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8684592 No.8684592 [Reply] [Original]

Why do 100% of us die in under 130 years? Why aren't there occasionally people making it to 200 years or something instead? Is there a hard limit on human longevity gains that can't be passed?

>> No.8684614

genetic damage preventing cellular reproduction from environmental factors

>> No.8684627

1000 years ago the question was "why do 100% of us die in under 100 years? why aren't there occasionally people making it to 112 years or something else instead?"
1000 years from now the question will be "why do 99% of us die in under 200 years? why don't the ruling class of plutocrat immortals make their healthcare plans more affordable for the rest of us?"

>> No.8684657

You think I want people to know I'm 355 years old? Why would I want that?

>> No.8684675

Because early humans fucked it up for all of us and now we're not trusted with that long life spans

>> No.8684693


Nah, I don't know if I buy that. I think the hard limit has always been around the 120s and while modern health / science development has led to more people living out a greater portion of the years under that hard limit, nothing's been done to actually move that limit yet ("yet," or maybe it can't ever be done).

>> No.8684696

Why the fuck would you want to live for that much amount of time in this chutiya world?

>> No.8684699


I don't like living that much, but I don't want to die.

>> No.8684700

Death is literal redemption from this trap called life.

>> No.8684717


Well cutting off your foot would cure an ingrown toenail, but that doesn't mean you can't both not like ingrown toenails and not want to cut off your foot.

>> No.8684720

Sorry, meant for:


to be a reply to this one:


>> No.8684726

Hayflick limit. There is a hard limit on how many times your cells are allowed to reproduce due to shortening of telomeres which would be a hard limit on age

>> No.8684752

Actually industrial revolution shortened our maximum lifespans.

More people live older but not THAT old

>> No.8684794

>>>8684592 (OP)
>Why the fuck would you want to live for that much amount of time in this chutiya world?
Superpower 2090

>> No.8684808

>he hasn't read genesis

>> No.8684812

The better question is why would you even want to live for that long?

>> No.8684828

This post is naive and stupid.

>> No.8684843

And where do you get this fact from?

>> No.8684845


>> No.8684851

Because if they would, you would be sitting here, posting the same stupid thread, asking why 100% of the people die in under 200 years.

>> No.8684916

>posting from MT Stupid

>> No.8684931

Go watch the vsauce video on this

>> No.8685234

Currently there are a few hurdles.

You only have a certain number of cell divisions due to minor flaws in replication that lead to loss of telomeres. Your cells don't always have to divide, but they do when you have to heal wounds, for example.

Senescent cells (which have permanently halted replication cycles) can sometimes be harmful to the body. Sometimes cells go senescent due to telomere loss, sometimes it's just other stresses.

If you want to express telomerase in your differentiated cells to extend telomeres (we do have the genes for telomerase, but it's expressed in stem cells), you risk some problems.

Cell Immortalization is one of the hallmarks of cancer, although for the disease to fully develop you'd also have to gain oncogenic expression and loss of tumor suppressive activity. Still, I dunno, might make it easier for it to develop because you have a box checked off, so we'll need to better understand how to treat cancers.

Also I don't really know much about the brain, but from what I can tell you'd need ways to overcome neurodegeneration from buildup of plaques and shit.

I don't think it's impossible for humanity to one day develop extended or indefinite lifespan through use of greater technology and understanding. But uh, yeah, shit ain't easy.

>> No.8685270


>> No.8685272

I imagine thousands of years ago people asked themselves "Why do we never live past 60?"...and then they died, all of them.

>> No.8685281

dude just reverse telomere shortening

>> No.8685354
File: 20 KB, 450x320, hitler-wolfenstein-3d_9977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you, faget.

There are multiple plausible solutions to human mortality, from artificial organs to organ cloning to stupid things like keeping a brain in a jar alive indefinitely, connected to a bunch of sensors.

>party robot
>now my head can spin
>i'll be alive a million years now let the party begin

>> No.8685375

Enjoy your cancer

>> No.8685379

That's what they said about stem cells

Checkmate, atheists

>> No.8685398


Cancer is OK in moderation.

>> No.8685459

I used to wonder why they haven't tested full organ replacement in mice, but then I learned that we haven't actually figured out this whole cloning thing yet.

So the first step to figuring out aging is to figure out how to do true cloning, because creating clones from adult DNA results in something that is born biologically old. Just being able to clone fresh bone marrow might be enough to reverse aging. The body is a huge network of systems supporting each other, and bone marrow is so central within that network that restoring it might restore everything else.

>> No.8685519

evolutionary pressure selected us for reproduction and not longevity. some crab species have extreme age and some do not despite being similar genetically, it could be due to resources being plentiful in the areas where long lived ones evolved.

>> No.8685620

>evolutionary pressure selected us for reproduction and not longevity.

This is just not true, it's the opposite. We're selected for longevity like most other mammals and bigger vertebrates.

>> No.8685730


I don't consider 30 years a long time. if we had no technological capability we'd be dead real quick.

