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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8700743 No.8700743 [Reply] [Original]

>major in physics
>think i'm going to learn about the mysteries of the universe and shit
>just finished writing 20 page lab report about the friction of a fucking tennis ball

>> No.8700752

Actually 20 pages?

On friction? Not drag?

You sure it wasn't a 3 page report with 17 pages of the word "friction" stapled to it?

>> No.8700761

Same here.

>friction of a solid and moment of inertia of a ball
>ECG bullshit
>fucking coupled PEDUNDULA


>> No.8700771

Another victim of popsci I see.

>> No.8700773

fill it up with graphs

>> No.8700774

Why is this misconception of majoring in physics so common? I swear it happens more than any other subject.

>> No.8700780

what about people who enter CS to make games?

>> No.8700785

chem majors thinking they'll become walter white

>> No.8700786

Hi, I'm an EE major, and I'm gonna be rich as fuck some day.

>> No.8700792

Well at the very least, my school taught me how to make meth and cocaine

>> No.8700796

I have been talking to a lot of engineering major and almost all of them think they will become a millionaire some day

>> No.8700797

you actually usually do make a few games in low level programming classes to teach you how to use a programming language

>> No.8700801

You have to start with the fundamentals, champ. The world is a big and complicated place. You don't just into the stars.

>> No.8700813

What is the most honest, straight-forward major?
My guess would be accounting.

>> No.8700838

No you don't. If your CS curricula has any programming in it, it's a fucking piece of shit webdev degree mill

>> No.8700845

Isn't it kind of oxymoronic to be an elitist CS major?

>> No.8700848

Better than math and engineering fags by a fucking long shot

>> No.8700855
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>> No.8700919

If you're doing a CS degree without any programming then you are getting a math major.

>> No.8700940

If you are not required to take a programming class at a CS major, then you are basically unemployable outside of academia.

>> No.8700946

this is perfectly feasible if you take organic chemistry

>> No.8700958

>"If your CS curricula has any programming in it, it's a fucking piece of shit webdev degree mill"
>"Beware of the bugs in the above code: I have only proved it correct,not tried it. Also there is no code because I can't program lolololol"

>> No.8700961

math majors learn R nowadays

>> No.8700962

Then that guy is just a tard

>> No.8701553
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lol at the autism of engineering majors.
people who can't comprehend non-numerical logic should be skinned alive.

>> No.8701557

Math majors who think they'll figure out why they majored in math.

>> No.8701559

That's stats majors. Math majors learn LaTeX and maybe MATLAB.

>> No.8701560

the old education system is a joke in the modern world

>> No.8701571

you're on the basic stuff of physics, you aren't gonna get anything related to a mystery of the universe until you manage to get a phd and start on researching

>> No.8701668

>4 years later: "Oh."

>> No.8701682

I won't lie, it made it look so cool

t. Chemical engineering pleb sucked into the meme

>> No.8701692

accounting is gonna go extinct in 5 years.
Medicine is the most honest major because you always get a job and you're always useful

>> No.8701696

Shoulda gone to a good university then; in my second year we looked at the hyperfine structure using chemical photographic development in a dark room

>> No.8701738

It might take a few semesters before you get into the mysteries of the universe.

>> No.8701889

It's not even that hard to get at least a million net worth. Especially as an engineer.

>> No.8701892

Maybe if you have a trust fund. With student debt and a mediocre salary, its hard.

>> No.8701897

Not even with a trust fund. Engineers should be making an upper middle class salary.

>> No.8701905

Yeah, after 5-10 years experience. Here in the UK at least Engineers don't make that much. Average starting salary for a graduate is £25k. Max most non-contracts will make is £60k, and thats after many years of experience.

>> No.8701908

Well the UK isn't really a manufacturing focused nation.

>> No.8701919

Because pop physics is much more popular than any other pop-field, and not only that but it's probably further divorced from the actual field than any other pop-field.

