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8662139 No.8662139 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that if you're not a physics major, you're basically a retard?

>> No.8662141

Shut the fuck up kid, phd in pure mathematics master race.

>> No.8662142
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When did you realize that if you're a physics major, you're basically unemployed?

>> No.8662144

>he's too much of a brainlet to want a PhD

>> No.8662143
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>> No.8662149
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when did /sci/ realize it doesn't matter to girls?

>> No.8662152
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>In today's market
>wanting to get into the academic equivalent of caged cock fighting

>> No.8662153

In kindergarten

>> No.8662158
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Brainlet, graphs have no information content without a source. It is your duty as a /sci/ browser to provide a source when you upload a pretty picture.

>> No.8662165





>> No.8662166


I was content with my limited physics knowledge, until I realized that any article I read on quantum computing sounds like magic, and I cannot distinguish between fact/fiction.

First time I truly understood my brainlet handicap. I am physics-disabled, not even the cool Stephen Hawking's version.

>> No.8662168

>not quitting society and becoming a subsistence farmer so you can fuck off and shitpost almost 24/7

I don't have any debt or college remorse.

>> No.8662169

neither do i and I went to university

>> No.8662170
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>college remorse
>not a real thing, i'll google it
>its real


Many millennials don't know what they owe on their student loans, what interest rate they are paying or whether college was worth it, according to a survey released Thursday by Citizens Bank.

A startling 6 in 10 millennials said they have no idea when their loans will be paid off and more than a third don't even know the interest rate they are paying. On average, graduates owed about $41,000 in student loans, the report said.

"It is very uncommon for consumers to have such a large amount of debt and yet not know their interest rate or how long their payments are going to last," said Brendan Coughlin, president of consumer lending at Providence, Rhode-Island-based Citizens Bank, which surveyed over 500 college graduates ages 18 to 35 with student loans.

Many graduates expressed buyer's remorse regarding their education, according to the study. Fifty-seven percent said they regret taking out as many loans as they did, and 36 percent said they would not have gone to college if they fully understood the associated costs.

>> No.8662173

>not "college"

Meaning you are living in Europe?

>> No.8662177

I'm not. I understand the difference between university and college, brainlet.

>> No.8662182

Then why did you reply to >>8662168 if you knew the difference? University was not mentioned.

>> No.8662191
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>I understand the difference between university and college


>Now hoos the brainlet, dad?

>> No.8662195

You didn't know the difference, which is why you posted >>8662173, implying there aren't universities in the united states or something, when in reality you just don't understand what universities and colleges are and are now trying to save face by implying I don't know what the difference is when I already said I do in the post you just replied to >>8662177

>> No.8662208


>> No.8662211

>Reading University

>> No.8662215

End up working in software development.

>> No.8662217

Most people in the USA call everything past high school "college" and most people in Europe call it "university". Clarifying which one you mean is all I was doing. I wanted to ensure we were on the same page. I wasn't trolling. You don't need to be defensive. I'm talking about college, not university. Your comment in >>8662169 doesn't apply to that and you shouldn't have made that reply.

>> No.8662218

>you shouldn't have made that reply.
lol what the fuck

>> No.8662230
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>> No.8662236
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>> No.8662238


Looks like I'm switching to philosophy.

>> No.8662244

Physics≈math, but physics folks tend to take tests a bit more seriously
While I don't think that these are the most important disciplines, they're definitely the most conceptually demanding. This fact is inescapable because, (along with philosophy), math and physics constitute the generalization of all other topics.

>> No.8662246

physics + math + philosophy + economics would make you a genius desu

>> No.8662250

Sad, but this was clearly someone with a mental health issue. For one thing, there's no way that he actually couldn't find any other job. At the very least he could have been teaching. And just take a look at his expression, he was already a zombie on commencement day.

>> No.8662257

He was far too young for that level of degree without totally breaking his brain or being completely fucked up in the head already. His job at the time most likely didn't contribute to his suicide in the respect that he had a PhD and was working a call center. Instead the job itself would have affected him by its very nature. If you've ever worked in a call center you'll know that it is one of the worst jobs you can get for your mental state. It is like being in the worst part of high school. The people around you, the people on the phone, and your boss/manager simply exude hate, backstabbing, and monumentally immature behavior beyond any other line of work, respectively.

Had he worked someplace flipping burgers he'd most likely been okay, eventhough it is less paying and makes the disparity between it and a PhD more poignant. That kind of job merely wants you to get a better job. A call center job is fucking soul crushing.

>> No.8662273


Good man! Thanks for the sources. The material was fun to read.

1. Zebrowitz paper is fantastic and contradicts the graphs that you uploaded. The conclusion is that IQ is positively correlated with attractiveness.
2. Major's blog post (i.e. where your graphs came from) uses sloppy data that is a little creepy,

> How physically attractive is the respondent?

