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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8652718 No.8652718 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you on an alternative sleep cycle, /sci/? I don't think there is any good reason not to. It's only rational, after all, to maximize the amount of time available to learn things instead of wasting away doing practically nothing by sleeping.

>> No.8652747

are there any studies on how it affects muscle gains, HGH production, etc.?

>> No.8652749


>> No.8652765

Who cares? This is /sci/ not /fit/ you fucking dick-sucking faggot. We only care about brain gains.

>> No.8652851

t. limp-wristed manlet

>> No.8652852

Because there is nothing backing up that it does anything? It's a "fad"

>> No.8652867
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this was a big meme on /b/ like 10 years ago. I remember an old fag posting in there who had worked up to the uberman and he said it was wholly unpractical, with monophasic you can sleep 8, or 6 or 10 hours and it can begin at 10pm, or midnight, or 3am but with the uberman you start collapsing after 30min - an hour when you've missed your nap.

if you're a NEET go ahead and try it out you have nothing to lose.

>> No.8652870

I like sleeping 10 hours straight, thank you very much.

>> No.8652896

This sounds like a great way to fuck your brain up, and I'm yet to see any evidence it actually works.

>> No.8652946

I'm on a modified monophasic where I only get 4-6 hours of sleep each night. This is because I have a job and am in school full time, not because I'm trying to do some fad sleep cycle bullshit. I actually look forward to nights that I get real sleep, however rare those are.

>> No.8653088

>not taking care of your one and only body
found the brainlet

>> No.8653108
File: 259 KB, 299x328, brain_power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're smart enough your brain pumps testosterone like a motherfucker and you get naturally ripped.

>> No.8653109


Because it takes me an hour to fall asleep. And yes, whatever basic remedy you're going to suggest you can be sure I have already tried it.

>> No.8653114

Can you identify a reason for this?
How much time do you sleep?

>> No.8653129

I am on a slightly altered version of everyman and so far it has proved itself as working, I do get rested enough, haven't noticed any drop in my cognitive abilities and you get a few hoirs extra time, so it's pretty good.

Sleeping for 16 hours straight sometimes is cool as well.

>> No.8653143

How much tiem do you sleep?

>> No.8653145


Effectively around 7.5 hour per night.

>> No.8653146


I know someone that is on the Uberman. I can't really tell if it helps him that much or not, but he continues to do it. So, I assume he likes it.

I am on the "Shit. Why can't I sleep and my schedule is all fucked up" schedule.

>> No.8653148

Either 4.5hours or 6 if I have more time over night.

>> No.8653149


wait fug thoght you responded to my post, disregard my reply

>> No.8653150

It's common for people with ADHD, I usually get around 7.5 hours of effective sleep.

It's fucking annoying but I've learned to live with it, my dad has the same thing so it could be inherited.

>> No.8653156

>It's common for people with ADHD
What kind of ADHD? The one in which your mind races and you can't even read? The one with low latent inhibition? Etc...

>> No.8653159

>I know someone that is on the Uberman.
Honestly Uberman is retarded.
Eat, drink, poop and piss once a day.
Shower every other day.
You saved a gazillion hours.

>> No.8653162

Difficulty concentrating, mind wanders, fairly impulsive. Luckily I can control it with medication, but sleep is as difficult now as it was before getting medicated.

>> No.8653164

>Shower every other day.
Please don't you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.8653166


I'll take your word for it. I didn't really investigate how it works or ask him too many questions. I just know that he was usually awake at weird hours and would take random naps in the office at work.

>> No.8653168
File: 13 KB, 259x206, 1485411220236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is guaranteed a stupid question but please answer anyway:

What exactly is a 'nap'?

Does it mean lay down in bed and close your eyes? You are still conscious.

Or does it mean you must lay down and be asleep, as in literally unconscious?

If it is the latter, how is it possible to take 20 minute naps? It takes me 20 minutes to actually fall asleep.

>> No.8653171

I want to know this as well.

