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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8691839 No.8691839 [Reply] [Original]

What will NASA announce on Thursday?

>> No.8691844

*Wednesday for the Americans

>> No.8691856

Considering NASA has done basically nothing of worth for decades, who gives a shit?

>> No.8691859
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>> No.8691860

>this is neo-/sci/

>> No.8691862


>> No.8691877

Maybe if they stop spewing their global warming alarmist nonsense then they could actually get some work done. Thankfully Trump is setting NASA back on the right path.

>> No.8691882
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>> No.8691891

Okay. What have they done then. Because it looks to me like they're just shitting around in low orbit and announcing a mars mission every 6 months for the sake of clickbait. It's really no wonder people want to defund them when they waste money on stupid shit.

>> No.8693159


Some probe stuff mostly, but you're mostly right about human space flight, I mean for fuck's sake we haven't even sent up any cable-counterweight artificial gravity stations yet. Literally send a module up, with a cable winch attached to the final stage and some RCS thrusters. Once in orbit, play out cable while inducing spin with RCS thrusters, continue to play out cable and increase RPM until desired rotational speed and 'downward' force is achieved.

One of the problems has been pork projects eating the budget and a general apathy towards NASA from most politicians. Pork projects include Shuttle, Orion, SLS, JWST (to an extent), and more. There's no justification for why a modern space capsule should cost $16 billion before it ever even flies astronauts into orbit. There's no reason our 'next generation' super heavy launch vehicle should use the most expensive engines and spaceflight hardware ever developed, which simultaneously comes directly from a 40 year old design, and cost us approximately $5 billion per launch (assuming all development and operational costs spread over a 30 launch life span). There's no reason why a single infrared space telescope should cost $8.7 billion, even considering the engineering solutions and materials development that needed to happen to even build the thing.

Orion should use modern technology with a focus on ECONOMY as well as safety and capability. No missions will be approved if the launch-and-return capsule alone empties out the budget.

JWST has eaten up a lot of funding but at last it will give us new data about the early universe, hopefully.

SLS should have been a totally blank-slate design using everything we've learned about what makes expendable rockets expensive and what makes them capable. Use the tooling from Shuttle to make the tanks, but build everything else form scratch and design a rocket that can work without requiring NASA to shelve everything else for the year.

>> No.8693161


>> No.8693310

they can't do anything because (((they))) won't let them. why do you think we haven't even gone back to the moon?

people (reddit) are saying it's the discover of some habitable exoplanets that are within the same solar system some lightyears away. so basically nothing we can use since we're not going anywhere

>> No.8693315

Some new technique/technology for identifing exoplanets rather than just watching for small fluctuations in star luminance

>> No.8693320

that all public funding has been cut and all assets are to be sold off to the highest bidder.

>> No.8693416

More planet candidates confirmed, like a batch of them. Maybe an exoplanet with a roughly earthlike atmosphere.

>> No.8693424

Dust on a rock

>> No.8693427

>mfw NASA is the true obstacle to space technological and explorations advancement like Google becoming the true obstacle to internet freedom and creativity

>> No.8693434

Might be about signs of life

>> No.8693436

Where is the face?

>> No.8693468

Without jwst and tess they can't say shit about truly earthlike exoplanet

Probably some gas giant or shit like that

>> No.8693869

>Hey guys we found a planet 3856470 light years ago who might at some point, probably, if the time is right, have water!

>> No.8693885

>Where is the face?
You do not need a face to become into existence friendo

>> No.8693896
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>> No.8693898

They'll tell the truth about earth being flat.

>> No.8693918

Will they tell us about the Bogs?

>> No.8693925

>mfw if Jesus were alive today they would call him a commie and throw him in jail for disrupting the "peace".

>> No.8693927

That the Dyson Sphere was real

>> No.8693933

T. minus?

>> No.8693935

>NASA will hold a news conference at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, Feb. 22, to present new findings on planets that orbit stars other than our sun, known as exoplanets. Details of these findings are embargoed by the journal Nature until 1 p.m.


>> No.8693937

>they will be answering stupid twitter questions again
>they'll focus on dumb shit like "hurr durr is earth really not flat?" instead of what non-retarded people are interested in

>> No.8693939

The last people in charge who actually cared about space exploration are long dead.

>> No.8693940

>who actually cared about space exploration
>implying it wasn't a dick measuring contest during the cold war

Private sector will be leading space exploration now.

>> No.8693942

i'm a little excited

>> No.8693948

What do you think science is if not a dick measuring contest?

>> No.8693951

>Guys we found an exoplanet 4 times the size of Earth in the Goldilocks region

>> No.8693955

Pretty much. Super earths are overhyped shit.

>> No.8693958
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>> No.8693962

>W-we found new planets pls gib funds

Wow, its fucking nothing.

