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8659969 No.8659969 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any other species on earth that's so self-destructive, they consciously denegrate the environment they depend on for survival? All other mammals live in equilibrium with the number of their kind that the local environment can take; humans reproduce without any regard of how destructive their numbers can be.

Are humans the most violent species on earth? As far as I know, no other species wages warfare and genocide against members of its own race. Are humans not the ones who murdered all their cousin species that emerged from Africa with us?

>> No.8659976

Lots of rodents will reproduce exponentially if there's food about, only to crash and burn when they have too many mouths to feed. That said, the only time this really happens is in human grain stores and stuff, so can't really say it's the same as humans knowingly fucking our ecosystem over.

>As far as I know, no other species wages warfare and genocide against members of its own race.

There's a continuing war over two ant colonies in America. One controls much of California and one controls land the other side of the US border. They're always fighting for territory. Different species but not dissimilar to wars humans fight.

>Are humans not the ones who murdered all their cousin species that emerged from Africa with us?

If I remember correctly we out competed rather than murdered other hominids. I think there's even some thought that we might have lived alongside and reproduced with Neanderthals.

>> No.8659982

>objectively the most intelligent species
>"Why're humans so fucking stupid?"
>consciously modifies the environment to suit the species, ensure population growth and comfort
>"Is there any other species on earth that's so self-destructive"
>the only species able to contain primitive, natural impulses like rape through sets of rules, morality and law enforcement
>"Are humans the most violent species on earth?"

Misanthropes are retards.

>> No.8659986

>All other mammals live in equilibrium with the number of their kind that the local environment can take
lmao how can you be that deluded?
bring foreign species into a new habitat without predators and you'll see how nicely they take care of their environment

>> No.8659988

lots of monkeys cause harm to each other. they will literally eat each other alive. animals don't care about the environment because they have no reason to. you'd be implying that they can comprehend a planet, its weather patterns, and the preservation of them, and why you'd wish for that etc... which obviously wouldn't make any sense to a fucking snake or whatever.

>> No.8660090
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>> No.8660162
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Hate to tell ya, but given our population size, we're probably the least destructive species on Earth. Largely because we're the only species that gives a fuck, rather than forced to live within our means as a matter of the circumstances we create.

But, well, pic related. Can you imagine what would happen if any other animal on the planet of our mass bread to these numbers without being controlled and corralled by us though? They'd simply destroy everything.

Animals overtake their resources and die out all the fucking time. They rarely, if ever, decide, "Hey, maybe we should start rationing this shit and not eating endangered species X for awhile." When it happens, it is because circumstances forces it upon them, not because they made the conscious decision.

More importantly, humans are the only species with any possibility to leave this doomed biosphere, and take a plethora of genetics along with it. So we're the story of life on Earth's only hope for survival. It's unlikely the biosphere has enough time left in it to develop another, if whatever wipes us out also puts an end to all other complex life.

Sure, we might be the ones to end all complex life ourselves, but that's the gamble life has decided to take: GTFO or die trying.

>> No.8660180

Seconded. This "le humans are so bad cuz of wars and global warming" is just plain stupid. It's babby's first existential crisis idea.
We are far from perfect, but we are, by at least a lightyear, the most superior species on Earth.

>> No.8660229

Animals do whatever is in their nature, only humans make a conscious effort to preserve the environment knowing it is not in their short term material benefit to do so.

>> No.8660232

Fuck off Agent Smith

>> No.8660233
File: 138 KB, 800x500, demaistre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I keep seeing people randomly post this meme over and over. Are you all from reddit?


>> No.8660332

Yeah right?
As if beasts of any kind (from germs to whales) sit around and contemplate their existence and decide when their population is too great. They die off when they outgrow available food or other beasts eat them.
Lots of beasts kill their own kind. Most of the little yipping beasts would be chow for bigger dogs if you left them out in the wilderness and stopped feeding them (out of a can, no less).

>> No.8660342

We developed in the tropics, you ever notice how the more an animal can thrive in warm climates the dumber it is? Notice how reptiles that thrive in warmer periods of earth history are butt fucking retarded compared to us.

