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8687444 No.8687444 [Reply] [Original]


What does /sci/ think of this rationalistic explanation of how magic works from a scientific point of view?

>> No.8687445

Please fuck off

>> No.8687447

that's not nice.
watch the video, is not /x/ BS.

>> No.8687452

No, go away faggot.

>> No.8687459

I want opinions on the video bro.
It makes actually sense.

BTW I don't believe in /x/ BS neither.

>> No.8687602

i got to 1:02
>believes in something beyond the mundane without evidence

not scientific, sorry.

>> No.8687635

watch all the video.

he explains it pretty well.

>> No.8687637


I'm not watching 30 minutes of that bullshit, give a concise overview or get out.

Also, what's up with occult fags being superficially into memetics? Memetics simply references the idea that culture is an evolutionary phenomenon, yet these dickweeds almost always are talking about some sort of cultural creationism.

>> No.8687665

okay, here's the TL:DR version.

human culture, as in the combinations of society, language, fashion, social code, morals, scientific knowledge, art.

All of human culture is basically something imaginary that doesn't exist in the real physical world.

Therefore, being it a combination of realities from humans, it would be possible to effect changes in this layer of reality through the use of magic, in the case of the video, memetic warfare.

Trump election was a classical example of memes being used as magic.

Magic in this case refers to the mind works, rather than changing the physical reality.

>> No.8687669


You... are not serious right?

>> No.8687674

that's the gist of the video.

Shit like the refugee crisis.

I'm gonna give you one example:

A famous person that has good fame about being a good person, suddenly a bunch of fake news start talking bad about that person, and a campaign of dissinso on tv and facebook about that person start happening.

suddenly, people will start to have bad opinions, even if such opinions are not real.

example = trump.

>> No.8687678
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>> No.8687683

This is garbage.

>> No.8687689

It's one example fag.

or hitler.

there's people who worship hitler and others think is the anticrist, but both opinions are simply human interpretations with not conection to the reality.

or english language, for some people is giberish.

what part is garbage?

that culture is imaginary and is not real (as in physical reality?)

>> No.8687693

that's not magic... that's basic sociology

>> No.8687702

I dunno.

I do think at least trying to explain magic as effecting changes in the layer of reality of humans that isn't physical could be an interesting explanation.

Of course I don't believe in magic such as levitation or telekynesis, but I do believe in shit like the law of attraction, in the sense that a kid that dreams about being millionaire can become one through hard work.

>> No.8687703

>what part is garbage

Yes, first that culture is imaginary. I don't know how you can deny that cultures exist. And secondly, calling something that isn't magic 'magic' doesn't make it so. If I decide that I'm going to call putting on my socks every morning sex, it wouldn't be true that I'm having sex every morning.

>> No.8687707

culture is real, but is diferent than a rock.

by example: languages, there's historical recordings of languages that we can't recover that are not longer there.

by example the language of gengis khan, it simply not longer exist and is not possible to recover it.

I'm sure if I start writing in my native taco speak, it will be giberish to you, even while for me is real.

a culture will be nonsense to people from other cultures.

>> No.8687709

the law of attraction in isolation doesn't work, at all, wanting something does not make it manifest, what it is, is a physiological bullying tactic. to make yourself more likely to perform actions that you think would further that desire, nothing here is magic. please define what you mean by "magic"

>> No.8687714


You are not making much sense, anon.

What are you trying to prove?

>> No.8687726

But that doesn't make cultures imaginary in the slightest. Also a few points:
Whether a language has disappeared or not says nothing of whether it was real or not, much like whether dinosaurs don't exist anymore doesn't impact the reality that they existed.

Whether something is universally intelligible or not has no logical connection on whether it is imaginary or not.

>> No.8687740

I dunno how to explain it.

but as always magic isn't something that can be proven by science.

my concept of magic is more like the law of attraction, in the sense that phychological changes to yourself can make changes in the cultural bubble of others.

by example:
learning to do pickup, gaining confidence, getting money, all these changes effect the reality (the mind) of other girls that will see you diferent and therefore your making yourself more attractive and therefore you'll get girls.

Dunno if that's basic phychology.

Another example:
You want money: so you effect changes in your own mental reality (mind), this changes has effect on other people, so by some weird coincidence your life starts changing to your goal, coincidences start to happen.

I've doing some version of the law of attraction since I was a children, and after I discovered and read I've started to do the law of attraction.

For some weird reasons, your life start getting some weird coincidences that help you reach your goal.

Sure, they may be coincidences, but is pretty weird to see how such coincidences seems to have a goal to guide you to your path.

Dunno how else to explain, my experiences has been self taugh most of the time.