Pop-math is usually something along the lines of DUDE PRIMES which is a legitimate direction of study you can take if you want, probably starting from freshman year even.
Pop physics is a stoned Brian Greene rambling about strings.

>> No.8701932

When you have the right mindset, the mystery is always there.

Its in learning to look at every interaction, no mattet how simple, as though you were a child again, make it new again.

You can't be bored when you find God in even the smallest motes of dust.

>> No.8701935

It doesn't even take that much. Visible spectroscopy is fucking dope, period.

>> No.8701960

I agree with you in regards to the shit CS programs with several classes for several languages but IMO every peogram should have an intro to programming

>> No.8701986

...and you actually understand something about the universe by doing physics

>> No.8701989
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>> No.8702019

Lol brainlet I am still in highschool and wrote 36 pages about a golf swing

>> No.8702048

it's a weeding out process, they only want the high iq people and for that you need a level of either autistic dedication or autistic genius to fly through a lot of the friction shit which is boring.

physics becomes exciting in your 3rd year, when you begin to choose a path. Until then it's basically history, a lot of history and mathematics and worshipping dead guys.

>> No.8702102

I like puzzles

>> No.8702209

Electrical engineering? Everything you learn translates to real life.

>> No.8702216

Beginning physicists are composed of 50% loudmouth Dunning Kruger autists who aspire to be Richard Feynman and harass all of the normies with stories about shit in physics. They have to be weeded out so they do stuff like that hoping they'll go where they belong, computer science and engineering.

>> No.8702222

Actually if you watch physics majors from the outside, it's obvious they're super autistic.

>> No.8702227

Mathematics. Nobody majors in math to earn money.

>> No.8702231

Idk, all the undergrad physics TAs at my school were pretty normal

>> No.8702241

Here's your (you)

>> No.8702243

Nobody hires the true autists to TA though.

>> No.8702253

But, robots can easily replace most positions in health science, as well as prescribe better, deal with people better and perform surgeries better

>> No.8702257

Masters in Financial engineering disagree with you.

>> No.8702267

I would think it's something like music
In STEM its probably the life sciences, but only if the intent is to study life. Applied life sciences can be dishonest

>> No.8702290

>Masters in Financial engineering
>Financial engineering

Come on, dude.

>> No.8702293

what are quants?

>> No.8702304

people not smart enough to do research

>> No.8702305

Sorry, what's not honest or straightforward about wanting to make money?

>> No.8702320

>300k starting

>> No.8702363

>chem engineering
I bet you thought you would be doing some actual chemistry. ha ha.

>> No.8702461



>> No.8702472

>t. freshman

What the fuck were you expecting? To turn up and one day one start learning QFT? Labs are pretty boring and tedious, but they're important since even if you're doing theory, you'll still need to read and interpret (and perhaps even propose) experiments.

>> No.8703075

doubt it. ME at a company in NY making more than all the EE's.

>> No.8703085


>accounting extinct in 5 years?

da fuq, nothing moves that fast

>> No.8703089

Speaking of MEs, is it a meme degree?
My friend is graduating this semester and he has no internships nor has he found a job yet (hasn't put in applications yet either). Is he fucked or is he going to make it? 2.9 GPA btw

>> No.8703100

>My friend
yeah. right.

if you have a bachelors in ME with a GPA close to 3.0 you will be fine provided you are actually willing to work. i can point you to a couple of different companies/positions that would be glad to take your "friend". he will even make really good money...

>> No.8703108

I'm a gook medfag though. The ME guy is hispanic. And speaking of that, is diversity in companies a meme or a real thing? Because if it is, I guess he's right about how he's still fine and "in the game."

>> No.8703134

he's fine and still in the game because he has an engineering degree, not because he's hispanic.

the diversity thing is sort of real, but rarely applies to engineering positions. most companies do their diversity hiring in HR or sales or something.

>> No.8703144

>i can point you to a couple of different companies/positions that would be glad to take your "friend"
please do.

