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8673355 No.8673355 [Reply] [Original]

How do you think over population will effect the human race?
Asking on this board for a more thought out answer.

we've gone form 2 billion to 7.5 in about 50 years.

I think it will be a huge problem and everywhere on earth will be a crime ridden third world slum and the only people with acceptable living conditions will be governments and the ultra rich.

I think society at large will lose the ability to renew itself and technology will be forgotten when the established manufactures of complex tech goods close shop due to poor safety conditions like in chicago or detroit.

Am I being too negative?

>> No.8673359

bonus question.

how will the advent of human cloning effect the perception of over population?

>> No.8673366
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it already has started affecting us anon, the arab spring was caused by the price of bread going up middle east desert places are gonna get shittier with pollution + mass population making growing food and living rough, leading to mass immigration to nice greener places like usa and europe.

basically we need a mass extinction event / plague / war

>> No.8673370

we aren't going to have a war because all the nations of the world are terrified of the weapon capability we have now and the capacity to completely destroy ourselves. War hasn't been war since the atom bomb fell, it's mostly business now.

The extinction event will most likely be a multi generational prolonged reverting to a dark age while some small groups hang on to advanced technology in secret.

I predict a agonizing slow and steady decline back into a new dark age that resembles the famous mouse utopia experiment.

the world ends with a whimper

>> No.8673376
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I'm 19 ill just let the next generation fix it

>> No.8673377


I'd like to note the subliminal messages in the movie world war z and the great wall movie with matt damon.

Both are about countries defending themselves against hoards with a wall, isreal literally keeping the metaphorical masses out in the zombie movie.

trump is building a wall and ceasing immigration.

I think protectionist policies will gain in popularity as people see how bad the rest of the world is.

the left will see the third world and say "we must help them!" the right will see it and say "we must not let them in lest we become like them!"

>> No.8673384
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maybe we can stay walled off inside long enough for the 3rd world shitholes to completely die off.

or honestly if america could take control of the 3rd world shitholes and turn them nice

>> No.8673389

I think america will become a third world slum in 3-5 decades. One of the few reasons we have any wealth in this country at all is because we enslaved the world through globalism to make them build are consumerist junk, "made in china" you know. but because all the wealth from enslaving the world didn't go to the american people but to wall street and we ended up poor anyway there is a knee jerk reaction to bring jobs back into the country.

I don't know if america has it in them to produce all their own goods and not only that we are losing our power over the 3rd world we had with globalism.

>> No.8673391
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>turn them nice
yeah by nuking them

>> No.8673395

honestly the globalist plan was genius.

it made the third world laborers, bringing security and safety to their regions in exchange for a life of menial labor, while freeing america to do work in administrative and scientific endeavors. Only america isn't filled with scientists, it's filled with fat consumers.

>> No.8673402

I wonder what it would take to take american culture form celebration of thug and athletics to celebration of science and business.

But just like america being able to produce all it's own goods, I don't think america has it in them to be a nation of scientists or other high paying jobs.

>> No.8673412

I agree. My country is fucking retarded and everyone here is a normalfag, even the intellectuals. If I even try to use logic I get shot down with chad-reasoning.

>> No.8673423

maybe we need to institute 1 child policies

>> No.8673425


but the realities of enforcing such a policy would be a nightmare. sentencing to mandatory forced abortions are a humans rights nightmare.

>> No.8673428

and you can forget about penalizing people with too many kids, that will just create a huge multitude of "discriminated" and criminalized poor and middle class.

>> No.8673429
File: 136 KB, 705x654, Death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I being too negative?
Not negative enough, this shit is going to go down on your watch. Some people have estimated carrying capacity of earth without fossil fuels to be about 2 billion souls but it's all wild speculation with many variables. The exponential population rise correlates with the oil age which we can say started roughly 1900.
Others including oil geologists suspect we are at or past peak oil and the first half was the easy to get stuff, the last half will not be efficiently harvested, will have exponentially rising taxation associated with it (global warming boogeyman or other yet invented reasonings) and much of it may be spent on resource wars. With so many people now at current consumption rates we might have 20 years until EROEI goes less than 1 and then the die off begins in earnest but that's under ideal conditions and best case scenarios.

If natural studies are any indication, when a species goes well into population overshoot due to abundance of a food resource (we eat oil now) and lack of population checks (predators, disease, famine...etc) the depletion of that resource sparks a dramatic and drastic die off. We could end up in the millions by the time it's all said and done, then the project of civilization begins again...then again, maybe not!?

>> No.8673430


1 child polices would lead to radicalism and violence I think.

>> No.8673436

sounds like the search for clean energies is more desperate than let on.

>> No.8673441

what about nations like india that don't use as much fossil fuels but have a huge population?

what's their fossil fuel consumption rates?

nvm just googled it, they consume a ton of oil and import a lot too

>> No.8673450

This is very depressing. I wonder how serious this information is taken by governments. I've been reading that the military (USA) forecasts struggles for water and over population problems

>> No.8673456

can anything prevent this?
renewable energy?

