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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 194 KB, 660x510, liquid-at-room-temperature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8643479 No.8643479 [Reply] [Original]

What interesting misconceptions do people have?

I have heard that glass slowly drips because it is amorphous and that you can see this effect on old stained glass windows.

However, I have discovered I have been lied to!

Apparently, those were just defects in the glass windows,


>> No.8643483

that climate change is real science

>> No.8643490
File: 1007 KB, 500x277, Cat_Yawn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My... how originally edgy.

>> No.8643543
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Okay. I have another one. This one is more controversial to Americans.

MSG is not bad.

It's found in a ton of foods such as: tomatoes, mushrooms, and parmesan cheese.



>> No.8643552

That's always been the case

>> No.8643567

The great wall of China can be seen from space.

Water spins in the opposite direction as it goes down the drain in the southern hemisphere

People use 10% of their brains.

An "Observer" in QM means someone with eyes and a brain.

Elasamasourus, Pterodactyl, etc are dinosaurs.

Stars gain more gravity when they turn into black holes.

"Theory" means a guess.

Sugar makes children hyperactive.

Edison invented the lightbulb

Tesla invented AC.

>> No.8643589

>Elasamasourus, Pterodactyl, etc are dinosaurs.
>Sugar makes children hyperactive.

I have to admit that these definitely tricked me.

I especially find the fake fact relating to sugar very interesting. Now I know.

>> No.8643595

Vaccinations are safe

>> No.8643598
File: 371 KB, 683x434, in bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's always been the case

That MSG is not bad or that Americans think that MSG is bad? Alot of Americans are fairly scared of MSG. They think it will poison them.

Supposedly the myth started from pseudo science and a bit of racism. A physician blamed a Chinese restaurant for making him sick and suggested that it was MSG's fault.

On that note, Americans also believe that fortune cookies were invented in China, when, in reality, there is a good chance that they were invented in the US.

>> No.8643599

I actually don't know what the blue pill is on it, but I do know that when I eat stuff with MSG in it, my nose swells and dries inside, and breathing through it is labored for a few hours. That cannot be good, at least for me, so I avoid it.

>> No.8643606

It is one thing for a chemical to be naturally present in good healthy real food.
When you take a chemical to make water thickened, colored and textured with chemicals taste like food by adding a chemical, the result is not food.

>> No.8643616



I shouldn't have brought up something controversial...

>> No.8643619

No, its still food. It's still just a collection of chemicals. What, are you dense as to what cooking is?

>> No.8643623
File: 34 KB, 599x450, carrots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although carrots have nutrition that help with seeing, they will not give super night vision.

The British are really good at spreading fake facts and made this up to intimidate German pilots,


>> No.8643634

that geocentrism is wrong


>> No.8643635

>People used to think the earth was flat
>Columbus proved the earth was round
>Columbus argued with flat earthers
>The Church discouraged questioning/science
>Nothing happened in the "dark ages"
>"If they don't have bread, let them eat cake"
>Islam is the religion of peace
>Symbolic mathematics has been around for millennia

>> No.8645234


You can absorb alcohol through the membranes in your mouth, so, even if you spit out wine instead of drinking it, you can still become drunk.

>> No.8645658


Contrary to popular belief, George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter.


Lots of rednecks like to give him credit as they make off-handed racist remarks, but, ironically, even their insults are riddled with inaccuracies.

>> No.8646438

You misspelled "dangerous".

>> No.8646459

You absorb anything placed in contact with you though capillary action

>> No.8646460

that science and math mix

>> No.8646462

msg cant be replicated. why isnt there mushroom pills? shill

>> No.8646464

how did tesla not invent ac?

>> No.8646466

ooh man burnt everybody on our chinese cookies shit. maybe sue us with TPP FAG

>> No.8647228

Ha. Give sugar to my kid and see what happens. I don't care about the fucking 'research' (one study?) that says not, you want to see a kid go from normal to bouncing off the walls?

>> No.8647233

wrong. I've absorbed a sofa and a laptop.

>> No.8647259


Dose makes the poison.

>> No.8647261

Natural atoms are better than artificial atoms.

>> No.8647262

Tycho's system is basically the heliocentric system with the arbitrary zero,zero,zero coordinate redefined.

>> No.8647265

edgy or not, he's right

>> No.8647267

>Water spins in the opposite direction as it goes down the drain in the southern hemisphere
But that's true.

>> No.8647268

Triple 64s deserve an answer -- Willis Carrier invented AC.

