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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8686989 No.8686989 [Reply] [Original]

Baby came back


>> No.8686990


>> No.8687049



>> No.8687064

So's your post.

>> No.8687105

How's it fake, it literally just happened

>> No.8687144

I don't get it. Context? I don't follow Musk's retarded rocket shenanigans.

>> No.8687146

they landed some spaceship that was chilling around in low earth orbit or something idk

>> No.8687167

ISS cargo

>> No.8687197

ISS cargo launch from LC-39A (the launch pad for the Saturn V and Space Shuttle). Op's photo is the first stage landing at Cape Canaveral.

>> No.8687216

>experiments to see if rats can live off semen in microgravity


>> No.8687225
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So how many first stages has SpaceX successfully landed now?

Must be close to 10 right?

When will they actually relaunch a used first stage?

>> No.8687227

they even picked a cloudy day to make it easier

>> No.8687231

Yeah, it does look unusually blurry around the rocket in that image.. almost as if they used Photoshop.

>> No.8687236
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1 - on display at HQ
1 - abused for 8 relaunches in TX
6 - technically reusable for commercial use

>> No.8687250

Shame it was so cloudy. All the moisture in the air made for a particularly misty launch, and the vehicle itself was out of sight after what felt like five seconds after liftoff.

>> No.8687336


I think the launch after the next one is going to be the first on a reused booster.

So in about a month.

>> No.8687374


4k, 60FPS landing video, filmed from a drone.

>> No.8687395
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This is what happens when you put a retarded anti science president in office.

After Trump was elected all of these retards cant believe in anything because everything, apparently, is fake now.

Kys yourselves.

>> No.8687405

>Read troll posts
>Respond to them with politics because absolutely everything has to be fucking political because virtue signalling obviously makes you the winner™
Get out.

>> No.8687427


>because virtue signalling obviously makes you the winner

I dont think you understand what you just said.

>> No.8687448

I said that the moral high ground is being claimed in the argument by blaming and equating Donald Trump with everything that's wrong, thus making Anon more virtuous than those rubes.

>> No.8687451


>by blaming and equating Donald Trump with everything that's wrong

He didn't do that.

>> No.8687461

Did you even read this? >>8687395

>> No.8687468


I did, but he didn't really do what you are claiming he did.

He pointed one specific thing that's been happening since Trump was elected which equally increased the amount of pol cross posters and shitposters.

>> No.8687478

>he didn't really do what you are claiming he did.
First of all, not me. Secondly: how fucking autistic are you? This is nitpicking on the level of mental illness.

>> No.8687484


Whoa just chill buddy.

>> No.8687522
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>Kys yourselves.
kill yourself yourselves

>> No.8687530


trump is liderally hidler ::DDD

>> No.8687531

>what is shitposting

>> No.8687548


>ad hominem strawman

Fuck off.

>> No.8687553

how many rockets have they landed now?

>> No.8687554


>trump gets elected
>his first actions are literally against everything America stands for and science
>lmao let me ignore this by posting le Libcuck message about le hitler being le trump hehehehe

kys yourself.

>> No.8687790



>> No.8687792

It isn't a strawman. People actually think Trump is literally Hitler. This is an undisputed fact. Just as much so as the existence of climate change.

>> No.8687821

America stands for being invaded by mexicans and muslims?

>> No.8687829

Actually pathetic

>> No.8687835

trump literally has elon on his advisory team.

kill yourself liberal faggot.

>> No.8687845
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>nod liking hider

:DDD :D:D :D:D

>> No.8687991

how many rockets have they landed successfully now?

>> No.8687993
File: 56 KB, 950x396, Nazi moon base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Hitler was anti-science
Trump is worse than Hitler.

>> No.8688053

All of them. Not one has ever missed Earth.

>> No.8688057

> Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.

>> No.8688149

>Trump attempted to wipe an entire group of people off the face of the earth

Are we living in alternate realities?

>> No.8688228

Remind me when that poem became part of US Government policy. Oh, that's right, it never did. Fuck off with this "nation of immigrants so import uneducated savages" meme.

>> No.8688294

sure, but how many have landed intact?

