>mfw I'm getting a good job through nepotism

>> No.8713525

Oh my god, this.

The connections really are everything unless you're expectional. The amount of retards in the workforce is astonishing and they're almost always a friend or relative of someone at the top.

We were doing some hiring for an entry-level job and I immediately remembered several of my spergy friends that I loved to do labs with because they could get things done. One made it to the interview BUT a dropout with basically no knowledge of the field got the job instead, because it was the niece of the big boss in the company. There's even nepotism of different levels. I felt so fucking sorry for my friend who is still working at a mcjob, slowly losing his will to live. Chad Thundercocks rule every stage of life.

>> No.8713532


Also charisma, in interviews. Chad with his 3.1 GPA can stroll into an interview and be moderately pleasant and likeable and get the job over Eric with his 3.9 but awkward demeanor.

>> No.8713673
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>> No.8713684

>mfw y'all didn't aquire means of production to apply your knowlege to and actually wanted to use it to work for someone else
It's no wonder that people who aspire to be employees get stuck with a shit job, tell him to start growing some vegetables lol.

>> No.8714010

well of course, college isn't every thing. college+social career should be seen as one thing. You should build up your career starting at college.