>> No.8647270

t. poliovirus

>> No.8647294

The Sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west every day.

Evolution is goal-directed.

Cold is something that radiates like heat.

All radiation is dangerous.

Lead shielding is a good way to protect from all radiation.

Raindrops are shaped like the classic "teardrop" shape.

Sharks don't get cancer.

Tyrannosaurs couldn't see things that didn't move.

The moon has a dark side.

Lighting does not strike the same place twice.

Bulls are enraged by red.

Bats are blind.

>> No.8647305

most chinese food in America was invented in America

I've been to China and the food there is VERY different, American stuff is sweeter usually.

same with Indian food vs British-indian food
British stuff is spicier imo

>> No.8647309
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>facts are edgy

Gee we sure do live in interesting times

>> No.8647316


I have no idea why you seem upset, but I will take this time to continue posting about how Americans are pretty oblivious to other cultures.

Because Americans do not realize that fortune cookies only exist in America and are an American invention, they cheered on Yao Ming with a bunch of fortune cookies (which seems like racist good intentions to me).

He was obviously confused because fortune cookies are American, not Chinese.


>> No.8647320


Mmm... Artificial atoms...

>> No.8647332

>Cold is something that radiates like heat.
I once had a receptionist that said this to me. "I can feel the cold radiating from the window." Ah, maybe we should put some draughtproofing in. And guess what, the cold wasn't radiating anymore.

>> No.8647345

I was once told that cold water will come to a boil quicker than hot water when making pasta.

>> No.8647347


American Chinese food has a very rich and logical history. Chinese workers and citizens were in America fairly early on which produced the unique genre of food known as American Chinese food.

I had always wondered why Chinese American food was pretty much the same across the entire United States, when the food served is not actually Chinese. How did that standard of fake Chinese food form?

There is a really cool documentary on Netflix that explains everything called "The Search for General Tsao",


I don't want to give away spoilers, but I highly recommend the documentary.

Anyway, as you pointed out, American Chinese food is meant to appeal to Americans, deep fried and covered in sugar.

>> No.8647352

Indian food as we know it (even in India) didn't exist until the British gave them spices.

>> No.8647361


>> No.8647395

Fuck up racist. B4 i fuk u up.


>> No.8647396
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Real chinese food includes chinese people

apparently we've all forgotten

>> No.8647404

>Lead shielding is a good way to protect from all radiation.

What's wrong with this? It's not the best for neutrons but if you were presented with a strong a / [math]\beta[/math]/ [math]\gamma[/math] / n source and could only choose one material I think I'd go with lead.

>> No.8647406

good way to get creutzfelds-jakobs disease

>> No.8647410

food in china is HEAVILY deep fried as well, American-Chinese food is closer to Cantonese or even Vietnamese stuff, sweet, lots of bean sprouts and meat.

I was in Beijing and the food there is very different, if anything I found it to be closer to more continental European food, very savory, lots of lamb and fried stuff, spicy and sour flavours

>> No.8648153

Jetfuel cannot melt steel beams.

>> No.8648162


There is really no such thing as "Chinese food." China is huge, and cuisines across the country and between ethnic groups is very distinct.

Not picking on YOU just wanted to reply to somebody in the Chinese food discussion to get tied in.

>> No.8648167

I recall seeing a patent for a"cold focusing deice" that supposedly focused cold to a point to help keep electron microscope "slides" cool.

The fuck do you call electron microscope analogue to a slide, anyway?

>> No.8648198
File: 72 KB, 895x520, cuisines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem like an expert. Is this real?

The 8 Great Regional Cuisines of China

1. Guangdong/Cantonese Cuisine 粤菜 Yuècài
2. Sichuan Cuisine 川菜 Chuāncài
3. Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜 Sūcài
4. Zhejiang Cuisine 浙菜 Zhècài
5. Fujian/Min Cuisine 闽菜 Mǐncài
6. Hunan Cuisine 湘菜 Xiāngcài
7. Anhui Cuisine 徽菜 Huīcài
8. Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜 Lǔcài

I think it's really neat that there are different regional cuisines, but I find it to be a very interesting concept because we don't really have anything quite like that in America. I suppose food in America is a bit regional but maybe not that pronounced.

>> No.8648207

There is no dark side of the Moon. As a matter of fact, it's all dark

>> No.8648224
File: 346 KB, 500x775, THE BOG DELUSION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that god exists

>> No.8648242

Your kid probably believes sugar makes them hyperactive and thus the placebo effect takes place. Also, kids usually have high amounts of sugar during fun times such as parties or they are given it as a special treat, which understandably make them more excited. You could probably give your kid something with zero sugar content that tastes sweet and produce the same effect as you would with something that has high sugar content, or give them something with high sugar content that tastes like shit and have no effect at all.