>> No.8693966

That's exactly what this press conference is about, retard.

>> No.8693967

7 Earth-sized planets 40 light years away is not nothing. It's a pretty a significant discovery.

>> No.8693969

Issha Arien

>> No.8693970


This is supposed to be a science board, you guys were expecting green aliens or something?

>> No.8693972
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>> No.8693973
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>ultracool dwarf star

>> No.8693974

How? Does it fix out own problems? There is no fucking reason waste funding in things like this while veterans are starving.

>> No.8693975
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>40 ly away

Aand into the trash it goes.

>> No.8693976
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>ultracool dwarf

>> No.8693978

>40 light years away


>> No.8693982

>tidally locked planets

literal trash

>> No.8693984

jesus christ this bullshit. yep nasa is the big thing killing out national budget................

>> No.8693985

You're a fucking moron, you know that? NASA was the inventor of many technologies used today.


Go back to /b/ you illiterate moron.

>> No.8693987

Guyz I think he was being sarcastic

>> No.8693988

Maybe not a big thing. But surely committing to it.

>> No.8693989

I don't care about shitposters. They can keep that shit to the rest of 4chan.

>> No.8693996

Exoplanets truly are a meme.

>> No.8693998

What a waste of fucking time.

How long until NASA receives a budget cut significant enough to shut them down?

>> No.8694000

Are there no mods on /sci/ to kick the /pol/tards out of here?

>> No.8694001


>> No.8694003
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"Wow. Jet plane would take 45 million years to travel there. Woah." What the fuck is this normie shit?

>> No.8694007

Nobody's gonna comment on the name of the star? Damn I want a good beer now.

>> No.8694008

>44 million years travel time


>> No.8694012

What a waste of time

>> No.8694013

b-but muh wormholes would take us there

>> No.8694015


>> No.8694016


Trappist-1 system

>> No.8694018
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>> No.8694019


>> No.8694021


Existential questions in the near future?

>> No.8694022

Would be fun if each of the planets had sentient life on them.

>> No.8694025

is there a possibility that my waifu is on one of those planets?

>> No.8694026

Even if there is life in Trappist-1 we won't be able to actually confirm it considering how far away it is right?

>> No.8694027

a solar system full of cute traps *_*

>> No.8694029

like always - defund NASA, if there was a significant announcement it would be trending on fb, twitter desu
aliens 20M tweets
44mil away exoplanets 1,221

>> No.8694030
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kek I was actually referring to pic related

>> No.8694031

it would only really be fun if Nasa were to give me a qt alien (sex-slave) waifu desu

>> No.8694032


>> No.8694033

They should be recieving our radio signals, and hopefully they've already sent a reply.

>> No.8694036

if they send a reply right now i'll be in my 60s when we fucking receive it.

fuck space, stupid fucking universe

>> No.8694037
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>mfw I expected nothing and they announce this

>> No.8694038


Not unless they are broadcasting an incredibly strong signal directly at us/we see direct evidence through observation.


As this anon says, they'd have picked up radio from us, and we'd be due a reply about now. However, the signals would be incredibly weak, so their technology would have to be immensely impressive.

>> No.8694041

Speaking of cute traps, check out that lady in the scarf ;)))))

>> No.8694044

I doubt human-tier animals are out there anywhere
Humans hit the evolutionary jackpot of having hands + intelligence and intuition
Aliens that could reply to us should be really rare desu

>> No.8694045

who wants to fill my solar system with their super earths, i've been a bad star

>> No.8694047
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We will destroy ourselves long before we'll understand how FTL works, aren't we?

>> No.8694052

Who says you need hands? Other alien species could've invented some magical tentacles that put hands to shame.

>> No.8694055

>Fastest manmade object went 25 miles per second
>Around 0.013% of light speed

It does seem like it

>> No.8694054


>> No.8694058

Evolved* oops

>> No.8694059


maybe they had a civilization 158 millions of years ago, maybe they'll have one in 765 millions of years from now

>fuck space

no, fuck time

>> No.8694065

M dwarfs are the most ubiquitous stars in the universe anon

>> No.8694070

>pointing out why we can't have nice things makes you a /pol/ user

>> No.8694082

There are objects that we can theoretically send 20 percent the speed of light

>> No.8694086

We theoretically can fuck your mother with an anti-matter dildo.

>> No.8694087


>> No.8694092

> theoretically

>> No.8694095

Seems they've ran out of questions and are buying time.

>> No.8694097
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>post yfw James Webb telescope explodes on the launchpad

>> No.8694101

Red dwarfs cannot support life. The habitable zone is far too close to the star, so the planets are tidally locked and experience far heavier radiation.
But it's not launching on a Falcon 9.

