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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8663485 No.8663485 [Reply] [Original]

Who /grader/ here?

What's the most embarrassing thing you've seen on an assignment or exam?

>> No.8663501

sin(2x)/sin(x) = 2x/x = x

>> No.8663535

But what level of education?

>> No.8663552
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>student attempts a proof
>crucial part of proof ahead
>writes small and indecipherably because he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing at this point

shaking my head famalalama. Maybe it makes me cringe because I've done the same myself :-^)

>> No.8663588

2x/x = x


he even got that wrong

>> No.8663598

>tfw now wondering if my professor goes on 4chan

>> No.8663600
File: 52 KB, 500x500, ILLUMINATI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invert paleo lab
>intro to trilobites
>"here, take any two of the lab specimens and draw them"
>"make sure to label whatever is visible"
>one student draws tiny vague oval with chicken scratch lines on it
>literally one thing labeled
>text picture of drawing to prof with "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME"

>same course, brachiopod/bryozoan lab
>same deal as before, ickle undergrads just need to identify the specimens and pick any two to sketch
>one student asks me if they're just supposed to copy down the generalized diagram I drew on the board

>same course, echinoderm lab
>students looking at the display cases around the room to help them identify the lab specimens
>one spots something that looks like what he's trying to identify
>reads the label: "Echinodermata, Crinoidea"
>writes down "Echinodermata"

TAing that lab was pretty crazy, and let me just remind you that these were all upper level students who had previously taken historical geo

>> No.8663604

>leaves 3/4 of the exam blank
Why even bother to show up

>> No.8663613 [DELETED] 

PI's also making me help him grade quals and one kid didn't even finish his.

Why bother?

>> No.8663620

I never understood why people do this. Generally speaking most graders are not trying to fuck you, and quite a few (but less) are actively trying to help you.

If I'm grading a problem and there's no solution but you put down some evidence that you tried, drew a diagram or graphed the function or sketched out a couple cases, literally _anything_ related to the question, you can have a point or two for that.

>> No.8663634

University freshman, Precalculus iirc, that was as far as you could simplify (reasonably) but she kept going

>> No.8663648

>that was as far as you could simplify

>> No.8663654

>sin(2x)/sin(x) = 2x/x

small angle approximation

>2x/x = x

small x approximation

git gud

>> No.8663657

>these were all upper level students who had previously taken historical geo
Doesn't mean shit if the students are "upper level" or not, unfortunately. If your university isn't top-tier, then classes are shitty/easy enough that students can pass without learning anything.

>> No.8663672

I see shit like this all the time. Most notably, in an intro calculus class, students think [math]f(x + h)[/math] means "f times (x + h);" they don't know what a function is.

>> No.8663678

grading physix 1 exam, 'hardest problem' is car sdtarts with velocity, cop accelerated to catch it, what time, distance etc

best response: fuck 12

he got a 40% total (got some mc right)

>> No.8664428
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I mean, this IS true.
I did my undergrad at top tier uni, went to meh school for M.S. (where this shit happened). but as much as it's a meh school, it actually has a decent geo program because of all the $$OIL EMONE$$ but so many of the undergrads are either brainlets or never got a decent high school education.

>> No.8664589
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>ta for intro to programming lab
>second lab
>students need to write the fizz buzz test up too 100
>one guy made an if statement for every multiple of 3 and 5
>have to mark him right because it works

>> No.8664596

FP class, the language we use is Haskell and someone submits Java

>> No.8664768

I'm a math student but a few weeks back I also had to grade Civil Engineer's probability and statistics course (this is a second year course). I'd say only 30% of them got the most basic maximum likelihood question you could think of right, and 40% wrote complete nonsense. Most of these kids couldn't even properly work with logarithms or the sum notation.

>> No.8664777

>tfw my friends and I used to do this in almost all proofs and still got good marks

>> No.8664779

yeah sin(2x)/sinx is much better than cos(2x)

>> No.8664782

fuck i'm autistic, 2cos(x) lol

>> No.8664791

Wait a minute, I had that exact problem on a test last spring. And I got a 41 on that test!

>> No.8664806
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>AP Chemistry Teacher
>Supposed to be the brightest students in the school
>Give out sample quiz to gauge the level the students prior knowledge
>Question: Who designed the original concept for the Pierodic Table we use today
>One student answered: "i don't know but they should be kicked in the balls with golf cleats"


>> No.8664810

>Who designed the original concept for the Pierodic Table we use today
What a fucking gay-ass question for an AP chem course

>> No.8664815

it clearly showed their competency level, just like your post showed yours.

>> No.8664817

>not knowing basic concepts of chemistry
>not able to pick up on facts and data
>shows the level of how well they learn

no one can be this stupid right? are you trolling?

>> No.8664823

It's history trivia, it isn't remotely related to their competency level.

>> No.8664824

nothing is more embarassing imo than not even attempting an answer. even if you're just trying to bullshit by restating the prompt, at least you gave enough of a fuck to try

>implying profs grade exams
we're you're TAs, kid

>> No.8664827

you sound just like the student did.

Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.8664829

>we are you are TAs

>> No.8664833

Welp, I'm going to have my physics PhD soon, thankfully my students won't have to answer your shitty questions

>> No.8664838

we're scientists, not humanities majors

>> No.8664841
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>yet you spend your time on an anime image board
>imma get my PHD to show you

uh huh

>> No.8664845

>buying into the "grad students have NO freetime" meme
I'm literally in my final year, thesis defense is coming up. Have fun teaching high school though

>> No.8664847

so insecure
how is highschool, kid?

>> No.8664849
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>> No.8664850

Jesus Christ you guys are cringey

>> No.8664854

Communication skills and writing skills are very important in science. Try getting a grant when your proposal has tons of grammar errors. I don't think they would want to give money to someone who can't use the right form between your and you're.

>> No.8664857

cry harder

>> No.8664859

oh nooooooooo, i made a spelling error on a philippino acid-etching fanzine, i'll never get a single grant in my life!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8664863

dude, correcting grammar on the internet is a Shit-Tier argument and reeks of desperation.

>> No.8664868

I always try to answer everything regardless, but sometimes I've had quizzes that I've had literally no clue on every question and didn't have time to make up something vaguely correct before I had to hand it in

>> No.8664885

how do you invert a paleo lab?