>> No.8648251

Many such cases!

>> No.8648256

half of these are trolls

>> No.8648319

Trump is just going to negotiate a bunch of bilateral TPPs with the countries that matter

>> No.8648327

It can only weaken them

>> No.8648336

Tesla made significant contributions; but there were AC grids in use before he was even born.

>> No.8648382


Nice anecdote. Sugar is energy for the body and obviously kids don't have the restraint an adult has, so when they have more energy they will invariably expel this energy

>> No.8648391

trump has literally failed every negotiation of every kind since becoming president, lel

>> No.8648467

Coriolis effect isn't strong enough for that. It effects hurricanes not water going down a drain.

>> No.8648582

Tesla fanboy here. He, of course, hasn't invented AC, it was a thing before him. The reason he's associated with it so much is because he made it useful by being first to make an AC motor (which was considered by some not to be possible) and publishing a paper on AC motors and transformers.

>> No.8648850
File: 453 KB, 350x343, IMG_1362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut it boy

>> No.8648863

My understanding is that msg is approximately as healthy as salt. In the 50's they started realizing that salt might be unhealthy for the first time. There may have been an overreaction and people cut back salt dramatically. Then msg came out and people thought it was some kind of magical flavoring that tasted like salt but it wasn't salt so there were no negative health effects, right? Well actually it basically has the same health effect. It's not dramatically worse than salt, like some would have you believe, but if you replace salt with msg you're not making food healthier either.

As with any public health campaign, the officials need to exaggerate the facts in order to get people to actually change their behavior on a wide scale. If you're smart and pay attention to what you eat, then you're in the upper 10% of consumers.

>> No.8648879

>when I eat stuff I THINK has MSG in it

>> No.8648882

>The Church discouraged questioning/science
Religion, by definition, needs you to believe without evidence.
Critical thinking and/or science does not combine well with that

>> No.8649060

The cold wasnt the thing that was radiating. That was the heat.

>> No.8649066

Why would the water behave differently depending on whether or not you're using it for pasta?

>> No.8649077

It combines perfectly well until science begins contradicting religion.

>> No.8649111

In basic English words what would the "observer" mean? Any casual event that interacts with the free particles?

>> No.8649117

Pretty much, yeah. Your eyes and brain certainly count; but a rock will do the job as well.

>> No.8649124

the problem is that there are always faggots saying
>but the measurement didn't interact with the particle at all!!

>> No.8649128

Said faggots are entirely deluded about what interaction means in quantum mechanics.

>> No.8649250

>don't tread on my memes!
Cry harder

>> No.8649293

you're a funny guy but check out the mpemba effect

>> No.8650130

No. It first happened at home, no party, and the transformation was unmistakeable. There was no possible placebo effect.

My kid's reaction to sugar isn't just 'expelling extra energy'. It's a behavioral shift. And I'm guessing from your proposing this idea you don't know much physiology. As if people with a high blood sugar go crazy, yeah, right.

You guys think that because one research project says so, then 'muh science' is infallible. You're fucking delusional.

>> No.8650134

Fucking hell, there's no fooling you is there Einstein.

>> No.8650149

>kid gets excited from eating something he likes the taste of

>> No.8650164


That would be a fun experiment, putting some sugar in spinach or other vegetable.

If I had kids, I would be using them as a human test subject too much.

>> No.8650548

In my limited understanding, if it has interacted with physical world and left a permanent difference there, it has been observed.

>> No.8650626
File: 160 KB, 464x470, 1419938288361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeating memes from reddit/atheism as fact

Look at who is believing whatever confirms their biases without evidence now. Maybe you should try that critical thinking yourself.

>> No.8650834

Here's one I don't think gets enough attention:

>You're left brained and good at art or right brained and good at math/science

This was actually part of my 5th grade science class. It's as bullshit as "humans only use 10% of their brain" , and it's a really bad idea to tell children who like art that they can't be good at math or vice versa. I've run into it several times while tutoring. Ask some kids to spend a few minutes doing their math homework and you get "It's easy for you because you're right brained but I can't do it because I'm left brained".