>> No.8703146

Doctor here, I can confirm you are 100% wrong. Outside of actual A.I., no robot will ever be able to make a proper diagnosis, respond to an emergency, or effectively perform a surgery on it's own. There's no "standard" human body that you can program into the mind of a robot and most medical problems are vague as shit. You can have 100 patients with appendicitis and all of them can have drastically different symptoms.

>> No.8703169

You should have known how it was before you got in. When I was in high school I was really talented at physics. It was my best class and my teacher loved me and saw potential me (I still remember his face when I told him I was going to study mathematics at un instead kek).

So in 12th grade we had to do this top homosexual thing called the A levels which are some tests that give college credits and prestige and what not. I saw it as the gayest shit, which it is, so I picked the topics I was the best at to have an easy time and not have to study, so I picked physics. There were 3 components, and one of them was a laboratory. A solo laboratory.

The thing was that some virgin, fat, greasy, fat neckbeard wrote a list of experiments you had to do and all you had to do in your paper was write down your results, which I suppose they would check against their own results to see if you did well.

This lab took at least a fucking hour (and I was the one who did it fastest from the other students) and it was the GAYEST shit ever, as I expected. One of the experiments involved cutting out a circle out of cardboard (IS THIS FUCKING FIRST GRADE NOW? WHY NOT JUST GIVE ME THE CARDBOARD CIRCLE SO I CAN DO MY EXPERIMENT WITHOUT NEEDING TO DO ARTS AND CRAFTS HOLY FUCK) and then set up some sort of platform and then I put a ball and then it had to roll down or something and I had to measure the distance it rolled or whatever.

Totally gay shit. That way I learned the hard way that physics is actually for homosexuals and that the engineers are gay meme was crafted by closet physicists who really wish they could come out and choke on black cock but are too shy.

But that year I also had to do the mathematics A level and it was so fun. 3 sessions but guess what? No gay as fuck labs. Just pen and paper. Hey kid, here are some algebra, calculus, geometry and number theory questions. Solve them. That way I learned that the only heterosexual field is pure mathematics. /autisticrant

>> No.8703175

Is personalized medicine a meme?

It just seems too expensive and inefficient.

>> No.8703209

For the general population? Yes. I doubt genetic testing would affect outcomes in any significant way. However, for specific populations like cancer patients, it could be worth a fortune

>> No.8703218

how desperate are you? are you of able body?

>> No.8703235

Are using iPSCs and APCs for cancer patients a meme as well? Those won't get in trouble with the ethics committee but are they potent enough to treat/cure cancer?

>> No.8703285


>> No.8703292

>accounting is gonna go extinct in 5 years.
Doubtful. Most likely some aspects get automated making it easier, but businesses will still need people who are financially literate to help make decisions. They're not going to use a program like a magic 8 ball when making major decisions

>> No.8703351

It's still an area of active research. No real breakthroughs at the moment. Hard to say if it will yield any results. But I would say the only way to make any money from it would be heading the research or buying stock in a company that does. Really a gamble if you ask me

>> No.8703553


>> No.8703572


That's because you're still in the introductory sequence you dumb faggots.

>> No.8703647

We learn Mathematica, and C for numerical analysis and Prolog for computer logic.

>> No.8703701


You have to learn the basics first. learning classical mechs is super important in order to be able to move on to the cooler shit.

You can't learn proofs until you know how to add and subtract. Same thing applies to phys.

But besides that. If you want to be someone who goes on to do string theory, you have to be top dog. Overwhelming amount of phys majors won't go on to do hawkings, faraday, or einstein level shit. The best they can hope for is to land a job where they teach the findings of other people, never being able to go off an do their own research.

>> No.8703848

>grouping hawking with faraday and einstein

what a popsci faggot you are.

>> No.8703887
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>financial engineering

>> No.8703911

Because they see Popsci documentaries on quantum theory, relativity, and string theory that makes it all look really cool but then they get to university and find...

