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File: 134 KB, 711x600, fossilfuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8705957 No.8705957 [Reply] [Original]

What happens once fossil fuels run out ?

>> No.8705960

People finally accept nuclear power

>> No.8705978

as we are speaking right now "fossils" are being slowly produced. they won't ever run out,

>> No.8705991

It doesn't matter, because we will all be dead by then, and your children will have way more important matters to worry about, like the impending AI doom.

>> No.8706002


but arent we using them at such a rate that the supply wont meet the demand?

>> No.8706005

how will we build nuclear reactors when everyone's busy going Mad Max?

>> No.8706010

1. it's not going to suddenly run out, if it becomes scarce the price will slowly rise to a point where alternatives turn economically viable and even preferable

2. we keep finding reserves.

3. "ecotricity" is not a valid source

>> No.8706021

>What happens once fossil fuels run out ?
They will merely become more expensive; that is how business works.

>> No.8706125
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The closest thing we have for a replacement is algae biodiesel at a cost of $8US / gallon.

At that price, the world economy will shift away from globalization and consumer driven economies. Expect a World Depression as goods and commodities increase to 4x their price.

Food riots will be common worldwide. Solar will become economically viable, as will urban farming. As the US pulls its mobile infantry home (for lack of cheap airplane fuel), the world will destabilize.

Hopefully we'll be able to make it without a nuclear war. But then again

>> No.8706135

The automaton threat will be strong enough that human society will be nothing but a bunch of cocksucking cavemen.

>> No.8706237


They will just get more expensive until alternative energy sources become profitable. At that point prices will stop rising.

>> No.8706248

Considering we can barely use the fuel already out of the ground without runaway global warming, I'm just going to say "nothing good".

>> No.8706295

>"fossils" are being slowly produced
>not fossil fuel
fgt pls

>> No.8706312

It's gonna be real hot, thick, and orange outside.

>> No.8706313

I'd be more worried about peak phosphorus if I were you memers.

>> No.8706324

>we instantly go from "ok resources" to "no resources, depression, war" with no in-between
fuck off

>> No.8707028
File: 198 KB, 962x891, 3C8BD77200000578-4160648-Trump_then_boarded_Marine_One_for_the_ride_back_to_the_White_Hou-m-3_1485469801110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's gonna be real hot, thick, and orange outside.
Just like Trump

>> No.8707030

Kill yourself

>> No.8707032


>> No.8707037

We don't know. Probably nothing. And they won't

>> No.8707073

>we can barely use
oh honey, that train left long ago

There's no way we'll stay below the 450ppm/2C point of no return. It isn't politically possible.
Wasn't before Trump, even less now.

>> No.8707076

well we will be fucked basicly

>> No.8707872

Chaos and invade. Mad scientist so cool. sonuvabitch

>> No.8707890

As the price of oil increases, then extraction of more "expensive" oil increases

Coal has centuries left, it is interchangable with oil
Natural gas has centuries left

Vast segments of the world haven't even been explored for oil

Peak oil are nutter liberals who voted for Gary Johnson

>> No.8707896

The only reason we continue fossil fuel reliance even after we've discovered ways to channel other sources of energy, is because it is one of the richest and most influential industries on the planet and actively works to keep itself cheap and relevant

once it fails to become economically viable we will naturally shift to an alternative

>> No.8707898

Back to steam engine you fucking retards. Whats next, water runs out? If we can't figure anything else by then, might else well nuke ourselves in the fucking face

>> No.8707905


>> No.8707909

We won't run out of fossil fuels, only of fossil fuel deposits which can be extracted for financial and thermodynamic profits.

>> No.8707918

>if it becomes scarce the price will slowly rise to a point where alternatives turn economically viable and even preferable
if the price of oil is high enough for development of alternatives to be viable, it's high enough for consumption to not be economically viable.

>> No.8707920

You're panicking over nothing. You believe dinosaurs died 63000000 years ago and that their remains are crude oil, and that we'll eventually run out of dino oil. You're an idiot.

>> No.8707941

They hold no unique value. You can do everything you can do with fossils with renewable ressources. However, it is more expensive. So basically we will get poorer. But not by very much, because the price of fossils is already so high that the renewables are almost cheaper.