>> No.8650836

I only consumer organic, gluten free vegan atoms

>> No.8650931
File: 225 KB, 1106x962, anecdotal evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My kid's reaction to sugar isn't just 'expelling extra energy'. It's a behavioral shift. And I'm guessing from your proposing this idea you don't know much physiology. As if people with a high blood sugar go crazy, yeah, right.
>You guys think that because one research project says so, then 'muh science' is infallible. You're fucking delusional.

I am guessing you don't know anything about psychology, especially kid psychology.
Also please back your claims up with some kind of credible sources if you start to claim that sugar is some kind of behaviour-altering drug instead of the pure energy source that our bodies are attuned to.

You sound like someone who would also subscribe to the idea of flat earth, that evolution is "just a theory" and I feel that pic related fits

>> No.8651140

>I don't understand it but I'll reply anyway.
>Just use le old reddit attack.
>*opens fedora folder*

>> No.8652666

Go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.8653098


Thanks for proving my point, brainlet

>> No.8653102
File: 616 KB, 1836x2448, 1419938706955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in my circle jerk says it
>... it must be true ...
>you're just not enlighten

New Atheism is the worst cult.

>> No.8654141

>Religion, by definition, needs you to believe without evidence.
That is untrue, all religions believe they have all the evidence

>> No.8654885

>what is the placebo effect

>> No.8654891

>People use 10% of their brains.
Amazingly people use only like 8%. Einstein unlocked 11% and if you can hack around 15% you can fully control your body functions

>> No.8654996

fuck you and your fucking science. it is common sense that sugar makes you hyper active. that is why people take sugar and shit with coffee in the morning. i fucking hate science.

science is a whore and like a good whore she does what the man with the money tells her to do. science is nothing but a church that the feudal corporations used to legitimize their existance and their profits.

FUCK YOUR SCIENCE. i am an adult and sugar makes me restless. it is only natural to assume that it is causing the kids to become hyper. SCIENCE IS NOTHING BUT A RELIGION. FUCK YOU

>> No.8655015

> it is common sense
> the words uttered before a bad decision

>> No.8655020


>> No.8655021

FUCK ALL SCIENCE. one only has to look at sports science to see how much bull shit exists. just look at sport clothes meant for athletes. the so called moisture wicking shirts that supposedly cool your body by wicking the sweat off of it. can you tell what is wrong with that ?

>> No.8655038


Do some experiments yourself for fun. Put a candy bar worth of sugar in their vegetables/food. Monitor them.

Do the same experiment a different day with a candy bar.

My thoughts are that they will be hyper after a candy bar but not vegetables with sugar on them.

I don't have kids yet, but, when I do have kids, I will be doing lots of secret experiments on them for fun. Mwahaha...

>> No.8655050

If your blood sugar goes up when you eat sugar, you should go see a doctor; you have diabetes.

>> No.8655073

even if that was true, there maybe something in the vegetable, like extra water, that dilutes the effect of the sugar. i do not need to do shitty experiments like these. i have for years had sugar and all kinds of other junk. i know how it makes me feel.


>> No.8655643


I am sorry, but are you trolling or are you genuinely stupid?

>> No.8655833

weak faggot stop blaming science for your lack of self control

>> No.8655843

That God is a myth

>> No.8655846

Its been known for quite some time that MSG is safe. It's the nut jobs who think activating almonds and green tea extract will do anything that perpetuate the myth that MSG is bad

>> No.8655848

no added msg*

*except the msg that we added

>> No.8655852

Too bad there is no scientific research that backs this.

This is the same reasoning that anti-vaxxers user

>> No.8655853

>artificial atoms.


>> No.8655857
File: 113 KB, 432x360, bovine centipede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there is also some lack of consensus about whether we are naming the misconception or the correct alternative.

>> No.8655858

Yet water does in fact spiral when going down a drain. What accounts for that, if not Coriolis effect?

>> No.8655863

>The Church discouraged questioning/science

Google why Galileo wrote his famous paper on the heliocentric model. Hint: The actual Pope was interested and asked him to do so.

Had Mr. G avoided being a total dick and putting the arguments for the geocentric model into the mouth of a character based on the Pope and naming him "Simplicio," (the Simpleton) he'd have likely been fine.

>> No.8655869

>Religion, by definition, needs you to believe without evidence.

Unlike those scientists who insist there are an infinite number of alternative Universes out there, we just can't detect them at all or anything.

>> No.8655872

>An "Observer" in QM means someone with eyes and a brain.
This one pisses me off the most

>> No.8655873

We all know that artificial chemicals are really really bad, but anything that is Natural is food. THEREFORE artificial chemicals cannot be composed of Natural atoms. QED, muhfugga.