>Quantum Theory
Actual QM courses don't spend much time with logical foundations stuff (the stuff usually advertised in popsci), instead focus on particle physics and solid state physics applications. Quantum foundations is an extremely niche field of study.

Special relativity is pretty easy but stops being interesting (on its own) fairly quickly. General Relativity requires a ton of math to properly get into and is at best an elective course for undergrads.

>String Theory
Literally impossible to learn at any meaningful level without first getting graduate level education in particle physics, gravitational physics, and geometry(differential&algebraic).

>> No.8703923

>Actual QM courses don't spend much time with logical foundations
QM foundations (Basic linear algebra, Dirac, momentum and position representation, SHO spectrum, Spin and angular momentum, time evolution and density matrices) are a core course at top British universities (Oxbridge, Imperial). You are a dumb shitstain.

>> No.8703930

>Basic linear algebra, Dirac, momentum and position representation, SHO spectrum, Spin and angular momentum, time evolution and density matrices)

That is not what I mean by quantum foundations. That is just your typical intro QM.

>> No.8703935

What's Quantum foundations in your opinion?

>> No.8703937

Hello /sci/! My username is "feynman" and I'm creating a discord for physicians, nursing, premed, and life sciences majors. Non-life science majors are welcome too. For people who don't know discord, it's a free chat platform that uses text and voice.

Perm link:

>> No.8703943

Like this:

Think things like: interpretations of QM, quantum logic, various axiomatic definitions, etc.

>> No.8703962

your view of QM is very basic if you've never done any serious foundations of QM course like this
it's funny how people who always shit on popsci always turn out to be retards

>> No.8703966

Once again, what you posted is not what I mean by foundations. That is just the stuff you learn in any intro QM course in order to actually do QM. Quantum foundations is an actual research field.

>> No.8703972
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Científicos,, tengo unas dudas, me las aclaran?

>> No.8703974

both "quantum logic" and "various axiomatic definitions" are rigorously taught in these courses, you can't do QI without proper knowledge of Dirac notation
saying that universities don't teach quantum foundations is just retarded no matter what definition suits your argument
Do you have a degree in Physics?

>> No.8703975

Nice, a yellow bird. I had one of those for a pet once but it drove me... bananas?

>> No.8703991
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I still don't mean the defining of the the necessary mathematical tools to do QM as quantum foundations. And if I did, I would go all in with pic related instead of the baby shit you listed.

I mean studying the logical implications of what these axiomatic systems say, the different interpretations of QM and how they "explain" things like entanglement correlations, studying locality/realism implications, etc.

>> No.8704002
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pic related, foundations of QM Imperial course

>> No.8704008

May I ask if you have a Physics degree?
I wanna know for research purposes

>> No.8704017

I said "Actual QM courses don't spend much time with logical foundations stuff "

You list a course that spends a single chapter discussing the basics of it. Is this supposed to contradict me? Or do you consider 1 chapter a significant portion of time?

I am grad student in math.

>> No.8704023

you are delusional if you think quantum entanglement is logical foundation of QM

stick to your autistic field and your made up definitions

>> No.8704025

>you are delusional if you think quantum entanglement is logical foundation of QM

I said logical implications of entanglement correlations and how they can be "explained" in different interpretations if part of it.

Quantum entanglement itself is not.

>> No.8704028

you said
>Actual QM courses don't spend much time with logical foundations stuff
which is wrong

fuck off autist

>> No.8704034

Because they don't. Like you listed >>8704002
which spends a single chapter on it.

>> No.8704042

none of those things are logical foundations, it's just shit you defined to be 'logical foundations'
there isn't any exact definition of QM foundations, most physicists think of QM foundations as the main principles of QM

stay autistic mathfag

>> No.8704083

>most physicists think of QM foundations as the main principles of QM

Which I included as "axiomatic definitions".

>none of those things are logical foundations
>there isn't any exact definition of QM foundations

>> No.8704097

Knuth reference, nice.