>> No.8660376

Don't think there's any real correlation to temperature and intelligence, it's just that being cold blooded kinda restricts you to warmer climates.

I mean, there were dodos, and they were temperate.

Stupidity often seems to come about more as a result of an excess of food sources and a lack of predators. (Wait... That's bad...)

>> No.8660388

You know how pathetic you sound?

>> No.8660396
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>the most superior species on Earth
Got that right.

>> No.8660410
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I could see this as being a thing though as the harsher and colder the environment, more intelligent traits are selected for as they are better adept at surviving the environment.

>> No.8660412

You're right, OP. Destroying your environment is stupid.

I mean, it's not mind numblingly stupid. Like the people who gladly fill their own habitat with violent foreigners who destroy the environment and murder the natives all the while receiving government handouts paid for by the very same natives that they hate and despise.

At least environment destruction occurs slowly over a series of generations leading to "It's always been this warm!" or "The water has always tasted like mercury and lead!". Such things are hard to see, and take place both in and over scales that humans don't usually think in, such as being incredibly small volumes or occurring over several hundreds of years. Such ignorance is, while dangerous, excusable.

We can literally see, with our own very eyes the damage uncontrolled import of violent foreigners causes, and yet people still do it.

I guess eugenics was the answer, but Hitler fucked it all up.

>> No.8660415

>Why're humans so fucking stupid?

Name one other animal that is capable of what humans have done.

Animals are so dumb they can't even create fire

>> No.8660438

In warm climates there is lot of food thus no reason to really think to survive, even humans that stayed in the tropics are absolute fucking idiots compared to humans that evolved in temperate latitudes.

>> No.8660441

Well, if you look at the primates, it does seem a lot of their intelligence came about as needing increasingly creative ways to find food and ever more complex social interactions.

Those lizards ain't got no outer lobes, so they ain't all that social, even if they do scavenge a lot.

The rats living in that same desert are damned bright though.

There aren't a lot of bright things living in the snow either, if ya think about it. Ain't hardly any monkeys up there - most of them living in forests and jungles, the latter of which are pretty hot, but also offer a plethora of threats. I mean, yeah, there's bears and wolves, but they are even more common in temperate climates than in cold ones, and there's plenty of coyotes in some of the milder deserts.

>> No.8660447

Oh, I see where this is going...

But no, in deserts, there ain't a lot of food, and a lack of water to boot, so theory debunked.

>> No.8660484

Deserts are wide open however thus easier to hunt in compared to a temperate forest. Once you locate a water source you just protect it from other human tribes till you die.

>> No.8660500

Unless there are cliffs or firearms involved, wide open area is actually a serious disadvantage when hunting. In a forest you're much more apt to be able to corner your prey, and there are of course a lot more of them. Also, often, a lot less predators (though I suppose you are less apt to see the ones that there are coming). Almost every ten square feet of a forest has something you can scavenge and eat, where in a desert you may end up wandering for miles.

Plus temperate isn't cold all year, whereas most deserts are hell all year.

...and those deserts rodents are quite a bit smarter than their plain and forest counterparts. (Almost frighteningly so.)

Generally your smarter animals are more social, and that creates a feedback loop, forcing them to be more mentally adaptive with each generation, in addition to, in one form or another, passing on more information. Thus, lizards stupid, not cuz of heat, but cuz they are apathetic dicks.

>> No.8660514

>Few serious predators (even sharks always regret attacking them, and only migrating orcas a real threat.)
>Warm, cold, as long as it's ocean they don't give a fuck.
>Food, food everywhere.
>Social as fuck.
>Smart as fuck.

>Lots of predators, usually.
>Scavenge for food, usually.
>Are pretty much everywhere, but often specialize to cold.
>Social as fuck.
>Dumb as fuck.

It's almost as if there's no common simple explanation for the development or degree of intelligence.

>> No.8660562


You haven't heard of how rapey dolphins are?

My hypothesis is that imagination is what makes us and dolphins so stupid.