>> No.8673470


>> No.8673485

I don't believe the part where it says more people=more people to advance the species. I think we are going to get more crowding and more mediocre people who do meaningless jobs for minimum wage. but that's my anecdotal opinion.

actually I don't believe this video at all. It doesn't address what this anon said

All this technology enabling liberty and higher population runs on a power source and we are running out of it.

>> No.8673883

>overpop is a problem
kill yourself then

>> No.8674905
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Who cares I'll be dead before then anyway.

The universe ends when you die so why should I care.

>> No.8676435

Why should anyone care that you don't care? Go off and watch your anime then.

>> No.8676451

Across the whole world?
The west actually isn't breeding at a huge pace.

>> No.8677474
File: 116 KB, 863x443, Countriesbyfertilityrate.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, in sub saharan Africa, but in Europe we should ENCOURAGE people to breed, because we are not even going to replace our countries' populations.

In Africa, the fertility rate is as high as 5, 6, 7 children per woman, see pic. Niger is one of the highest (the pink one in West Africa) - the map suggests it's under 7, but google says it's 7.57 children per woman there.

This needs to be stopped. For one thing, why the FUCK are we giving them Western medicine? Are we fucking nuts? We are literally spending all our money on keep their children alive while we don't even have the money to have 1 or 2 children ourselves - how come the lefties who talk about being a "citizen of the world" don't want to redress this criminally unfair imbalance?

>> No.8677478


>> No.8677576

>Am I being too negative?
No, in fact, I'd say you've underestimated by a significant amount.
Sane--thoughtful--people see the shit we're in. Everywhere.
However, most people are in denial so they have enough problems just trying to walk and hold things, far less are they able to think critically. Have you seen how many females have been raped by their brothers, dads or uncles? Years for some of them: and it's made them mad as hatters. How many of you have realized the high probability that your mother was raped, likely more than once? Does it make you angry, or do you not care?

>> No.8677612

Got a map of death rate or infant mortality rate?

Or whether or not Western medicine reduces those fertility rates? Or that condoms are part of that Western medicine?

Or do you cherry pick stats in vacuum?

>> No.8677689


I'm not going to respond to you.

Employ a better attitude next time.

>> No.8677704

>asks logical questions and raises fair objections
>"I don't like your attitude."

Should he have phrased his questions as petulant whines, like you do?

>> No.8677812

It's time to go nuclear there is no other way until we can make a dyson sphere.

>> No.8677853

I wonder if a small group of rich and powerful predict all this and have already prepared for it. Let's face it, they aren't going to want to go down with the ship - and after the worst, they (or their descendants) inherit the earth. Any other survivors would be easy to defeat, round up for slavery, etc.

I'm sure there's enough resources for thousands of years if only a handful of people are allowed to consume them.

>> No.8677964

>go nuclear
Make sure Lynn doesn't hit the hazards.

>> No.8677973

makes me want to join the military, they have the best survival odds.

>> No.8678412

Kill all niggers, kill all muslims, kill all communists, kill all faggots

Are you satisfied now, /pol/?

>> No.8678484

Too negative.

No where close to the Earth being overpopulated.

Just poor allocation of resources, incredible resource waste.

People living in prime agricultural land.

Every human on Earth could, standing shoulder to shoulder, chest to back, could fit into, with lots of room leftover, the City of Los Angeles, not the county, but the city.

Put 4 people into a 750 square foot house, give them a yard, put he house into a village of 1000, give them parks, Community areas, downtown district, then build another identical village and another and another until all humans on Earth are housed, this network of community's would fit within the boarders of Texas with enough space left to house a few billion more.

No overpopulation.

Just poor allocation of resources.

>> No.8678494

what an incredibly unintelligent post

>> No.8678498

I counter your optimism with the utopian mouse experiment.

>> No.8678499

>4 people in 750 sq ft
Are you from India? No offense.

>> No.8678537


In the game Mass Effect, they have an overpopulation issue with some aliens called Krogan, they are very aggressive and fucked their own planet with nukes. The other species solved the problem by spreading a biological weapon called genophage and it caused that Krogan's children were immune to medicine and more susceptible to diseases, that caused a huge drop in their numbers and were controlled.

Could it be possible that someone decides to use a biological weapon capable of targeting specific ethnic groups? Maybe just to sterilize without killing them.

>> No.8678545

The earth could easily support 20 billion people if everyone were satisfied to remain at their current standards of living.

The problem is that everyone expects their standard of living to continue to increase forever. And higher standards of living require more resources.

>> No.8678551
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this is why we need capitalism, if the resources are privately owned and inaccessible to the overpopulators the growth will be controlled

>> No.8678553

this thread is a testmanent to how fucking stupid /sci/ really is

population growth is slowing down as a whole, and the fertility rate for advanced countries plummets

>> No.8678555

rate of population growth* sounds better

>> No.8678580

>fertility rate for advanced countries plummets
People treat this as a universal fact, but really all the evidence we have for this is circumstantial.

>> No.8678662

>human race
Stopped reading there

>> No.8678677

even at the very least, high female education unmistakably results in a lower fertility rate

what kinds of societies have more educated females? hmm, those of the advanced variety perhaps

>> No.8678686

To /v/ defense, people have been spouting this bullshit for decades long after we realized the 15th billion person would never be born

>> No.8678734

You're an idiot.