>> No.8704103

No you're wrong here. Those aren't what he's talking about at all. What you listed is just quantum mechanics done with the Copenhagen interpretation. I'll explain one of the big questions in the foundations of quantum: Why does the wave function collapse? We know it does, measure something, get a value, measure it again, get the same value. But we don't know why it happens nor do we know what is going on in the system before measuring it. Undergraduate quantum courses use the Copenhagen interpretation. That the particle wasn't really anywhere until we measured it.

>> No.8704111

lol, math fags that do a simple python tutorial one weekend and watch a couple of youtube videos about data structures think they can perform on the level of actual software engineers

>> No.8704135

but that sounds cool af, you pleb

>> No.8704471


For that you needed meta-physics ;)

>> No.8704481


well they probably can. you're acting like the average software engineer is capable of critical thinking

>> No.8704591

That's cause Thatcher fucked our industry. If we kept our manufacturing up engineers would definitely be earning more.

>> No.8704622

You watched some shitty tv show and you believe that physics consist on watching stars and talk philosophic bullshit

>> No.8704633
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It kinda does , on the high level. You gotta start somewhere bud, and OP, don't drop out, you'll get there

>> No.8704664

Like him or not, his work is literally do research and he is a millionaire (net worth of 20 million dollars). He also has multiple actual awards in physics.

He is the definition of a succesful physicist because unlike Neil Smoke Da Grass Tyson, Stephen does more physics than public speaking. He is a physicist by trade.

>> No.8704671

and you are learning the mysteries of the universe by writing a report on the friction of a fucking tennis ball, you dense faggot.

>> No.8704697

Lower level courses are the worst, OP.
>be microbio major
>all courses up to junior year focus mostly on macro-level eukaryotes
I mean, I understand why, but fuck I felt like I was learning nothing.

It's worth it once you progress farther into your college career. Just bite the bullet. Also, always go to class. Always.

>> No.8704911

the fact that the human body is not standard is a hurdle but wont stop A.I.'s to take most positions in medicine. An app can today already tell you if/what skin cancer you have https://youtu.be/toK1OSLep3s?t=416 and you want to tell me advances in deep learning will stop at medicine?

>> No.8705074

Math majors at my school are required to take 0 programming courses

>> No.8705093

They can't in general with just basic studies in Python. I have a pure math degree and programming in basic Python doesn't teach you inheritance, deeper structure behind types, subtypes, error handling, good software design, ADTs, implementation of ADTs, generics, or anything worth while beyond basic data structures like maps, list, sets, loops.

You need more than a weekend of studying Python to fully understand these concepts.

Then there is the understanding of actually programming which is hard when you do non-trivial task and have to worry about optimization on the hardware and software level. Plus algorithms is so vast a field you aren't going to study all the major theories of algorithms in a day.

>> No.8705115

Shitty school. Probably outdated and I say outdated because it used to be like that at my university but then in this decade the department got together and crafted a new curriculum that would ensure math graduates can get jobs again. The added a mandatory programming course that teaches matlab and R. Other than that they added mandatory mathematical finance and numerical analysis.

The world evolve and trends change, a mathematics curriculum should always be changing to ensure mathematics graduates can perform a function in society as a mathematician. If you university hasn't yet added these courses to the mandatory curriculum then either your school is a for profit scam institution that doesn't give a shit, or your university's leaders are too autistic to function.

>> No.8705149

emmm, what would entail:
>think i'm going to learn about the mysteries of the universe and shit
Please elaborate, what do you imagine doing?

>> No.8705250

>You can't learn proofs until you know how to add and subtract.

>> No.8705584

It's the latter. They value only pure math and don't care about real world applications. I don't know what applied math requires. I could be wrong. I did take a Java course, so my memory may be fuzzy. I graduated with a math degree like 5 years ago.

>> No.8705591

>accounting is gonna go extinct in 5 years.
Eh it'll take a little longer. But yeah things that we can see how to automate super easy now (accounting) and are going to hit the fan.

>> No.8705602

When will /sci/ enter the real world?

