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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8664555 No.8664555 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /Sci/, the lads on /pol/ went full retard again.
Can we have a collective discussion that BTFO's the chem-trail conspiracy theory once and for all?

>> No.8664567

Assuming mind control chemicals exist, something we cannot deny, spreading them via airplane is a viable method to gain a hold on even the people who resist the kind controlling substances in the drinking water.

>> No.8664571

Doesn't really matter. All that jet fuel is still bad for the environment and public health.

>> No.8664573

>he still thinks /x/ 2.0 is salvageable

>> No.8664590

No, just thought it'd be fun.

>> No.8664626

Real. I mean obviously those come from planes and they are made up of chemicals. Thus "chem trails". Why is this even a question?

>> No.8664634

well, assuming you are right (which you are not, btw) how come we haven't turned into mind-controlled zombies yet? Seems to me the Illuminati aren't doing a very good job at chem trailing our asses. Perhaps a good ol' fluorization program is the way to go here.

>> No.8664637
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>attempting to argue with /pol/
'Tis easier to pass an aircraft carrier through the eye of a needle

>> No.8664640

>I know what all planes drop down

>> No.8664683

Ah, another /pol/tard pretending to not be /pol/ and spamming their insane bullshit here...

>> No.8664702

How is weather/environmental manipulation an embarrassing conspiracy?

Doe /sci/ really believe this never happens ever??

>> No.8664730

About a decade ago, CSULB next to me actually sent up a plane to sample some odd chemtrails, and found a bunch of silver nitrate.

So not mind control, but weather control - which, unlike mind control, is actually illegal.

Cali needs dat rain do.

>> No.8664788

Seriously fuck off, you're cancer.

>> No.8664839
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did I trigger you, manbaby?

>> No.8664864

Sorry, I don't believe having witch hunts is appropriate when you haven't even proven the existence of magic. Provide evidence of this chem trail shit ever happening, let alone being possible and then I'll consider the discussion worth having.

>> No.8664896
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Real, and easily proven. Just buy a good pair of binoculars and you'll see that it's obviously some type of aerosol being dispersed.
What's being dispersed? Your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.8664904

Then it should be easy to prove it by taking a sample of air and analysing it.

>> No.8664909

>this chem trail shit ever happening, let alone being possible
Shouldn't that be the other way around?

>> No.8664911

*tips fedora*

Magic exists it says so in The Bible.

>> No.8664913

How do you know it's aerosol as opposed to, say, water vapor?
>inb4 "fuck you i know what clouds look like and those ain't clouds, boy"

>> No.8664926

You're right, I went a bit retard with the phrasing there.

Are you saying I'm an idiot for needing evidence to shape my beliefs? I hear drinking bleach makes you 100% white instead of some subhuman, give it a go if you'll just believe anything you hear.

>> No.8664930

I believe everything in THE BIBLE moran.

>> No.8664937
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>BTFO's the chem-trail conspiracy
You retarded son?

>> No.8664938

The benefits of being white are in The Bible according to radical Christianic terrorists. They didn't have the technology of bleach back then, it's kind of a cheat code into heaven, God approves.

>> No.8664952

Adding to this since it's all true. Obama's satanic government tried teaching the public that bleach was poisonous to drink. He wants you in his kingdom of Hell. Who are you going to believe? Some libcuck politician (((scientist)))? Or me, your fellow red pilled aryan brother? Trump said this to me in private too btw but he won't tell anyone because the liberal government is censoring him so you know it's legit.

>> No.8664969
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>> No.8664985

Man this board is retarded.

>> No.8664996

Shhh... We have company. It is not polite to call them names.

>> No.8664997
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>> No.8665044

chemtrails are laying down a substrate used by HAARP to manipulate weather

>> No.8665132

Chemtrails are real. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a plane that doesn't have chemicals in its exhaustm

>> No.8665141

Those are contrails.

>> No.8665151

>pair of binoculars
>detecting earosols
Topkek m8

>> No.8665297

Contrails are made of chemicals though.

