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File: 13 KB, 250x250, UniofNottingham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8703538 No.8703538 [Reply] [Original]

Did I fall for a meme?

Anybody have any experiences here? Or would I be better off going to Bristol or Manchester for a chemistry degree?

>> No.8703576


Hope you can speakadeychingchong

>> No.8704166

Unless you're an SJW or an ignorant Redditer Manchester is shit
t. Ex Manc

>> No.8704172

you would get stabbed by a roadman in your first year

not sure about bristol but nottingham is probably better

>> No.8705405


ty very much

>> No.8705438

I go there, study genetics. It's pretty good. If you're rooming at Broadgate Park, select a room that's cheapest cause they're all pretty much the same anyway. Great lab/research facilities, mostly biomed stuff but I'm sure you'll feel at home as a chemist.

>> No.8705449
File: 127 KB, 601x508, 1486244572462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've applied to Manchester for EE
>Also applied to Leeds and Sheffield

4 people committed suicide at Bristol this year

>> No.8705575

I'm doing the 4th year of an integrated master in genetics at Nottingham. The city is nothing special but the university is really quite good with some top quality research labs. I can't comment on how chemistry is here though. I'm not >>8705438 btw.

>> No.8705585

>a chemistry degree

yeah, you fell for a meme, alright.

>> No.8705726

I'm a final year chemist at Nottingham
I've really enjoyed my time here, most of the lectures are engaging and friendly.
There's a good focus on teaching, and the research labs are good too.

I would also look into doing a year in industry as it really helped me develop as a chemist and was invaulable.

>> No.8705875

Chemistry is worthless degree unless it's from cambridge, oxford and maybe Durham

>> No.8705932

100% meme, you'd be better off at Liverpool

>> No.8706408
File: 84 KB, 536x479, 2017-02-27 01.58.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considered making up a question to pretend like i have a good reason for boasting about this, but i totally dont lmao

i seriously cant wait to study there, im incredibly excited

>> No.8707319
File: 72 KB, 900x900, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainlets thinking that getting accepted to a decent university is something exciting
>brainlets not being 100% sure they'll get in before they even applied
>brainlets having to boast about not being complete retards
Nigga you have to be literally retarded (or very unlucky) to not get into Oxbridge.

>> No.8707324

says the neet who has never done anything lmfao

>> No.8707334

Kys retard
I'm a Cambridge acceptee

>> No.8707422


post timestamped student card

>> No.8708566

>student card
You fucking mongoloid I said ACCEPTEE not student. Pick up a fucking dictionary instead of shitposting on the chan.
And I have nothing to prove to the likes of you, brainlet. Fuck off.

>> No.8708607

Post your timestamped acceptance letter then :^)

>> No.8708634


>> No.8708679

>Not being excited about the prospect of studying in an institution you admire.

The kid's just happy he's going into what he wanted to get into. No need to be a buzzkill.

>> No.8708990

You'll be fine, OP. Just make sure you're armed, and don't go into town on the weekend.

>> No.8710544

i applied there as well as bristol (and UCL) i liked them all but I went to London because I wanted to be in this city. Currently in my 4th year - don't exactly recommend it.

I have two friends at bristol who loved it.

but periodic videos is in shottingham

>> No.8711228

got called for interview and rejected for phys feelsbadman.
Any durham fags on here?

>> No.8711237

For the second time, no, dude. Haha

>> No.8711245


>> No.8711253

What grades did you get to get in?

>> No.8711258

I'm at Durham for maths
>also an Oxford reject
>sums up our uni

>> No.8711672


my offer was for A*AA, in any of maths, physics or further maths.

>> No.8711676


>> No.8711702

oh, poor you. I hope you know how to work already.
one guy in my class spends all day, every day, in the library. seriously. and yet that's not enough to get perfect marks.
If you haven't got a work ethic, just fucking get one, and go to lectures pls even though they're not compulsory. Hopefully you won't have to literally live in the library to get by. (people in my class have been known to stay overnight in the library - with a change of clothes - but only because they left the problem set too late). 16h of problems per week is not to be sniffed at.

>> No.8712672


>> No.8713268


Yes. AMA

>> No.8713315

What were your gcse results, i got 2A* 6A 3B and a C (A* in physics), am i fucked

>> No.8713446

no because there's an entrance exam before invitations to interview/rejections

>> No.8713457


>> No.8713635

I like their chemistry videos

>> No.8713782

Why wouldn't you recommend UCL?

Got a PhD interview there in a bit.

>> No.8713784

4th Durham physics here

Sup friendos

>> No.8714222

just apply to imperial breh

also anyone here at Oxford?
looking to apply for their philosophy and physics degree

>> No.8714230

>chemistry degree
Someone's fallen for the Periodic Videos meme

>> No.8714287

Durham NatSci, Cambridge reject reporting in

>> No.8714476
File: 71 KB, 960x470, 13241412_723472534456318_2237719018633084677_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump bump
don't sleep yet britbong friends

>> No.8715596

Don't be a fucking idiot in real life nobody is as one dimensional as you put it. Current Manchester student and these people are talking bollocks.