>> No.8688315

It's on one of our largest monuments

>> No.8688782

it kinda gets cancelled out by Alex Jones the rest.

>> No.8688796


Why do you choose to be a sucker?


>> No.8688802

>People actually think Trump is literally Hitler.
Yea, but not the guy he replied to, at least as far as we know.
Therefore: Strawman.

>> No.8688821
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>former immigrant complaints about immigrants

This is something that puzzles me.

Do you not realize that this has been a process that's been repeating over and over since the creation of the nation?

That the ''real americans'' then complained about the ''foreign hordes'' and when these foreign hordes became the ''real americans'' they complained about some others and so on and so forth? Always jumping towards the next thing, blaming the next race of people, some ideology, some religion.

Its been happening over and over.

That's why I said it puzzles me. Because I just wonder if you are that dense you do not realize that you are being played? That you are the fool in this situation? That you are nothing but a symptom that's deemed to repeat itself over and over and nothing else?

>> No.8688837

>Conquer Gaul
>fucking Germans trying to loot your cities
>Build limes

>> No.8688877

I blame Marius for making Roman soldiers beholden to their general, and not to the state.

>> No.8688894


It puzzles you because your an idiot. Don't sweat it.

>> No.8688901


>/sci/ forum
>"looks blurry around edges"

Anon, what does heat do to air (in terms of it's density and index of refraction)? What tends to happen to light as it passes through air that is not uniformly heated? Finally, what type of chemical reaction is resulting in propulsion upward?

You have your answer.

>> No.8688959

You just have to pass the captcha to post here, that still dont mean that he a) isnt trolling, or b) is at a level of education or brainpower allowing him to know what chemicals are or what such complex words as "refraction" means

>> No.8689010


>posts anime
>retarded semantics argument that deliberately ignores reality or differences between people

>> No.8689035

Are you denying that the Irish are filthy savages?

>> No.8689054

>Anon, what does heat do to air (in terms of it's density and index of refraction)? What tends to happen to light as it passes through air that is not uniformly heated? Finally, what type of chemical reaction is resulting in propulsion upward?
Nigga I don't fucking know, I'm an engineer and barely passed my chemistry and physics courses with Bs and Cs..

>> No.8689078


>/pol/ misses the point again

Not surprising.

Here you go buds.


And dont come back!

>> No.8689617

>It's on one of our largest monuments
This poem, by a proto-zionist jewess, was added (inside the pedestal) nearly two decades after the completion of the monument, as part of a propaganda effort pushing acceptance of the swarms of undesirables (jews and southern Italians) being foisted on a majority whose interests were being undermined to benefit the rich.

It has since been removed to a museum inside the broader base structure.

The backbone of the American population is protestant Western Europeans, with the Anglo-Saxon colonist core and the Germanic settler bulk (now the largest ethnicity) who were reluctantly let in because America couldn't farm or defend all the land it had conquered without more people. Besides that are mostly people brought in exclusively for the benefit of the rich, first the black slaves who had no right to negotiate and therefore enabled powerful men to claim huge tracts of the best land for themselves, later landless urban wage slaves from corrupt European cultures accustomed to oppression who had to compete for the rich man's dollar just to eat and would not stand firmly on any principle, and finally, totally indiscriminate bulk importation of non-Europeans under a variety of confused and absurd excuses, meant as a killing blow to the principled republic, to reduce America to another Brazil.

>> No.8689850
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Here you go buddy!


And dont come back!

>> No.8689946

Yeah, 4chan isn't the kind of place where you get to start a polical argument by posting a leftist position, and then the mods will ban anyone who responds to your provocation by arguing a right-wing position. If anything, these derailing posts are what's banworthy:
...and it's not because of the politics expressed, it's because they unreasonably pulled the conversation into politics.

>> No.8690229


kill yourself yourself?

>libcuck education

>> No.8690243

i hope shills start getting executed in my lifetime.

>> No.8690790

>1790 Naturalization Act

>> No.8691399

It's been happening well before the Trump presidency. There are active flat-earth cults.

>> No.8691425
File: 45 KB, 853x480, nasa-burdget-pib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been on a slow decline weeboo