>> No.8653173

> tfw shower only once a week--the days you work/have to go outside

>> No.8653180

>Or does it mean you must lay down and be asleep, as in literally unconscious?
Yes. It means sleep.
If you can't sleep that's ok since laying down with your closed eyes still helps.
Like you, I can't nap.

>> No.8653200

Why the fuck would you go to the uberman/dymaxion/everyman sleep schedule? Can't work for a long time uninterrupted without missing a nap or you're fucked

>> No.8653227

Do you even get any REM sleep if you only sleep 20 minutes?

>> No.8653235

After everyman it seems impractical. I would love to do everyman, its about how much sleep I get at night anyway

>> No.8653239
File: 136 KB, 500x524, 1481578492282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it is pseudoscience bullshit

>> No.8653248

Who came up with this, and on what grounds?

>> No.8653275

Alright lads, today we'll learn some interesting stuff about your brain

First of all, what is dreaming? Why are the dreams distorted unrealistic bullshit, and why are you unable to think logically in them (and instantly wake up if you do so)? Because you're not conscious in them. But at the same time, you kinda are. So what's exactly happening here?

Your subconsciousness takes control over your brain. Yes, dreaming (sleeping) is a way for your primal subconsciousness to regulate your behavior while your guard is off and you're thrown into a vulnerable state, the most pronounced such regulation being anxieties. If you follow the trail of an anxiety (like stage fright) deep enough, you will reach the conclusion that its origination is within a recursive dream of you failing in front of an audience. Even more, anxieties aren't actually encoded into your psychology right after they occur, no, no matter how many times you keep repeating the supposedly-anxious task during the day, you won't be experiencing the anxiety until a day or two later, when it has been imprinted into your subconsciousness via a dream that simulated it.

>> No.8653276

So, avoiding dreaming therefor reduces the effect of the dreams' behavior-adjusting function, which also includes stuff like feelings, food cravings and addictions to certain non-physical stimuli on top of anxieties. And if that isn't enough, dreams also restart your current "state" and erase the insignificant information around it, forcing you to go trough all the stuff you went through last night if you wanted to reach the same level of depth of thought you did last night, and by the time you do that, your day is almost over. It's like a mountain that you just managed to climb, only to be thrown back to the bottom after you wake up, having to re-climb it again. If you've programmed before you're probably very familiar with this, where you stood up all night, writing hundreds of lines of code, only to go asleep and completely forget what you wrote the next day, having to go through your code for hours until you slowly achieve the level of depth and understanding of your own code that you yourself wrote just a day ago. Until the next morning, where the code looks written by a complete stranger again, and you have to spend time reading it to remind yourself what you were thinking while writing it.

sorry for the shit formatting into small posts, cba rewriting all of it to fit 2k letters each post. cont..

>> No.8653278

All of this would surely mean that not dreaming will turn you into a genius, right? Well, yes and no. The problem with sleeping is that the "state restart", the forced loss of insignificant information regarding the day before, is actually beneficial. While you may disagree with your brain unloading information regarding what you *specifically* thought about that math problem, there's also a FUCKLOAD of useless information around it that you really must forget, like for an example, the arrangement of food inside your fridge or your post history on 4chan for the entire day. The sad truth is that your brain is incredibly limited, more so than you think it is, and is only able to soak up enough information to survive and reproduce. Evolution never gave a fuck about anything else, as it's a waste of energy and primal humans are too retarded to be in an abundance of resources, so it evolved our brains to have just the bare minimum required, as it did with all our other organs. Not sleeping and letting that insignificant side information take up precious space of your operational memory leads to you either forcefully having to unload (forget) random memory from it, corrupt current memory by overwriting it with new (which results into cognitive defects like speech impairment), or straight up "jam" and be completely unable to learn anything else until you go to sleep.

What do we do then? Sleep normally like our biology dictates us? Well, not quite either. There's actually a way to optimize your brain for your specific topic of interest.