If you can't imagine cruel ways to torture, ingenious ways to exploit, and complex systems to satisfy greed, then those things won't exist.

Imagination is a very powerful tool.

>> No.8660565
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>> No.8660571

The animals that live in temperate forest are much harder to hunt than desert or jungle creatures though. Imagine trying to hunt a deer with a spear.

>> No.8660592

While you ignore the 150 varieties rats, rabbits, squirrels, foxes, wildcats, opossums, birds, nuts, mushrooms, fruits, grasses, wheats, vegetables, and arable land in your immediate vicinity?

Nevermind how risky and calorie intensive it is to chase a caribou over dozens of miles of desert while it makes a panicked racket attracting man eating cats for miles around. (And yeah, that persistence hunting video is fake, so don't go there - but even if it weren't, forest guy is *infinitely* better off.)

>> No.8660608

>All other mammals live in equilibrium
They don't, they're kept in check by the other factors of their ecology. There is rarely a true environmental equilibrium, it's always in flux. The notion that man is apart from animals in its drives and treatment of nature is a fallacious one, we're simply capable of too much, have few natural threats that aren't of our own making, and we're barely capable of handling ourselves. We're a grand, laughable, pathetic joke in motion. A writhing beast of a thing that constantly has the means to live up to its potential, but simply cannot choose to use them.

We are a disjointed broken thing only capable of self torment.

>> No.8660626

Yep we're the worst.

Bro all livestock are human creations. They would not exist if not for us, so are therefore included in our arithmetic of global destruction.
Also if you seriously consider interplanetary colonization a viable option for us you're really in denial.

>> No.8660632

Jesus people are really this autistic.

>> No.8660652

Yes humans are responsible for the holocene extinction that is currently happening, which is the 6th mass extinction event in history.

We lost most of our megafauna before recorded history because of human activity. We're just finishing off the survivors now.

>> No.8660661

just kill yourself dumb ape

>> No.8660663

>Bro all livestock are human creations.
Fair point, though I think the human factor alone would be enough, were it not so organized. We collectively outweigh all the land dwelling dinosaurs at their peak population, several times over.

Granted, there is the second fallacy in that no large animal without this level of organization could ever achieve this level of population, but if you say, magically replaced all the humans with large dogs, things would get fucked right quick. (Even if, at least said fuckage would be temporary.)

>Also if you seriously consider interplanetary colonization a viable option for us you're really in denial.
Well, not in the short term (barring something unfortunate), but it will be eventually, not just for us, but for everything on this planet, and in less than a quarter of the time it took for us to evolve from scratch. That's assuming nothing else goes wrong before then, and there's a lot of possibilities in that department, as well as near misses.


>> No.8660674
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>magically replaced all the humans with large dogs, things would get fucked right quick

>> No.8660707

We're definitely going off planet soon too

>> No.8660725

Well I doubt we're going to see interplanetary colonization in any of our, or our children's children's children's lifetimes - but it is the sort thing where you have to invest in it now, see no real return within your lifetime, and if you fail to do so, everything goes extinct, and everyone around at the time feels real stupid for ignoring the problem. (Particularly embarrassing when you're the only species capable of being aware of it.)

Tricky thing that, having to rely solely on rich dreamers to save humanity, when the average individual human doesn't give a shit about anything that'll happen after they die. It does rather have a huge "not my problem" field around it.

Still, it's not as if we don't have a few monuments laying around to show such multi-generational efforts are indeed possible, despite a generally myopic outlook. And maybe some non-globally fatal cosmological disaster will help us get our game in order before it's too late to do so.

>> No.8660824
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You can always make the difference.

>> No.8660830

Our only hope for salvation would be making an AI system to govern us, and have humans accept that system.

>> No.8660846

Man must create God.

>> No.8660882

Why are you attempting so hard to prove that blacks are stupid and eurasians are superior? I guess it’s not just SJWs that try to push their political agenda into everything.

>> No.8660935

Fucking /pol/... For some reason, in my foolish optimism, I deliberately blinded myself to the fact that was indeed what he was at, and didn't catch on until a few posts later.

Sorry to "trigger" you.