>> No.8655885

The mpemba effect hasn't even be proven yet and subsequent tests by other scientists haven't been able to reproduce it...

>> No.8655893

Does your kid get hyperactive when he eats white bread?


>> No.8655895

>hat is why people take sugar and shit with coffee in the morning.

That's because of the caffeine you dip shit.

>> No.8656905

It's from asymmetries in the sink or bathtub. You'll find water spiraling in different directions in the same building.

>> No.8656917

>Critical thinking and/or science does not combine well with that
Religion makes plebs into überplebs, true. But in terms of scholarship, it has many outstanding achievements and an impressive history of safeguarding and furthering mathematical, philosophical and scientific knowledge.

>> No.8657007


I wish they made fortune cookies without the fortunes in them so I could just shovel them into my mouth by the handful.

>> No.8657013

They do -- Google "empty fortune cookies" or "customizable fortune cookies."

>> No.8657021

>customizable fortune cookies.

Hmm... Thinking of sitcom style hijinks.

> femanon, open your cookie and see what it says
> "You will find love in unexpected places, sitting across the table from you"
> <3

>> No.8657204

Calm young child goes to adult, gets stuffed full of sugar, doesn't feel good and changes - HYPERACTIVITY.
Many such cases!

>> No.8657208

people take sugar with coffee because coffee by itself is fucking bitter, as are you.
>i am an adult
only in terms of your age, it seems

>> No.8657494
File: 27 KB, 636x482, 1422810029101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calm young child goes to adult, gets stuffed full of sugar, doesn't feel good and changes - HYPERACTIVITY.
>Many such cases!

>> No.8657678

Godly child gives into temptation. Owned by Satan feels sin and hate many such cases.

>> No.8657684

>A fake image
That's a great brainlet test. Like is this letter real or imaginary: i

>> No.8657808

it's not wrong, it's just way easier to calculate if you put the most massive object in the center.

>> No.8657888

>it's not wrong.
Yes it is - It's measurably wrong.
It would imply that all the outer planets are constantly undergoing massive acceleration. But we see no evidence of that acceleration.

>> No.8658917

Its not that its not safe, its that it has a very high threshold until it is unsafe
Remember there is a standardly acceptable amount of lead and arsenic in food too

>> No.8658938


Everything is not safe in high enough quantities. That's not saying much.

People are still retarded for being scared of something that they eat every day.

>> No.8659784
File: 141 KB, 5000x3260, chem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a meme you dip

>> No.8659794

>Evolution is goal oriented
Really? I'm curious as to who could have spouted such bollocks into your mind. Was it a teacher? Your mom? Your edgy atheist idiot sister?

>> No.8659798

"Science communicators" are actually worth something

>> No.8659820

>a hearty kek for every sticker
>see the Yaris badge
>the laffs never stop
Didn't even know they made them as sedans

>> No.8659837

Liking "I fucking love science" on facebook makes you intelligent

>> No.8659843

If there's one thing that can get me *literally shaking* it's how many people actually take that page seriously.

>> No.8659953

That's why you have to add fictitious forces like the coriolis force or the centrifugal force to translate from non-rotating coordinate systems to rotating coordinate systems. You can set the (0,0,0)-coordinate in the center of the earth but as the poster you replied to said, it's just much more difficult to calculate the movement paths that way.

>> No.8661595

goddamn that fucking page

>> No.8661627


Contrary to popular belief my ancestors did not butt-fuck a monkey and accidentally unleash a horrible disease onto mankind.

> While HIV is most likely a mutated form of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a disease present only in chimpanzees and African monkeys, highly plausible explanations for the transfer of the disease between species (zoonosis) exist not involving sexual intercourse.[45]

He ATE the monkey! Case closed! I said case closed!

>> No.8661649


>> No.8661877

There isn't such a thing as "Chinese food". China is a diverse region with extremely varied food. It even differs from town to town, city to city.

>> No.8661911

Putting metal in a microwave damages it.

Wolves and other pack hunting species have "Alpha" and "Beta" males.

Albert Einstein did poorly in school as a child/teenager.

Vikings had horns on their helmets.

You should drink eight glasses of water per day.

Napoleon was short.

Roman Vomitoriums were rooms for vomiting.

Stress is the main cause of high blood pressure.

Bicycles balance because the wheels are gyroscopes.

>> No.8661915


>> No.8661922

>Napoleon was short
just because they were all manlets back then, doesn't make being 5'6" not short.