>> No.8664893
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>internship my senior year of high school with physics professor at a shit school called southern polytechnic state university (which has since been bought out by another one)
>he wants me to help him with his phys 1001 lectures by writing out what he says on the board, demonstrating example problems, etc
>genuinely fun, I loved working with him, but despite being engineering students everyone in this lecture was somehow fucking retarded
>nothing but blank stares as we work through basic "I roll this ball off a table, how long before it hits the ground"-tier problems

I am genuinely terrified that this place was giving degrees to these people. The majority of the class would fail every test. But the best story was in lecture one day:

>setting up a simple free body diagram
>we've done dozens of these already
>breaking a force into components with trig functions
>professor: "Now, we need a trigonometric function for this component that is 0 at 0 degrees and 1 at 90 degrees. What is it?"
>blank stares
>student shouts out "Gravity?"
>"Uh, no, not quite."
>one student assumes this was wrong because the other student didn't raise his hand, so he raises his and repeats "Gravity"
>"No guys, we need a trig function"
>another hand is raised

>> No.8664895

even if you're getting a PhD which I HIGHLY doubt you are, nobody will ever respect you because you sound incredibly insecure with yourself and have anger fits like a 5 year old.

>> No.8664914



absolutely low hanging fruit and actually pseudointellectual bait ironically enough

>> No.8664925

It's not even low hanging fruit. the piece of fruit practically fell onto the ground when people start picking away at spelling mistakes.

>> No.8664931

Professor's fault for not requiring that the upper bound be given as an input

>> No.8664935

Where are you getting your PhD from? The University of Bullshit or Bullshit State?

By the way you post you sound like someone who'd be better suited for the state school.

>> No.8664940



>> No.8664944


Why is it so hard to believe? Fellow PhD student here, it's just education and yes we need to take breaks and post retarded shit on 4chan too

>> No.8664949

because the string of posts this anon is making makes him sound like a 5 year old not that he posts on 4chan.

>> No.8664965

You sound like a pedantic autist that can't handle the fact that asking trivia questions was called out. It is a shitty question after all and it's not something I'd ever put on a test if I had to teach undergrad scum.

>> No.8664971

there is a difference between posting retarted shit and sounding retarted. this anon fell into the latter.

>> No.8664973

How does he sound like a 5 year old? The only thing he said was that knowing who designed the periodic table is more history than it is chemistry. And I think everyone here agrees with that. You're just mad because nobody agrees with your autistic viewpoint that AP chemistry should quiz students on Medeleev's life. That's like saying Ramanujan sucks at math because he's never heard of Euler.

>> No.8664974

see you sound like you're a PhD student. You don't sound retarted.

>> No.8664978

>everyone here agrees with that

thats a bold statment

>> No.8664983

If there are people out there that think chemistry is all about the periodic table's history, especially if those people are supposed to be graders (ie advanced enough to TA at a college level), then chemistry is even more normie tier than I thought.

>> No.8665004

think of every "genius" you know

now count how many are chemists

>> No.8665082

Not that I'm a TA or anything, but I know this story.
Science of constructions written exam:

(x * 10^10) / (y * 10^10) = (x/y) * 10^10

Architects, man

>> No.8665094

I've had multiple calc professors that would grade entire questions as wrong if you so much as wrote down the wrong symbol or something of thee sort.

>> No.8665131

Also, when using Pythagoras's theorem, one student asked if he could cancel out the squared root and the powers of two.

>> No.8665137


You can't be fucking serious.

>> No.8665204

Completely. I helped with the labs too, and those were probably worse. It was the same shit you'd do as a high schooler, rolling carts around and shit, with a lab notebook that told them every step of the way, gave them empty labeled tables, and held their hand the whole way through. And yet every fucking week, after we spent five minutes explaining everything, groups would call me over and just ask "What are we supposed to do" wanting me to essentially finish the lab for them.
I was 17 and had to help mid-20s soon-to-be-qualified-engineers like they were preschoolers making macaroni art. Makes me really, really appreciate the school I'm at now.

>> No.8665212

wew that's awful
post more

>> No.8665216

Let me guess, you were making them memorize it?

>> No.8665219

what trig function was it

>> No.8665221
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>> No.8665222

I'm grading some sophomore chem homeworks right now and I just saw "more stabler" used twice.
There was also a nice 94 * 2 = 238

HOW DO THESE IDIOTS GET INTO COLLEGE? This is a sophomore level chemistry for engineers course. They can't even do basic arithmetic. I want to die.

>> No.8665230

Hyperbolic secant, you brainlet

I don't remember much else, just wrong answers but nothing that stuck out too much. I got pissed off one day when I walked in as the professor was lecturing and at least half of the class was dicking around on their laptops (several twitch streams, clash of clans on an ipad). That wouldn't bother me, but they were the same students who failed everything and desperately needed to listen.
There were a handful of really nice students that put effort in though, I liked talking to them after class and actually being able to explain things. Some were smart and trying to transfer out of that shithole, some tried really hard but just didn't grasp the content well. The day we taught angular momentum was fun because I showed them the tricks with a rotating platform and weights and spinning wheels, they loved that shit.

>> No.8665233

I don't TA but I tutor kids for part-time work. Shit that gets me:

[math] \frac{x+1}{x} = 1[/math]
[math] 2x = x+1 \rightarrow x = \frac{x+1}{2} \rightarrow x = \frac{x}{2}+1 [/math]
[math] -2 - 3 = 1 [/math]

Don't even get me started on the amount of times that I've had pre-calc and calculus students tell me they don't know how to work with fractions.

>> No.8665242

>Don't even get me started on the amount of times that I've had pre-calc and calculus students tell me they don't know how to work with fractions.
How does that work?

>> No.8665249

Not sure how they even make it that far but they suck at basic things. Imagine not being able to add two fractions with different denominators, not knowing what a reciprocal is, not knowing how to reduce fractions because there are variables instead of 2/4, not knowing how to apply exponents onto fractions, or knowing how to solve algebraic expressions that include, guess what, a fucking fraction.

>> No.8665254

Two-year college prof here. Intermediate algebra.

3x=9, subtracting 3 from both sides instead of dividing.

>> No.8665266
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>> No.8665347

But still removing the 3? So like x=6?

>> No.8665348

funny pasta.