I mean, is in a diferent layer than the physical world, I'm trying to say that culture lives in a dynamic layer that can change and magic is a way to effect a change in such layer.

Who knows, maybe the brain is simply an anthena and the mind lives in a comunal ether, like some philosophers claim.

>> No.8687748
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>but as always magic isn't something that can be proven by science.


>> No.8687752

maybe there could be a rational explanation, I dunno.

>but philosophy isn't science moron

>> No.8687761

nothing you listed there is "magic", everything there can be explained, isolated, tested and repeated, this is just psychology and sociology, not magic.

>> No.8687764

no-one mentioned philosophy

>> No.8687765

Yeah, I don't know what this guy's rambling about.

>> No.8687772

>philosophy isn't science

Unless you're a naturalist, and you think all philosophy should be subjected to the scientific method.

Here's one example in epistemology.


>> No.8687773

I dunno if I'm explaining it poorly.

That's my conception of magic, as such, is entirelly on the realm of science.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that by the use of personal actions towards a goal cpincidences start to happen.

Are coincidences even explained scientifically?

I dunno, but I think the mind is from another material than the physical body.
There has been cases where adults discovers they lack 90% of their brain.

It seems such cases are evidence that the mind doesn't reside on the physical body.

>> No.8687783

>"that's about all" man
>on /sci/


>> No.8687786

>There has been cases where adults discovers they lack 90% of their brain.
No, that never happened in the history of mankind. Honestly OP, this shit belongs on /x/.

>> No.8687787

there are no coincidences, all events can be traced backwards to the beginning of the universe, thing just happens "for no reason" every event has a cause. what you mentioned in your examples required no "coincidences".

also your second part, about the brain and the mind and the whole 10% thing is just incorrect, there is no evidence that the "mind" is anything other than the result of the electro-chemical processes inside the brain, so why believe different?

>> No.8687793


not really, maybe you should try to understand all the evidence that proves there is some problem trying to explain that the mind lives inside the body.

have you seen the cases of little kids that remember past lives and in some cases they've found the descendants of such people?


wanna try again?

>> No.8687802


Yeah, then if you read the whole article, you'd have spotted the correction at the bottom.

''This man has a specific type of hydrocephalus known as chronic non-communicating hydrocephalus, which is where fluid slowly builds up in the brain. Rather than 90 percent of this man's brain being missing, it's more likely that it's simply been compressed into the thin layer you can see in the images above. We've corrected the story to reflect this.''

The man is not missing 90% of his brain. Stop reading about science on garbage websites and pick up an academic journal.

>> No.8687811

maybe, but that shows that 90% of the brain could be removed.

>> No.8687812

no, it actually doesn't it shows that 90% can be compressed while only making you a moron, have you considered getting a brain scan?

>> No.8687815


do you think the mind resides inside the brain?

>> No.8687816

No. Jesus Christ, I just said it was compressed. None of his brain is missing.

>> No.8687819

Of course it does, and there's overwhelming scientific evidence showing this. This is why if you have stroke, and your brain is damaged, you will have cognitive problems.

>> No.8687820

Yes. Simply apply achems razor, there is no evidence to suggest it does not so simply believe the simplest answer, that it does.

>> No.8687983

Sounds like cargo-cult sociology to me, I.E. I read a few books and desperately want to conflate "magic" and the occult with it.

Not science, it's just-so stories unless you can make testable, measurable risky predictions with it. Otherwise there's absolutely no point whatsoever except for mental masturbation.

It's shitty philosophy as well so there's no defense there.

>> No.8688064

Anon, I'm an /x/-fag and even I can tell you this is total bullshit.

>> No.8688146
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*waaagh intensifies*

>> No.8688148

this guy is literally cancer

i dont get why people watch him

>> No.8688169

Because many people are equally cancerous.

>> No.8688189

he's so goddam smug and matter-of-factly when he spouts complete conjecture

people must take his word for it because he looks like a nerd and sounds intelligent

>> No.8688206

Yeah, I do agree. I think it's a cheap way to hold on to beliefs that there are supernatural forces in the world by clinging to the fact that somewhat who is somewhat articulated is supporting the view.

>> No.8689882

>Magic in this case refers to the mind works, rather than changing the physical reality.
That's not magic. It's just brainwashing

>> No.8689997

If multiverse and rifting dimensions is possible then it should be possible that one universe has interdimensional magic that translates in this universe as scientific phenomenon.

>> No.8690670

>Magic in this case refers to the mind works, rather than changing the physical reality.
Nigga you should've started off with that, you don't just change the meaning of words without telling whoever it is you're speaking with.