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8696870 No.8696870 [Reply] [Original]

>Medical students general thread

Where do you guys study? What do you want to do? I'm in Lyon, France. I'm interested in Ortho surgery but I'm still a "young" student so I might change my mind. I'm also doing some kind of Medicine-Science program in order to have a PhD more easily in few years if I want.

Also, did you or do you plan to candidate for an elective?

Come here and share your experiences!

>> No.8697002

Has any Yurofag gone to practice in an Anglo country to make big boy bucks in medicine? How hard was it to get licenced/recognized? Australia, I think, used to be a country where some european subspeciaists went to make bank for a couple of years.

>> No.8697025

It is very hard for a European physician to practice in Australia, and you have something called the the 10-year moratorium: https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/can-someone-explain-the-ten-year-moratorium-in-simple-terms.1221208/ Actually, there's some kind of resident crisis ATM in Australia, many international students who did their medical school in Australia don't have resident position and have to move elsewhere.

If you're French, you're a "doctor" when you finish your residency. In most of country you're a MD when you start your residency. As a consequence, if you wanna candidate for a residency program in the US as a French student, you must finish your first residency before applying. However, we get paid quiet well here and have a good health system so I doubt French physicians would moved for that reason alone. I could work in any EU country and the UK though, but I think I'll be more paid and have a much better training here.

>> No.8697087

Taking my MCAT April 22, pray for me....

>> No.8697094


How about NZ ( i'm not the french anon).

>> No.8697275

Good luck bro

>> No.8697284

it sucks ass

>> No.8697291

Amsterdam here. Admission is piss easy at our university. Sad to see the uni filled with muzzies and vaginas

>> No.8697297


Went on an interview almost 2 weeks ago. Should be hearing back soon. Oh fuck am I nervous.

>> No.8697322
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It depends where you're from. I wouldn't be very accurate about NZ but they often follow Australia's policy though. I do believe it is easier to practice over there if you got your degree in the UK or in Ireland but not totally sure about that. A a French physician I'm not sure I would have to pass an Aussie/Kiwi medical board exam but I would have to score 7/9 at the IELTS academic, which is not that simple. Furthermore, be aware that it will be easier to immigrate somewhere if you're a GP.

Good luck mate, do your best!

>> No.8697333


>and you go to that university with piss easy admission

Says a lot about you...

>> No.8697356

Graduate in three months. All I need is to match in three weeks and All the horseshit that is med school and being a med student is over.

I also don't see how you yurofags can do the same work I do here in the US for 1/5th the salary.

>> No.8697422

I wish we'd had spears at out dissection lab

>> No.8697631

Wtf im not gonna emigrate

>> No.8697635

literally the product of muh democratic socialism

>> No.8697640

Enjoy residency homies, I'll pray for you

>> No.8697646

Wait till you get to step 1,2,3. Just stop now and do something not gay.

>> No.8698781

You from NZ, or talking about practicing in NZ?
>new NZ med student here

>> No.8699067
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He was talking about practicing in NZ I guess.

>> No.8699530

How do you study pharmacology/biochemistry? School program dictates that I must learn both in 3 months.

>> No.8699556

You get a very general overview of both. It's not hard.
Pharmacodynamics is basically understanding simple enzyme pathways and some graphs of [C] over t.
Then you've got biochem which is basically memorization. It's glycosylation, krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, some gluconeogenesis, Pentose phosphate pathway, maybe some amino acid and nucleotide metabolism. And then you'll get the basics of cell signaling, like GPCR, MAPKKKKKKKK, Fos-Jun, Jak-Stat, whatever Myd88, blablabla.
Oh, also IP3 and Ca++ don't forget the second messengers bro.
It's all pretty easy, but it's alot of memerization.

>> No.8699567

Here's a fun one.

I fell last wednesday and a part of bone is now lodged in my knee cap. As a result of coming off, the bone fragment sliced open my acl and tore up the lcl

I can sorta walk around. Doesn't hurt or anything and I would prefer to do that sometimes than use crutches (steps and such)

is that fine ?

>> No.8699591


>> No.8699593

only if you are "fine" with not having the use of your knee in 2 years

>> No.8700104

>He was talking about practicing in NZ I guess.

oh , i see.

>> No.8700111

Did you go to a doctor and did he recommend to just sorta walk around? If so it's probably fine.

>> No.8700272
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How does someone educated in swedenistan become a doctor in Londonistan? Do I need to study there for a while to be able to transfer my degree? Do I have to have a high position here in Sweden before I can work in England or can I just come fresh out of med school? Does it help if I have a PhD?
>pic related, it's my university, good rankings if that helps

>> No.8700598


>come fresh out of med school
Yes,achmed ,you can.