>> No.8694105

>People actually thought NASA would announce they found aliens near us
Unless the extraterrestrial life comes to us, we are not going to discover anything interesting and concrete during our life time and sooner you realize this, the better.

>> No.8694107

god the chink annoucer is so cute
why did the stream have to end already :(((

>> No.8694109

jaded retard

>> No.8694123
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>> No.8694141

holy fucking shit, this website. it used to be at least decent

holy fuck

>> No.8694143


Incredibly annoying voice though.

>> No.8694148

literally nothing

>> No.8694151

light sails will be a thing in your lifetime

>> No.8694154

> far heavier radiation.
No? M dwarfs are like 3000K at their surface and are extremely dim. I'll give you that planets are usually todaylly locked, but they still pose the best case for studying rocky planets

>> No.8694158


>> No.8694181

Strong XUV irradiation of the Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting the ultracool dwarf TRAPPIST-1
Peter J. Wheatley, Tom Louden, Vincent Bourrier, David Ehrenreich, Michaël Gillon
(Submitted on 5 May 2016 (v1), last revised 14 Dec 2016 (this version, v2))

We present an XMM-Newton X-ray observation of TRAPPIST-1, which is an ultracool dwarf star recently discovered to host three transiting and temperate Earth-sized planets. We find the star is a relatively strong and variable coronal X-ray source with an X-ray luminosity similar to that of the quiet Sun, despite its much lower bolometric luminosity. We find L_x/L_bol=2-4x10^-4, with the total XUV emission in the range L_xuv/L_bol=6-9x10^-4, and XUV irradiation of the planets that is many times stronger than experienced by the present-day Earth. Using a simple energy-limited model we show that the relatively close-in Earth-sized planets, which span the classical habitable zone of the star, are subject to sufficient X-ray and EUV irradiation to significantly alter their primary and any secondary atmospheres. Understanding whether this high-energy irradiation makes the planets more or less habitable is a complex question, but our measured fluxes will be an important input to the necessary models of atmospheric evolution.


>> No.8694184
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>jackpot of having hands + intelligence and intuition

don't forget tides: fishes learned to walk to go back into the water once they got trapped on the shore

we are the product of a miracle-ton of coincidences

>> No.8694198

Very interesting.
Although I can't help but notice that the conclusion is not that it would destroy the atmospheres of the planets. Just that it can have a significant effect.

>> No.8694203

Right. At this point we just don't know.

>> No.8694214

Not exactly, animals evolved to get on shore because they found more resources there, which they could access without much competition.

>> No.8694226

>animals evolved because

nothing evolves because of anything, evolution is just a coincidence and what you are calling the cause is actually the effect of evolution

>> No.8694237

Fine, you can say that by accident some animals evolved and gained an advantage which helped them survive longer than others. It's just an expression.

>> No.8694246

more knowledge about the reality in which you exist.

maybe inspires some musk-tier insaniac genius to pour billions into spaceflight

>> No.8694261

they already are a thing and they suck


>IKAROS 100m/s dV over 6 months
>every other attempt has either been a tester or has failed
>wiki still lists attempts that will be made in 2016

its a meme

>> No.8694274
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>> No.8694327
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>> No.8694343
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That's why I'm largely hopeful about Trump and the sciences. He's actually going to focus on sciences that ultimately improve our knowledge of the universe and our technology.

>> No.8694347 [DELETED] 

Jesus was apolitical really
>Give unto Caesar what is Caesar. Give unto God what is God.

>> No.8694354

Jesus was apolitical really
>Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Give unto God what is God's.

>> No.8694386

Breakthrough Starshot

The well-funded Breakthrough Starshot project announced in April 12, 2016, aims to develop a fleet of 1000 light sail nanocraft carrying miniature cameras, propelled by ground-based lasers and send them to Alpha Centauri at 20% the speed of light.[88][89][90] The trip would take 20 years.

you just needed to read your own link adhdlord

>> No.8694427

>It's a pretty a significant discovery.
>we've yet to travel 1 light away from Earth
>mars missions still 100 years away
>global warming catastrophe 50 years away
>t-t-this is a b-big d-d-d-deal guys p-please fund NASA!

>> No.8694433

what's the global warming catastrophe you're talking about?
3rd worlders are going to get BTFO and that's how the over population problem will solve itself

>> No.8694447

>suddenly remember I have 2 bottles of Belgian Trappist beer in the fridge

Never been a better time to get them out.

>> No.8694449


yfw global cooling

>> No.8694797


pick one

>> No.8694902

more bullshit about planets about stars that nobody cares about

>> No.8694916

Google indexed it

>> No.8695230
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He's so anti-science he's making overtures to fund NASA for it's original founding purpose: making rockets and exploring the vastness of outer space. The horror.