>> No.8662058


Nice fake facts.

>Putting metal in a microwave damages it.

Oh damn. I was getting excited about all of the metals that I was going to put into the microwave, but this "myth" seems to only be a partial "myth". Be warned, "While spoons are generally okay, forks can create sparks due to a built up negative charge in the tines."

>Vikings had horns on their helmets.

My image of vikings is slowly getting eroded. Yesterday, I learned berserkers weren't a thing and now I learn vikings didn't even have the badass helmets. Facts are destroying my happy place...

>Napoleon was short.

The British did this. When they spread international rumors, the myths stick. The accent is just so damn convincing.

>> No.8662079
File: 17 KB, 339x196, shazam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seven deadly sins are not part of the Bible. Originally, there were, at least, 8 sins listed by Evagrius Ponticus,

> The eight patterns of evil thought are gluttony, greed, sloth, sorrow, lust, anger, vainglory, and pride. While he did not create the list from scratch, he did refine it.

The really frustrating part is that I thiiink there were more than 8 sins (as hinted by "While he did not create the list from scratch"), and, if I remember correctly, the longer list had pagan/polytheistic roots.

Yet, all I can find is religious propaganda instead of historical information. Does anyone know where Evagrius got "inspiration" from?

>> No.8662080

So its meaning is closer to "observable"? I.e. it leaves some information.

>> No.8662081

interesting but when i think of sins i dont think of 'patterns of evil thought' i think of 'if you do these you will go to hell'

>> No.8662082

Einstein did poorly in school. Check your facts.

>> No.8662088


1. "observer" is a measurement apparatus
2. Here is one of the more thorough and clear explanations that I have heard, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ORLN_KwAgs
3. Of course, every answer creates new questions. Here are the competing modern interpretations of the experimental results explained clearly and succinctly,

>> No.8662096

So does the pattern literally vanish the moment you enable the detector, then come back when you disable it? Is there a video of that moment?

>> No.8662126


What specifically are you talking about? Are you referring to the double split experiment or the quantum eraser experiment?

Either way, if there is video footage, I doubt that it is very visual or entertaining. Here is the best I could find from some Googling (visual results of measurement on PC),


I assume you realize that Youtube videos are designed to be entertaining, while the work that goes into performing experiments, modeling data, and publishing results can be quite tedious, involved, and even boring at times.

>> No.8662199


plz explain then.

>> No.8662203

You do though, just not a sufficient quantity to actually get you noticeably drunk.
also works just on skin.

>> No.8662205
File: 19 KB, 375x239, cr_124545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CT scans and other medical imaging using x-rays CAUSING cancer is a pretty big misconception

>> No.8662206

>I don't care about the fucking 'research'

>> No.8662212

verb (used without object), radiated, radiating.
to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.

are you mean to people to feel better?

>> No.8662234

That's the joke retard.

>> No.8663337

If you can refer to the holes in conductors (as charge carriers) then perhaps the absence of thermal energy can be referred to as a thing, too.

>> No.8663390
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> Yesterday, I learned berserkers weren't a thing

>> No.8663404


I think the deadly sins are rooted in Estoicism, but I can't tell you anything else. They can probably answer you here >>>/his/

>> No.8663410

So Bernard Cornwell lied to me?

>> No.8663482

depends what you define as evidence.

>> No.8663492
File: 149 KB, 636x1040, 18kwmssimlx39jpg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah he got pretty outstanding grades (6 is high)

>> No.8663493

kek, tard alert

>> No.8663495

"dilutes the effects of sugar", are you legitimately retarded?

>> No.8663584

I remember listening to an astronaut on a radio show before a big mission back on th ISS, she confirmed the great Wall of China can't be seen but said the pyramids can.

>> No.8663861

>Yesterday, I learned berserkers weren't a thing
Where are you getting this from?

My understanding was that Vikings didn't write shit down so nobody's sure if it was drugs,alcohol, mental illness, or some kind of mind training ritual, but the people they fought against definitely recorded there were men in such an insanely aggressive state they could ignore the pain of wounds and overexertion.

>> No.8663870

Also the Netherlands. 10,000 square kilometers of it would be below sea level if it wasn't for man made dikes; but they never get credit for building something that can be seen from space

>> No.8663879

Placebo effect seems to be really poorly understood by the general population. Most people think it's the body's healing ability getting supercharged by good vibes, but it's only significant in studies that use measurements like "On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does your leg hurt?". It's caused by suggestibility influencing self reporting.