Why don't you just finish your med ED in sweden and than go for work/specialization in UK. I'm not from UK (but from EU).
After graduate in med you can receive accreditation for all EU-cunts.You will probably need IELTS,etc.

>b-b-but muh based brexit.
Welp, brexit my ass. Based Farage can only barrage those who step-in-med after brexit (so your accreditation applies).

>Does it help if I have a PhD?
PhD is always helpful, but it's not necessary.

>> No.8700633

I have a very nordic name actually, but am a muslim convert. I am sweden personified, ask me anything.
But thank you, very helpful. The dream is alive boys.

>> No.8700727

It was a banter , you know. Why did you convert,aslo why are you up so late (4am , i guess) ?
>The dream is alive
Wish you the best.

>> No.8701307

Total freshman here. Starting in march at Universidad de Chile, in Santiago.

good anatomy books? Using netter and sobotta for pictures, but don't have a good book for the theoric part. I got recommended Latarjet's anatomy, but also got told that it was pretty long and hard to read

>> No.8701318

>med student


>> No.8701340

When I took one to void just to see how it was, it seemed pretty easy.

Honestly would have went on and taken the score if the Psychology/sociology section wasn't completely unfamiliar to me.

>> No.8701406
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You won't necessary need a lot of books at the beginning. My advice is to stay with your Netter and then see what books your professor use for their lecture.

>> No.8702061
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Don't worry, was bantering back. Trying to adjust to being a britbong 'innit.
Discussing why you converted is extremely difficult to someone not having converted themselves, and even more so to someone being an atheist, but I'll try it for you brother.
I reverted at the age of 19, at a christian holiday no less. I have seen my conversion as this sort of rebellion of a society I see in social ruin. Sweden is one, if not the most, socially liberal countries in the world, and I am more on the socially conservative part of the scale. I see the society slowly collpasing due to a lack of strong social institutions like the nuclear family and a moral institution like religion. I searched for answers and the Qur'an gave them, I can't describe how I felt even if I tried, it became evident that Islam was true and I had a moral obligation to follow it. I continued studying the Qur'an and the hadiths. Then I became a muslim, simple as that.

It was actually 2 am, I'm usually up late but not that late.

>Wish you the best
You too brother, may you find happiness in life and get matched into the specialisation of your dreams.

Netter and Sobotta are top tier definitely, however it's all in how they fit for you. Another book I would recommend is Gilroy.

Best of luck!

>> No.8702149


>see society collapsing due to feminists importing violent uncivilised minorities
>decide to become a violent uncivilised minority

I though med students were smart

>> No.8702284

Can you guys help this kid?

>> No.8702389

this is why medicine will never be a real science.

>> No.8702444


>> No.8702446

yep. Listen to the 100 people who already told you not to go to med school. Sure wish I did.

>> No.8702554

pathological analysis techniques / iraq - baghdad / not that hard to study / planning to go to huddsfield uni after i graduate .

>> No.8702570

How does one go about getting into an american medical school?

>> No.8702587

Medicine is such a corrupted field. Especially here in Canada. The number of seats is so low. Something like 3% of applicants get accepted at McMaster. All so that doctors can get paid 100 dollars an hour to prescribe tylenol.

>> No.8702598

mcmaster undergrad here
too bad medicine is the only thing this school is good at

>> No.8702715

Just got my first MCAT score back and I want to kill myself. I can't trust myself to improve after receiving such a shit score especially when I thought I did decent.

>> No.8703447

>man who is a billionaire in developing healthcare technology mentioned in the article
Really fires your neurons and activates your almonds.

>> No.8703466

Come on, I bet it's not that bad. What did you get?

>> No.8703503

i'm a medical student in melbourne, australia. I'll probably be a physician in something like infectious diseases eventually, plan to do a phd and mostly work in research. it's a pretty good gig

for those asking about emigration to australia - don't know any specifics but given every second registrar in our hospital seems to be british it's obviously not that difficult. seems to be easier to come as a junior and train here than come once fully qualified

>> No.8703893

Hello /med/! My username is "feynman" and I'm creating a discord for physicians, nursing, premed, and life sciences majors. Non-life science majors are welcome too. For people who don't know discord, it's a free chat platform that uses text and voice.

Perm link:

>> No.8704016

A 508. Kill me. My GPA is the only thing that's half decent.

>> No.8704589
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How's life out there Anon?