>> No.8707944

we are already at that point since alternative source of energy are being researched and used. if we have enough to completly cover up the necessary amount nothing will happen, otherwise some stuff will be out of order until we get to do so.

>> No.8708023

>EROEI of oil and natural gas has dropped dramatically since 1970
>EROEI of shale and tar sands literally shittier than wind and PV solar

There may be "centuries left" of oil and natural gas, but that doesn't mean that there isn't going to be a point where it becomes more profitable to just use renewables and nuclear energy.

Coal is politically unfeasible because people don't want to put themselves at risk of lung cancer every time they go outside. Repeal the Clean Air Act and as soon as the cities start looking like they did in the Industrial Revolution, people are going to clamor to bring it back.

>> No.8708059

Meh. That sounds like a problem for people living in a world without fossil fuels.

>> No.8708376

In some places (Mexico) gas prices have gotten so high relative to wages that people would spend more money going to work than they would make at the job.

This trend isn't reversing. We might hit a cap once renewable take over, but it will certainly be more expensive than what we are paying now. Poor people will likely have to live in the places they work, because they can't afford the commute. Or they will be burdens on the system. In the unlikely event the system gets to the point where it can no longer sustain them, it will either collapse, or stop sustaining them. Facing starvation they would likely turn to crime and riots, and be put down by the people who can afford slightly higher costs of living.

Rich or educated workers in valued careers will be just fine, but everything will be more expensive. We might see some collapses in poor countries, but those are mostly localized and already happening for a bunch of different reasons in many places, and the civilized world can pretty easily ignore it.

>> No.8709962

found the noob

>> No.8709982

We have tons of energy sources which are way more efficient than fossil fuels or even solar, its just most of the patents for these are owned by oil companies because they would destroy the oil industry. But LENR reactors are being worked on so we shouldn't have to much to worry about.

>> No.8709988

Plenty of people in Europe pay $8/gallon. A shift to more compact, walkable cities with viable alternative transportation isn't the end of the world.

>> No.8710561

$8 a gallon isn't the market price of gasoline. The government taxed it to make it cost more and force people to buy their public transportation. If someone owns a business and they could make their competition more expensive that's obviously the logical thing to do to make more money. It's totally unfair, and might not be the right thing to do, but that's what government is doing.

Alternative transportation still uses some form of power. The only people who are protected are the people who walk, because alternative transportation will get more expensive with rising energy costs.

>> No.8711628

What I don't understand is why tf we aren't building more nuke plants for the transition to full solar

Fucking NIMBY hippies

>> No.8712964

They will never run out, as the quantities decline it will be harder and more expensive to get fossil fuels which will naturally attract investment and business towards innovation and alternatives and as more ressources go into other sources of energy the market will dry out long before fossil fuels run out.

>> No.8713152

option 1) we use oil before it runs out to transition to a new energy source infrastructure. I am a proponent of deep geothermal on coasts to power the grid and strip sea water into hydrogen for cars, trucks and tractors. once built will last until the sun goes supernova and creates zero greenhouse and zero toxic pollution.

option 2) we do nothing or screw around with half assed efforts until the oil is almost gone and too expensive to use to make that change and then we get a global backslide into pre-industrial conditions and 90% of the human population dies.

>> No.8713160

>the magic of the free market will fix it
>not realizing that the capitalism model of the world economy is based on economic models that assume resources are unlimited and the surface of the earth is infinite.

you drank the stupid juice

>> No.8714615

Starvation (no fuel for tractors, or mining and shipment of fertilizer).
War (for more land to cultivate using primitive methods, people will be displaced, which is a nice way to say killed.)

>> No.8715780

it's going to take at least a few hundred years for that (maybe closer to 1000) and renewable energy is being pushed world-wide. We will likely siphon ourselves off of most of it by the time it begins running low. Even if it were suddenly removed today, we could certainly cope.

>> No.8715783
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>> No.8717058

on a more political note, when fossil fuel runs out there is no reason not to nuke the middle east anymore. finally peace. rather hope it runs out sooner than later.