>> No.8685868

well yes we need to figure out how to reverse telomere shortening WITHOUT cancer
and then we will be able to solve (?) aging

>> No.8685904

The hard limit seems to be brain damage. Fuck up your brain and it doesn't repair itself. If humanity could find a way to heal damaged brains we could probably live much longer. Though it may mean being sentient yet hooked up to life support machines at very old age

>> No.8685916

In a little while we're just going to upload our minds to computers. We don't need to worry about brain damage then.

>> No.8685925


Nah because the cells in the brain don't do that telomere shortening thing anyway and they still degrade. dementia etc.

>> No.8685934


Your life is important because of your consciousness, I guess uploading a copy of your consciousness might be possible but it wouldn't be you.

>> No.8685939

Consciousness =/= soul

>> No.8685941

We don't know all the causes of dementia. At least one cause of it has nothing to do with the brain being dysfunctional.

>> No.8685949


I know.

A soul is a religious myth.

But still, uploading a consciousness would be a copy at best.

>> No.8685957

>I know.
Evidently you don't. Consciousness is just the ability of something to track motions through time.

>> No.8685969


What the fuck are you even talking about now?

>> No.8685976

Your brain is not the same as it was years ago. Identity is not based on physical components remaining. You can believe in consciousness or deny it, but probably uploading it need'nt be any different than the normal physical changing of braincells.

>> No.8685994

Consciousness has nothing to do with identity.

>> No.8686026
File: 105 KB, 640x823, Li_chingYuen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There actually has been 1 documented person to reach such an age.


He lived to be approximately 200 years old by the best sources available on the matter. There are chinese documents and photographs of him and you can see the nail growth and extreme withered condition the living corpse of his body must have had. It is very rare for someone to live this long, certainly he must've had an excellent gene for longevity, as diet and good health alone cannot account for this, he had good fortune and blessing of God

He was also an astonishing 210cm tall, which is very tall for a Chinese man

>> No.8686030

>believing a bunch of dumb savages that literally eat trash and use it as building material

>> No.8686056
File: 53 KB, 832x624, liqingyuan17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese government sent him a certificate congratulating him on his 100th, 150th, and 200th years of life. Look up General Yu Zhongqi he was the commanding officer that this guy served under

>> No.8686071

And you think the chinese government is reliable?

>> No.8686077


>Height 7 ft (210 cm)

oh come the fuck on

>> No.8686106

Ancient China's historical records are actually pretty accurate.

>> No.8686117


This. It got too implausible.

>> No.8686675
File: 25 KB, 285x412, Jeanne-Calment-1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are living longer every day, don't give up hope OP!

Jeanne Calment lived to the age of 122. She was living on her own, independently, until 110. Calment smoked cigarettes from the age of 21 (1896) to 117 (1992).[1][8]

Now this isn't a pro-smoking post, smoking is still by all means very bad for you, moreso its meant to shed light on how much genetics contribute to someone's lifespan. It was enough longevity boost to surpass all the damage 100 years of smoking can do to you, or she got very, VERY lucky. It is possible if she didn't smoke she might've lived to be 150.

>> No.8686708

Our arteries and veins have to expand and contract with every heartbeat. This causes rips and tears that get filled in with scar tissue. This process has been proven to happen in young children, so its unlikely to be stopped with drugs, or a healthy diet (but it can be slowed down). The scar tissue isn't as flexible as the original tissue, so the stretching and expansion causes more and more damage, which eventually spirals out into some type of stroke in some organ of the body, which typically happens between 70 and 120 years.

>> No.8687399

And apparently the thing that killed her was a broken leg because it stopped her from using her bike.

>> No.8687627

The ampunt of blood that reaches cardiovascular systems decreases as a function age that approaches 0 as age approaches 130

>> No.8687656

Well shit. That's pretty much the single hardest thing to replace in the body. It also explains why certain things "age" us.

>> No.8687658
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 0lBXFeW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy again

He's a fucking meme who wasted 13 million dollars of his own money on a ludicrous pipe dream.

>> No.8687938

>Pipe dream
>Hasn't been disproven
>Funded his own research and is still doing it, and sharing it with others.
>You have nothing to actually counter his works and claims, neither does anyone else.
I don't personally support Grey, but you sound like a hater.

>> No.8687950

Living to that age? When the closest runner up is only around 120?

It just doesn't seem possible.

>> No.8687970

>environmental factors
Cell division isn't an environmental factor. Mutations happen, it's just a fact of life.

>> No.8688069

Until someone decides to hack the databse and put your brain file in a torture chamber for eternity for the lulz

>> No.8688181

Plenty of other people's records (such as Shirali Muslimov) were missed out too. I think it's just that it was much harder to use today's standards to verify people's ages back in the day.

>> No.8688218



smoking isn't *that* bad for you.

and it helps if you smoke unfiltered, organic, additive free tobacco.

there's some evidence that smokers live an average of 3 years less than non smokers, however, correlation =/= causation.

>> No.8688241

I wonder if his bones could be analyzed to figure out his real age.