>> No.8665353

lel is this bait ?
its sinus function m8......

>> No.8665354

Arctan(x) obviously.

>> No.8665358

no its a basic sinus function.....

>> No.8665359

I have some friends that go to KSU and they all basically say the same thing. I thought they were exaggerating but apparently not.

>> No.8665362

Arctan(x) is within the margin of error. :^)

>> No.8665366

Yeah, I was there in the fall semester of the last year before KSU bought them out. I'm not sure what happened to all those students or the professor I worked with, I should look into it. I'm at Tech now and enjoying it.
Where are you from if you know KSU kids? I'm from Kennesaw so half of my high school ended up there

>> No.8665375

I'm from Marietta. A lot of students at my old high school planned on going to KSU and transferring to Tech. Most of those teachers are still there, but some quit because of how terrible it's gotten.

>> No.8665379

What is happening in schools these days that prevents students from learning this basic stuff?

Have students always had this problem? Or, is it actually getting worse?

>> No.8665387
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i am very worried i am going to find one of my mistakes in this thread

>if [math] A = XY [/math] then [math] A^n = X^n Y^n [/math] in general for matrices A,X,Y
just in case my old linear algebra professor is lurking

>> No.8665390
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>Have students always had this problem? Or, is it actually getting worse?
It's always been a problem for some students, and it's gotten a bit worse over time as teaching methods changed and the primary job market has changed.

>> No.8665403
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Entirely due to grade inflation/making standardized tests easier rather than students smarter.

Nowadays it isn't acceptable for little Johnny to get less than an A in math because HE WORKED SO HARD and his MOM HELPED HIM.

And if kids do bad on the state test? Well maybe the school system is underfunded as fuck and needs more money/better teachers/textbooks printed AFTER the Vietnam War instead of before. But try telling little Johnny's parents that in order for Johnny and his little friends to get the instruction he needs to ace the state test, taxes will have to go up by 0.5% over the next 5 years. FUCK YOU PAL. So you decide the exam easier.

...which is fine until Johnny gets into university, or God forbid, his first job. All this dumb shit only works for so long. Eventually, you have to pay the piper. You have to fucking know fractions if you're going to be a chemist, or a physicist.

I'm just scared for all the kids who somehow didn't get exposed/failed in college, somehow lied cheated and jerked off their professors enough to graduate from South Western Bible College of Central Appalachia. And now have engineering degrees that qualify them to test the integrity of bridges, or forensic science degrees that allow them to determine if a man goes away for a crime he didn't commit. Or the odds of a component of a space shuttle failing and causing a catastrophic hull failure during reentry.

It's really, really terrible how far this country has fallen. We used to take education seriously, and we were second bar none. Somehow, education became a right with none of the responsibility.

>> No.8665422
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I knew a few people that were like this.

They all pretty much hated math because they never practiced, and thus couldn't retain anything. These types of people get this far by cramming right before important assignments and then forgetting the material afterwards.

>> No.8665423

Never expected to find somebody that close. Pretty cool

>> No.8665425

Plebs couldn't find an operator that e^x is an eigenfunction of...
Jesus, the instructor couldn't have asked an easier question so that they would pass and even then they fail...

>> No.8665432
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>mfw I started in college algebra and worth my way all the way up the maths tree to multivariable calculus at a top 20 schooled, which I passed with a C
>mfw I was the 10% who don't end up fuckups

It took at least a thousand hours though. I was utterly and completely unprepared for college math. Didn't know fractions or exponents.

But I embraced it the challenge. When the teacher gave us 10 problems to do for homework in a section, I would do all 45. I made notes, flashcard, formula sheets and an autistic 'How to Solve' flowchart for problems I found exceptionally difficult. But of course I was just making up for the time I didn't spend math in high school.

>> No.8665439
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>I co ming offise to day AAAAaaaa?

>> No.8665440

2cos(x) =/= sin(2x)/sin(x) if x=0.

The questions asked not to cancel if it caused a non-permissible value.

>> No.8665462

To be fair, Java has lambda now. :^)

>> No.8665473

they're not becoming engineers, don't worry.

>> No.8665474

the proper way to handle this situation is to just plow straight through it and act like the part you can't do is self-evident

if you do it well enough you don't even lose any marks for it

>> No.8665478

>Elementary Stats
>cancer drug study
>reject Null Hypothesis that drug remission rate ≤ that of placebo
student concludes placebo causes more cancer than drug

>> No.8665497

tfw no vietnamese non-english speaking math gf

>> No.8665506

there is nothing he is arguing with. this is just as bad as people who claim ad hom when they themselves haven't even made a point. just take the correction and move on you insecure child

>> No.8665509

Decline of (historically available) mediocre-to-well-paying blue collar job opportunities makes kids who used to enter factories and the have to stick with school.

>> No.8665529

Oh fuck.

>> No.8665531

thats one way of looking at it

>> No.8665538

Good job anon, I'm proud of you.

>> No.8665543

>tfw in precalc and never learned trig
How fucked am I?

>> No.8665549

extremely, trig is a huge foundation. you cannot really do any math application without some level of trig

>> No.8665579

These are equal for each x on which sin(2x)/sin(x) so it's still correct to simplify.
Only the other way around would be problematic.

>> No.8665580

Fucking how. Just go take it, slipping through the cracks isn't a good thing when you're taking math.

>> No.8665585

it depends

>> No.8665586

Just learn trig. It's not that hard.

>> No.8665589

when I started learning f(x) stuff in middle I used rewrite f(x)=x^2-1 as f=(x^2-1)/x

>> No.8665602

I'm not a TA or anything, but I remember some funny brainlet stories:

>first year general phys in university, mechanics
>a TA asks a brainlet to write a formula of momentum with velocity and mass of a particle (oh how do you call it in english?)
>brainlet writes [math]\vec{p}=\vec{m}v[/math]
>mfw mass is vector now

>> No.8665611

I sat in a signal processing lecture once and the prof didn't even know what a function is!

>> No.8665612
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>> No.8665613

Not exactly embarrassing but I always kek a bit when I get those pages that are all crumpled and basically turned gray because he erased his answer and re-did it 7 times

>> No.8665630

One more story:

>be me
>go to advanced special course in my physics field
>the lector is a phd and specialist in his field
>once during the lection he needs a formula for electric dipole momentum
>mfw he said he don't remember it and have to use wikipedia to look it up

>> No.8665638


that's pretty minor, people can choke under pressure and get things wrong, even when they know better.