>> No.8705966
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>we can see how to automate super easy now (accounting) and are going to hit the fan.

Not really. Acc involves lots of things that can be automated, but it also includes lots of laws and rules that must be followed and vary from situation to situation - something that can't be automated effectively. Acc also involves dealing with people/clients and other business partners about finances. anyone who thinks accounting will be "widely automated" doesn't actually know what they do

>> No.8706291

Well, there's a difference between "lights off" automation, and a degree of automation that involves minor, yet crucial, human involvement. I imagine something being "widely automated" would not imply that every single aspect of a system/s be autonomous, but also not imply that the degree of automation would be negligible. I mean, for starters, break down what dealing with people/clients and other business partners about finances entails, exactly. The mathematical acumen can definitely be done by an automated system/s. The creativity, high-level legal understanding, and overall ability to communicate concepts in a more human-appropriate manner, is what the role of the accountant may boil down to in the future.

There are plenty of systems out there that can account for situations that change on the fly, though- and when they can't, then you will have the accountants who can step in and interface with the system/s or outright do the rest of the job/s. It's true, those systems aren't perfect enough to do everything, not today. But they're everywhere. They're commonplace now. And as people in the field find better ways to leave less information open to (mis)interpretation, then the better those systems will become. If anything, the future may be a bunch of accountants wondering when they'll ever be allowed to use the majority of their skills, instead of translating financial/legal jargon every off moment, or being a stand-in for someone who feels devalued/cheated for being made to talk to a machine, instead of a person they can see and trust.

The one thing I don't see automation replacing any time soon, is the ability to provide actionable information. Not just data, not mere footnotes of international trade law, or tax forms, no. But, information the average person will benefit from. Advice. Something they can actually use, without having to go through the hoops of being a certified accountant.

Until that goes too.

>> No.8707533

>i dont like math
>But i like physics!!

>> No.8707549

>"lights off" automation

automation is a meme. the vast majority of manufacturing equipment in this country is over 30 years old. there are still CNC machines with punch tape readers on the side. true lights off automation still requires a significant amount of human input.

the scope of this technology is heavily exaggerated to get people riled up and to get businessmen to spend money on a new FANUC robot.

>> No.8707562

>not comp eng master race



>> No.8707563

>financial engineering

>engineering engineering

>> No.8707568

I'm not even a "real" engineer (softwar engineer) and I make $70k. I've only been out of school for 2 years.

>> No.8707579

>I don't like physics
>but i like maths

I never understood physics.

>> No.8707591

you kek, but most engineers are limp wristed nerds. if you have an engineering degree AND you can still throw a wrench around, you can easily make 100k+ out of school.

mind, you will be working an irregular schedule and living out of a hotel for 300 days of the year, but you will make a fuck ton of money and shouldn't have too much trouble getting the job.

the engineers complaining about not finding a job are the ones that are holding out for some pipe dream fantasy job that their grades/experience doesn't warrant.

>> No.8707688

no, you don't. just, what the fuck kind of college did you go to? typically you have to implement mathematic algorithms, e.g. prime factorizations
also wrong. believe it or not, but programming is a core part of computer science. not necessarily web-dev or software engineering. but just programming. just what the hell do you think computational theory and complexity theory are all about? what do you think is the point of computers in the first place? to just sit there and waste electricity doing nothing?

>> No.8707729

We all started from the same place anon.

>> No.8707784

I am a physicist and I don't. Those "most" you say are undergrads that cannot see before their nose and have never heard of what quantum foundations is. (Just search the term fag keeping in mind that what is referred as foundations of QM is usually different than quantum foundations.) Of course that is to be expected because as >>8703911 said it is a niche field.

>> No.8707801

>Implying writing a lab report on the friction of a tennis ball isn't uncovering the mysteries of the universe
>'n shit

>> No.8707802


>> No.8707878

>Said UK
>Posts about totally different country, money, and job.

>> No.8707934

I'm three years into a physics degree and I just wanna go and do Materials or something, I'm kind of fed up.