>> No.8653279

First of all, you sleep and function normally for 2-3 days. On the 4th day, start doing the task you wanted (studying, programming, etc) right after waking up with ZERO distractions, that means no social communication either (which includes 4chan). Try to achieve as much of an isolation as possible by not looking at movement outside your window, not listening to news/music and not speaking to anyone. Focus as much as possible on the topic and specifically the topic alone. Keep doing that the entire day. Then proceed to drink as much coffee as required and keep doing it for another day without sleeping at all. By the end of the second day of your non-interrupted stream of concentrated consciousness, the productivity you have achieved in that topic would be inhumane. You don't need any of those meme schedules, all you really needed is to not restart for once and not be thrown back to the bottom of the mountain on the next day so you climb to a height you usually wouldn't be able to.

Yes, the stuff you'd have learned and the level of understanding you'd have would be truly mindblowing, but that comes at a price. Your operational memory regarding different functions (most specifically, social communication) will be overwritten. Keep doing this for prolonged periods and you will turn into a de-facto autist. I believe that this specific trick is the reason why geniuses are accidentally genius, which is also the reason why every genius has been a social retard - your brain is too restricted for you to be both exceptional at the field and exceptional at social life, and one of either must be overwritten by the other.

>> No.8653280

None of these work btw. Also
>8 hours of sleep

Who the fuck (other than teenagers and old people) sleeps for 8 hours? I have 6 hours a night, and have to have some faggot nap. Moreover all of these are completely impractical.

>> No.8653289

>treating your subconsciousness like an enemy

What could possibly go wrong

>> No.8653295

On weekends when I have nothing to attend to, I easily sleep 8 hours. During the week I usually sleep around 6, but I probably couldn't keep that up without weekends.

>> No.8653310

I am fucking useless without 8 hours of sleep.

>> No.8653312

tl'dr fucking faggot

>> No.8653313

I have a day job unfortunately.

>> No.8653322
File: 442 KB, 350x509, varg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being tired

>> No.8653395

Same here. Where does that 8 hours of sleep comes from anyway??

>> No.8653405

That's how much you sleep naturally uninterrupted

>> No.8653418

I sleep every other night for ten hours and I'm well rested.

If I sleep every night I need seven-eight hours for the same effect.

>> No.8653422

Old people sleep less than anyone else.

>> No.8653424

I shower twice a month whether I need it or not.

>> No.8653458

>tfw need 12 hours of sleep to not feel like utter shit

It wouldn't be quite as bad if it weren't for the fact it takes me 2-3 hours to fall asleep after laying in bed and closing my eyes. Tried melatonin, tried various sleep meds, in desperation even taken higher dosage than you're supposed to, doesn't help, still takes me several hours to fall asleep. Ugh.

>> No.8653471

Are you doing some sort of training? You should lift weights for half an hour before going to bed and you should sleep perfectly

>> No.8653474

I tried biphasic once but I always felt fucked up after the second 3 hour sleep for some reason

>> No.8653495

it's inconvenient as fuck to have to sleep more than once per day

biphasic is probably the only one that works if you live in some Mediterranean shithole

>> No.8653660


>> No.8653664

Good on you for maintaining a habit :^)

>> No.8653791

You can't call yourself a true scholar if you can't Deadlift at least 4 pl8

>> No.8653838

We evolved as biphasic sleepers.... Obviously a couple hours after the sun went down to sunrise, and a light sleep session in the early afternoon..

>> No.8653852

This is a meme. Some might be able to do the more challenging of these but for most it'll simply fuck their health. You really can't have a collection of 20-30 min naps because you're not going through the entire sleep process. It's a horrible idea, both for your health and for actually feeling rejuvenated.

Also I generally sleep for 3-4hrs then 2-3hrs in the middle of the day or afternoon. I can't stay asleep for longer than 4hrs because I absolutely fucked myself with barely sleeping and not retaining a consistent sleep cycle. It also takes me 1-3hrs to fall asleep.

>> No.8653857

>mfw plebs don't value sleep

>> No.8653952