>> No.8665639

>thinks a small typo is "funny brainlet story"
You're the brainlet here you filthy first-year scrub.

>> No.8665644


>> No.8665651

>be TA for 1 hour intro to engineering class
>taught by advisors and meant to help new students get acclimated, no real work
>end of the semester
>compiling all the sign in sheets
>3 people literally missed every class
>black kid who dresses a little funky (like a swag kid but expensive clothes instead of cheap stuff) has horrible math skills and asks me why he cant take calc 1 and has to take college algebra and precal before cal 1
>kid named mohammad with 30+ transfer credit hours/AP: he can't follow simple online instructions and emails me questions about how to do dumb stuff (watch required videos, look up classes, etc)
>give out my email and number in case anyone wants career advice for my field (ME)
>talk to people in class and they say they will contact me for questions/help
>never do

that was a mistake

>> No.8665655

It's sin (2)

>> No.8665658


>> No.8665663


Never give your number to anyone lower than a graduate student (unless they work in your lab).

>> No.8665667

what's wrong with forgetting a formula?

>> No.8665671

you have that opposite. undergrads will almost never call you, unless it's a girl in a heavily male dominated major since then they feel like they can bend any guy to their will. many grad students, especially curry niggers, are on a constant prowl to find someone that they can leech from.

>> No.8665678

Because it's fucking elementary. It's like to forget a derivative of x^2.

>> No.8665685

This so goddamn fucking much you have no fucking idea even Anons I swear I fuckign REEEE..

>Adviser puts my PRIVATE cell on a PUBLIC third year course syllabus.

>Students messaging me on whatsapp on a Saturday night asking for help on problems (which I drukenly solved on bar napkins some times; they don't get the message)
>Autistic engineering girls awkwardly trying to flirt with me
>People thinking their my friend asking my shit not even related to engineering
>My number was given by some fag to some student activists
>Fags threatened me to not come into campus during some retarded protest
>Niggah I'm gonna do my research I don't even care about this class or the retards in it

>> No.8665688

Also I don't get really retarded things.

The most retarded thing I got was some guy writing QED at the end of a symbolic computation.

>> No.8665692

america is a strange place...

>> No.8665694

Do you really remember the derivative of x squared by heart? Just fucking use the power rule

>> No.8665703

>college algebra
Do American superior universities really teach highschool maths to their students? In Europe we take linear algebra and real analysis the freshman year, do American students really learn shit that twelve year old kid should know instead?

>> No.8665707
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>she will never tie you to your desk and call you a stupid tiny-brained faggot in broken English while going through all your midterms question by question and mocking you for every small mistake

>she will never slap you and spit in your mouth for forgetting the constant of integration
>she will never put her cigarette out on you for leaving a memory leak in your C program
>she will never cram her balled-up panties into your mouth for using 4 NAND gates instead of 1 XOR gate
>she will never brutally choke you with her bra for overstating in your thesis paragraph the consequences of civilian casualties in the the Battle of Okinawa and the importance of the Soviet invasion of Manchuria in Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, while conversely understating the economic impact of Allied submarine warfare and the mining of Japanese ports as it pertained to the IJN merchant fleet.

>> No.8665708

>that shitty English
you aren't fooling anybody Pedro

>> No.8665714

Yea I do. Because I used it thousands times. But so is the power rule.

Maybe I should have said, the filed of this phd are some bad ass optical materials, so he works with electrodynamics on daily basis, but still managed to forget that formula.

I just think everyone who completed electrodynamics course should remember at least some basic stuff, like you know, Maxwell equations and so on. And yes I think electric dipole momentum is one of them. Otherwise that's the point of taking any courses if after some time you can't remember even basics of it?

>> No.8665731


>> No.8665732

Never happens to me because I do my tests in pen

>> No.8665734

I took a trig course, but I just plugged and chugged without retaining anything.

>> No.8665745
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It's "Filipino" you dumb fuck.

>> No.8665764

>Some were smart and trying to transfer out of that shithole
Wish I could do this.

I'm too far in, though. Maybe I'll go to a better school for grad school, if I decide to go to grad school. But god damn is being around unmotivated retards 24/7 fucking depressing.

>> No.8665769

>Intermediate algebra
Why is this even a thing in college?

>> No.8665778

>But I embraced it the challenge.

>> No.8665780

flow charts are my fucking jam dude

>> No.8665787

So... what's wrong here? I got a C in my intro chemistry course because chemistry is gay.

>> No.8665793

Tons of people go through high school without taking any math beyond algebra and geometry.

>> No.8665812
File: 9 KB, 384x310, formaldehyde_LD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What university did you attend?
It should get closed and burnt as soon as possible if you passed chemistry without knowledge of such basic shit.

Anyway, C must form 4 bonds and O must form 2 bonds.
Pic related would be the correct answer.

>> No.8665843
File: 228 KB, 219x432, sutFr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go learn trig now

>> No.8665845

Oh believe me, it was a terrible course. The professor is famous for being perhaps the worst teachers in the school. Completely incompetent, can't explain shit, telling us things that are flat-out wrong, tons of mistakes on exams, etc. And she also happens to be black.

So yeah, I don't know shit about chemistry. But the biggest thing I learned is that just because someone has a PhD, doesn't mean that they are experts.

>> No.8665868

Something mendeleev right?

>> No.8665871

oh god, i could tell you some stories. but i won't.

>> No.8665877

>le superiority complex

>> No.8665916
File: 107 KB, 841x797, Feelbonacci sequence sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm surprised I saw what was wrong with that carbon/oxygen setup... I haven't taken Chem since High School. I wish I wasn't in such a "hurry" to finish my degree, otherwise I would take some basic 200-level chem just to be well rounded. As a math major, people even question why I took basic physics, even though it's required.

>tfw you will never be a modern renaissance man

>> No.8665919

this is known as the "tenured professor" method

>> No.8665924

Did he happen to say

>> No.8665955

I've finished all the requirements for my chemistry minor and I almost struggled on that before realizing what would be the obvious problem

>> No.8665982

You don't need to take a course to learn something.

