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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8689353 No.8689353 [Reply] [Original]

hello there /lit/ emigrate here, I want to get into computer science, any recommendations for this? any interesting books or lectures that would get me going on the path of /compsci/ ? I've had enough of liberal arts cuckery.

>> No.8689355


>I've had enough of liberal arts cuckery.

Not gonna make it.

>> No.8689398

Introduction to the the theory of computation is a really easy and readable book

>> No.8689462

What do you mean by compsci ? Actual science or programming computers ?

>> No.8689482

how do i start to become a well-rounded programmer, computer aficionado.

>> No.8689492

Well then you can start by learning learn some python. Also install linux.

>> No.8689502
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>> No.8689514

what do you think of structure and interpretation of computer programs? should I get it?

>> No.8689515
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>> No.8689520

I can recommend http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/ as a good place to start. >>8689502 has some good stuff to look at later on.

It's a pointlessly difficult introductory textbook, that is often recommended as a meme for that reason. It's an awesome book to study at some point, but don't use it as starting material unless you enjoy sticking forks into your various body parts.

>> No.8689524

is that transition book really necessary?

>> No.8689530

ive read kant, i mean how hard can sicp be.

>> No.8689534

>ive read kan
Ah, so I imagine you do in fact enjoy the fork thing?

>i mean how hard can sicp be.
Well, as you wish.

>> No.8689545

This is the true way to learn computer science:
1) Learn boolean algebra
2) Learn logic gates (NOT, AND, OR, NOR, NAND, etc)
3) Learn basic CPU design concepts (registers, adders, etc)
4) Learn assembly language (pick one, x86 is fine)
5) Learn C

Almost no one learns it this way because this is the reverse of what's taught in school. They'll start you with some ultra-high-level language like BASIC or Java and you'll learn how to make useless web pages and have zero understanding of what a computer actually does.

Learn it from the bottom up and you will understand why each of those steps (logic -> gates -> functional units -> assembly -> other languages) is important and how they make your life easier. You'll be 100X more employable than the average college grad these days who only knows how to make phone apps.

>> No.8689552

>that last book

>> No.8689554

Well hard compsci is actually maths, where we model computers or programs with ad-hoc constructions and study these constructions.

If you want to do abstract stuff without a shitload of (rather ugly) formalism, you can start with algorithms and data structures. And you can learn programming while doing so.

>> No.8689562


i already watch computerphile and numberphile so I kind of know all of that stuff. So basically just learn C then?

>> No.8689567
File: 178 KB, 1068x1142, CS guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8689571

>is that transition book really necessary?

Yes or an equivalent intro to proofs book.

>> No.8689750

Troll post?

>> No.8689867

What about this one?


I remember it being recommended here?

>> No.8689894
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>5 fucking advanced algorithm books that probably overlap with each other entirely
>no book on C/C++

Nice bait, now take an asian chick

>> No.8689899

Are you retarded? The very first book is a C++ programming book

>> No.8689914
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shit nigger it's so small i missed it

>> No.8690207

Quit browsing here, go to >>>g.

Don't post threads, just read the wiki

>> No.8690266

This book is really horrible. I would not bother with it if I were you.

>> No.8690284


and the second.

now kys.

>> No.8690297
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No, that's a data structures book, it assumes the user already knows C++.

now KYS

>> No.8690318

Not him, but I'm also a pleb when it comes to tech. I have windows 10 but I would really like to get a different os.

It's locked me out several times, sometimes requiring I'm connected to the internet to even log in. I've even taken off the lock screen and it just puts it back up. But this isn't uncommon, it frequently changes things I make to my settings.

And the fucking bloat don't get me started. Even the most simple of tasks like opening the start menu will occasionally stall. Probably because of all of the programs that came pre-installed but that I never actually use (though it seems like they're all running in the background).

What annoys me the most is that the fucking think will just randomly turn on if I put it on sleep. It use to do it even after I shut it down but i guess they patched that. Oh yeah and another thing, it seems every fuxkjng day there is a new update to add more bloat to it. And now I've heard they're spying on their users and selling there data. I've had enough, I'm at my wits end. Please help me find something better but yet easy to set up and use. Like I said I know next to nothing about computers; I've never partitioned a hard drive and frankly, even after looking up what that means, I'm still not sure I understand.

>> No.8690322
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>> No.8690328


>the books assumes basic C++
>therefor it can't teach anything about C++ even though it says so in the title

pls kys.

>> No.8690331

And I'm sorry if this belongs in /g/

I asked them for help and was ridiculed.

>> No.8690335

Yeah the problem with sicp is that it'll be too hard with your math background. It would be a better idea to just learn something concrete like programming basic things and learn the math when you need it later.

>> No.8690346

Well you need to learn how to prove things mathematically eventually. The list isn't designed for mathematicians so it's not like you'll learn it in linear algebra or analysis.

>> No.8690366

Problem is, the list is procedural so they never get to 7iii and 7iv.

>> No.8690414

What are some good math resources for compsci math for someone that forgot highschool math ?
I heard to start with serge lang basic mathematics?

>> No.8690416

>had enough of liberal arts cuckery
>probably can't even give the name of the man in your picture or any of his contributions to society

>> No.8690418
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>> No.8690436

>tfw you have 4 of the brainlet books

>> No.8690443
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>laugh at troll post
>realize that a non-insignificant portion of undergrad population actually believes this

>> No.8690473

I really can't see what's that last paper, zooming distorts it too much. Can someone tell me what is it?

>> No.8690482


The point is that it is a progression.

Its a guide from brainlet to math demigod.

>> No.8690502

C++! You know it's better than regular C cuz it's got the +'s

>> No.8690651

Is that Greek Yogurt man?

>> No.8691117

>hurr durr they all have the word algorithm in their title, they must be the same

The first is a C++ 101 book, the second is a typical data structures in C++ 102 book, the third is an algorithms 201 book, and the forth is a system programming in C 211 book. Randomized Algorithms (using randomness to solve exactly) and Approximation Algorithms are 2 different things and aren't covered in an 201 course. Analysis of Algorithms and Analytic Combinatorics are graduate level texts.

>> No.8691228
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What would you recommend then? And could you elaborate why it is horrible? Like, sorry if that question bugs you, but I am on that level, where I cant particularly distinguish what makes programming book a great or piece of shit.

atm looking into C and/or python.