Yeah, I had to do a double take too. Indeed that means that adult researchers were eyeballing small children and then rating them "hot" or "not". The graphs that you showed me were created from this data field.

tldr; Zebrowitz's paper gets A+ for having nude models! Major's paper gets a C- for borderline pedophilia.

>> No.8662313

Being a genius would make you depressed

>> No.8662317

This is a brainlet myth.

>> No.8662327
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>whether college was worth it

Universities are sold as an investment. Donate time and money for 4-10 years, and then your ROI will be worth the up front cost. Be responsible and forward thinking!

Frankly, not nearly as big of a subgroup to have as much sway in society as Millennials and Boomers. Consequently, as far as I can tell, some GenX associate more with Millennials and some with Boomers depending on age.

Boomers didn't do that. Boomers took what they could get as soon as they could get it. Their 5-10 years was used to make money and enjoy life.

The Con Game:
"Sacrificing now for the future" is a giant scam. Boomers enjoyed low competition and continued job growth while Millennials were racking up debt and interest studying.

There were never going to be enough jobs for all the Millennials. Millennials invested 4-10 years of job growth, salary, and living life for zilch and, often worse than nothing, debt.

Not to mention, Boomers saved up nice lump sums that they invest in properties. How convenient! Millennials are broke and can't afford these artificially inflated housing prices. They are the perfect candidate to rent out Boomer property and continue to grow that nest egg.

The Rub:
Adding insult to injuries, Boomers victim blame Millennials,

> I didn't try to start with a high salary like you! You are an entitled brat!
> You are still living with your parents? What I sheltered leech!
> Bloomberg reports that Millennials don't like being tied down so loooove to rent apartments!

The Lesson:
Being a self-centered, opportunistic asshole apparently pays dividends. To use a more polite expression, "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush."

>> No.8662336

In the USA, colleges are merely tuition farms.

>> No.8662350

This is only true of private institutions.
For example, tuition only contributes 10% of the budget at my school. But it's true that students who attend private schools in the US are basically signing up to be harvested, unless they get enormous scholarships.

>> No.8662355

but what if you're not a brainlet and had a full scholarship or parents who weren't losers and could pay for your university and you actually wanted to go for something good?

brainlets, when will they learn?

>> No.8662358

>pretending there's a difference

I will admit that there are different "flavors" of tuition farms, but they are all tuition farms in the end. Remember, we are talking about colleges, not universities.

>> No.8662368

When I stopped watching TV

>> No.8662373
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so basically the only not-brainlet approved majors are

>a few specific flavors of engineering

computer science barely doesn't make it, and the other engineering flavors like industrial, and civil don't either

>> No.8662383

>colleges, not universities
You've lost me.

>> No.8662390

and the link in

>> No.8662411

In Canada colleges teach hands-on skills for trades and universities teach more abstract things but there is some overlap.

>> No.8662415

Ok, I was talking about a state university.

>> No.8662481


I see that you prefer implicit assertions and statements over explicit ones. To address your points,

1. No debt.

I am one of the lucky few who had enough scholarships, internships, and part-time work to graduate without debt.

2. Debt does not imply brainlet-status.

I believe you are a clever person, so I do not think you are stupid enough to not recognize the socio-economic and geolocation lotto that you and I have won.

Instead, I believe you are willfully choosing to take an ignorant stance. Being a dick to everyone without guilt or second thought is a lot easier that way, isn't it?

3. Happy for you.

I was not born into a family that could help me pay for college. In fact, my family often borrows from me.

However, I am legitimately happy that you were. I am not some psychopath that wishes evil onto other people. Kudos for using the opportunities that life has given you instead of wasting them.

>> No.8662490

Does Canada not have vocational schools? In the U.S. a large school is called a university and the university consists of colleges. For example a large university has a college of engineering, a college of business, etc... The only difference is a college isn't large enough to call its self a university basically. Then vocational or trade schools teach hands on skills.

>> No.8662533

Yeah we do have trade schools but I always thought they were considered colleges.

Diploma = college
Degree = university

>> No.8664220
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>mfw materials

really nice so far

>> No.8666072


>> No.8666081

physics bs into teaching high school master race

feels good to know my skills (lol) will be in demand and the smart cunts doing physics are mainly doing it to get into grad school.

In my middling state school there's only about 50 physics majors, 30 of them plan on grad school (10 might get in to something decent, specially this one cunt smart as fuck), 10 will drop into something easier as they complain like fucknuts about basic physics with calculus, 10 are getting a bachelors only.

It's a cool field, just not something I have a lot of interest in, plus in teaching I can do a lot of auto-didactic learning of philosophy and literally anything else.

>> No.8666247

fuck your gay article and delete that pic from your computer you fucking autist

>> No.8666560

>Cuts out the part where it also says he was an electrical engineer.

Nice work, engineering plebian.

>> No.8666887

Ohhhh shit.
Well I'm EE planning on Phys dual major or grad school.
I get depressed a lot, what do