>> No.8666040

[math] \frac{1}{paleo lab} [/math]

>> No.8666052

It took him at least a thousand minutes to write that

>> No.8666075

How else would you do it?

>> No.8666082

>what is the modulus operator

Maybe you misread him? He's saying that the students are checking literally every single case with a separate if statement. No loops or anything.

>> No.8666088
File: 77 KB, 276x425, fizz buzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to google what fizz buzz was but here's my stab at it.

>> No.8666096

protons are neutral

>> No.8666098

>have to mark him right because it works
Do you only grade programs on their correctness? That's not how we do it here, that guy would've failed.

>> No.8666105


yep, first exam is just adding vectors, no forces nothing just the 3 kinematic eq. so how else u supposed to get a grade distribution?

funny thing is the average was around a 55% for it, while the mastering hw is 100% lol.

>> No.8666117

pre-calc is basically trig / algebra review,

so yeah you should be okay. wouldn't hurt to get a head start out of class tho

>> No.8666119

How would you rate this solution?

>> No.8666133

actual software engineer here

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
size_t i;
for(i=1; i<=100; ++i)
if (i % 3 == 0)
if (i % 5 == 0)
if ((i % 3 != 0) && (i % 5 != 0))
printf("number=%d", i);

return 0;

>> No.8666145

What difference does that make?

>> No.8666152

Doesn't really make a difference in the context of for loops, I don't think.

>> No.8666154

Yeah I just tried it and no difference. Was just curious.

>> No.8666160

>How fucked am I?
Not at all. All the trig you'll ever need could be learnt in a week on khan academy.

>> No.8666188

Prefix instead of postfix increment, ++i runs faster than i++ if you ignore optimizations.

>> No.8666192

Well that is beyond incredibly stupid. You might as well just output 1, 2, fiz, 4 , buzz, 6, whatever else. Seriously it would be a lot easier.
Was me, I misunderstood what he said. I thought he did something like
(which is obviously the best solution
And was getting shit for it. Also is that JavaScript? It looks almost exactly like Java

>> No.8666193

>>2x/x = x
>small x approximation
good try brainlet

>> No.8666197

>Printf instead of cout
Never. Ill never join you!

>> No.8666198


>> No.8666210

I'm a bit of an idiot right now, that was a stupid question.
On a slightly related note, I'm trying to start learning C++ can anyone recommend tutorials/give advice.

>> No.8666218

Students in the physics lab section I run writing that there's no gravity on the moon in their reports.

>> No.8666231

the jews decided to give everyone a student loan, including people that they KNOW have no business in college.

now they're getting some nice interest payments and professor shekelstein is raising the price of college and just passing them through with hard curves regardless of whether or not they learned anything.

>> No.8666252
File: 6 KB, 286x261, fizzbuzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my solution

>> No.8666256

obviously that semicolon doesn't need to be there

>> No.8666270

What is an eigenvector of a square matrix?

Student's answer: [math]\lambda[/math]

>> No.8666303

++i increments i and then evaluates to the incremented value.

i++ increments i but evaluates to the value before the incrementation

>> No.8666308

fizzbuzz n = putStrLn . unlines $ map go [1..n]
where go number
| number `divBy` 15 = "FizzBuzz"
| number `divBy` 3 = "Fizz"
| number `divBy` 5 = "Buzz"
divBy n q = n `mod` q == 0

>> No.8666310

does /sci/ have code tags?

fizzbuzz n = putStrLn . unlines $ map go [1..n]
where go number
| number `divBy` 15 = "FizzBuzz"
| number `divBy` 3 = "Fizz"
| number `divBy` 5 = "Buzz"
divBy n q = n `mod` q == 0

>> No.8666352

As someone who left 1/3 of an exam blank last semester, some of us are still learning how to deal with taking several demanding classes at once. Shit's hard for me man, real hard I don't know why I struggle to keep up so much but I do

>> No.8666354

avoid modulo, use decreasing for-loops for 5 and 7
modulo is inefficient
fizz buzz is a meme on /g/

>> No.8666386

He was obviously thinking about 5D particle motion, brainlet.

>> No.8666390

That anon is right. It's trivia. Knowing who discovered something doesn't tell you anything profound or of substance about the thing. It's actually worse than asking about how lanthanum is the reason aluminum is spelled and pronounced that way.

You deserve to be kicked in the balls with golf cleats.

>> No.8666393


>> No.8666398

This is the correct response.

>> No.8666408

I see that nearly every day. Fucking kills me

>> No.8666447
File: 175 KB, 683x1024, 1486598862345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3x=9, subtracting 3 from both sides
It still werks moran.

>> No.8666465



>> No.8666620


>> No.8666662

You also divide by three there moron.

>> No.8666684

Malcador smiles apon you

>> No.8666721
File: 229 KB, 1400x1050, life_choices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the best exams to grade!

Automatic zero points for the problem and a big red X drawn in the space for the solution. The worst are the exams where the student knows just enough to be dangerous: I have to figure wtf they're doing so they can get some partial credit.

Second best are the ones where the answers are correct and everything seems to be in order.

>> No.8666742

To be fair though, sprintf is enormously useful.

>> No.8666744

>use decreasing for-loops for 5 and 7
I don't know what you mean here.

>> No.8666748

Yeah that's how we're supposed to mark it on the 1st year course. Later on he would have failed

>> No.8666753

Hey guys. My Calc 2 professor said that she always graded my tests first because she would take twice as much time with me as with the other students, as my solutions would always be the most complicated and convoluted.

She even said that she enjoyed. She said that by grading my tests she would never get Alzheimers as she has to use her brains to the max.

Do you like me or hate me /sci/?

I also only use pens for my tests. And all my classes are mathematics as that is what I am majoring in.

>> No.8666761
File: 8 KB, 265x265, 1471184886257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She said that by grading my tests she would never get Alzheimers as she has to use her brains to the max.

>> No.8666767

She didn't word it like that but I am not even joking. That is one thing she used to say. She also said it plenty of times. Almost every time she had to grade another test.

It is probably good to mention that I am and was the stop student, so she was probably glad to engage with a student who could reason at a higher level.

>> No.8666770

>the stop student
I meant top student.kek

>> No.8666784

Looks like shit to me, but I've only been learning "programming" for 2 weeks.
Why do you need all those extra True/False when you can just use modulo and be done with it?