>> No.8665522

So is a baloney sandwich

>> No.8665666

Neurotoxic chemicals!
Most people haven't invested in their intelligence so they don't worry about their brain? They don't worry about cell-phone radiation damage cause they have nothing to lose.

>> No.8666054

In a sense, contrails are a toxic chemical - jet exhaust is not healthy to breathe.

In a sense, it is a conspiracy - the fossil fuel industry does not want you to believe their products are having a measurable effect on AGW.

It is cuckoo to believe that it is some sort of intentional poisoning of the atmosphere, aside from sales of petroleum products. It is absurd to think that it is somehow added to jet fuel to disperse for the purpose of altering minds.

Which makes ot perfect fodder to believe and claim precisely that. Charlatans have no real talent and they're lazy, so it's simple, fun, and profitable (to ego or wallet) to come up with crazy shit. It's all they know.

And you cannot change that. Ever. Period.

>> No.8666077

>how come we haven't turned into mind-controlled zombies yet?

Have a majority of us not?

>> No.8666085


Dubz confirmed.

>> No.8666184


>Contrails are jet exhaust.

Dude, just...

>> No.8666216

Go ahead, I'll stand by what I said. Speak your mind...

>> No.8666222

Contrails are jet exhaust, specifically crystallized water vapor from the jet exhaust.

>> No.8666229

>It is absurd to think that it is somehow added to jet fuel to disperse for the purpose of altering minds
Persistent 'contrails' are commonplace all over North America now - shitting up sunny days on a regular basis. Not sure about other places but could only be something added to the jet fuel because of the massive scale of the dispersions - regular commercial flights on regular airliners are being used. Some suspect nano metals like Aluminum but who knows since there is an obvious news media blackout on the entire topic. My own hunch is it is in fact Al and this will not only eventually fuck up the minds of north Americans but the soil as well. This is probably a basic depopulation tactic. For plausible deniability, when the carnage can no longer be blacked out from the press, the powers that be will claim it was innocent and well intentioned geo-engineering gone awry, only done to combat global warming.

>> No.8666238

Go see a psychiatrist

>> No.8666264

What could a shrink do about my sunny days being shit up with synthetic contrails?

>> No.8666302

>Persistent 'contrails' are commonplace all over North America now
Sweetie, they've been around for a lot longer than "now." In fact, 2001 offered a tiny window in which we were able to see the sky for real.


So yes, contrails are affecting our atmosphere and environment, but it is just another one of those bungling disaster that humans perpetrate due to the need for convenience, and lack of foresight. They are the visual manifestation of human activity. It's that simple, it's that stupid, it's that harmful.

>> No.8666311

See >>8666238

>> No.8666329

Use your words, child. What is the problem you have with what was posted here?
If you don't communicate, we can't help you work out your issues.

>> No.8666379

The quantity of liquid to form that much of a "spray" across the sky that much couldn't possibly fit in an aircraft.

>> No.8666564

What is dat wrbm supposed to demonstrate?

>> No.8666628

The aircraft in the chemtrail theory doesn't need to carry the whole volume of the cloud, just something in its exhaust that stabilizes the extant contrail and perhaps adds a small dilute chemical to be dispersed.

Personally I think chemtrails are bonkers. But to keep an open mind, I think that if any point of the theory is going to have an explanation and basis in reality it might be that the additives present in jet fuel to keep fuel lines clear and engines running clean might have some effect on the persistence of contrails. However, I wouldn't go so far as to link those additives to any of the heavy metal dispersions the chemtrail people claim are occurring because those metals aren't used in the additives. If it's happening at all I think it's a cosmetic effect.

>> No.8666676

airplanes make artificial clouds.
more clouds = less sunlight exposure = less vitamin D.

>> No.8666861

How do you know you aren't being manipulated with mind control chemicals right now?

How can you trust what you see when you may be under mind control right now?

>> No.8667141
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>> No.8667707

uh oh he's gonna call you a SJWtard next