>> No.8666804

You're going to fail when during your thesis defense they ask you who designed the periodic table.

>> No.8666835

So when did you two fuck?

>> No.8666842

>So when did you two fuck?

Never, I am not a degenerate and I have a qt gf anyways.

But I actually did get her number and I text her from time to time. But not in a sexual way, I ask her about calculus. She specializes in applied mathematics and knows everything there is to know about calculus.

>> No.8666864


I can't do any of those things either

>> No.8666870

>I'm just scared for all the kids who somehow didn't get exposed/failed in college
worry about the politicians and business leaders
they are not weeded out and get to decide over thousands of people

>> No.8666874

Pic triggered me.

The 2 smallest feels and 2nd smallest feel should swap positions.

>> No.8666875

I get that but in the for loop it makes no difference. I tried it.

>> No.8666877

Why are you on /sci/ if you're not a mathematician or a scientist?

>> No.8666995
File: 72 KB, 640x640, 1486680541070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exam isn't made up of multiple choice questions, computational questions (if possible), graphical analysis problems (if possible), "fill the blanks" questions, short answer questions, list questions, etc...
>Exam is only made up of open essay questions
>Professor only puts ~5 vague open essay questions on broad topics
>Professor then says "be short and precise", "don't write novels", "offtopic answers will be graded with minus points"
>After correcting the exams professor says students didn't write enough

If you do this consider suicide, seriously

>> No.8667241

>open essay questions

Is this a math course or a useless liberal arts course

>> No.8667363

Because I don't want to check for (k % 3 or k % 5) before checking for each individually.

>> No.8667378

American here. Anyone else notice that it is mostly only math teachers who actually know their shit about the subject they teach? Lit teachers fall into that category too a lot of times. Everyone else seems as dumb as a bag of bricks and are only stumbling their way through pre-made subject matter, parroting instead of teaching.

>> No.8667386

Absolutely. I'm a computer science major and my learning experience has been god-awful so far. The professors are completely incompetent.

>> No.8667390

chemistry, biochemistry, biology, medicine and similar even physics

>> No.8667429

>It is probably good to mention that I am and was the stop student, so she was probably glad to engage with a student who could reason at a higher level.

I see you too have mastered the quotient rule. Would you care to give me one of your internet addresses? Us enlightened folk must stick together, we're like two integers in a dense field, if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.8667430


>> No.8667523
File: 36 KB, 604x517, 1482833189152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dervative of x^2=1/2(x^2)

>> No.8667770

>didn't even get the number of valence electrons right

briefly tutored a freshman at my uni in math. he wanted to go into engineering.
I was having to walk him through basic arithmetic and simplifying easy little linear equations. and the worst part is that when I tried to explain why a particular math trick worked, he said he didn't need to know why, he just wanted to be able to use it.
goddamn Texas public schools sending us these kids...

sounds like an oddly specific fetish but ok

>not using switch statement

>> No.8667782

>>not using switch statement
Either you don't know what FizzBuzz is or you don't know how switch statements work...

>> No.8667810

>>not using switch statement

>switch (k)
>case % 3 == 0
>//Seriously, does this even compile?

>> No.8667829

>first year MSc
sqrt(x+y) = sqrt(x) + sqrt(y)
e^(-x) = -e^x
adding a matrix and a vector
adding a scalar and a vector
various dumb ideas for matrix vector multiplication
x + 1 = y => y = x + 1
>first year BSc
tg(x) = (sin x)/(cos x) = in/co

>> No.8667846

>tg(x) = (sin x)/(cos x) = in/co
I don't believe you.

>> No.8667850
File: 87 KB, 417x234, only the dead can know peace from this sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw checking this thread to make sure I wasn't in it

>> No.8667857

TAs grade most of my shit

>> No.8667860

#include <fizzbuzz.h>

int main() {
return 0;

>> No.8667884

int k =1;
int c=1;
For(int i =1; i<101;i++){
if(k!=0&&c!=0)printf("%d", i);

>> No.8667885

sadly, it's true. (the problem was to integrate tan(x). yes, I teach at a shitty university.) I was not even mad, showed it to my colleagues and together we had a good laugh.

In another year I met with a bit less ridiculous form of the same mistake, where tan(x) = (sin x)/(cos x) = sin/cos.

>> No.8667899

I accidentally thought about while loop while doing for loop, fuck.

>> No.8667925

Well, I guess I can try to imagine a set of people who are really fucking clueless about everything. Living in my little bubble where everyone I know also studies math distracted me for a moment. I forgot that some people are actually fucking retarded.

>> No.8667946

>Second best are the ones where the answers are correct and everything seems to be in order.

That's how my exams are in a nutshell. I have a TI-nspire, which finds the answer for me 90% of the time, so all I have to do is show enough work to look like I actually know what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.8667968

Maybe in high school or at a low-tier college.

>> No.8667986

thank you, anon. as a brainlet myself, your post lightened me up a bit since i know there's people even worse

>> No.8668045


I've posted this in threads before, but I had a CS prof who didn't even have a PHD. Got on his page and looked at his CV, and his entire programming experience was completely faked. he programmed in the 80s for "Johns Tree Trimming Services"

>> No.8668067

A student in a programming class I was grading took a picture of his poorly styled assignment and posted it on reddit complaining that this was the style the lecturer insisted on (it wasn't).

I'm still confused as to his motivations, but thankfully he was btfo in the comments section.

>> No.8668140

a for loop in which the index starts at some value and decreases with each iteration obviously

>> No.8668336

That's where I learned all of my c++. Really good tutorials, just teaches the stuff, no nonsense. Regularily updated as well.

>> No.8668354

It would make a difference, but the compiler make it more efficient so that i++ and ++i mean the same thing in a for loop. But it's better to be safe then to waste than millisecond of compiling time. Or just out of habit.
It's the same reason people still use the inline keyword in C++, even though the compiler does it anyway and sometimes ignores it in the code if it thinks it's wrong.

>> No.8668375

Have you read this thread?

>> No.8668384

I feel better about myself now.

>> No.8668386

>A student in a programming class I was grading took a picture of his poorly styled assignment and posted it on reddit complaining that this was the style the lecturer insisted on (it wasn't).

>> No.8668387

I get mad about cheaters because it's not fair. However I'm not sure whether I'm mad about lowered standards across the board.

Realistically, if we create a generation of engineers who suck at calculus, what will happen? Will buildings and bridges start collapsing? Don't they use computers to do all their calculations anyway?

>> No.8668392


>> No.8668397

I never remember it, I always derivate it the old way.

>> No.8668401
File: 75 KB, 1090x714, 1359333080931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was tutoring the second semester first year physics course at my uni (mostly Emag and QM). Normally its not so bad because the really bad students drop out in first semester.

>marking midterm
>Question asks what Gaussian surface you would use for calculating the Electric Field around a wire
>Mark first 5 all get it wrong think its bad luck
>Majority of class gets it wrong
>Hilarious answers including "A hyper cube"
>last paper "An insulator"

>> No.8668411

I honestly don't remember anything too funny about it. It was mostly dull and waste of my time. Students trying to argue that their answer is somehow correct and just misinterpreted is probably the most annoying thing because you can't just say "fuck off retard."

If anything's funny it's probably the blatant copy paste cheating. Literally copying code, changing variable names clumsily and moving indentations. Also a bit disgusted that probably nothing was done to the cheaters because the professor found it too much of a hassle to try to go through the procedure to punish them so he always just send a grimly worded email to the class and that's it.

>> No.8668424

I've seen calc 3 students do this

>> No.8668425

cout does not exist on C-99 you fucking C++ pleb.

>> No.8668428

> using outputs at all

>> No.8668432

The absolute worst thing I've was a bunch of calc 2 students fucking up the arc length of the unit circle.

It was a homework problem, it actually set up the integral for you. And just in case you were completely retarded and forgot what the fucking circumference of a circle is, the problem even reminded you that the answer should be 2pi.

I had a sizeable number of people tell me it was 0 or negative. I even had one girl give me a complex number.

>> No.8668443

>And just in case you were completely retarded and forgot what the fucking circumference of a circle is, the problem even reminded you that the answer should be 2pi.
Somewhat related. I took a programming exam and one of the problems was to write a class with methods that computed the area and circumference of a circle. Several students apparently didn't know the formulas and asked the professor if they needed to know them. The professor had to go up and explain that it isn't important that they know the formulas, just that they can write the code.

God I hate this fucking school. The best part is that this school has a reputation to local outsiders of having this super-intensive engineering programming. Yet somehow the school lets in literal retards.

>> No.8668456

I have only passed exams, which you write anonymously btw. But fucking labs man, I fail every single on of them because of social anxiety. Fucking one thing up and I lose my shit when standing infront of a Ph.D. They must think I am dumb as bricks.

>> No.8668568
File: 3.03 MB, 480x369, 1481324522166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A hyper cube

>> No.8668579

physics grader here

>Problem: How far from the Earth does a Satellite need to be to have a geosynchronous orbit?

I've gotten answers larger than the size of the observable universe, answers smaller than the radius of a proton, and a smartaleck answer saying "if you leave the satellite on the surface of the Earth it will have a period of 24 hours"

>> No.8668623
File: 79 KB, 1554x663, Ci5ZU5H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8668667


To find that answer you'd just assume a perfectly circular orbit with a period of 24 hours and work backwards to find the radius right? And then subtract the radius of the Earth itself to find the altitude.

>> No.8668684

you must be, what, 15? how are you enjoying le hardman 4chan lyf?

>> No.8668717
File: 113 KB, 1273x922, oh noes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family friend is physics professor
>gives students simple exercise, calculating the final temperature after a hot piece of metal is dropped in some water
>specific heats, starting temperatures, masses all given in problem
>a few get the right answer
>some come up with a temperature higher than either object beforehand
>some report a NEGATIVE temperature (in K)

>advisor gives multiple choice quiz for hist geo
>one question asks what group suffered high extinction rates at K-Tr boundary
>four students out of ~70 select the joke option
>joke option is "bronies"

faith in undergrads ruined 9ever

>> No.8668727

The history of chemistry isn't a chemistry concept. Do you think a math class judges you based on whether or not you know who some random ass person who designed the basic layout of a calculator?

>> No.8668730

Im glad this thread is now two redditors shit flinging

>> No.8668736

Do you think mathfags care about calculators in the first place?

>> No.8668739
File: 444 KB, 1000x831, 1480100463088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the way up the maths tree to multivariable calculus

>> No.8668753

put the "bool no_num = false;" inside the loop
remove setting it back to false at the end
other than that, it's about as clean as you'll get it in C++

>> No.8668759

I'd say computation is a non-trivial part of a lot of mathematical work, yes. They may not care about calculators per se, but they may use CASs and other tools.

>> No.8668879

Anon, its called a brain fart. Happens all the god damn time when you're in front of a class.

>> No.8668893

In high school we hand wrote code for exams and I wrote "pie" multiple times. lmao

>> No.8668936

is she hot?

>> No.8668947

>>four students out of ~70 select the joke option
>>joke option is "bronies"
>faith in undergrads ruined 9ever
hello barneyfag

>> No.8668952

>I even had one girl give me a complex number.
she wanted the i, you fucked up.

>> No.8668963

>have to mark him right because it works

so your professor is retarded and doesn't care about actually teaching programming?

>> No.8668964

You're a tool dude, that's like a bonus test question.

>> No.8668993
File: 460 KB, 640x480, Instruments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mayonnaise a trig function?

>> No.8669021
File: 60 KB, 500x327, 9849877[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no /sci/, mayonnaise is not a trig function.

>> No.8669122

no you haven't

>> No.8669152

if you are a teacher, please kill yourself because you obviously suck at it

>> No.8669213

Most professors do not give a shit about teaching. Hate to break it to you.

>> No.8669320

I tried making some class member functions inline with the keyword and it gave a linker error saying undefined reference to the function. Thing is, in that very file there's another class member function I've declared inline that works perectly. Why has it decided that this time it won't work?

>> No.8669326

I hate declaring variables in for/if/while/etc blocks. It just seems more clear at the start of the function. I do a lot of things my own way because muh aesthetics!

Like I refuse to put the opening brace on the same line - hate it!

>> No.8669342


>> No.8669346

>putting joke option in a poll

>> No.8669549

>I'd say computation is a non-trivial part of a lot of mathematical work, yes
Oh, absolutely, but that guy's original post was clearly about desk calculators.

>> No.8669558

I bet you're the guy whose code everyone always has to fix to make it stylistically consistent with the rest of the code base.

>> No.8669570
File: 342 B, 178x167, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A history professor jokingly offered the best answer: "3/5"

>> No.8669721
File: 5 KB, 400x149, 2017-02-12-135826_400x149_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8669780

What's that, LISP?

>> No.8669867

?? You're in precalc. Any precalc class worth its salt should expose you to the trig that you need for calculus.

What in the fuck do you mean that you "plugged and chugged" through trig?? You use the trig and algebra fundamentals to plug and chug through higher mathematics courses. You will be utterly fucked if you don't understand trig, go watch some youtube videos / khan Academy anon before you flunk.

>> No.8669875

nah it's LITHP

>> No.8669886
File: 12 KB, 165x115, 1455811136107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8669904

Common core.

>> No.8669939

Get rid of the divby3or5 variable, you don't need it.
Replace the second if with an elif, given that you use python.
Replace the third if with an else.
You can also get rid of current_str, and just print in the if statement, but I don't see it making much of a difference.

>> No.8669953

Wait, no. I'm dumb. You do need the second if to be an if. Sorry.

>> No.8670000

Numerical Analysis TA.
The course is partly assessed by online quizzes, where we supply code template and instructions on how to implement the method of the week. Each student is given the same ODE with different initial values and a different value of x at which to evaluate the function.
In spite of our "rigorous" methods of deterring collusion (a checkbox stating the student is aware that all work is to be completed individually) we still get students working together. Those that are smart enough to look at both screens and realise the inital values are different slip under our radar.
In the past two assignments we've had a group of 3 where one person completes the quiz with flying colors, the other 2 copy that student's answers, get zero, and flag all questions for a TA's attention. They already have a meeting scheduled with the course leader to discuss how collusion is a serious offence.

>> No.8670024

I need that divby3or5 variable, then, because the second has to be an "if."

>> No.8670042

For my PDE final we literally had to get just 1 question correct out of 7 to get a B, as declared by prof the start of exam. You decide if you wanna write the whole thing.

>> No.8670060

I've had this.
Each problem takes about 40 min to an hour.
2 hour exam
8 questions.

Professor only expects 2 or 3 questions answered.
Exams that are harder than the students body of knowledge let you really test, how much they picked up.
Getting 90s just for showing up doesn't really show anything

>> No.8670080

Can you all stop discussing fucking fizzbuzz? Yes, we get it, you're all little geniuses who have mastered conditional operators, but please stop derailing the thread with your inane bullshit.

>> No.8670097

>intro to comp sci class
>professor is teaching "math for computer science majors"
>asks how many of us have seen trig before
>3/4's of the class haven't

I need to transfer. I thought I would go to a cheaper state college, while still being accepted to better colleges because that's the "smart thing to do". I think I've made a huge mistake....

>> No.8670105

is your family friend hamil?

>> No.8670115

I see now. You are correct.
I'm too used to doing the Project Euler variant where you don't have to print shit, only add divisible numbers.

>> No.8670145

I feel you dude. I wish I could transfer too. But I'm too far deep into the shithole now.

>> No.8670160

I don't understand how people so unmotivated are even in college it drives me up a fucking wall. I'm not a super motivated person, at least I've fucking heard of SOH CAH TOA before ffs.

>> No.8670166

>useless liberal arts course
useless to someone who can't into human culture

>> No.8670198

that's what the Professor said when I asked him
about it ... are you a Stat Prof?

>> No.8670205

>how people so unmotivated are even in college
I wonder the same, about 85% of the other
students seem not to give a shit whether they
learn anything, so why are they here?

>> No.8670255

nah he's Martin

>> No.8670275

>Like I refuse to put the opening brace on the same line
that is literally the only reason to use braces, desu
so that people can make whitespace and autoformat to whatever they prefer

and even then IF/ENDIF does it better than braces because it has higher clarity and readability

>> No.8670305

>has higher clarity and readability
Bollocks. It's clear enough what braces mean. There's no need to put into words what are essentially operators.
>int i EQUALS 10 PLUS 20;
>more clarity

>> No.8670312

operators have very local scope

braces span several lines and you have to spend a lot of cognitive effort matching them up, especially when they are on different columns

when it says if/endif or function/endfuction you know exactly which block is being closed

>> No.8670323

Was this Texas tech in 2011? Because I was one of the thre who never showed up to a single class

>> No.8670330

>especially when they are on different columns
Just don't do that then. I wouldn't.

Are you a retard?

>> No.8670334
File: 32 KB, 1000x590, hackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently TAing a data structures class and the second homework assignment was to implement a simple heap priority queue for floating point numbers. One student turned in the following monstrosity:
>doesn't compile with grading scripts
>look, find no constructor
>ok. I'll just copy in the solution's constructor and change some variable names to give partial credit
>keep reading
>no size field
>determines size by looking for the first index in the array that contains 0.0
>takes O(n) time to run size() rather than O(1)
>fails whenever the client inserts 0.0
>somehow finds a way to make insert and deleteMin run in O(n^2logn) time
>mfw when write-up perfectly analyzes his program and i have to give him full credit for the writeup

>> No.8670359

Societal pressure?
I dunno man it's crazy. My gen eds are so easy it's almost pitiful. Like my intro politics class gives out a homework assignment maybe every two weeks.

>> No.8670363

I just had an entire calculus 2 class factor -1 out of a square root. I don't know if I can keep going.

>> No.8670366


>> No.8670372

Nope, it happened. They were supposed to complete the square and then do a u-sub. They all flubbed competing the square and got an unfortunate minus sign, so they just pulled that bad boy right out of the square root.

>> No.8670452

>and a smartaleck answer saying "if you leave the satellite on the surface of the Earth it will have a period of 24 hours"
I did this before.

>> No.8671187

UW cse 373?

>> No.8671596

I don't do it for a living. I've seen "professional" code:
typedef __CDECL int foo [10];
typedef __CDECL int fpp [12];

#ifndef _BLAH_BLAH
char *str = NULL;
#else char str [20];

typedef _________WHAT_THEFUCK ___ CDECLSPECSPECDECLDECL______________________ struct {
#ifdef _____F____________HELLO_________

etc etc

Absolute fucking hideous mess.